The strongest village doctor

Chapter 999 Penglai Island

Chapter 999 Penglai Island

"What happened later? What happened when you went to the island?"

"We didn't make it to the island."

"What, failed to go to the island, what's going on?" Pi Ergou became even more curious.

"Just when we found Penglai Island and called everyone to come out, a colorful light belt suddenly rose on Penglai Island. Everyone was immersed in the beauty of this colorful light belt, and soon lost consciousness .”

"When I woke up, I found a mirror and a scroll floating in front of me. Of course, there was also the God Lord who had just woken up from a coma."

"Just when we didn't know what happened, an old man suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He told us that Penglai Island has been floating in the sea for thousands of years, and now we finally met someone with a destiny. And God Lord and I are such a person with a destiny."

"The old man told us that the gods gave up this world and went away tens of thousands of years ago, but outside this world, there are many other worlds, which are eyeing the human world and intend to invade the human world whenever they have the opportunity. Like insects World of animals, world of beasts, world of corpses, world of ghosts, these worlds with many different races, all yearn for the world of humans."

"When the gods were around, the myriad worlds naturally didn't dare to make mistakes, but now that the gods are gone, the spiritual energy is sealed, and the strength of the human world is getting weaker and weaker. In order to preserve the fire of mankind, these two artifacts are specially left behind to guide the progress of mankind. Evolution. Let the race have the power to protect itself when the Ten Thousand Realms strikes again in the future."

"The two artifacts, the mirror, are naturally the Haotian Mirror, and the scroll is the list of gods. Originally, I didn't want both, but the old man said that one person can only be recognized by one artifact, so I chose to look at it in desperation." It’s useless to go up the list of gods.”

"After choosing the artifact, the old man threw the two of us out. But when we got to the outside world, we discovered an astonishing fact, that is, more than 200 years have passed in the time of the outside world!"

"For more than 200 years, our relatives have long been turned into a handful of loess, and there is no one we know in this big world."

"The Lord God is crazy. The dynasty he worked so hard to revive has been destroyed for nearly a hundred years, and a new dynasty has replaced it. Even people's memory of that dynasty has become blurred. And the two of us are completely married. The ghost of this era has no identity, no past, no relatives, everything about him has become that paragraph in the history books, and that sentence, in the fourth year of Yuanye, the sixth prince Li Quan took dozens of servants to sea , no return."

"He decided to take revenge. Even if the people back then are gone, he will take revenge on the descendants of those who destroyed his dynasty!"

"On this matter, we have had a big disagreement. I think the people of the world have escaped from the flames of war and finally lived and worked in peace and contentment. I really don't want them to be involved in the flames of war and be displaced."

"But the God Lord thinks that the people in this world abandoned their Li family first. This country, this world belongs to his Li family, and he wants to take back this world for their Li family! As for those who abandoned their Li family, they are not worthy of it." live in this world."

"I didn't know that the Divine Master would become like this because the Haotian Mirror was the divine weapon of the Emperor of Heaven, with a strong desire for power and control. Therefore, the Haotian Mirror will affect the mind of its owner. There were several fights, but no one could do anything to anyone."

"If the God Lord wants to defeat me, he must have a deeper control over Haotian Jing, and the more he is, the stronger the influence of Haotian Jing will be on him. By the time I find out, it will be too late."

"We have been fighting like this for thousands of years, and now the alien race has finally arrived on a large scale, and my mission has finally been completed."

"Your mission?"

"Although the list of gods can give me powerful power, but this power is too powerful to be supported by my human body. In the past thousand and 400 years, a small group of alien races have opened wormholes to come to the world, but They were all repelled by me. But every time I use the power of the Conferred Gods List, my body will become more dilapidated. Now my body has become a bottomless bottle. Once the water in the bottle leaks out, my life will be destroyed. And it came to an end.”

"Then why do you still..."

"You want to ask me why I still fight? Haha, I was born as a human being, and I always have to do something for the human race. If I can die vigorously and let future generations remember it, it will not be in vain for me to come to this world."

"As early as decades ago, my physical body couldn't resist anymore. I could only half-seal myself, and just broke out with all my strength to buy some time for you descendants. It's a pity that if the God Lord can sacrifice In my own body, I am afraid that those alien races will not even be able to come down from the fairyland, and they will not be like this now."

"Although the alien army is coming, but fortunately, the artifacts of the gods have also been greatly awakened. This is the hope of our human race!!! It is also the capital for us to compete with the alien race!!! The human race needs a leader, and the god master is not suitable for him This leader, he is too indifferent and unfeeling, I don't know if you are suitable, but I hope you can find a suitable person."

"Now, I'm handing over the list of gods to you. My physical body can't bear it, but your body of a human immortal can definitely bear the list of gods!"

"Even if he has the body of a human immortal, he might not be able to withstand the powerful power of the Conferred God List, right?" The Donghuang Bell suddenly sounded, and the phantom of a big bell suddenly appeared behind Pi Ergou.

"Donghuang, are you awake?" Pi Ergou said in surprise, feeling that his confidence has increased a lot.

"I woke up a long time ago, but I just wanted to see what he was trying to say. The body of a human immortal also wants to bear the power of the list of gods? I'm afraid you won't die fast enough."

"But it's enough to add you." Hua Qingfeng laughed suddenly, "As the king of space artifacts and one of the top ten artifacts, the Donghuang Bell, are you afraid that you won't be able to suppress a list of gods?"

"How do you know it was me?"

"The list of gods can sense almost all the artifacts in the world, but the only one that can make me feel the existence of the artifacts, but can't sense what kind of artifacts are, is the top ten artifacts that were born before the battle of the gods. Whether it is the top ten artifacts Any one of them is more than enough to suppress the list of gods. And the person who will be chosen from the top ten artifacts and spirits will definitely not be someone too pedantic, and I can rest assured that I will hand over the list of gods to such a person."

"I didn't choose this kid." Donghuang Zhong said disdainfully.

"But you stayed by his side, didn't you? This is also a choice." Hua Qingfeng said with a smile, with golden flames floating around his body, his body sitting cross-legged gradually dissipated from his feet up.

(End of this chapter)

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