The strongest village doctor

Chapter 773 Wu Shengnu's Destruction

Chapter 773 Wu Shengnu's Destruction
"Boss, let me go in and take a look?" Erika Toda volunteered.

"Li Xiang, wait for me in the car, I'll go!" Pi Ergou got out of the car, and Li Xiang followed.

The two climbed over the wall and entered the courtyard, and as soon as they jumped into the courtyard, they felt cloudy.After entering, I found that the door was locked and a seal was pasted on it.

"Boss, look at the seal on it, it must have been unoccupied for a long time!" Toda Erika was still wondering, why didn't I find any evil spirit, how did the boss see it?

"Don't make a sound!" Pi Ergou opened the perspective eye, penetrated through the perspective, and found that the room was in a mess, covered with cobwebs everywhere, and the dust on the furniture was as thick as a foot.Looking at the second and third floors, they are similar to the first floor, empty without any living things.

Suddenly, Pi Ergou accidentally discovered that there was a small door in the backyard of the villa, and the corridor leading to the small door was cleaned spotlessly.Turn left from the small door and walk a few meters away. There is a closed door. It is empty inside, but it is very clean and free of dust.Continuing to see through it, he found something tricky. It turned out that there was a movable board on the floor.If there is no perspective, ordinary people will not be able to see it.

Ergou's perspective distance was limited, so he returned to the car and took two assault rifles with him.Two cat waists, the crane walked around to the backyard of the villa, blasted open two doors one after another, looked in, and saw a row of steps leading directly to the basement under the raised floor.

Looking at the basement, a set of underground palaces came into view, the level of luxury made Pi Ergou dumbfounded.

Moreover, the spaciousness of the underground palace far exceeded Pi Ergou's imagination!
There are more than a dozen bedrooms in the underground palace. In addition, there are gymnasiums, swimming pools, nanny rooms, martial arts rooms, and shooting ranges.

In the huge shooting range, more than a dozen big gunmen are practicing shooting.A dozen people fired at the same time, very loudly.That's why he slammed the door on the ground, but the ground couldn't detect it.

However, the next room is the monitoring room.The man in the surveillance room was sleeping with his head covered.

Most of the servants inside are Filipino maids, and there are twenty Filipino maids alone.

The innermost one is the execution room.In the execution room, two big men were beating a woman with whips.The woman was naked and her hair was disheveled. Since her face was covered by her long hair, Er Gou couldn't tell whether this woman was Chi Nei He Xiang or not.

In the next bedroom, there are two women working on business.

After roughly understanding the situation of the underground palace, Pi Ergou took Lixiang to the surveillance corner, and told her in a low voice: "Lixiang, the people in the underground palace don't know we're here. There is a surveillance room, but the person in charge of the surveillance room People are dozing off. There is a very large shooting range below. There are more than a dozen people practicing guns. The gunshots are loud. Let’s not disturb them. Wait until you go straight to the innermost torture chamber to see if the woman hanging is from the pool Lotus fragrance?"

"Boss, what about you?"

"I want to find Wu Shengnu as soon as possible. That guy is proficient in disguise, and it is very likely that he will become a woman! In case of a gun battle, the servants and children will not fight, remember this!"

"Got it, boss!"

"start to act!"

The two quickly rushed into the room, locked the door, lifted the floor, and got into the underground steps.

thumping!A guard rushed over suddenly and fired a shot. Pi Ergou was taken aback and punched out. The huge air wave bounced off the bullet.

thumping!One shot knocks the guard down.There are also two strong men with live ammunition in the guard room, and they are holding their mobile phones to watch.Due to the loud sound of the shooting range, the two guards did not notice the invasion of outsiders.Pi Ergou flashed in, and the two had their throats cut.

At this time, Erika Toda turned off the corridor lights, leaned against the corner of the wall, and went straight to the innermost torture chamber.

As for Pi Ergou, he rushed into the monitoring room immediately, sent the sleeping person inside to the west, and destroyed all the monitoring hosts.Immediately afterwards, he silently touched a door and looked through it. The two women who were working inside became more and more crazy.That muscular long-haired girl immediately revealed her secrets, she is Wu Shengnu!

Does Wu Shengnu want to stay alive?
Or kill the old fox on the spot?
He couldn't make up his mind for a while, if he survived, he might escape.If killed on the spot, many secrets will be taken to the grave.For example, the private jet of the giant monster Akun placed at Gucheng Airport, such as Wu Shengnu's accomplice Shadi.Without Wu Shengnu, it will be more difficult to find the sandy land.

The problem is, Wu Shengnu is a famous escape master.

After hesitating for a moment, Pi Ergou decided to kill him with one shot.So he took out the Desert Eagle that he carried with him, pointed the muzzle of the black hole against the door, and aimed it through perspective.thumping!
A bullet blasted out, and the door was blown apart by the huge impact.The powerful bullet went straight to the back of Wu Shengnu's head with lightning speed!

Accompanied by a woman's scream, Pi Ergou rushed in to take a look, and was dumbfounded. The bullet blasted a big hole in the wall of the cave, but Wu Shengnu disappeared, disappeared out of thin air.

