The strongest village doctor

Chapter 789 Bao Lei Gets Strengthened

Chapter 789 Bao Lei Gets Strengthened
"Okay, tonight you sleep in!" Pi Ergou gave Jiang Xuemei a fiery look.

When Jiang Xuemei heard that she was waiting on her, she cheered excitedly, then threw herself into his arms, and the two kissed passionately.

The next morning, Pi Ergou went to the company to ask the chief financial officer for approval.In this large-scale land lease, Danai Village added 27 mu, Fan Village added 5000 mu, and Tiankeng Village added [-] mu, with a total rent of [-] billion yuan. Three card numbers.

Before setting off, Pi Ergou notified the captains of the werewolf guards, Uncle Hanba, Dragon King of the East China Sea, Wang Hongshang, Wan Shanhong, Huang Daxian and others.

Toda Erika began to pack her luggage, and Pi Ergou remembered that there was still one important thing to do.He urged Lixiang again, and drove him to Jiuxing Tobacco Factory.

The current director of Jiuxing Tobacco Factory, which he holds, is Bao Lei.As the reputation of Nitian Cigarettes is getting louder and louder, Bao Lei, as the factory manager, is so busy every day that she steps on her heels.There are too many agents who want goods, long queues are required, raw materials are not enough, factory employees often fight among themselves, and Bao Lei is a girl, so she often feels powerless.

Therefore, when she saw the big boss coming in person, she immediately said, "Boss, I'm looking for you!"

"Sister Bao, what's wrong with the factory?"

"Boss, everything else is fine. It's just that there is not enough flue-cured tobacco, and the share of raw materials for Huangyan Group is too high. It is recommended to reduce it. In the past month, more and more agents came to the tobacco factory to order, and the queue reached a thousand. Other than that, I’m about to be overwhelmed! Several agents knocked on my home in the middle of the night, refused to approve the goods, and didn’t let me sleep. They even teased and teased me, I’m going crazy!” Bao Lei complained bitterly.

"I'm here this time to strengthen your body. When you become a strengthened person, you can punch three thousand pounds with one punch. Whoever dares to tease or tease you will give him a punch. He won't even know his parents! "

Seeing what he was saying seriously, Bao Lei said with a look of disbelief: "Boss, don't you entertain me, okay? I'm a liberal arts student, not a martial artist. How do you strengthen me?"

"With my help, I don't need Lian Jiazi!"

"Ah? Is it true? Then how do you strengthen it?" Bao Lei said with longing.

"Open your mouth!" Er Gou saw her open her mouth, and saw a purple light appear in his mouth, and a demon core the size of a ping-pong ball spit out.

"Oh my god, boss, what is this stuff?" Seeing the strange monster core, Bao Lei turned pale with fright, and her whole body tensed up.

"This is the demon core, swallow it quickly!" Seeing that Bao Lei was frightened, Ergoudou pried open her mouth, and put the demon core into her mouth.

Bao Lei swallowed subconsciously, and the demon core was swallowed.


Bao Lei's abdomen hurt like a knife when Yaohe slammed into her stomach, and she screamed like a pig being slaughtered.

"Boss, it hurts, it hurts. God, I'm going to die, let me die, ah!" Originally, Pi Ergou was going to put her on her body, so that he could send in the immortal energy and suppress the energy bomb that exploded instantly.Unexpectedly, when Bao Lei had an attack, she ran around the house and rolled all over the floor.

Pi Ergou had no choice but to chase her away.One of the two ran, the other chased, and JI flew like a dog.A group of subordinates from the factory rushed over after hearing the news, and wanted to rush into the room to find out, but Ergou's personal bodyguard, Li Xiang, refused to let in. These people were all dumbfounded, so surprised that you look at me, I look at you you.

"Sister Bao, don't run away. I'm helping you suppress the huge energy. Without the help of my immortal energy, you will explode. I'm not trying to scare you. Hey, where are you going?" The house ran wild.Suddenly there was a teleportation, and then Bao Lei threw herself down, held her belly, and sent immortal energy into her body.

The super powerful immortal energy suppressed the huge energy released at once.

At this time, Bao Lei was like a drowning person who was caught ashore, sweating all over her body, breathing heavily.Only then did he feel comfortable and said, "Boss, I just took a trip to the Palace of the King of Hell, and I almost turned into a ghost! My God, it's scary, scary!"

"Sister Bao, you have successfully established the foundation in your dantian, and your yang womb has just formed. Try to stand up!" Ergou said cheerfully.

"Boss, don't say it, it's true. I have a dragon running around in my body!" Only then did Bao Lei calm down, feeling the rushing power in her body.Immediately, she burst into a powerful vitality.

"This is your three thousand catties of strength. In the future when you fight with others, you must be careful. If you accidentally beat someone to death, the consequences will be very serious!" He looked at Bao Lei with a smile on his face.

"My God, it's impossible, I don't believe it, how can I have three thousand strength? Boss, don't lie to me?" Hearing this, Bao Lei jumped up.As soon as she stood up, she suddenly felt a powerful force coming and going like the wind in her body, as if it would explode at any moment.

Only now did she believe the words of the big boss.Immediately frightened did not dare to move.

"Sister Bao, why aren't you moving? Come, follow me!" Er Gou couldn't laugh or cry seeing her frightened like this.Stepping forward to pull her, Bao Lei seemed to have been immobilized, and said without moving: "Boss, I dare not move, woo, I'm afraid that if I move, it will explode, woo!"

"Director Bao, what's the matter with you? Where is that bold and careful beautiful factory director? Now you are a strong and powerful beauty with three thousand catties, understand?" Pi Ergou was speechless.

"Oh, that's right. I'm a strong man among beauties now, haha!" Bao Lei walked to the wall subconsciously, punched it out, and hit the wall.


