My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 136 Accurate Information

Chapter 136 Accurate Information
"Sure enough, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she will cheat. Damn stinky fish, you don't care at all!"

After listening to the dean's narration, Lei Ling couldn't help cursing in his heart.

It's normal for Xia Mingyue to have reservations, but even Lei Ling didn't expect her to be so shameless.

Since the strongmen sealed the Great Swamp, Lei Ling began to be tricked. Those strongmen belonged to the human race just as Lei Ling guessed.

And they are all human races!Xia Mingyue deliberately concealed this, because she wanted him to die.

Based on the hatred of the swamp dragons towards the human race, it is estimated that he will be killed regardless of the cost as soon as he takes the lead.

She didn't tell the truth in the passage, not only those with the key can enter.

In the passage, a key can obtain a shield, which can protect five people.

Xia Mingyue said that because she wanted him to go in alone, and even if he wasn't killed by the Dragon Soul, he could still be surrounded and beaten.

From this point of view, Xia Mingyue and Feng Xinghan are probably not just a simple alliance, they should have completely fallen for him, and even become his confidante.

It has to be said that Feng Xinghan's aura of the protagonist is too dazzling, and he is probably one of the top ones even among Daozi.

"What kind of golden fingers does he have?"

Lei Ling's face was solemn. With his current strength, the general Zhenhai Realm is no match for him.

But he didn't dare to underestimate Feng Xinghan at all, because up until now, he hadn't found out what kind of golden finger he had.

it's scary
Thinking about his own unicorn bead, without him mastering it, it made him so powerful, Feng Xinghan's golden finger would definitely not be worse than this unicorn bead.

But now he only has the strength of the Purple Mansion Realm. Although it is already great for ordinary people, he is a Daoist!
It is precisely because of this that Lei Ling is so cautious. If it is not a golden finger like a training accelerator, then it may be the type of combat power booster, or just an old grandfather.
"It's a pity that Zhao Xue sneaked up on him when he was in the Ten Thousand Snakes Mountain Range, otherwise he would have seen some of his hole cards."

Recalling the terrifying aura he felt when he was in the Ten Thousand Snake Mountains, Lei Ling couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about it, and while the compound was happy, he continued to ask: "Principal, what is the treasure of the Dragon Clan? Do you know?"

The principal shook his head: "I don't know exactly what, but there should be two kinds of treasures, one of which should be a spiritual object of heaven and earth, but it is another treasure that the group of strong men risked to snatch! Mingyue girl should know something, she It’s for something like that.”


Lei Ling was slightly startled, this might be an opportunity for Feng Xinghan to rise completely!

Everything has two sides. Since Heaven has prepared such a big opportunity for him, it will also give him enough danger. This is a trial.

Otherwise, if everything goes smoothly, wouldn't it be enough to just make him invincible at birth?

"This should be the moment when your protagonist's halo is the weakest? If so, let you stay in the swamp forever."

Lei Ling's eyes flickered, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized that this was the case.

The passage must be guarded by a key to enter, so this time it is impossible for the guardians to appear continuously like last time.

Feng Xinghan can only rely on himself to get his chance, and can only rely on himself to resolve the danger.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!
Lei Ling clenched his fists and made up his mind to set the decisive battle in the dragon swamp.

Seeing that his face was cloudy and uncertain, with a little embarrassment on his face, the dean pondered for a moment, and then untied a pendant from his neck:
"Take this pendant, it may help you on this trip!"

Lei Ling frowned, took the jade pendant, put it in his hand, and looked at it carefully.

This pendant is light golden in color, with a faint halo on it, feel it carefully, it seems that there is spiritual power flowing in it.

He looked at the headmaster in surprise, unable to figure out why he did this.

Even if he wanted to give this baby, he would give it to Feng Xinghan, right?How can you give it to yourself?
"Hehe! That bit of information is not worth a piece of Greenwood Longevity Pill. I'm not as old as Hong Xu, and I won't take advantage of the younger generation."

The headmaster chuckled, Aoki Yanshou Pill was too important to him.

He has lived for a long time. Although his cultivation base is astonishing, his time is running out.

Now that he has the 50-year lifespan, he has the hope of going to a higher level.

If he breaks through, he will be able to leave this tiny place and take a look at the gorgeous scenery outside.

Lei Ling sent this pill, which even gave him the grace of regeneration. Although he was optimistic about Feng Xinghan and wanted to train him with all his strength, in the end, he just cherished his talent.

At most, after Feng Xinghan rises, he can gain some benefits. Longteng Academy can gain glory in the competition, that's all.

Compared with myself, these are just floating clouds.

Over the years, he couldn't remember how many talents he had cultivated.

"Since you have decided to go to the swamp, there are still some rules to follow.

You can fight for the treasures in the swamp at will, and you can even bring people in, I don't care about these.

However, the cultivation level of those who enter cannot exceed the Purple Mansion Realm, and they must be members of the academy.

In addition, as long as you step into the sealed door, the academy will no longer be responsible for your lives, life and death have nothing to do with the academy, and you will need to sign a contract at that time. "

After sending out the necklace, the headmaster said the rules again. People like Lei Ling are very powerful. If there is no restriction on their cultivation, it will be a battle between great powers, and there will even be a terrifying scene of Lingbao confronting each other. Longteng Mountain may be smashed to pieces.

As for the other, which is more important, if they die, someone will definitely come to make trouble.

especially Lei Ling

In her rage, Princess Peach even invited her natal family to directly raze Longteng Academy to the ground, so a contract had to be signed.

Lei Ling nodded and did not refuse, which is already very good.

He stood up and bowed to the chief: "Don't worry, sir, I promise that if I die in the swamp, my family will not make things difficult for you.

Mr. Dean is busy with affairs, so I won't bother you, and I will come to you for tea later. "

After speaking, he stepped on the pace of disbelief and left.

He didn't object to the limitation of cultivation, and even supported it.

Feng Xinghan and the others are not fools, they must wait for Lei Ningxue to leave before they can find the sealed door!

Otherwise, if he brought Lei Ningxue in, he would sweep everything away.

If Lei Ningxue didn't go in, he would lose his advantage. It would be easy for Feng Xinghan and the others to gather ten high-level powers.

Lingbao and the others also have them. In a real fight, he wouldn't be able to take any advantage, and he would even suffer.

After all, his current combat strength is already comparable to that of the general Zhenhai Realm master.

The lower the cultivation limit is, the more beneficial it will be for him. At that time, except for Feng Xinghan, everyone else will be slapped one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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