Chapter 780

"Brother Gou is back!" Liu Wen's eyes lit up when he saw Pi Ergou.

When Wang Hongshang turned her head and saw Er Gou at a glance, she stood up and greeted her, "I'm back. I heard that you have made great contributions to the country. Congratulations!"

"Sister Hongshang, come with me!"

The two came to the unoccupied room, closed the door and said, "Ergou, why did I hear that you brought a bride back from the Emerald Kingdom, what about me?"

Speaking of this incident, Wang Hongshang became very angry.

"Sister Hongshang, the first thing I do when I find you is to tell you the ins and outs of this matter!" Wang Hongshang is Pi Ergou's favorite woman, and one of his goals in life is to marry her as his wife. wife.He brought Du Wen back from the Emerald Country, and this matter must be made clear.

"Okay, I'll only give you 5 minutes!"

"Ah? 5 minutes is not enough, at least half an hour is enough! That's what happened—" At that moment, Pi Ergou talked about how to enter the tropical rainforest of Pawabang, how to meet strange stone demons, and how to meet by chance. The beauty tribe, how the beauty tribe was enslaved by the giant monster Akun, and how the patriarch of the beauty tribe, Du Gedan, negotiated to betroth his second daughter Wenwen to Ergou in order to resist Akun's magic army.

"You burn newspapers on your grave, you're lying to ghosts. In order to win the trust of the patriarch, you must marry her daughter? I don't believe it!" Wang Hongshang rolled her eyes angrily.

"Sister Hongshang, there is nothing you can do if you don't believe me. From the perspective of the beauty tribe, this is not difficult to understand. After being enslaved by the demon army for a long time, patriarch Du Gedan dares to trust an outsider casually? What if You are Du Gedan, and you can't! So, under the special circumstances at that time, holding a wedding was the only way to become one of your own! Besides, Du Wen and I didn't have a certificate, so it's not legally recognized. As long as the law doesn't recognize it , I am not a married man, right?" Ergou said sincerely.

"Pi Ergou, don't braid me. You are married to someone else, don't provoke me in the future. From now on, we can only be ordinary friends, that's all!" Wang Hongshang stomped on him after finishing speaking. , crying and ran out.

It turned out that Du Wen was eavesdropping on their conversation outside the door. She ran away from Wang Hongshang in anger, and immediately came to the teacher to receive the punishment like a primary school student who made a mistake: "Mr. She is your best match. It's all my fault, I shouldn't have stretched my legs in, what should I do?"

"Wenwen, this has nothing to do with you!"

"Lang Jun, I'll ask her to explain clearly. I believe sister Hongshang is a reasonable person!"

"Wenwen, come back! I will handle this matter myself. Your biggest task is to report to your mother, Du Gedan, and explain to her the real situation here. Dispel her doubts as soon as possible!" Pi Ergou wanted to Open up the second largest flue-cured tobacco base against the sky.Now in China, the demand for flue-cured tobacco against the sky has increased greatly.Not only the Jiuxing Tobacco Factory under him, but also the Royal Tobacco Factory controlled by him.Even the Huangyan Group in the provincial capital has cut off supply.

Song Yueqin, chairman of the group, personally called to urge the goods. He called several times, saying that there was a shortage of raw materials for flue-cured tobacco, and hoped to bring up the production capacity as soon as possible.

"Okay, I'll contact my mother right away!" In Danai Village, Du Wen had already experienced Ergou's supreme status in the hearts of the villagers.She has already fully understood the five heaven-defying agricultural products under his name.Realizing how powerful this super boss is, Du Wen dispelled all her doubts.What she has to do now is to try to convince her mother, Du Gedan.

At this time, Huang Yan, the head of Danai Village, flashed in and said, "Ergou, congratulations on your great contribution to the country! I haven't seen you for nearly a month, I think you're going crazy, hurry up, I want--"

"Sister Huang Yan, at night, can you come at night?" Just as the real horse fell out with him, Ergou's mood plummeted.Not interested in that kind of thing.

"Honey, what's the matter, do you have something on your mind? Just tell me if there's something bothering you, just tell me!" Huang Yan came up in one breath, her eyes full of love for him.The gentle eyes are like looking at your beloved husband.

"Sister Huang Yan, it's okay." He said it was okay, but he lay down on the bunk with a look of hopelessness.

"Look, do you think I'm an outsider? I know what it is!" Huang Yan said with a loving face.

"What's the matter?"

"You bastard, you brought a daughter-in-law back from the Emerald Country, and I heard that a wedding was held. Wang Hongshang fell out with you, right?" Huang Yan had an expression that you couldn't fool me.

"Hey, good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles. What the ancients said is really effective!"

"Then do you say it's true? Are you really married to the daughter of the tribal chief? It must be a rumor, right?" When Du Wen was mentioned, that girl was the best woman in a woman's life. years.Think about her, how long have you known Ergou, Du Wen has only known each other for a few days, and she is lucky enough to be Ergou's wife.Alas, she is also jealous.

She knew that Ergou was a super boss, he was surrounded by beckons and butterflies, and many women took the initiative to stick to him.However, when it comes to getting married and marrying a daughter-in-law, Ergou has never done so.

As long as the two dogs are not married, she will not have such selfish thoughts.

This means that no one wins, and she is on an equal footing with Ergou's other women.

He never expected that this guy accepted the assignment of the country, went to the Emerald Country, and brought back a young daughter-in-law who was married!
When the news spread to the country, Ergou's women in Danai Village were immediately bombarded.

"Sister Huang Yan, the situation was special at that time. I helped the Liren Tribe fight against the giant demon Akun. According to the tradition of the Liren Tribe, only one of us can enter the ancestral hall and fight against the enemy together. At that time, I only held a wedding with Du Wen. Get the certificate! So, Du Wen and I are not a real couple!" Ergou reiterated.

"Oh, if that's the case, then why did Wang Hongshang turn against you? I think it was just a wedding without a certificate. The circumstances were special at that time, so I can't blame you?" Huang Yan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"It's okay, she is like this, she has a big temper, she will be fine in a few days!"

"Yeah, it's not a big deal. Wait a few days for her anger to subside, and then explain it to her!" Huang Yan kissed her.

Kissing and kissing, Pi Ergou became interested, and the two fought a real army in the house...

After a long time, Pi Ergou lit an afterthought cigarette, and Huang Yan said with a satisfied smile: "Honey, our business has really grown this time, it's so big! There are a large number of foreign businessmen every day, driving Rows of trucks are here to pull goods. There are also a large number of reporters who will help you publicize for free. Our Danai Village has truly become the busiest village in the whole province and even the whole country! As a small village head, I have to be busy every day. One point, nervous and fulfilling. Since I have you, I have never been so fulfilled, it is good to have you!" Huang Yan said sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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