The strongest village doctor

Chapter 845 Visitor from London

Chapter 845 Visitor from London
At ten o'clock in the morning, Pi Ergou signed a purchase agreement with Shang Kerong, the boss of Nanyang Summer Airlines.A total of five Boeing 747 cargo aircraft were purchased at a price of 5000 million yuan each, with a total price of 5000 million yuan.

At twelve noon, Pi Ergou called Xu Yanru, and the two had lunch together.Xu Yanru knew that he was going back to China today, so she was very reluctant to let go, she also forced a smile on her face, and the two chatted happily.The table was full of Xu Yanru's favorite food against the sky, because it was a farewell banquet, Xu Yanru made an exception to drink with Pi Ergou.

This national treasure-level actress can be called the female wine fairy.A few bottles of Dabai are connected to the rod, but a thousand cups can't be poured.Pi Ergou clicked his tongue greatly.

After three rounds of wine and three flavors of food, Pi Ergou suddenly threw a big thunderbolt and said, "Yanru, if I let you be the president of the Nanyang District, with an annual salary of 300 million, you will get a villa and a million-dollar car." Super scooter. Can I please move you?"

Xu Yanru is a highly respected national actress in Nanyang country, and the hostess of the wealthy Qiu family. She belongs to the high society of Nanyang country, the top part of the pyramid.The Qiu family she was in was a wealthy family of tens of billions.And last time she revealed to Ergou herself that her personal savings alone exceeded 70 billion US dollars, equivalent to more than 400 billion in Chinese yuan!

A proper super rich woman.She is not short of money, she needs wealth and status, except for the lack of a man who can make her passionate, it can be said that her life is basically Dzogchen.

Therefore, when Pi Ergou suddenly asked her to be the president of Nanyang District, he would probably be disappointed.

"My big boss, why do you think of me?" Hearing this, Xu Yanru was taken aback. She never dreamed that Pi Ergou would let her be the president of Nanyang District.

"Because you are my man!" Pi Ergou's appointment of the president of the peripheral area is based on trust first, followed by ability.

Xu Yanru is his secret lover, and he has a deep affection for her.Let her be in charge of the Nanyang District's business, he can rest assured that it is not.

"You guy, you have a poisonous eye. I am a famous money-absorbing queen. Before I debuted, I took care of the family business. Of course, my current identity is Mrs. Qiu, and I don't need anything! If it weren't for you to invite me out of the mountain , I just care about being happy and happy!" Xu Yanru's words were not an exaggeration at all.She doesn't have to worry about eating and drinking. The biggest event of the year, besides traveling around the world, is to shuttle around the various banquets, dinners and variety shows of the upper class like a courtesan.Occasionally, he also plays a cameo role in a movie directed by a certain director.

It can be said that her current life is as decent as it is.After becoming Ergou's underground lover, the last shortcoming was made up for, and she could live the life of a noble lady freely.

"Yanru, I know. I didn't want to embarrass you. Didn't you find a suitable candidate? After all, being a district president is also a lot of work. With your wealth and status, there is no need to take on this burden. However, you For my sake, do me a favor!" The guy sat down next to Xu Yanru, and kissed her beautiful lips with one mouthful.

"You guy, are you really my nemesis? As soon as I saw you, I immediately became your accessory. I don't have myself in my eyes, only you. You are everywhere, and you can melt me. Love me!" As she said that, Xu Yanru's heart fluttered.Before she knew it, she became naked, and the two of them had a carnival in the house...

I don't know when, until Xu Yanru was about to pass out, the storm didn't stop.

"Yanru, how about it, consider my proposal?" Pi Ergou looked at Xu Yanru with a smile while smoking an afterthought cigarette happily.

"Husband, you made me the president of Nanyang District. Is it too big for me to be overwhelmed?" The more you care, the more you worry about gains and losses.Now it's not a question of Xu Yanru's answer or not, because she has no reason to reject Ergou.It's a question of whether she can handle it.

After all, she has not set foot in shopping malls for many years and is used to the relaxed life of a lady.Let her join the fight in the shopping mall all of a sudden, she lacks confidence in herself.

"How come? The Nitian products under my name have no natural enemies, unlike other group companies that are full of blood and cruelty. You are mainly responsible for taking care of the new factories of Nitian vegetables, Nitian bananas and Suoyang Pills!" Ergou To put it bluntly, he knew that being the president was not easy.However, he knew that Xu Yanru would definitely work tirelessly to take care of all his business in Nanyang.

"By the way, aren't you controlling the Violent King's Shanfeng Group? Shall I take over the Shanfeng Group?" Xu Yanru felt the value of her existence only when she was able to do things for the man she loved.

"Haha, if you think the job is easy, it's totally fine. How about you manage it with the Violent King?" Pi Ergou was worried about arranging a capable man in the Shanfeng Group.After all, he is the actual controlling shareholder of Shanfeng Group, and he has the right to appoint the leader of the company.

"Of order. As long as you send me a task, I'll be happy to be a cow!" Xu Yanru looked at him lovingly and said.

In this way, Xu Yanru became the president of Danai Group Company in Nanyang District by mistake.She is in charge of connecting with Jiao Qing, responsible for Nitian Tobacco Factory and Suoyang Pill Branch Factory in Nanyang.In addition, Pi Ergou also plans to rent [-] mu of land in Nanyang to grow flue-cured tobacco against the sky.Another [-] mu of banana fields were rented, intending to develop Nitian bananas.

That afternoon, after Pi Ergou bid farewell to Princess Taoying, he brought Qiuya, Toda Huilixiang and other daughters with him, and took a special plane back to China.What he brought back this time was not only the contract of several million catties of against the sky, but also the five Boeing 747s he bought...

Time flies, time flies like a white horse.In a blink of an eye, August, from July to August, Pi Ergou's daily net income rose from 15 billion to 18 billion.As Nitian flue-cured tobacco is blooming everywhere in foreign countries, not only the planting scale exceeds [-] mu, but also branch factories of Nitian Tobacco have been established in Emerald Country, Tai Country and Nanyang Country.The cigarettes against the sky alone have contributed a lot of foreign exchange to Pi Ergou's business country.

As of August 1000th, Piergou's cash deposits exceeded [-] billion!

His ranking on the rich list officially squeezed into the top five.

During this period, Ergou spent 50 billion to rent 60 mu of high-quality farmland in Baiyang Town.An investment of 30 billion yuan will be given to [-] households in Danai Village, and each household will be given [-] yuan to build a house.Since then, all the residents of the mud-and-tiled houses in Danai Village have built a small western-style building in full swing.

As for Pi Ergou, his townhouse at the foot of Mount Danai has been put into use, and he moved to a new home in early August.

The mud tile house that has accompanied him for 20 years has completed its mission amidst the roar of excavators.This guy's new home is three large-scale townhouses, each with six floors and a total of 36 bedrooms. There are [-] beauties living in the golden house.

As his footprints went farther and farther, the beauties he brought back one after another.Even Karina, a wealthy businesswoman from the Raksha Kingdom, was developed into an underground lover by him.On the second floor of Building C of the townhouse, there is Karina's room.After Karina became his woman, she could basically come twice a month and stay for several days.

Even Princess Taoying of Sakura Country has a boudoir on the third floor of the second building.This guy is very busy every day, just like Jia Baoyu in the Dream of the Red Chamber, surrounded by beauties, life is very comfortable.

This morning, as soon as Pi Ergou came out of Karina's room, Toda Erika hurried forward to report: "Boss, a blond foreigner is looking for you. He claims to be from London, and his name is Nicholas. Looks like nothing's going on!"

(End of this chapter)

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