My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 157 Treasure! ! !

Chapter 157 Treasure! ! !

Dragon Ancestral Land
The war is over and everything is calm.

Lei Ling squatted beside Xia Mingyue, carefully put her back together, then dug a hole and buried her.

Looking at the little bumpkin in front of him, he sighed and said, "Oh, how unlucky a beauty has been since ancient times! What a mermaid! She just died like this, and I don't know when I'll meet another one, damn Feng Xinghan, It's really inhuman."

After shaking his head and reciting the mantra to Xia Mingyue, Lei Ling squatted next to Feng Xinghan again.

Although Feng Xinghan was already completely cold, but just to be on the safe side, he still chopped off his head, and then groped around him for a while.

But there is nothing but some pills and talismans.

But this is not surprising, after all, storage rings are extremely precious in this world.

When going out for an adventure, most people will only bring some necessities. No one will take all their belongings with them, and of course they can't.

"This jade pendant should be where the handsome uncle stayed?"

After searching for a long time, Lei Ling finally found a black jade pendant.

After studying it carefully for a while, he didn't find anything special except for the temperament of some middle-aged men, but he still carefully put it into his arms:
"Although the handsome uncle was blown away by Fengxinghankeng's ghost, this thing should still be useful. Let's ask Qiaoer when you go back."

After working for a long time, plus the fierce battle before, Lei Ling was physically and mentally exhausted, and he was also afraid of Longwei.

So he was not in a hurry to get the treasure, but found a clean place, lay down, and prepared to take a rest before thinking about countermeasures.

Dragon Soul lay beside him and rubbed against him affectionately. At this time, Dragon Soul was only two meters long, and his body was much darker than before.

Lei Ling patted its head lightly, and said with a little guilt: "Brother, I'm sorry! You have wasted a lot of spiritual power to help me, are you going to disappear?"

Dragon Soul seemed to understand his words, circled around him a few times, and then lay down on his belly with great enjoyment.

"What a funny little guy."

Just when Lei Ling was in deep love with Dragon Soul, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind, which scared him like a spring and instantly bounced off the ground.

Lei Ling looked around vigilantly, and said in a deep voice, "Who? Who's talking?"

Seeing that there was no response, he sternly said again: "Come out, my young master has already seen you, if you don't come out again, I will attack you."

"I am a ray of obsession left by the patriarch of the Swamp Dragon Clan in the statue of the dragon. You are very good. Although you are a human race, you have the supernatural power of dragon transformation, and you are considered half a dragon human race. Moreover, the dragon soul seems to like you very much, so I helped you." You give me a hand."

"Hiss! Thank you, boss!"

Lei Ling was secretly startled, and hurriedly bowed to salute.

Just kidding, this is an existence that can fight against that terrible magic hand, if you are not happy, you may be able to shoot yourself to death.

"Well, I appreciate you very much. You can take away the two treasures of my family, and I can even give you a fortune, but you need to promise me three conditions."

The voice of obsession resounded in Lei Ling's mind again. Hearing that he could take away the treasure and gain great fortune, Lei Ling immediately recovered his spirits. Not to mention the three conditions, it was thirty. Hmm. Still have to consider The following: "The boss has saved my life, as long as the boy can do it, I will definitely do my best."

Obsession didn't talk nonsense with him, and said straight to the point: "The first condition, the reason why our clan was exterminated was because someone plotted to spread the news about our clan's treasure. He is Huwangshan, the patriarch of the Tiger clan, I want you to destroy the Tiger Clan in Tiger King Mountain."

Lei Ling nodded without hesitation and agreed: "No problem, when I have enough strength, I will definitely level the entire Tiger King Mountain."

Although I don't know where Tiger King Mountain is, I can find it after all.

As long as he has enough strength, let alone Tiger King Mountain Tiger Clan, even if he is asked to kill all the tigers in this world, he will not refuse.

"The second condition is that our clan was in chaos back then, and my youngest son was taken away by someone taking advantage of the chaos. You must help me find him and protect him."

Hearing this, Lei Ling frowned, and said hesitantly: "Um, big brother, maybe you don't know yet, but a long, long time has passed since your era, I'm afraid your son."

"My son hadn't hatched when he was taken away. Before the war, I applied ancestral protection to him. I can sense that he is still sleeping."

