Chapter 80
Good guy, as soon as you say it.As soon as Pi Ergou heard that Huang Liang was coming, he put away the phone, came out with a beep, took a look, and saw a guy who looked like a gangster, with an airplane head, shaking his legs in a naughty manner. up.As soon as he saw Pi Ergou, he laughed and said: "Ah, brother Ergou, good brother, I am Huang Liang, the owner of Renxin Pharmacy in the town. Good brother, I have brought you business!"

This girl was shaking her legs in a foolish way, but at the same time she was having fun without heart.Pi Ergou was about to refuse, but Ding Qing suddenly yelled in fright: "Ah, what are you doing, let me go!"

In the blink of an eye, Huang Liang suddenly changed his face and sealed Ding Qing's throat with a dagger.

"Huang Liang, why are you coming at me, let her go!" Pi Ergou said meowing heartily, he had heard that this person is a Liumang, not only a Liumang, but also a tiger with a smiling face!
"Pi Ergou, quickly sign this agreement. You have to be obedient, if you don't sign it, I will slash your woman's face twice!" As he spoke, Huang Liang threw the two agreements over.

Pi Ergou glanced at the agreement, the one signed with Bai Lan was the same as the exclusive supply agreement.

"Brother Dog, he doesn't dare to mess around. Don't sign the Overlord's contract!"

"Xiao Sanba, shut up!" Huang Liang spit out venom with a large toad mouth, pointed at Pi Ergou and said: "Pi, please sign quickly, hurry up and sign! I'm dozens Next, if you don't sign after counting, I'll use a knife to carve words on your woman's face!"

It was too late to say it, but Toda Erika quietly touched Huang Liang's back with a big stick in his hand.Seeing this, Pi Ergou said in his heart that his grandson was going to be unlucky.So in order to attract Huang Liang's attention, he deliberately found fault and said: "Boss Huang, there are a few details of your agreement that need to be discussed!"

"What a shame, sign it for me soon! From now on, you will supply once a week, no less than [-] grains each time, and [-] yuan per grain! And oh, you can only give my kindness The big pharmacy supplies, do you hear?" Huang Liang stared at Pi Ergou fiercely.

"Huang Liang, my little friend wholesales it to Bai Lan, and she costs [-] yuan a grain. Also, my little friend reminds you that Bai Lan's uncle, Bai Quandan, is the head of our Huanggu district!" Pi Ergou He looked at Huang Liang cheerfully and said.

"Fuck me, that little girl has such a big background. That's okay, you add non in front of exclusive, and change it to non-exclusive supply!" Huang Liangxin said that you are a small farmer, both parents died, and you have no background, dare you? Be obedient, I will teach you how to be a man every minute.

"Boss Huang, I'm illiterate, I can't do it, why don't you add it yourself?"

"Pi Ergou, you bastard, don't you know if it hurts? Believe it or not, I'm a fool, and I'll give you a woman's face?"

Pi Ergouxin said that this Biaozi is still young and has no brains at all, so he has the nerve to come out and mess around.Falling, almost falling!

Toda Erika hit Huang Liang on the head with a stick, knocking the girl unconscious immediately, and fell to the ground!

Ding Qing put oil on the soles of her feet and ran away.Huang Liang bared his sharp teeth and wanted to pounce on him, but Pi Ergou kicked him in front of the door, sending Huang Liang flying several meters away!
Toda Huilixiang stepped forward, handed over the dagger, and swung her fist to the flesh. Huang Liang screamed like a pig being killed, nosebleeds spurted out, and even her front teeth flew away!
Both Pi Ergou and Ding Qing were dumbfounded, they could not have imagined that the seemingly weak Li Xiang had such a strong fighting power.

"Ah, girl, please forgive me, you're just kidding me when you hit someone! I won't play with you anymore!" Huang Liang was beaten to the brim, got up from the ground, and ran faster than a rabbit!
"Little mess, get out!" Pi Ergou cursed at Huang Liang's car butt.With a sound, he gave Li Xiang a thumbs up, and kept boasting: "Li Xiang, you fight well, not bad!"

"Boss, I practiced boxing before my debut!" Toda Erika got Huang Liang's nosebleed splashed on her hands, and nothing happened after washing off.

As soon as Ding Qing heard that she was a female boxer, she immediately cast her eyes on her face and said, "Sister Lixiang, I adore you so much!"

Pi Ergou looked at the time, it was ten o'clock in the morning.He just wants to rent [-] acres of land as soon as possible, and of course he has to sign an agreement if he rents the land, considering that Li Xiang doesn't even have a set of office equipment.He took out a bank card, handed it to Erika Toda, and said, "Lixiang, first go to the city to buy a laptop computer, and then buy a laser printer. Then go to the town's telecommunications business hall and apply for a broadband. You can use your Get your ID card!"

"Okay, I'll do it right away!" Toda Erika drove the car and went to the city to handle errands.

The two daughters Xiang Hehua and Ding Qing stayed at home and began to cook the second pot of Suoyang pill ointment. The two of them worked together, one set the fire and the other added ingredients. They were very busy.

As for Pi Ergou, when the rain was over and the sky cleared, he walked out of the house and walked straight to the home of Wang Matou, a big farmer in the village.

As soon as he entered the gate of the courtyard, he saw Wang Matou tinkering with agricultural machinery in the courtyard.

The last time Wang Matou beat his wife, Pi Ergou got involved, so Wang Matou hated him.Seeing him coming, she glared at him, but said nothing.Pi Ergou yelled, "Is Aunt Honglian at home?"

In the room, Liu Honglian heard Pi Ergou calling her, so she ran out and said, "Ergou, come in for tea!"

