My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 133 Lei Han and the Little Fairy

Chapter 133 Lei Han and the Little Fairy
Leaving Peach Blossom Immortal Mansion, Lei Ling originally planned to go find Lei Ningxue again, but bumped into Lei Han at the foot of Cuiping Mountain.

"Father! What are you doing there sneaking around?"

Seeing Lei Han looking around and looking nervous, Lei Ling asked helplessly.

Lei Han was startled by him, turned around and hurriedly pulled him aside, and whispered in his ear: "Ling'er, Dad has something very important for you, come with me quickly."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Lei Ling to reply, he dragged him into Cuiping Mountain again.

Lei Ling was dragged around the mountain by Lei Han, his head was dizzy, and for some reason, he appeared in a cave out of nowhere.

"Father! What the hell are you doing? Why are you talking like a god!"

He looked at Lei Han very speechlessly, not knowing what kind of nerve his father was having.

After entering the cave, Lei Han sat down on the ground, let out a long sigh of relief, and said angrily: "You think I am willing? This thing is not trivial, can I be careless?"

When Lei Ling heard the words "non-trivial", he immediately became interested, and hurriedly asked, "What is it?"

"Your mother left it to you!"

Lei Han's words directly stunned Lei Ling, the word mother was too unfamiliar to him.

Whether in his previous life or this life, he has no memory of his mother.

He likes to cling to Princess Peach Blossom so much, largely because he wants to find the feeling of maternal love from her.

Lei Ling stared at his father with slightly red eyes, and asked word by word: "Father! Where is my mother? Why doesn't she want me?"

"Oh, your mother can't help herself! She didn't want you, it's really... well, forget it, it's better that you don't know some things now!"

Lei Han sighed again and again, he struggled to get up from the ground, patted the dust, his face was very strange.

"Father! What the hell is going on with you and my mother? Don't tell me you took it by force!"

Lei Ling still persisted in asking, with his father's appearance, wanting a woman is probably nothing but taking money.

His mother will definitely not leave if he spends money, so the only thing left is to take over.

Lei Han's face turned red, and he said falteringly: "Actually, it's not considered rape. I just took advantage of your mother's amnesia to fool her."

"I rely on it! Dad you"

Lei Ling almost didn't curse out loud, isn't this mother too immoral?

No wonder this guy has been refusing to tell himself about his mother.

After taking a few deep breaths, he found a stone pier and helped his father to sit down: "Father, tell me about you and my mother! What's wrong with you, what's wrong with you, I've known about your character for a long time Don't worry! I won't despise you."

"Just talk about it!"

Lei Han put his heart to one side, and he was willing to go all out. He touched his big belly, and there was a trace of nostalgia on his face:

"Actually, I met your mother by accident. That year, I went out to do business with a caravan, but in the end I encountered a fight with a strongman. The aftermath alone wiped out the entire caravan.

Fortunately, I have good eyesight, and I saw them calling from a distance, and ran away without saying a word. After the caravan was destroyed, I quietly hid in the deep mountains.

At that time, I was really frightened to death, the guards around me were killed, and I didn’t dare to rush casually in the danger of the mountain, so I could only use my spiritual eyes to avoid places with strong aura along the way, and finally let me find it. A breathless cave quietly hid. "

"Father! Your eyes are too perverted, aren't you? If you don't practice hard, you are really blind."

Lei Ling swallowed, his father's eyes are simply bugs!Can even see the breath?

Lei Han raised his chin and said triumphantly: "That's natural, let me tell you, it's just your father's eyes"

"Okay! Let's talk about it later! Let's talk about business first."

Lei Ling hurriedly uttered a voice to stop it, and if he wanted his father to stop playing, he probably wouldn't even think about going to the academy tomorrow.

Lei Han nodded in disappointment, and continued: "I hid well in the cave, but suddenly a little fairy flew in.

She struggled a few times and then passed out. I saw that she was covered in blood, it was so pitiful. You know, your father is the most helpful.

So I took out the life-saving pill your grandma gave me and fed it to her, and even risked my life to find food and water for her! "

Lei Ling rolled his eyes when he heard that, with his father's virtue, if it wasn't for his beauty, he would be willing to give a life-saving elixir to a stranger?

"That little fairy is your mother, let me tell you, your mother is so beautiful, even your grandma and even your little aunt can't match her.

Your father and I really fell in love with her at first sight!It is also God's blessing that your mother temporarily lost her memory after waking up because of a head injury.

Can I miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?I told her directly that I was his husband. After all, your mother was still young at that time and lost her memory. I fooled her a few words casually, and she believed it. "

Lei Han smugly shook his body.

Lei Ling secretly exclaimed, his father's mouth is indeed invincible.

"Later, I spent a happy time with your mother in the cave. That was the happiest time in your father's life, but the good times didn't last long. Before I could wait for the experts from the Lei family to pick me up, your mother recovered. memory."

Lei Han blushed slightly, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Why didn't my mother kill you?"

Lei Ling looked at him very puzzled, could it be that his father still has the aura of the protagonist?

"At any rate, a husband and wife can be married for a hundred days! And I was very kind to your mother at that time, and we have been in harmony for more than ten days, and I am her first man. How could your mother be able to do it?"

Lei Han's eyes were closed with laughter, he put Lei Ling's hand in his own and continued: "Your mother was just angry at me for lying to her and beat me a few times, and then I coaxed you left and right If you coax her, you will forgive me, but her background is too big, your father and I can't bear it, so we can only reluctantly let her go.

Although your mother is gone, I miss her more and more every day. After returning home, I don’t want to worry about anything. I spend all day drinking to relieve my worries and hang out with a bunch of women. At that time, I thought I would never see her again. Damn you, you might as well be dead.

But suddenly one day your mother appeared in front of me. I thought it was a dream, but after being beaten up by her, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was real! "

In Lei Ling's heart, he really admires his father!I can't wait to kneel down and give him a knock.

Compared with him, Jin Dabao doesn't even count as a fart. His mother, a little fairy who came from a powerful position, just took Lei Han as her husband out of nowhere.

Later, although he recovered his memory, he was still limped by Lei Han.
"You don't know how happy I was at that time, but it's a pity that your mother didn't come to stay with me! After that time, your mother went back and found that she was pregnant. She didn't want to hurt you, so she gave birth to you secretly, but Her status is too special, so she can't keep you by her side, so she can only come to me quietly."

Lei Han's face was a little complicated, he patted Lei Ling's hand, and said with emotion: "Although this is the case, dad is content, with you here, dad has the motivation to live!"

"Father! Don't tell me, my mother eunuched you!"

Lei Ling suddenly said such a sentence, Lei Han was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression turned ugly: "What nonsense are you talking about? How could your mother be so cruel?
But in order to prevent you from being wronged, your mother did give me Bizisan, but that just prevented me from having children, your father still has his sexual function, he is a pure man! "

"I go."

Lei Ling didn't expect his mother to be so tough!
He has been wondering, Lei Han has many wives and concubines, how could it be possible that he hasn't had a baby for so many years?It turned out that her mother had already made preparations.

"Father! You have suffered."

"I'll go, what's your expression? I'm a real man."

"I know, I know, I know."

Lei Ling patted his father's shoulder and nodded repeatedly.

"Fuck! You know what a fart! Do you seem to know?"

Lei Han was so anxious that he was about to cry, he brushed it, stood up, took off his pants, straightened his waist: "Look! Take a closer look, isn't it a pure man?"

Lei Ling: "."

(End of this chapter)

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