Dust and smoke were everywhere, and she punched through the thick wall!A big hole was opened, just as a group of subordinates in the factory were anxiously waiting for news.Suddenly, a big hole was broken in the wall of the corridor, and everyone suddenly exclaimed.Those who were timid ran directly downstairs, shouting, earthquake, earthquake!

Running alone drives everyone to run.Everyone believed it, and all the employees working in the building thought there was an earthquake, and ran downstairs like crazy, faster than a rabbit.

Toda Erika exhausted her tongue, and she was almost talking, before she persuaded all the employees to return to the office.

Bao Lei laughed so hard that she said, "Boss, I'm so powerful. People run away when they see me, haha!"

"Sister Bao, I didn't let you break through the wall. Haha!" Pi Ergou let out a snort, and he was also overjoyed.

"Sister, come here. Didn't you wrestle your wrists last time? Come on, let's wrestle once!" Bao Lei's words frightened the tall woman and ran away.

At this moment, I saw two agents from the North, one taller than the other.These two guys didn't know Pi Ergou, so they fell in love with Bao Lei.He stepped forward and said fiercely: "Director Bao, my brothers and I have been waiting in Jiuxing City for half a month. Half a month, are you here? Tell me a word, can you deliver the goods today?"

"Oh, it's Boss Zou. You almost smashed my office last time, and I just won't approve the goods for you. What do you want?" Not to mention that there is a big boss around, Bao Lei is now a strengthened person, and she is still afraid of a stinky person. Is it flowing?

"Smelly woman, are you tired of working? Believe it or not, I tore your office into pieces?" A big man said fiercely.

"Hurry up and give the approval note, if you don't give the approval note, I will deal with you. Do you know who I am? We are in charge of Beidi. Hurry up, give the approval note, and I want [-] cigarettes!" It was a bald man who got up.The bald man bared his teeth, his eyes were fierce, and he didn't look like a serious businessman.

"Bastard, I'm going to fuck your mother, why don't you try tearing it apart? Is it really easy to be bullied if you're a girl? Move, move?" Bao Lei frowned.

Bao Lei's attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees, which shocked the two northerners.Surprised you look at me, I look at you.

Boss Zou shivered violently, waved his huge fist and said, "Stinky bitch, I won't teach you a lesson, you don't know which onion we are! Old Wu, come on, break these things into pieces!"

"Who dares to move!" Bao Lei yelled loudly, her fist hit Boss Zou's belly with a force of two thousand catties.

After a pig-killing call, Boss Zou was like a torn sack thrown out. After rolling a few times in the air, he kissed the wall with a bang.Slap!
With a muffled sound, Boss Zou's fat body seemed to fall apart, lying on the ground crying for his father and mother.

The sudden explosion scared the bald man into a fool!

"This, this... Director Bao, you are so strong, my mother. Damn it!" the bald man yelled in horror.Bao Lei settled the world with one punch.She was no longer afraid, stepped forward, and punched the bald man's face.With a bang, the bald man backed up hastily, but failed to hold on, and fell to the ground with a bang.Looking at his eyes again, they have become panda eyes.

"Get out, get out!" Bao Lei beat the two Liumans away, and the news spread like wildfire, and the whole factory staff knew that Director Bao was so strong.

Those managers who are petty in their hearts don't dare to make small moves now, and all of them are honest and obedient.

As for Bao Lei, she realized that she could fight so well that she was even scared and said, "Oh my god, boss, I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"Haha, you are not dreaming. Sister Bao, what else is there? If there is nothing else, I have to go!"

Ergouxin said that Ye Mingzhu hadn't been found yet, so he had to hurry up and go to the Sakura Country to find Ye Mingzhu.They don't even know where Yuan Qiongyu, that stinky bitch, got Ye Mingzhu.When you find her, you must let her sing Conquer.

"Come on, Boss, I still have something to do, something big!"

"Ah, what's the big deal?"

"Boss, you have distributed too much flue-cured tobacco to Huangyan Group, I want to redistribute it!" Bao Lei said very dissatisfied.

"Sister Bao, there is no need to redistribute. I plan to open the second largest flue-cured tobacco base in Pawa State, the Emerald Country. When the time comes, I will rent [-] to [-] mu of land to ensure that there will be no shortage of raw materials!" Pi Ergou decided.

"Wow, that's good!"

"That's it, goodbye!"

"Come on, boss, I have something else to do, something important!" Bao Lei grabbed Pi Ergou, her eyes were full of tenderness.

Pi Ergou knew at a glance that she wanted a man.Two just had a nice meal at the office.

In the afternoon, Ergou took Toda Huilixiang to Jiuxing Airport and boarded his private large plane.The destination is Teikyo, the country of cherry blossoms.

During this trip to the east, finding Ye Mingzhu is the top priority.In addition, Ergou intends to sell the six heaven-defying products under his name to the country of cherry blossoms to earn money from the people of the country of cherry blossoms.

Therefore, before boarding the plane, he brought a large amount of Nitian Wine, Nitian Sanqi, Suoyang Pills, Nitian Cigarettes, and Nitian Hot Sauce.A large number of goods are moved into the cargo hold of the special plane in boxes.Fill the cargo bay to the brim.

What surprised him was that when he came to the luxury cabin, he saw Wang Hongshang and Liu Wen.

There is also Liu Honglian, the farm machinery operator!

The other two uncles are Ma Songlin and Shao Xi.These two are full-time mechanics hired by the group company. Once a large number of agricultural machinery under the name of Pi Ergou, such as harvesters and farming machines, break down, these two masters will be responsible for repairing them.

"Sister Hongshang, are you going to the Cherry Blossom Country too?" Ergou couldn't close his mouth in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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