Lei Ling nodded. Since he is still there, there is no problem. After pondering for a while, he asked again: "Then how can I find him? Is there a specific location or something?"

"The necklace around your neck contains a drop of my blood. I will pass on a spell to you. When you read it, it will guide you. After you find it, put the necklace on the dragon egg, and then recite the spell backwards to release the protection. It came out of the egg."


Lei Ling subconsciously took off the necklace around his neck. It was given to him by the headmaster, and he said it was helpful for the trip, so he kept wearing it.

"So it is!"

He rolled his eyes and understood something in his heart.

This obsession to help him is probably not because he can transform into a dragon, nor because the dragon soul likes him, but because of this necklace!
You must know that they are dragons, not dragons, not to mention that he is just a human who can transform into a dragon, even if he is really a dragon, it is estimated that this obsession will not kill him.

Even slap him to death.

Fortunately, he had the foresight to blacken Feng Xinghan, otherwise the headmaster would definitely give him this necklace.

After thinking everything through, Lei Ling smiled and nodded: "Okay! I agree! I will try my best to find it, and if I can find it, I will definitely treat it kindly."

"The third condition, after entrusting the treasure to you, I don't want my family to be disturbed anymore. I want you to destroy this place and let us sleep forever."

"Ah? Now? Can you let me move the treasure first? It's a pity to bury so many things?"

Hearing that the swamp was going to be destroyed, the smile on Lei Ling's face disappeared immediately.

There are not only gold and silver treasures outside the hall!There are also high-level spiritual materials and various spiritual weapons.

This is a huge and incomparable wealth!
With these things, his plan can be implemented ahead of schedule.

"Don't worry, the wealth here is yours."

Obsessive sighed, and continued: "Let me introduce to you two treasures of our clan first!
The first one is called Heaven's Punishment Thunder Flame. This is our clan's inherited spiritual item. It has dual attributes of thunder and fire, and its attack power is extremely strong. I will help you fuse it later.

The second thing is also something that makes those strong people crazy, called the Eternal Shenzhou. "


Above the dragon's claw, a box disintegrated quickly, golden light shone in all directions, and a slap boat was quietly suspended in the air.

"This is."

Lei Ling stared blankly at the boat emitting golden light, his whole body trembled with excitement.

Could this be the legendary flying boat?This world even has such awesome things?
"This is a god-level flying boat, which can absorb spiritual energy from its surroundings and maintain its operation by the power of the sun, moon and stars, and has various forms.

However, it needs to absorb specific energy to open it. For example, on the sea, it has three forms of multi-person ship, single ship and diving ship. In the air, it also has two flying forms of small spaceship and large spaceship.

Shenzhou has many functions, but it needs the last aura to use it. I won’t say much about the others. You can explore it by yourself in the future!
There is a large storage space in the airship, enough for you to empty all the things here. "

Obsession simply said a few words, Lei Ling's eyes were already red with excitement, can this mother be more awesome?

He turned his head and glanced at Feng Xinghan, who was already completely cold, and couldn't help but mourn for him for three seconds in his heart.

This young man's luck is so badass, he is definitely a fighter in Taoism!
If it weren't for his own appearance, his life would be extremely beautiful.

Unfortunately, there is no if in this world.

Even if he becomes invincible in all realms in the future, if he dies now, he is dead.

At this moment, Lei Ling suddenly felt a sense of sadness, Feng Xinghan who has such a strong luck and the aura of the protagonist will die, so wouldn't it be easier for him to die?
Thinking about it carefully, he was still too risky this time. If it wasn't for Feng Xinghan's mentally retarded practice of magic arts, his luck and the aura of the protagonist would never have been weakened to such an extent.

Then maybe Xia Mingyue and Luo Xuan wouldn't betray him. Although he still has some means, he may not be able to win!

This is a battle of life and death, whoever loses will die.

"We must be cautious and cautious in the future."

Lei Ling clenched his fists and warned himself secretly.

If Feng Xinghan heard the words in his heart, he might be revived from anger, isn't that cautious enough?
Is it necessary to get a few strong people from the Holy Realm to come over to be satisfied?
 Thank you for your rewards, monthly tickets, and recommended tickets. Today is the third update, and there is no broken chapter...

(End of this chapter)

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