My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 149 Show Your Strength

Chapter 149 Show Your Strength (Seeking Tickets)
Lei Ling wandered all the way until he reached the end of the passage. After seeing the scene of the swamp, he was amazed and even a little scared.

This place is eerie and terrifying, and there is a strong smell of blood. This is the first time that Young Master Lei has entered a secret realm!
Coupled with the fact that I read so many horror novels in my previous life, it is normal to be a little scared.

"If I knew I would bring a few beauties here, it would be good to be bold!"

Lei Ling secretly regretted in his heart, and muttered softly.

When he was distracted, a long sword suddenly stabbed obliquely, and almost at the same time, a big knife wrapped in flames slashed at his head from top to bottom.

Lei Ling stretched out two fingers of his right hand to hold the long sword, and raised his left hand directly to catch the sword. He looked at the two people in front of him blankly, and asked with a frown, "What are you doing?"


Chen Ping and Yan Hui's eyes were wide open, and they looked at him in astonishment. They were stunned, and their brains were short-circuited.

What's happening here?
"Crack! Crack!"

Yan Hui slapped himself hard twice. After a closer look, he found that the picture hadn't changed at all. He pointed at Lei Ling in horror, and stammered, "You, who are you?"

Chen Ping's performance was much better than Yan Hui's. Seeing that he couldn't draw out his natal spirit sword even with all his spiritual power, he gave it up decisively and swept back quickly.

The strength that Lei Ling showed was too unimaginable, if he didn't run away, he would definitely die.

Chen Ping used secret techniques, coupled with various acceleration talismans, and his whole body was like a sharp arrow, flying away into the distance.

Just when he secretly rejoiced that he saved his life, a sharp pain suddenly came from the back of his heart.


Chen Ping let out a scream, and fell heavily on the ground. His natal spirit sword directly passed through his body and flew into the distance.

And he didn't even have a chance to dodge, because the speed of the sword flying was too fast, too fast.

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Lei Ling patted Yan Hui's face, and said with a playful smile.

"you you."

Yan Hui turned his head to look at Chen Ping, who was lying on the ground struggling in pain, and then at Lei Ling, who was holding his blade. He became even more confused, and pointed at him.

"Really boring."

Lei Ling originally wanted to continue pretending to be aggressive, but it was a bit uncomfortable to be pointed at.

His complexion sank, and with a savage force with his left hand, he actually broke Yan Hui's natal spiritual weapon directly, and then made a gorgeous rotation, and a large head smashed into the soft ground.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Unexpectedly, ahem, I really can't imagine that the second-generation patriarch in the eyes of the world is actually a peerless genius? What a joke in the world."

Watching Lei Ling grasping the bloody blade, walking towards him step by step.

Chen Ping laughed like a maniac. Who would have thought that in front of Lei Ling, he and Yan Hui, the two top talents of the Dragon Academy, would have no strength to fight back?

Even Feng Xinghan isn't that powerful, is he?
"This young master is gentle and martial, with a peerless appearance. It's just that my family is rich and powerful, so I don't bother to make a move. You idiots, do you really think I'm a weakling?"

Lei Ling stepped on Chen Ping's back with one foot, posing in a triumphant pose.

The villain dies because of talking too much, and he can't act casually with the protagonist. He can only find some sense of accomplishment in these little guys.

As a bully king, if he doesn't pretend to be bully for a day, his whole body will feel uncomfortable.
"Ah, I'm not reconciled!"

Chen Ping originally wanted to fight to the death, but Lei Ling was like a mountain, no matter how much he struggled, he would not budge.

He knew that the gap between himself and Lei Ling was too great, and he would definitely die today.

He is not reconciled!
He is the leader of the Chen family's generation, backed by many ancestors.

The future is limitless, and there is even a chance to compete for the position of Patriarch.

But now he is going to die in this swamp, and even his bones cannot enter the ancestral grave. He will die with regret!

"Let's go on the road with peace of mind! Remember, in the next life, don't mess with the rich second generation."

Lei Ling doesn't care whether he is willing or not, what kind of arrogance he is, as long as he gets in his way, he will die!
He swung the knife mercilessly and cut Chen Ping in half.

"There is no one who can fight. My young master has not warmed up yet, so they all died. Invincible is so lonely!"

Lei Ling pretended to be a coward again, contentedly humming a little tune with her little hands behind her back, and continued walking along the footprints left by Feng Xinghan and others.

