Chapter 883
After finishing the work, Adai showed a happy smile and hugged him affectionately without letting go.Like a loving wife nestled in the arms of her husband.Suddenly, Dong Zhili knocked on the door and said excitedly, Xiaolong, come out and see, the tide is rising, the tide is rising!
As soon as the tide started to rise, Pi Ergou hurried ashore from Adai's field.Adai also knew that the sea tide was high, so she slid down from Datong's bunk, wiped off her sweat, and helped him get dressed. Her meticulous care was like a loving wife.

Pi Ergou walked out of the room, Adai's gentle eyes were full of reluctance.

Since the intimate relationship occurred, Ergou's mood has also changed.A Dai was already his woman, and he had to protect her with all his might.His life doesn't belong to him alone, it also belongs to Adai.Therefore, he must succeed in landing on the beach this time.

Walking to the deck with big strides, you can see wave after wave in your pocket, constantly superimposing towards the beach of Guidao.

When Ergou came out, the tide was high.The high tide submerged the beach, and almost flooded the reference object he set, which was the small tree on the high hill.

After explaining a few words to Dong Zhili, he got down on the motorboat and drove along the reef that went directly to the land.Mainly worried about the terrifying suction force caused by the undercurrent, Pi Ergou only moved forward at a normal speed of sixty yards.When he rushed into the 20-meter-wide undercurrent circle, to be honest, he was really sweating.If there is a sudden suction, he has to explain it here.

Not long after, the motorboat plunged into the undercurrent, and the boat suddenly shifted to the left. Obviously, there was a grip on the left side, pulling the motorboat over.Fortunately, he has clairvoyant ability and can see the sea area within ten meters underwater.Below is the reef belt that reaches directly to the land. As long as you bite the reef belt tightly, you will not trigger the terrifying suction in the undercurrent belt.

At this time, the fishing boat driven by Ah Chun was docked 20 meters behind him.The three women were leaning against the railing of the ship, one more nervous than the other, because their fate depended on Pi Ergou alone.

If something happened to Pi Ergou, they would not survive.When Ergou drove the motorboat into the undercurrent, several people were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe, their eyes widened, and they looked at Pi Ergou without blinking.They screamed when they saw the motorboat skidding to one side.

A Dai had just bonded with Pi Ergou, and when she saw the motorboat slipping to one side, she was so frightened that she covered her face and dared not look at it.

Dongzhili yelled nervously: "Xiaolong, be careful!"

Ergou saw that the three women were sweating for him, and his courage increased sharply.Although the boat slipped more than ten centimeters to the left, as long as the engine was not turned off, it was enough for the motorboat to move forward steadily.

Fueled up suddenly, the motorboat successfully rushed to the beach water along the reef.At this time, the beach was submerged by the tide, and the tide continued to rise wildly.

Pi Ergou parked the motorboat on the side of the high hill, and tied the rope to the small tree with the mouth of a bowl.Jumping from the motorboat, his feet landed on the ground, his heart was ups and downs, Ghost Island, here I come.

Seeing Ergou successfully landed on the island, Achun and the others were so excited that they twisted their waists and cheered.

The successful landing of the motorboat proves that the landing route discovered by Ergou is feasible.

Taking advantage of the high tide, Pi Ergou drove the speedboat back and forth on the landing route, and picked up Adai, the child, Axiu and Dongzhili ashore first.Immediately afterwards, he seized the time, returned to the fishing boat, and together with Ah Chun, drove the fishing boat to land on the beach.

This large 20-ton fishing boat has a draft of two meters. It is high tide now, and the reef that goes directly to the land on the island is about ten meters away from the water surface.Probably because of the depth of the water, Achun drove over and entered the [-]-meter-wide undercurrent belt. The fishing boat was suddenly sucked by a strange suction force and quickly slid several meters to the left.The fishing boat started to spin around in place, shaking violently from side to side.

Ah Chun yelled: "It's over, the boat is going to capsize!"

Pi Ergou also broke out in a cold sweat and shouted to retreat, Ah Chun slammed the rudder and turned the bow.But they forgot that it was high tide time, wave after wave was crashing towards the shore, and just as the fishing boat turned sideways, it was hit by a big wave.Fortunately, this big wave saved their lives, and the fishing boat went sideways and fell back onto the reef.

Ergou used his perspective eyes to see clearly that there was a hidden reef under the hull, and a wave of high tide came over again.He hurriedly signaled Ah Chun to cheer up. As expected of a good player, Ah Chun increased the speed and drove the fishing boat towards the beach.

