Chapter 163

"Qiaoer, how's it going? Do you know what it is?"

Back in his room, Lei Ling handed the jade pendant he got from Feng Xinghan to Jin Qiaoer.

After studying it carefully, Jin Qiaoer frowned and said, "This should be a ghost jade crystal, which is very rare. In ancient times, some demon cultivators would use it to make spiritual weapons, imprisoning people's souls and torturing them day and night."

Hearing this, Lei Ling asked in surprise, "Can the soul really stay in this world forever?"

"Normally not."

Jin Qiaoer raised her small chin and continued: "Of course there are no absolutes, such as the middle-aged man you mentioned.

He can absorb the surrounding aura through the magic heart soul flame to counteract the dissipation of soul power.

When you are free, use a special secret method to seal yourself in the ghost jade crystal to reduce the loss of soul power. If you don't act casually, you can still retain it for a long time.

There are also some magical tools of the magic cultivator, such as the soul flag, which can refine human souls into it, but those souls are not free, and will be very, very painful. "

"Is there no other use for this thing?"

Lei Ling asked with some regrets, he was a little unbalanced to get such a piece of jade pendant with such rubbish after wasting such a boss, but Venerable Sword gave him a unicorn bead!
Jin Qiaoer talked about it and said: "This is very powerful! The higher the quality of the ghost jade crystal, the darker its color. Look at your piece, it is like charcoal. This is the best of the best. The ultimate product, if it is thrown out, it will definitely set off a bloodbath."

Seeing Jin Qiaoer making exaggerated gestures there, Shi Yu covered her mouth with her hands, and couldn't help snickering a few times.

She often stays with Jin Qiaoer, so she naturally knows her personality.

She didn't know the other uses of the ghost jade crystal, but she knew it was very precious, so she was embarrassed to say so, and she was afraid that Lei Ling would not value this treasure, so she said so.

"Okay! Shi Yu, put away your things, and let Xiao Heng be put in the Eternal Shenzhou later."

Lei Ling also smiled slightly, and made up his mind in his heart that he must enrich Jin Qiaoer's knowledge as soon as possible, otherwise it would be ridiculous to see a baby being thrown away by him as trash.

Thinking of this, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, and he hurriedly asked, "By the way, where is Shi Ying? Why didn't she come back with you?"

He always felt as if he had forgotten something, but he never remembered it.

It's really that Shi Ying's sense of existence is too low, if he didn't want to get Jin Qiaoer a wisdom pearl, he wouldn't be able to think of her.

Shi Yu hurriedly replied: "She's gone to collect information, she should be here soon, right?"

"Well, not bad, quite dedicated."

Lei Ling nodded in satisfaction. He has disappeared for so many days, and he doesn't know what happened in the imperial capital. The two little girls are also trapped in Lingyun Peak. He probably knows better than him!
After about an hour, Shi Ying's figure slowly appeared in front of Lei Ling: "Report to the young master, Bai Xian'er has escaped from Longyue Empire after saving Feng Xingyu."

"Huh? What's going on?"

Lei Ling frowned, his face was a little ugly:
"Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on her? And how was Feng Xingyu rescued?"

"After Master Ningxue left, Feng Xinghan resorted to tricks frequently, and Elder Qingsong was severely suppressed, so many people withdrew. With the relationship between Bai Xian'er and Feng Xinghan, no one dared to monitor her anymore. .

There was also a traitor among the guards of Feng Xingyu. When we were hiding in Lingyun Peak, Feng Xingyu was rescued by Feng Xinghan, and then let her leave with Bai Xianer. This is specific information. "

Shi Ying held the translated information in front of Lei Ling with both hands. After reading the information, Lei Ling's face became more and more serious.

It seems that Feng Xinghan is not unprepared, he is also afraid that he will lose.

So they kept their backs, and arranged for people to send Bai Xian'er and Feng Xingyu away early, and let them take away a lot of resources.

"Bai Bing!"

There was a murderous intent in Lei Ling's eyes, this damn woman must have a ghost in her heart, otherwise she wouldn't have just left like this.

Sighing secretly in his heart, he asked again: "How are Luo Feng, Luo Yujia and Zhao Xue doing?"

These three people are all related to him, Luo Yujia and Zhao Xue are okay, Luo Feng is his number one younger brother, who grew up together since childhood, Feng Xinghan can't deal with him, he might attack Luo Feng.

Jin Qiaoer had already swept into her mind the large amount of information that Shi Ying brought back, and when he heard him ask, she said:
"Because Zhao Xue plotted against Feng Xinghan in the Ten Thousand Snake Mountains, he suffered revenge from him. He was forced to accept the challenge of everyone in the academy. His dantian was broken and his meridians were destroyed. He has become a useless person."

Lei Ling's eyes froze, and his face revealed a look of comprehension. He finally understood why the Zhao family was firmly on his side.

Zhao Xue hid in Longteng Academy and didn't go home. This was a kind of concession from the Zhao family. They wanted to pay Feng Xinghan Zhao Xue's life and let their hatred end here.

But Feng Xinghan didn't take her life but abolished her, which meant he didn't accept it, he wanted Zhao Xue to watch the Zhao family be wiped out, and let her die in pain and regret.

So the Zhao family can only stand firmly on their side.

"Luo Yujia and Luo Feng belong to the Luo family, so Feng Xinghan didn't go too far. Luo Feng's legs were broken by Luo Yuetian and a finger was cut off. Luo Yujia is better. Her relationship with you It's already very weak, so it was just sent to the Gale Empire for marriage."