"Aunt Honglian, I want to rent a few acres of land, so I just ask, is your field rented out? If you rent it, the rent is calculated on an annual basis, 5 yuan per mu per year!" Pi Ergou offered generous terms.He said in his heart that Danai Village is a large village for migrant workers, and most of the young and middle-aged laborers in the village go out to work, and many farmlands are either leased or abandoned.There are also some grains that are grown for the family to eat, but no matter how much they grow in a year, they can’t be sold for a few dollars.He paid 5 yuan per mu, which is very attractive.As long as you are not a fool, you will usually rent it to him.

As soon as he heard that Pi Ergou was here to rent the land, Wang Matou immediately said, "My surname is Pi, my family does not rent the land, no matter how much it is paid!"

Seeing Wang Matou's bad attitude, Liu Honglian got angry and said, "Wang Matou, please be more polite to Er Gou. I'm going to yell at your mother!"

Last time Wang Ma was beaten on the head by Pi Ergou. He really didn't dare to offend Ergou. When his daughter-in-law scolded him, the girl stopped talking and devoted herself to repairing the machine.

Liu Honglian then changed into a smiling face again and said: "Ergou, it's not that I don't want to rent it to you, but I dare not rent it!"

Hearing Liu Honglian say this, Pi Ergou was confused and said, "Aunt Honglian, why don't you dare to rent?"

"You don't know, the village head Pi issued an order to the villagers, saying that whoever rents the land to you without his consent, he will punish him severely! Look, Da Pao is such a dog, that's how domineering!"

"That's it." Pi Ergou scolded Pi Dapao eighteen times in his heart.My heart said Niang Xipi, Pi Dapao is breaking my way, I will go.

Seeing Pi Ergou listless, Liu Honglian felt sorry for him.She called Ergou into the bedroom, closed the door and said, "Ergou, why don't I rent it to you privately, two acres of land. Just keep quiet!"

"Aunt Honglian is right. Is it a godsend thing to rent your own farmland or not? That old thing is in charge of the sky and the land, is it right?" Pi Ergou said indignantly.

"That's right. Ergou, I'll rent it to you for 10 yuan a year. Don't let others earn it! However, I will rent it to you on conditional terms!" Liu Honglian said suddenly with charming eyes.

"Ah? What conditions?"

"Ergou, I like you. Please plow my field!" Liu Honglian's plump body became obvious.

"Ah? No, this won't work!" Pi Ergou was so frightened that the soles of his feet were oiled, and he wanted to run away.

Seeing that he was so nervous, Liu Honglian dragged him back and said coquettishly, "Ergou, that's fine, I won't let you plow the fields. Just kiss me at the head office, okay?"

"Kiss you? That's not okay!" Pi Ergou shook his head like a rattle.

"You child, I'm still embarrassed. Then I'll kiss you!" Liu Honglian didn't care about Sanqi21, and kissed Pi Ergou on the mouth.Pi Ergou suddenly felt something coming, and the two kissed passionately. After several minutes of kissing, he just let out a sound and typed out from the room.Turning around, he ordered: "Auntie, when I finish the agreement, I will find you to sign the agreement later!"

"Okay, Ergou, walk slowly!"

The woman happily sent Pi Ergou outside the gate of the courtyard.

But then, Pi Ergou's plan to rent the land was seriously blocked, and even ran to several houses, saying that he was afraid of offending the village head, so he dared not rent the land to him.

After working all morning, Pi Ergou returned home without success, so he had to go home. When he got home, he saw Jiang Xuemei, the vegetable manager, was doing settlement with Lingyao of Yanji Hotel.

Seeing him coming back, Lingyao stepped forward and said affectionately: "Brother Dog, let me settle the payment for these two days, a total of 30 yuan. I'll transfer the money to your card later!"

"Yes. Lingyao, let me tell you something. Do you have any farmland for rent? The annual rent is 5 yuan per mu of land. Is this price sincere?" Lingyao's natal family is from Tianliang Village. No matter how coquettish the leather cannon is, he can't get involved in Tianliang Village.

"Wow, the rent is very high. Brother Gou, my family has two acres of land, and I will rent it to you!" Lingyao said cheerfully.

When he heard that he wanted to rent a field, Jiang Xuemei also said excitedly: "Boss, my family also has a field, but it's only one mu. Do you want it?"

"Yes, yes. Sister Xuemei, go to Tiankeng Village to mobilize and ask who is willing to rent land. I want to rent [-] mu!" If you don't let me rent, I will rent fields in other villages.As long as you have money, you can't rent any kind of land.

"Boss, did the village head Pi not let you rent the land?" Jiang Xuemei knew that Pi Dapao must be obstructing him when she saw that he was looking far away.

"That's right, Leather Cannon is a fucking idiot. He gave an order to the villagers not to let the villagers rent land to me!"

Lingyao criticized angrily: "The village head Pi is too much. He also takes care of the villagers renting out their own fields, the sky, the land, and people's shit. I hate it!"

"With such a village chief in power, the villagers of Danai Village will never get rich!" Jiang Xuemei was also furious.

"It's okay, if Dana Village doesn't rent it to me, I'll go to your Tiankeng Village. Are you afraid that you won't be able to rent a field if you have money?"

Jiang Xuemei agreed straight away: "Well, I'll go and ask for you right now, and I'll let you know if I have any news!" After saying that, Jiang Xuemei went back to her village to mobilize.

Lingyao and Pi Ergou looked at each other, and they jumped into the bedroom tacitly, kissing like dry wood and fire.

After kissing for a few minutes, Pi Ergou shook his head, suppressed the sprouting thoughts, threw a big thunder and said: "Lingyao, I have a controlling stake in the eight star hotels under the name of Huang Daxian. I invite you to be the general manager, will you do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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