My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 102 There Is No Mother Who Doesn't Love Her Son

Chapter 102 There Is No Mother Who Doesn't Love Her Son

Although Lei Ningxue has a bad relationship with Princess Peach Blossom, she is her nominal adopted daughter after all.

And for Lei Han's sake, she couldn't let her have an accident no matter what, so after getting the news that Princess Peach Blossom was making trouble in the Chen family, she also went to the Chen family's ancestral land.

Later, when a scuffle broke out, she saw that the Lei family had the upper hand, so she didn't make a move. After all, she had stepped into the spirit realm, and making a random move would easily cause unnecessary trouble.

If she didn't make a move, the Chen family, who were already at a disadvantage, naturally didn't bother to provoke her.

Afterwards, the Chen family could only use Lingbao to quell the war because they were so beaten that they had no power to fight back.

The confrontation between the two spirit treasures originally meant to stop. After all, Princess Peach Blossom had killed seven Zhenhai-level powers before, and killed four more in the melee afterward, and the Lei family only had two or three injured. No matter how big the anger is, it should come out.

But some elders of the Chen family were impatient to be killed, and felt unbalanced. Seeing that Lei Ningxue was not guarded by the spirit treasure, evil came from the sidelines, and even directly used the spirit treasure to attack her, wanting to kill her and win the round. After all, Lei Ningxue is a peerless arrogance, and her value is immeasurable.

Lei Ningxue was worried that she had no reason to attack, but in the end, these idiots actually attacked her by themselves.

As a result, it is conceivable that the Lingbao Burning Blood Flame Knife of the Chen family was directly smashed by her palm, and those powerful people were also seriously injured and unconscious by her, scaring the old immortals in the deepest part of the Chen family. Don't dare to stand up.

As if influenced by Lei Ling, Lei Ningxue broke open the treasure house of the Chen family after killing people, and searched for a lot of good things from it.

Not to be outdone, the members of the Lei family took action one after another, almost evacuating the entire Chen family.
This battle completely shocked the entire imperial capital, and the fact that Lei Ningxue had advanced to the Spirit Apparition Realm was naturally known throughout the world.

This is the spirit realm!There hasn't been one since the founding of the Longyue Empire.

"Hmph! Lei Ling, Miss Ben has told you so much, shouldn't you reward Miss Ben? Hurry up and bring me some blood peaches to eat!"

Jin Qiaoer raised her chin proudly, her saliva dripped down, obviously she knew the origin of those peach trees.

"Wait a minute!"

Lei Ling pinched her little face lovingly, the peaches were indeed sweet and sour, and they contained spiritual power, they were already considered spiritual fruits, but he still had things to do now:

"Shi Yu, you and Qiao'er stay here for a while, I'll go find my father."

"It's the young master!"

"Remember to bring me peaches! Bring more!"

When Lei Ling came to the bamboo house where Lei Han lived, he found that someone was already inside. When he entered the door, it was Tao Gu.

The two seemed to be chatting with each other, after all, they hadn't seen each other for so many years.

"Father! Aunt Peach!"

Lei Ling bowed slightly, seeing him coming, Tao Gu's eyes lit up, and hurriedly said: "Young Master Sun is here! Come quickly and let Tao Gu take a good look at it."

Lei Ling sighed helplessly in his heart, and sat down.

Fortunately, this time Taogu didn't play a hooligan, just took his hand, and said very distressed: "It's been hard for you all these years, the princess's temper is too stubborn, if she is willing to explain clearly earlier, she won't let you Suffering such great grievances.”

Lei Han, who was as fine as a human being, naturally heard something in Tao Gu's words, and hurriedly asked, "Explain what?"


Tao Gu was taken aback for a moment, then quickly shook her head: "It's nothing, I'll just say it casually."

"Peach Gu, I've already returned, what else can you say?"

Lei Han was more convinced now, and wondered in his heart, is there really something he doesn't know?

Taogu bit her lip, and after pondering for a long time, she let out a long sigh: "Forget it! Now that you've said that, I'll tell you what happened before, lest you always have a thorn in your heart." .”

