Chapter 124 Married as a woman (6)
"Then please trouble this lady, I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first." The lobby manager hurriedly handed the jewelry box to Wang Lifang, and left as if fleeing with a large handful of white roses.

Wang Lifang didn't care about the lobby manager, she only knew that she got a set of priceless jewelry.She put the jewelry box into her bag and walked towards the hall with duck steps.

In fact, Ji Siqi and Du Guilan also had the same idea. Although they both guessed the relationship between Xu Zhenghao and Mo Ziqing in their hearts, as for a set of priceless jewelry, no woman would be like Mo Ziqing. Qing is so generous.

But when they came out, they found out that someone had taken them away, and the lobby manager didn't want to say who took them, so as not to cause trouble for himself.Du Guilan's complexion was ugly. It's not easy for a daughter-in-law here. While rejecting such a gift from Mr. Xu in front of everyone, someone secretly took it away.

Really say one thing, do another.snort!

As for the wedding, Mo Ziqing and Mo Ziqing just finished a series of traditional etiquettes mentioned by the master of ceremonies, and then apologized to everyone: "We still have to catch the honeymoon plane, so we will leave first, thank you Everyone came all the way to SH to attend our wedding, I hope everyone can have a good time eating and having fun.” He hurriedly changed his dress and rushed to the airport.

After six o'clock in the evening, the two had already had a warm candlelight dinner in a nice restaurant in Hong Kong.They flew to Mauritius at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning, and then to the Maldives. This time, Mo Ziqing booked a honeymoon trip for Mauritius and Mauritius.

Mauritius and the Maldives are far away, two of the three pearls in the Indian Ocean, but for Mo Ziqing, these are two experiences.So, when she learned of a package deal for both places, she made a reservation.However, they have the final say on the hotel and the scene, and the travel agency only needs to be responsible for assigning tour guides.

This time I went there for a total of ten days. After returning home, the Chinese New Year will be in two days.

After dinner, the two hid in the hotel early.

The two sat on the sofa hugging each other, not knowing what to say for a while.After a long silence, Mo Ziqing spoke, and she said, "Husband, if I say that I am not the current me, but a touch of my soul body from seven years later, will you feel afraid?"

"How do you say that? It doesn't matter who you are, as long as you are my wife and someone I love." Although Ji Chenjun was a little strange, it didn't mean he would be afraid.

"It's like this. I came from my soul body seven years later. After I got home from overtime work that night, I accidentally thought of you, but I met that foolish god in a sad way, and my body was destroyed accidentally... ...When I wake up, I have returned to seven years ago...It is also thanks to him, otherwise I would not be able to have the happiness with you today." Mo Ziqing spoke for more than two hours before completely revealing her secret. Informed Ji Chenjun.

She was also worried, wondering if Ji Chenjun would be taken down, or she was going crazy.In addition, she has now explained that she is the owner of the peerless jadeite, so, will the husband blame her for selling the pearl hairpin to him knowing that he is the one?

Ji Chenjun is indeed in a difficult mood to calm down now, he never thought that his wife is actually a reborn person.Not only that, but he also has this advanced computer, mysterious magic weapon, and strange abilities, which is really incredible.

Seeing his wife's worried eyes again, he couldn't help smiling, and said, "Fool, why are you so worried and scared? It's not at all like the usual confident you. Don't worry, no matter you are seven years ago, It's still you now, I love only you."

"Husband, you are so kind. I really love you. In the previous life, I saw you so self-destructive and ruined by that Ou Muyao. Do you know how worried I am? But, at that time, you no longer believed in love. I I don't dare to take the risk of confessing my love to you, but fortunately, the oolong of the foolish god allows us to make up for the regrets of our previous life." Mo Ziqing threw herself into Ji Chenjun's arms emotionally, and said sincerely to Lingxu.

Ji Chenjun also hugged her tightly. Regardless of that person's warning, he said to Mo Ziqing: "Qingqing, I also have something to hide from you. After I got engaged, I met a man who said he could predict past lives." I didn't believe in his ability in this life at first. However, when that person displayed the picture of me when I was a child in a mysterious way, I believed him. In fact, I already knew what Ou Muyao did to me. There are also things my mother will do in the future, so now I will change my previous foolish mentality. That person also taught me the knowledge of financial management and investment, which made me earn a lot of money in a short period of time. People say, let me do things as monotonously as possible, and I can't tell you my secret unless it is absolutely necessary. But, I really can't hold it back, if I keep it from you, I will feel sorry for you. "

"But, who is that person? Why did he help you?" Mo Ziqing was also surprised by Ji Chenjun's adventure, but she couldn't figure out why this person would help her husband?
"I don't know either. That person found me by himself, and then said that he was destined for me. It took me three days until I decided to trust him once. I didn't expect him to give me such a big surprise and wealth." Ji Chenjun He was also confused, but now that he thinks about it, it is true that this person can't just help him just because they are destined!
"Hahaha... You kid, why are you so restless? Didn't I take care of you, don't say it for the time being? Why don't you listen to the old man! forced my old man to come out so early. Forget it, forget it, anyway, I have waited long enough, my dear student, I am looking for you for my teacher." Just when the two of them were wondering, a hearty male voice suddenly appeared in the room, and a figure gradually appeared between the two. in front of people.

When Ji Chenjun saw someone's voice, he first protected Mo Ziqing behind him, and when he saw the face of the visitor, he relaxed a little, but then said: "Why are you here, or are you helping me? Is there really a reason?"

Mo Ziqing looked wisely at the man in front of him. He was about 25 or [-] years old, and he was wearing a well-fitting designer suit.Her long black hair was tied behind her head, which was somewhat nondescript, and she had a beautiful face that could make all the women in the world go crazy for it.

(End of this chapter)

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