"Luo Yuetian is cruel enough!"

Lei Ling's face was frosty, and his eyes flickered: "I'll go to Zhao's first."

Zhao Xue's boudoir
As soon as Lei Ling entered the door, he smelled a strong smell of herbs. Behind him, a group of ancestors of the Zhao family followed. Those at the level of the head of the Zhao family could only stand outside the door.

Looking at the dying Zhao Xue wrapped in gauze on the bed, Lei Ling sighed softly, Zhao Xue's injury was much more serious than he imagined.

"Brother Lei Leiling?"

Seeing him walking in, Zhao Xue was slightly taken aback, then saw many ancestors following behind, struggled and wanted to stand up and salute.

"Don't move! Lie down peacefully."

Lei Ling hurriedly stopped her, and those old ancestors also spoke up one after another, so Zhao Xue lay back in a little panic.

Lei Ling turned to the ancestor of the Zhao family beside him and said, "You lead people to capture those who challenged Zhao Xue, as well as their immediate family members."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

The ancestors of Zhao Xue's line took the lead and rushed out quickly.

How could they not be angry when their children and grandchildren were beaten like this?
But for the sake of the family, they could only swallow their anger. After Lei Ling returned strongly, they also wanted to settle accounts with those people, but now that those boys are hiding in Longteng Academy, they can't force their way in.

Secondly, the time is too short and they haven't had time to put pressure on those people's families.

Unexpectedly, Lei Ling directly ordered to arrest people. With his current power, even Longteng Academy can only avoid the edge temporarily and dare not stop it.

In less than half an hour, seven or eight men and women were bound and knelt in front of Zhao Xue.

Their immediate family members were also arrested, and they all knelt outside the house waiting to be released.

Sitting beside Zhao Xue's bed, Lei Ling asked softly, "Sister Xue, is it them? Are there any omissions?"

"It's all here."

Zhao Xue leaned on the pillow, with hatred flashing in her eyes: "You gang of thieves, let the masters of the Zifu Realm beat me up and challenge me in turn, you are so shameless."

"Huh! Zhao Xue, your Zhao family has eaten the bear heart and leopard, right? We are all from the Temple of the Wind God, aren't you afraid that you will draw Brother Feng's anger by tying us up?"

One of the women, who was about 25 or [-] years old, said arrogantly, and the others also held their heads high, looking confident.

Few people know about the swamp. Although Lei Ling wiped out the Chen family, the news hasn't spread yet.

Longteng Academy is not in the imperial capital, these people naturally cannot know, that's why they are so arrogant.

Hearing that they mentioned Feng Xinghan, Zhao Xue's face turned pale in an instant, and she was a little worried looking at Lei Ling beside her, obviously she didn't know anything.

The corners of Lei Ling's mouth curled up, and he sneered: "Feng Xinghan? He's been so cold for a long time, it's ridiculous that you idiots still want to take advantage of others.

Zhao Xue is mine, how dare you attack her so cruelly, that's fine!Kill me, kill all their parents and brothers. "

When Lei Ling gave the order, there was a terrible howl outside, and people kneeling on the ground cursed angrily.

"Lei Ling, why are you pretending to be cowardly! How dare you touch my family? You've drunk too much!"

"Yes, what's the use of scaring us? We will not betray Senior Brother Feng."

"I've heard that you are a cowardly king, but please use some snacks to pretend to be coquettish!"

These people agreed that Lei Ling was pretending to be aggressive and trying to scare them, but when the heads of their parents and brothers were held and passed in front of them one by one, they were all dumbfounded.

"Father! Mother!"

A woman screamed and struggled like crazy: "Lei Ling, I want you to die, I want to kill you."

"Lei Ling, I am sworn to death with you, Senior Brother Feng will definitely avenge me."

"It's not as bad as your family, Lei Ling, you will die badly."

None of them thought that Lei Ling wasn't pretending to be aggressive, he was playing for real, and it was really their parents and relatives who were hacked to death just now.

A gentle smile appeared on Lei Ling's face, and he said softly, "Sister Xue, do you want to kill them now, or let them suffer torture to death?"

Zhao Xue's body trembled slightly, Lei Ling's smile was innocent and warm.

But she felt an unprecedented chill, she stammered: "Kill it! I don't want to see them."

Lei Ling glared at those old ancestors, and said coldly: "Didn't you hear? If you don't drag them out, kill them."


The ancestors hurriedly dragged these people out, and chopped them all down with their knives in hand.

A gentle smile bloomed on Lei Ling's face again. He stroked Zhao Xue's beautiful hair lightly, and said softly, "I am going to serve as slaves to the clansmen of Sister Xue. Of course, you can kill them if you want."

"Ah? Oh no, I don't hate them anymore."

Zhao Xue was taken aback, Lei Ling's methods were already brutal enough, she thought it was over!

I didn't expect that he would not let go of his family.

"En! That's fine! I still want to visit Luo Feng, you can rest assured to cultivate, and I will visit you again after a while."

Lei Ling nodded, walked to the door and turned to the ancestors of the Zhao family and said, "If she has any requests, try her best to satisfy her. If you can't do it, you can inform me."


The ancestors of the Zhao family nodded repeatedly, with joyful expressions on their faces. Although it was embarrassing to listen to a junior's order, they didn't feel disgusted at all. Lei Ling was standing out for their Zhao family!
(End of this chapter)

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