The strongest village doctor

Chapter 97 Feng Xiangrong's Brainstorm

Chapter 97 Feng Xiangrong Had a Brainstorm

The director of the health center, Feng Xiangrong, is 25 years old this year, and her father, Feng Fugui, is the deputy director of the Municipal Agriculture Bureau, so no matter how much Zhou Chuxi bullied men and women, he would not dare to bully Feng Xiangrong.Seeing Feng Xiangrong, he had to nod and bow.

Zhou Chuxi dared to call Feng Xiangrong because he knew that Feng Xiangrong belonged to his father Zhang Dakuang's camp.

When he called, Feng Xiangrong was already lying on the bed, busy watching action movies on his mobile phone.Just as he was enjoying watching, he received a call from Zhou Chuxi.She answered and said, "Young master, is there something wrong at this late hour? You don't mean to pick on me, right? Then how about your capital?"

"Ah? Director Feng, how dare I pick on you. It's like this—" At that moment, Zhou Chuxi reported to Director Feng how Pi Ergou and Cai Huahua worked together, and how to manufacture and sell counterfeit medicines.

But when it comes to flirting with girls, Young Master Zhou dares to flirt with anyone in this town, except Feng Xiangrong.Because one time Feng Fugui came to Baiyang Town for investigation and learned of Young Master Zhou's name, he specially called Young Master Zhou to give a private lecture.

At that time, Feng Fugui uttered harsh words, telling Young Master Zhou to stay away from his daughter.If he dared to harm his daughter, he would die in an ugly way.

From then on, Young Master Zhou became more honest in front of Feng Xiangrong, never daring to have unreasonable thoughts about her.

As soon as he heard that Young Master Zhou came to report Pi Ergou, Feng Xiangrong was in a good mood, and wanted to find a man to be happy.Young Master Zhou wanted to report Pi Ergou, and immediately the woman got excited and said, "Okay, I understand. I'll go down to investigate Pi Ergou early tomorrow morning!"

"Thank you Director Feng! Don't disturb your rest, goodbye!"

After hanging up the phone, Feng Xiangrong was still puzzled. In the past, Young Master Zhou would hang around her when he had nothing to do, and he even gave her gifts.It's just that this guy disappeared within a few days, and Feng Xiangrong couldn't figure it out, why did this dead young man retreat after all he was doing?Am I not ugly?

Am I not feminine enough?
Feng Xiangrong couldn't understand it.She wanted to ask Zhou Chuxi face to face, but she was a girl who had never been married, so how could she speak up.

But soon, when he learned that Young Master Zhou was going to report Pi Ergou, he knew that this girl must have been crushed by Pi Ergou.

Seeing that Young Master Zhou is a weakling, who can't even fight against a small farmer in the countryside, Feng Xiangrong cast aside Young Master Zhou from the bottom of his heart, and began to play tricks on him.

Bai Lan, who runs a large pharmacy in the town, praised Pi Ergou, saying that Pi Ergou is a big cow in Danai Village.She decided that the day after tomorrow was the weekend, and she would go to Da Nai Village early in the morning to see Pi Ergou's skills.

Two days later, at eight o'clock in the morning, Feng Xiangrong, the director of the health center, wore a translucent suspender crop top and waistless denim shorts, and rode a battery scooter straight to Danai Village.

Who would have known that this girl is a madman, she forgot to charge the battery car.Riding to the long Baiyang Grand Canyon area, with the rushing Baiyang River on one side and towering cliffs on the other, it was desolate and uninhabited. I was in a panic, but I was afraid of something, and the battery car broke down!

What's more, today is the day when Huang Renping, a barefoot doctor in Tiankeng Village, was released from prison.And it's so hard to die, as soon as her car broke down, she ran into Huang Renping who was walking home.

Five years ago, not long after Feng Xiangrong was assigned to the Baiyang Town Health Center, he received the case of Huang Renping's death.According to regulations, when a doctor cures a murder case, the clinic must intervene in the investigation.At that time, before Huang Renping's arrest was approved, Huang Renping's father was named Huang Dagan. Huang Dayan was the village director of Tiankeng Village.Feng Xiangrong was not greedy for money, so he returned Huang Jiasai's red envelope.

Later, Huang Renping was sentenced to five years in prison and ordered to pay 50 yuan to the family of the deceased.Huang Renping suspected that Feng Xiangrong was behind it, and hated Feng Xiangrong to the bone.

This girl was thinking about how to take revenge, but she didn't expect an enemy from heaven.When Huang Renping saw Feng Xiangrong, Huang Renping thought his eyes were dazzled, but when he took a closer look, who is this protruding woman in front of him, not his enemy?
Suddenly, Huang Renping slapped Feng Xiangrong with a slap.See next to the cliff, there is a cave.Huang Renping's eyes glowed green, he carried Feng Xiangrong onto his shoulders without hesitation, and walked into the cave.Throwing Feng Xiangrong onto the sand pile, he rubbed his hands in excitement and said, "You bitch, you're the one who made me sit in prison for five years and make me owe a whole lot of debt. What the hell, I'm going to take revenge today. Have a good time, okay?"

This girl has met a woman in five years, and when she sees an old sow, she will think she is a beautiful woman, let alone Feng Xiangrong is a real girl.Judging by the glossiness of her belly, she has never given birth to a baby. If she has not given birth to a baby, it means she is not married yet.

Huang Renping's eyes were distorted, and he said in his heart that he had been in prison for five years, his wife ran away with others, and I am 40 years old and have not yet succeeded the Huang family.There is no one left, let this woman give birth to a baby from the Huang family.

For a moment, the more Huang Renping thought about it, the more excited he became, and he stretched out his claws at Feng Xiangrong.With a pull, Feng Xiangrong's crop top with suspenders was torn off without any effort.

Seeing Feng Xiangrong's revealing parts, the inmate stared wide-eyed and said: "Wow, that's very predictable. What a little bitch, bitch, you will be my wife and give me a baby!"

Feng Xiangrong woke up immediately, seeing himself naked, and seeing Huang Renping's viciousness, he instinctively shrank into a corner.However, she is the master of the department after all, and she is a little more courageous than ordinary people.After discovering that it was a cave, Feng Xiangrong teased and said, "Huang Renping, if you want me to be your wife, it depends on your ability!"

Hey little girl, what time is it, she still depends on my skills?

At this time, Huang Renping was stunned for a moment, feeling that his brain was not enough, he said in a daze: "Little girl, I have been in prison for five years, and I am always excited when I see a sow. Do you think I have the ability?"

"Huang Renping, the ability I'm talking about doesn't just refer to your ability to deal with women. You also need to have the ability to deal with rivals in love!" Feng Xiangrong said meowing heartily, being an aunt is a vegetarian.Auntie can let you stop cooking if she just uses her words.

"What are you talking about? Rival in love. Who dares to snatch a woman from me? I can't kill him!" Huang Renping was the one who picked up soap in the prison and served the prison boss.Psychology has been distorted and deformed, and he is sinister and vicious.

"Pi Ergou, I'm his woman. If you have the guts, go get Pi Ergou! As long as you can defeat Pi Ergou, I will be your woman!" Feng Xiangrong directed the disaster to Pi Ergou with a few words.She was excited at the thought of two men fighting for her.

What, Pi Ergou?
"You mean the orphan in Danai Village whose parents both died?" Huang Renping blinked evilly.

"Yes, that's him! I keep my word, as long as you defeat him, I will go with you and be your wife and have a baby!"

(End of this chapter)

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