My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 154 The Power of Concussion

Chapter 154 The Power of Concussion
"Lei Ling, die!"

Feng Xinghan looked at Lei Ling expressionlessly, and the demon energy all over his body suddenly exploded, and the fire shield expanded more than three times in an instant, and even began to burn the divine power covering Lei Ling's fist.

He obtained his teacher's power and some memories, and his mentality has changed. At this moment, Lei Ling is like a bug in his eyes.

"Feng Xinghan, you haven't understood until now, you are trying to die!"

Lei Ling sneered disdainfully, and the power of shock emerged.


With the addition of shock force, the originally extremely strong flame shield was shattered together with the surrounding air.

"This is."

Seeing this scene, Feng Xinghan's complexion changed abruptly, he pushed hard with his hand, and with the help of the force of recoil, his body quickly swept back.

While sweeping back, he waved his hands, and the ten flaming knives slashed towards Lei Ling.

"Pearls of rice grains, dare to shine?"

Lei Ling punched directly, shattering the air, and the powerful concussion force shattered all the flame magic knives.

"What power is this?"

Luo Xuan's eyes were wide open, and she looked at Xia Mingyue who was at the side with a look of surprise.

Who would have thought that Xia Mingyue shook her head: "I don't know."

"What? Even you don't know?"

Luo Xuan's voice raised several decibels. Xia Mingyue is from overseas and has a lot of experience.

Even she couldn't see what kind of power Lei Ling was using, it was a bit scary!
Xia Mingyue looked at the battlefield in disbelief, swallowed and said, "This power is too terrifying. Brother Xinghan's spirit art is blessed by two kinds of spirit fires. He is so vulnerable to this power. Unheard of."

"Teacher Mingyue, help me protect the law. I want to unseal the power and help Brother Xinghan."

Luo Xuan's gaze changed, and before Xia Mingyue could answer, her hands began to form seals quickly, and she chanted ancient mantras.

Gradually, a light blue halo appeared on her body, and her temperament became more noble, like a fairy coming to the world.

Feng Xinghan was also shocked by Lei Ling's display of power, even his omniscient teacher had never seen such power.

His eyes froze, his hands kept forming seals, and as his gestures changed, the red lotus birth and death flames and the demon heart and soul flames were entwined with each other.

Behind him, a demon god stepping on a lotus slowly appeared.

Feng Xinghan temporarily fused the mysterious man's soul, obtained his power and memory, and naturally also obtained his combat experience and magic.

Facing the extremely ferocious Lei Ling, he used the strongest magic he could use now.

"Die! Offal."

With a ferocious roar, the demon god stepped on the lotus and met Lei Ling who was chasing him.

Facing the ferocious Lotus Flower Demon God, Lei Ling was not afraid at all, with golden light shining all over his body, he raised his fist that condensed divine power and shocking power, and slammed it fiercely at the Demon God.

The demon god also greeted him with a punch.


When the two fists touched, the air shattered, and ripples rippled on the Demon God's fist.

Feng Xinghan's complexion changed, and his hands formed a seal again. The lotus flower under the demon god's feet spun rapidly, and its power quickly increased, and the ripples were finally calmed down.

"Hmph! Is your strength not working?"

Feng Xinghan laughed wildly, and urged the Lotus Demon God with all his strength. The Demon God opened his mouth wide, spit out a flame column mixed with two kinds of spiritual fire, and shot it at Lei Ling.

Lei Ling swung his fist, shattering the air, and the powerful shock force collided with the flame column in the air.

The two parties kept pouring in their strength, but neither could do anything to the other, and they were in a stalemate.

"I don't believe that you can use this kind of power forever, but I want to see when your body collapses."

Lei Ling looked at Feng Xinghan mockingly, although his strength was not as good as the current Feng Xinghan.

But the power of the shock is far better than the spirit fire, and he is a physical trainer with a bonus to his combat power, so he can barely stand in a stalemate with Feng Xinghan.

Lei Ling's power was his own, but Feng Xinghan's was not.

If you use too much power beyond your own limit, there will definitely be problems over time, so in this situation, Lei Ling has the upper hand.

Lei Ling said these things not to remind Feng Xinghan, but to disturb his mood.

