The strongest village doctor

Chapter 889 Falling into a coma

Chapter 889 Falling into a coma
Seeing Adai's sincerity, Pi Ergou also said with deep emotion, Sister Dai, I can't live without you, I like you!
Adai secretly said Xiaolong, you really like me.Where do you like me?

Pi Ergou smeared honey and said, I like wherever you are.

A Dai shyly said glibly, you really like me, why didn't you act?

Pi Ergou knew what she meant by the action she said, and immediately started to germinate, and kissed it in one bite.Adai giggled coquettishly, Xiaolong, you are so good or bad, and you have to plow someone else's field again.

The two started plowing...

At midnight, Pi Ergou never closed his eyes, he hid in Adai's bedroom.After discovering the white flying shadow on the island, Pi Ergou carved five arctic canopy seals with peach wood to complete the mana blessing.Four women, one child, one hand, as long as they wear this Celestial Master Seal, dirty things can't get on their body.

At this moment, the child in Adai's arms burst into tears.As soon as the baby cried, Adai immediately woke up from her sleep, carried the baby to the ground.She thought the baby wanted to pee, so she whistled.Unexpectedly, after the hush hush was over, the baby in her arms cried more and more fiercely.

The oil lamps flickered on and off, creating an eerie atmosphere.A Dai suddenly yelled, Xiaolong, window, there is someone outside the window!
Pi Ergou felt the wind blowing in the house, and when he heard Adai calling him, he rushed out with a whoosh.Flying from the window to the ground on the first floor, I saw a moonlit night in my pocket, and along the path under the cliff, there was a person walking towards the water pool.Ergou took a closer look, it was not someone else, but Ah Chun!

what's the situation?
It's midnight now, what is Sister Ah Chun doing out?
Speaking of urinating, there is a toilet in the house, so she doesn't need to go to the wild to solve it.Er Gou wanted to call her, but he refused to call out the words that came to his mouth.I just want to see, sister Achun went to the pool in the middle of the night to shoot.

At this time, the moon was in the middle of the sky, and the sky outside the cave was full of silver fragments. It seemed unreal for Sister Achun to be submerged in the shadow of the cliff.

Pi Ergou Mao bent his waist, leaning against the stone wall, and followed Miying at a distance of five or six meters.

Before leaving her room at night, Sister Achun wears the arctic canopy seal around her neck.As long as she doesn't take it off, there is no way for Yin Gui to get close.So, he didn't have to worry too much about Ah Chun.

Ah Chun didn't turn his head, he came from the shadow of the cliff to the moonlight, and climbed up the steps.Above is the water pool. As soon as she came to the water pool, as if she couldn't wait, she took off her clothes two or three times and became naked.Plop, when Ergou followed, Ah Chun was already thumping in the pool.

Looking under the moonlit night, I saw a white body swimming in the water.

Pi Ergou was dumbfounded, and thought he was making trouble, and spent more than half a month with Sister Achun day and night, and found out for the first time that she had a habit of swimming in the middle of the night.

He's a lunatic, and when he saw Ah Chun's naked body, he even forgot what happened to him.He quickly got rid of the restraints on his body, and was about to jump, suddenly, Ergou shook his head violently, only to realize that he had been enchanted by the illusion.

I saw a skirt on the floor and smelled a rancid smell.

Meow meow, this is Ghost Calling Soul, he almost got tricked just now!

After confirming that the woman in the pool is not Ah Chun himself, Pi Ergou called out the Shenxiao seal, and the Shenxiao seal jumped out of the seal with a whoosh, and jumped into the sky above the pool.It swelled to the size of a mountain in one second, and the huge black hole formed a super suction force over the pool.A stormy sea broke out in the calm water pool, ah, a shrill ghost screamed from the water pool, and the white body in the water was seen struggling desperately.The huge suction force formed by the seal of the gods sucked her mana in a short time, her plump body disappeared, and a purple luminous crystal spit out from her mouth.

The luminescent crystal is as big as Ergou's fist, which is the corpse crystal.The evil ghost in the water loses its corpse crystal, reveals its original shape, and turns back into a white skeleton.

Pi Ergou took back the Shenxiao seal, and the Shenxiao seal spat out the big corpse crystal, and he swallowed it in one gulp.

The corpse crystal was pushed into the dantian along the meridians, and merged with the yang core in the dantian. Immediately, with a bang, a big explosion occurred in the chaotic world in the dantian.Er Gou only felt a dazzling brilliance flashed in front of his eyes, after the brilliance passed, he suddenly felt unwell, his stomach turned upside down, the pain caused him to roll all over the floor.

With a bang, Pi Ergou passed out...

After seeing the man go out in the house on the second floor, A Dai didn't hear from him for a long time, so she came to Dong Zhili's bedroom with an oil lamp and told Dong Zhili.Dong Zhili came to Ah Chun's room, trying to wake him up.Unexpectedly, Ah Chun fell into such a deep sleep that she couldn't wake up no matter how much she called.

Dongzhili, Adai and Axiu opened the door and came out to look for Pi Ergou.

Of the three women, Dongzhili is the more courageous, and Adai is timid. She follows closely behind Dongzhili's ass.Several women shouted Pi Ergou's name at the top of their voices.

Axiu pointed to the pool and said, let's go over there and have a look!
The three women ran to the pool to have a look, and they found that Pi Ergou was lying on the ground like a bitter shrimp, and fell into a coma.

Seeing this, the three women were taken aback, and hurriedly carried Ergou back to the base camp.

The strange thing is that Adai waited until the sky was bright and called Ergou, but Ergou stood still, showing no sign of waking up.

Dong Zhili and the others were all terrified, the house was leaking and it was raining, Ah Chun also seemed to have lost his soul, and couldn't wake up.

A day passed, and Pi Ergou didn't wake up.Two days later, he still didn't wake up...

It was the same with Ah Chun, she was in a deep sleep, motionless on the bunk.His complexion was pale, without a trace of blood.

Adai found that Ergou's body was quite strange, sometimes cold and sometimes hot.Seeing that she had been in a coma for two days and two nights, and the mainstay hadn't woken up yet, Adai burst into tears.It's hard to imagine, what would they do without Pi Ergou on this deserted island?
How could a few weak women gain a foothold on this deserted island thousands of miles away from the continental shelf?

Taking a step back, even if they stand firm and have no skin, what's the point of their life?
Dong Zhili was also very sad. Her eye circles were red and swollen, and she had obviously cried.She came in and said, Sister Dai, did you feed him?

Pi Ergou fell into an endless lethargy and was unable to eat normally.Adai fed him to replenish enough energy.

Adai and Dong Zhili also panicked, she also lost her backbone, crying and said that she had just been fed, A Li, if Xiaolong won't wake up, then what shall we do?
Dongzhi Lixin said that the patron saint had fallen asleep, and sister Achun was also unconscious. If I panicked, the four of us would be in chaos.After realizing the seriousness of the problem, she suddenly cheered up, and said with firm eyes, Sister Dai, I believe Xiaolong will wake up.Don't panic, all of us should plant the land and work hard.What do you say?

This is the power of role models, Adai was infected by her spirit, she nodded firmly and said, A Li, you are right!Xiaolong will be fine, he will definitely wake up!
After finishing speaking, she cheered up and started feeding the second dog.

(End of this chapter)

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