Chapter 800
The palace of Sakura Kingdom is surrounded by water, with a green island in the middle. The island is lined with trees and dense with ancient trees, most of which are cherry blossom trees and thousand-year-old cypress trees.The moat separates the imperial palace from the bustling urban area. Next to it are row upon row of office buildings with colorful glass walls, in stark contrast to the cool tones of the imperial palace.

Pi Ergou and Bai Dongshuang hid the car in a hidden place, and asked Bai Dongshuang to go to the palace to fight in front of the station.

Before Bai Dongshuang came, he got the map of the palace.She turned into a human head, with long hair fluttering, and drove straight along the long bridge in the southeast, crossed the Otemon Gate and Hirakawa Gate, and came to the Hall of Harmony from Kitabashi Gate.There is a large square in front of the Hall of Changhe. This is the place where the Emperor Mingyan received congratulations from the masses.The classic street lamps on the square emit blue lights, and rows of cherry blossoms are full of branches on one side.

Bai Dongshuang suddenly realized that it was late May, which was the season for cherry blossoms to bloom.

Looking at the time, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.Inside the Old Imperial Mansion Library, however, the lights were brightly lit.I saw a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl with long hair studying hard under the lamp.There are also two accompanying maids serving.

Bai Dongshuang let out a cry, her head passed the Imperial Spirit Hall and went straight to the Changyu Hall.The Changyu Palace is the inner palace of the Emperor, and it is the residence of the discerning Emperor's family.

A head floated in through a window, and met a maid coming out with water for washing feet.The maid saw a woman's head floating in the hall, and with a bang, she fainted from fright, and the footwashing water in her hand spilled all over the floor.The two maids were alarmed, and Bai Dongshuang was also taken aback. Alas, he was careless and forgot that his head was flying.

With a sudden change, Bai Dongshuang turned into a cloudy wind, turned around with a whoosh, and went straight to a brightly lit hall opposite the cherry tree.That hall was the study of the discerning Emperor, and there were four guards standing upright at the entrance of the hall, fully armed and loaded with live ammunition.

At this moment, there was a movement in the cherry blossom forest nearby.Bai Dongshuang floated over to look, but she didn't know if she didn't look at it. When she saw it, she was startled, and saw a piece of turf suddenly lifted up, revealing an underground hole.Four guards climbed out of the cave, and it seemed that it was time for a shift change.With a whoosh, a gust of wind entered, and Bai Dongshuang found that there was a long staircase going down the entrance of the cave.At the end of the steps is a heavy bronze door.The big copper gate is as thick as one meter.Two armed guards stood guard in front of the door.

This can't be helped by Bai Dongshuang, she is now a gust of wind, slipping in through the very small crack of the door without anyone noticing.

Before going through the crack of the door, by the way, he teased and teased the guard with the gun. The guard's trousers were suddenly stripped off. The guard put on his trousers in a panic, stared at his companion, and began to yell at each other. .

Bai Dongshuang got into the door, and saw a long corridor in his pocket. Looking under the lamp, he saw rooms on both sides of the corridor. When he went in, he saw that it was the dormitory of the special love team members.There are two beds in each dormitory, and there are everything from bathrooms to kitchens.The innermost one has the largest space and is a shooting range for training. Next door is the gym and swimming pool.

After a rough count, there are a total of ten special forces members in the underground barracks.All were muscular burly men.

Bai Dongshuang went to the gun store to take another look, and found that there were all kinds of weapons in the store.If this fights, it is tantamount to a small war.

Next to the dormitory is the underground cafeteria.I saw the cook in the cafeteria preparing a hot supper, and five or six team members lined up to pick up meals by themselves.

Bai Dongshuang is playing forward this time. Apart from scouting the way, she also has another task, which is to apply sweat medicine.

These players are all piled up, talking and laughing.Suddenly there was a loud cry from the kitchen, and several team members rushed into the kitchen area as fast as they could.Bai Dongshuang giggled coquettishly, and she took human form, holding packs of Mongolian sweat medicine in her hand.Quickly mix the powder into the night snacks and drinks of the team members, mix well, and disappear out of thin air with a whoosh.

Immediately afterwards, the two guards standing guard at the underground entrance were knocked out by Bai Dongshuang and dragged into the inner room, where they were tied up.

Soon, the four players who came off the shift also suffered the same fate.

After half an hour, Bai Dongshuang finally found the two snipers.What is unexpected is that the two snipers actually pretended to be two pieces of turf, which blended harmoniously with the lawn.

The two of them didn't see who it was, they tilted their heads, and soon became unconscious.

After smoothing out all the Ouchi guards and snipers, Bai Dongshuang went to the monitoring room and turned off all the probes along the way.After confirming that there is no serious problem, he immediately flew out of the palace.

The two hid in the dark, and discussed in a low voice: "Master, all the special forces and guards in the palace have been knocked out by me. There is also a pair of snipers, disguised as lawns, which made me search for a long time, and temporarily lost their actions." Ability. At this time, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty is still working in the study. I am familiar with the way now, so I can take you there!"

"Did you turn off the monitoring?" Pi Ergou asked cautiously.

"It's pinched off. Master, please rest assured!"

Ergou has always been at ease when Bai Dongshuang is doing business.Suddenly this guy said on a whim: "Sister Dongshuang, have you seen a beautiful princess or something in the inner palace?"

"Princess? I really saw one, seventeen or eighteen years old, called Princess Taoying. I passed by the old imperial library and found the princess reading in it!" Bai Dongshuang said excitedly.

"Okay, when I see the Mingyan Emperor, you will be responsible for getting Princess Taoying out. Is there any difficulty?" When Pi Ergou was young, he felt that Princess Yinghua Kingdom was high above her, like a fairy in the sky, but out of reach.It's rare to come here this time, if you don't make friends with a royal princess, wouldn't it be in vain?

After the two discussed it properly, they took advantage of the darkness and began to rush into the palace at night.

The long bridge over the moat emits strong light from the tall buildings next to it, illuminating the long bridge like daylight.Pi Ergou is no better than Bai Dongshuang, she can turn into a cloudy wind, go up to the sky and into the earth, and penetrate everywhere, and humans can't find her yet.Pi Ergou is human, his only way is to teleport.

However, when he was drifting rapidly on the long bridge, he was still photographed by several female staff working overtime in the office building.They photographed a shadow entering the Otemon Gate of the Imperial Palace with lightning speed.

This video quickly became popular on the Internet, and was regarded as a supernatural event, which aroused discussions among all Sakura citizens.This is something for later, don't mention it.

Let's talk about Pi Ergou.This guy was relieved to have successfully crossed the long bridge over the moat, climbed over the wall and broke into the Shunshou Gate.As long as you successfully cross the first long bridge, the rest will be easy.

He opened his see-through eyes, and under the guidance of Bai Dongshuang, he quickly broke into Changyu Palace.

At this time, the discerning Emperor could never have dreamed that outsiders would break into the heavily guarded inner hall of the palace.

It was the first time in 30 years that an assassin broke into the inner palace.

"Sight-eyed old man, don't stare, I'm the Pi Ergou you're looking for. The guy who invented the technology of heaven-defying vegetables! Are you surprised or surprised?" Pi Ergou pretended to be calm.

(End of this chapter)

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