"Hmph, I will definitely kill you before my body collapses."

Although Feng Xinghan appeared to be full of confidence, it could be seen from his slightly disordered breath that he was a little panicked.

What Lei Ling said was exactly what he was most worried about.

While fighting with the Lotus Demon God, Lei Ling spat out lotus flowers, continuing to disturb Feng Xinghan's state of mind:

"Feng Xinghan, Feng Xinghan, I have to say that you are really stupid. In order to deal with me, you did not hesitate to practice magic skills and forcefully improve your cultivation level, which caused your temperament to change drastically. You didn't even care about helping your mentor, and even your own Brothers and friends kill as soon as they say, even their own mother, tell me, are you still a human being?"


Feng Xinghan didn't think much of Lei Ling mentioning Hong Xu and those arrogances he had abandoned, after all, he was no longer who he was before.

But when he mentioned his mother, Feng Xinghan's complexion finally changed, even if he is a demon cultivator, he still has family affection, and that matter has always been a thorn in his heart.

"shut up!"

He shouted angrily, and the power in his body gushed out crazily, and the strength of the Lotus Demon God was a little stronger, and he launched a series of powerful attacks.

Although Lei Ling couldn't beat Feng Xinghan, he was more than enough to protect himself.

While resisting, he continued: "Feng Xinghan, haven't you noticed that you are not as divinely assisted as before?
Your temperament has changed drastically due to your practice of magic arts, from a righteous role to a demonic murderer. You will do whatever it takes to achieve your goals, and your luck has been greatly dissipated.

It's ridiculous that you are still complacent about your sudden increase in strength, but you don't know that you are completely useless. "

As soon as Lei Ling said this, Feng Xinghan's mood became more unstable.

Lei Ling was right, he did feel that things were not as smooth as before.

His teacher didn't let him practice magic kung fu at first, and wanted him to take the path of spiritual cultivation, for fear of damaging his luck.

But in the battle of Longteng Mountains, he was humiliated by Lei Ling in various ways, his Taoism was damaged, and he even developed inner demons.

In order to take revenge, Feng Xinghan begged his teacher to pass on his magic skills and teach him magic, in order to quickly improve his strength, and after Lei Ningxue left, he would have a decisive battle with Lei Ling.

After that, destroy the Lei family until Lei Ningxue is killed.

At that time, the middle-aged man reminded him that although this could speed up his cultivation speed, it might damage his luck.

It's just that Feng Xinghan didn't take it to heart at all, he felt that he could get to where he is now because of his hard work, rather than relying on the illusory luck.

However, it turned out that he was thinking too much!

Only after losing it did he realize the rarity, and recently he has regretted it a bit.

"Stupid? Stupid? Feng Xinghan! You've lost your way, you're finished."

Sensing a slight flaw in Feng Xinghan's confusion due to the chaos, Lei Ling's eyes froze, and his divine power erupted. After forcing the Lotus Demon God back with a punch, he punched him.

With this punch, the powerful divine power unexpectedly condensed into a unicorn and rushed towards Feng Xinghan. This was an attack from the unicorn arm bestowed on him by the qilin bead.

"not good!"

Feeling a strong crisis, Feng Xinghan exclaimed, knowing that he was being tricked by Lei Ling again.

It was too late to evade or activate the Lotus Demon God's defense, so he could only hastily build a spiritual barrier.

Qilin directly smashed through his spiritual power barrier and knocked him into the air.


Feng Xinghan spewed out a mouthful of blood mist, and with the momentum, quickly swept back, pulling away the distance from Lei Ling.

"Damn dog thief."

After landing on the shore, he took out a handful of elixir, stuffed it into his mouth, and glared at Lei Ling: "What else do you do other than plotting and scheming? If you have the ability to fight me upright."

"Cut! You can pull it down!"

Lei Ling walked casually on the lake, and said disdainfully, "You dare to use your own strength to fight me? You have the nerve to fight me with someone else's strength, but you still have to be shameless?"

He wished he could keep arguing with Feng Xinghan, the longer it dragged on now, the more unfavorable it would be to Feng Xinghan, as long as his body started to collapse, he would be a dead dog.

(End of this chapter)

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