With a speed of 25 knots and the tide behind it, the fishing boat successfully passed the man-eating vortex and rushed onto the beach.When the tide rises, the beach water is five or six meters deep, enough for fishing boats to pass through.

After the fishing boat docked, Ah Chun was about to throw the cat.Ergou kept an extra thought, if the fishing boat docked on the spot, it would undoubtedly remind Gene and the others that they could land along this route.Ergou made gestures with Achun, seeing that Achun looked dazed, he simply went into battle by himself, took advantage of the high tide, and drove the fishing boat to the other side of the ghost island along the long sandy beach.

Specially select the most dangerous location of the vortex to stop.Even if Jilong's fleet finds them, they don't know the route to the island, so they can only look at the island and sigh.

After throwing the cat, they drove piles on the bank and tied them to the piles with thick iron chains, and everything went well.

It's past ten o'clock in the morning, and the scorching sun above the head is scorching the ghost island continuously.The two of them removed the ammunition from the fishing boat, took the mountain axe, returned to the landing point along the beach, and joined Dong Zhili and the others.Only when I came to Ghost Island did I realize that this uninhabited deserted island is not small.They are the first group of islanders who successfully landed. The virgin forest on the island is very lush, and the roar of wild animals can be heard from a distance.

"Ah, this is a wolf. There are wolves on the island!" Dong Zhili followed her ex-husband A Pao all over the world before, and she is very familiar with the cry of wolves.As soon as she heard the wolf howling, she turned pale and tensed up.

Ah Chun said that the wolf was fine, but he was afraid of tigers.

After confirming that there were wild beasts on the island, Pi Ergou called the six people together, and solemnly ordered: "There are wild beasts on the island, we need to find a safe place to settle down. Be careful to follow me closely, and never act alone. If it is convenient, you must be accompanied by me, do you understand clearly?"

Dong Zhili translated what he said, which made Ah Chun, A Dai and other women nod their heads.

Pi Ergou distributed an AK47 to each of them. Adai had never touched a gun, and she was breastfeeding on schedule, and she was a child.Ergou didn't let her carry a gun, and told her to follow closely when entering the mountain.

The most urgent task now is to go into the mountains to find water sources.The amount of fresh water in the fishing boat is only enough to last for four or five days, so they hope to find water on the island.

Pi Ergou started to head into the mountain with a mountain ax in his hand, and led four women and a child.

The virgin forest on the island blocks out the sky and the sun, and there is no ready-made road into the mountain.Pi Ergou climbed a big tree to a height of ten meters and looked towards the center of the island.I found that entering the mountain from this route would be exhausting, and opening the mountain from this side is either a tree wall covering the sky or a cliff partition.

He found that the twelve o'clock direction on the opposite side was suitable for mountain climbing.There is a dense forest belt just a few meters outside.Breaking through the forest belt, there will be a lot of space to go in, and there are relatively fewer towering trees over there.

After communicating clearly with Dong Zhili and the others, a group of five adults detoured along the beach and arrived at twelve o'clock in half an hour.Another advantage of entering the mountain from this line is that it is not far from fishing boats.Now all their living supplies are stuck on the boat, and there is only one meal of food on hand.Once you step on it, you can go back to get things without much trouble.

However, it is not so easy to enter the mountain from this line.Although the forest belt here is not so dense, it is full of thorns. Pi Ergou and Ah Chun used an ax and a hatchet to cut off the thorns by the roots, pushed the thorny thorns to the sides, and opened a narrow path.

Look at the forest belt that is about to break through, and a low-lying canyon appears in front of you.The canyon is covered with pebbles, but strangely, there is no sound of water flowing.On both sides of the canyon are vertical cliffs as high as five or six meters.I saw him whizzing twice, climbing to the top of the cliff, and looking in, he found a huge natural cave more than 100 meters away from the canyon.

I just don't know if there is a water source near the cave. If there is a water source, everything will be fine.

After a few ups and downs, he fell back to the ground and just said that he was going along the canyon.

I saw Dong Zhili slumped to the ground with a pained look on her face.Er Gou hurried forward to check and saw a puddle of blood dripping from her buttocks. He was startled and asked Sister Li, what's your situation?Is it your period?
Dong Zhili looked pale, shook her head and said it wasn't her period, I was here at NO.15 last month.

Hearing that it was not a period, Pi Ergou's heart sank.

(End of this chapter)

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