In front of a cave, Xia Mingyue held a map in her hand, compared the surrounding areas, and said happily: "That's right, this should be the ancestral land of the Dragon Clan."

"There should have been a very strong restriction on this door, but after so many years, it has become very weak. It is still very simple to break it."

Luo Yi's fingertips lightly slid across the door, carefully feeling the flow of spiritual power on it.

Suddenly, his eyes froze, spiritual power gushed out of his body, and he yelled softly: "Break!"

The next moment, his smile instantly froze on his face, extremely embarrassed.

The door didn't move at all!
None of the others said anything, they just looked at him strangely.

"Break! Break! Break! Break! Break!"

Luo Yi felt ruthless in his heart, and made another five shots with all his strength, even using secret methods to force his spiritual power.

But the door remained motionless, and his face was reddened to the base of his ears.

I can't wait to find a crack in the ground to get in, it's really embarrassing.

This is the standard act of pretending to be coerced but being fucked...

"Let me take a look!"

Feng Xinghan sighed slightly, walked over, checked the gate, his expression became more and more dignified:
"This restriction is very powerful. Although most of the strength has been consumed by time, it cannot be broken casually. Let everyone move aside. I will try using Mieyan."

Red Lotus Extinguishing Flame, with a destructive attribute, can burn everything.

When the flames covered the entire gate, the restriction finally shook a little, obviously useful.

Feng Xinghan was overjoyed, his spiritual power was fully activated, his whole body was wrapped in lotus flames, and he burned the restriction on the gate with all his strength.

Xia Mingyue and Luo Xuan caringly stood aside to protect him.

Luo Yi's face was cloudy and uncertain, his eyes fixed on Feng Xinghan, not knowing what he was thinking.


After about an hour, the restriction on the gate was finally broken, Feng Xinghan pushed hard, and the gate was slowly pushed open.

"Be careful."

The moment the door was opened, Feng Xinghan's expression changed from joy to worry, and finally turned into panic.

He tapped his toes and swept back quickly, and the other three were not slow to react. After a few breaths, they retreated to 500 meters away.

Xia Mingyue watched the dragon shadow jumping out from the gate, with a solemn expression, and said in a deep voice: "It's the dragon soul, it really is still there."

This dragon soul is only three meters long, and its body is faintly visible, obviously its strength is about to be exhausted.

But even so, it's not something that a few purple mansions can handle.

"Don't move! Don't even make a move, this dragon soul is about to dissipate, and its spiritual intelligence is extremely low, almost only instinct is left!
We have taken the Dragon's Breath Pill, and we have the dragon breath on our bodies. As long as we don't attack it, it should judge us as our own. "

After Xia Mingyue instructed everyone in a low voice, while carefully approaching the dragon soul, she urged the power of the blood with all her strength to make the dragon aura in her body more intense.

Dragon Soul tilted his head, looked around her vigilantly for a while, and even sniffed her body.

In the end, he actually rubbed her face affectionately with the dragon's head, obviously treating her as one of his own.

Unexpectedly, she gained the trust of Dragon Soul so smoothly, Xia Mingyue was overjoyed, and hurriedly gestured to Dragon Soul, hoping that it would also agree with Feng Xinghan and others.

After Xia Mingyue's hard work, only the instinctive Dragon Soul finally agreed with Feng Xinghan and the others to approach.

First came Luo Xuan, and then Feng Xinghan. When arriving at Luo Yi, the dragon soul unexpectedly moved and let out a deep growl, which scared Luo Yi and turned to run away.

"Don't move! Don't move!"

Xia Mingyue hurriedly stopped him: "I'll handle it, you must not move! Otherwise you will die!"

After Xia Mingyue worked hard again, Dragon Soul finally agreed with Luo Yi.


With Dragon Soul's approval, Feng Xinghan and the others secretly heaved a sigh of relief, their faces brimming with joy.After solving the biggest obstacle, the rest is to get the treasure.

It's just that Feng Xinghan looked at Luo Yi from time to time, after all, Dragon Soul only showed hostility towards him.

call out!call out!call out!
At this moment, four lightsabers suddenly shot over from a distance, and the complexions of the four changed slightly, and they all shot to resist.

call out!call out!call out!call out!call out.
While they were resisting, all kinds of lightsabers, flame knives, thunderbolts shot at the dragon soul overwhelmingly.

"not good!"

Feng Xinghan and the others exclaimed in unison, but it was too late to stop them.

The dragon soul that was attacked went completely mad.

(End of this chapter)

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