Lei Ling also became interested and pricked up his ears to listen.

"This matter has to start with the princess asking for that thing for you. After all, that thing is a treasure. Don't say that the princess had already fallen out with her family at that time. Even if she didn't have it, she couldn't get it easily. For that thing, the princess Take out your own cleansing soul jade to exchange!"


Hearing that Princess Peach Blossom took out the soul-cleaning jade, Lei Han stood up straight away, and shouted: "How can she hand over the soul-cleaning jade? Isn't she afraid of going crazy?"

"Hey, for the sake of the young master, since when did the princess care about herself?

But the young master actually gave that thing to Miss Ningxue, the princess was so angry that she vomited blood, plus she lost her mind and soul-suppressing jade, she almost lost her mind.

Fortunately, the master acted in time, so no catastrophe was caused, but this matter has become the princess's heart demon, and every time she thinks about it, her mood will fluctuate!
The master has no choice but to go out secretly to find another copy for you, hoping to stabilize the princess.

But how could that thing be so easy to find?The master disappeared in a secret place, and the princess searched for it for many days to no avail. She missed the young master in her heart, so she wanted to come back and have a look.

Hearing that the young master has a girl he likes, she secretly went to Miss Wu's house, wanting to check on the young master, but unexpectedly."

Speaking of this, Taogu paused, and looked at Lei Han with a complicated expression, Lei Han scratched his head anxiously: "I didn't expect what? You should say it quickly!"

"I didn't expect to bump into Miss Wu's affair with his cousin and overhear their conversation.

It turns out that Miss Wu's family is chasing after you because of your family background!
She plans to marry you first, and then have a secret relationship with her cousin, give birth to his cousin's child, and finally kill you slowly!
The master has disappeared. If you die again, their sons will inherit everything logically. "

Lei Han was dumbfounded, even Lei Ling was a little dumbfounded, his father is a man like a human being!How could it be possible to be played around by a woman?
But thinking about it, with his father's physique, it is indeed difficult to find true love.

"Damn bitch!"

Lei Han was furious, he had already returned, Tao Gu had no reason to lie to him, he never expected that woman's heart to be so vicious.

Seeing him like this, Tao Gu was very distressed: "You know what happened next, young master, the princess slaughtered them all, and hung Miss Wu's body on the tower.

At that time, young master, you were still young, and the princess was afraid that you would not be able to bear the blow and would no longer believe in love, so she made up such a reason.

Coupled with the loss of the cleansing soul jade, the princess's state is very unstable, so she cut off ties with you and came to this Cuiping mountain to live in seclusion. "

"Mother! The child is not filial!"

Lei Han looked up to the sky and howled, knelt on the ground and smashed his fists to the ground desperately. Back then, he also had some guesses. After all, Princess Peach Blossom loved him very much, and it was hard to imagine that she would treat him like that!And after thinking about it carefully, there are indeed some problems with that woman's performance.

But these were all avoided by him subconsciously, and he even deliberately forgot about it, and never thought about investigating it, after all, he was in too much pain!
Unexpectedly, because of his selfishness and a bad cousin, they separated their mother and son for so many years, and even brought his own son to suffer a lot of grievances.

"I'm a beast!"

Lei Han knelt on the ground, slapped his fat face crazily, and wept heavily.

His mother gave almost everything for him, but he let her down time and time again, and didn't even give her the most basic trust, which made Lei Han feel so guilty that he wished he could hit his head to death!
"Peach Gu, why didn't grandma explain it clearly to dad after that? It's okay if you tell me!"

Lei Ling also smiled wryly in his heart, what is this called?I've never seen such a bloody drama before!
Tao Gu touched his little hand, and said helplessly: "The princess has a strong temper, and she is right, how can she give in first? She won't allow me to say anything!

All these years, she has been waiting for the young master to come back and admit his mistakes, but she never thought that the young master would not come back. What a trick of luck! "

Lei Ling heaved a long sigh when he heard the words, this is the legend of dying for face and suffering:

"Women are truly terrifying creatures. Even a top MLM boss like my father can be deceived. I must be more careful in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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