Er Gou was terrified and meowed. It turned out that Wu Shengnu was also a monster, and his spells were not much different from the master Akun.

A monster who can hide from the desert eagle, he wants to go to the sky, he wants to go to the sky.

Pi Ergou went straight to the execution room while seeing through.Breaking into the torture room, she found that Toda Huilixiang had sent the two big men to the west, and she had already let go of the hanging woman.Pulling back her long hair, she saw that it was indeed the fragrance of the lotus in Ikeuchi.

At this time, the lotus fragrance in the pool was dying.

Wu Shengnu quickly summoned a dozen gunmen in the shooting range.These people fanned up in the corridor.

For a moment, the corridor was full of firepower, and there was a hail of bullets.

Pi Ergou pointed at the wall and punched a big hole with his fist. Li Xiang picked up He Xiang from Chi Nei on his back, and the two went through the hole to the monitoring room.Pi Ergou threw a tear gas bomb towards the torture room, and looked into the next door of the monitoring room. It turned out that the next door was the room where he shot Wu Shengnu.The naked woman on the couch has fled.He punched a hole and came to the bedroom.

From the hole in the bedroom to the swimming room again.In the swimming pool, there were seven or eight girls playing in the water, and two young men who looked exactly like Akun.

Thump, thump!
Without Pi Ergou's actions, Lixiang killed the giant monster Akun's two youngest sons with one shot each.

"Boss, you have to get rid of the roots. Otherwise, they will seek revenge on you when they grow up!"

At this time, several women hissed and were all reimbursed by Li Xiang.Only the few who did not make a sound survived.

Pi Ergou took the back route of the thugs and shot wildly from behind their buttocks, killing them all within two shots.The two who escaped were drifted all the way by Pi Ergou, and after catching up, they broke their necks.

Dozens of Filipino maids were in chaos, squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands, and seven or eight children screamed in fright.

There are also five luxuriously dressed women, the oldest is 40 years old, and the youngest is only [-] years old.These women are all the children of the Wu family.

Pi Ergou gathered these women in the living room and asked Chi Nei Hexiang to identify them one by one.

"Boss, these two women are Akun's wives. I don't know these three, they are probably Wu Shengnu's women!"

"Where are these children?"

"Two are Akun's sons, and the other three are Wu Shengnu's children!" Chi Nei Hexiang reported nervously.

Li Xiang stepped forward, put the black muzzle of the gun against the most beautiful woman, and shouted coquettishly: "Wu Shengnu, if you don't come out again, I will kill your wife!"

Called several times, no response.

Pi Ergou suddenly flashed several afterimages, and grabbed a Filipino maid with his palm.

The "Filipino maid" let out a man's miserable howl.Immediately afterwards, he swayed all over his body, opened his mouth, and spit out a purple demon core the size of a football.

Pi Ergou swallowed the demon core in one gulp.

I saw the "Filipino maid" showing Wu Shengnu's true colors.He still wanted to escape, but was knocked down by Pi Ergou's punch, and after kissing the floor, his whole body twitched a few times and stopped moving.

Turning him over, it turned out that his face was completely changed, and he had already died of anger.

Ergou found an Apple mobile phone, a bunch of keys and a wallet from his purse.There are five or six bank cards in the wallet.

"Boss, this Wu Shengnu is very powerful in Taiguo, he must have a small treasury!"

"Little Treasury, wait here. Lixiang, tell Mrs. Wu Shengnu to call Shadi and lure him over!" Ergou ordered.

"Yes, boss!" Toda Erika handed Wu Shengnu's cell phone to the dignified young woman.Jiao shouted: "Call Shadi quickly and invite him to come over for dinner. Listen carefully, don't reveal a word about what happened, otherwise, your son will be reimbursed, do you hear me?"

The young woman protected her son and said calmly: "I understand! But, if I lure Shadi here, can you not kill my mother and son?"

"Don't play tricks, just cooperate obediently, and I promise not to kill you!"

The young woman turned on her mobile phone, found Shadi's number, and made a call.Soon, the phone was connected, and a thick and powerful voice came from the other side: "Brother Wu, how is your side? Have you been interrogated?"

"Uncle Sha, it's me, I'm Du Xiao. Mr. Wu said please come over and have a meal together!"

"Where is Brother Wu, tell him to answer the phone!" Sha Di seemed very vigilant, and he looked like an old fox.

"Uncle Sha, Mr. Wu is working inside. He asked you to come, okay?" Du Xiao said calmly.

"What's the matter, can't you talk on the phone?"

"Mr. Wu said that he has something very important to tell you. Please come here by all means!"

Seeing Du Xiao's repeated request, Sha Di impatiently said: "Oh, it's really troublesome. I'll come right away!"

After the phone call, Pi Ergou called Ah Wu and told him to prepare to attack the sandy land.

Turning back, Pi Ergou asked Du Xiao: "Do you have any photos of the sand?"

"Yes." Du Xiao hurriedly dug out the photos of Shadi's life and showed Ergou.

Shadi's appearance was beyond Ergou's expectation. It was an ugly short winter melon, round and a bit fat.However, with piercing eyes and thin lips, he looks like a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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