My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 165 Negotiations

Chapter 165 Negotiations
Lei Family Meeting Hall

The top group of people from Longyue Imperial Capital gathered here.

Even the ancestors who couldn't retreat came. This kind of scene has never happened since the founding of the Longyue Empire.

These people have different expressions, some are nervous, some are frightened, some are excited, and some are smiling.

Some members of the Zhao family were proud of themselves at this time, and they wished to see people happy with their nostrils.

They stood firmly on Lei Ling's side from the beginning to the end, and even did more things for Lei Ling than Lei's family.

Now that Lei Ling is well developed, their benefits are naturally indispensable.

Although everyone in the Lei family was relatively calm, they all put on the appearance of a big brother.

The Luo family could only sit under them, as if they were dead children.

Under the guidance of Lei Xuan, Lei Ling took the two little girls to the meeting hall of Lei's family.

After all, it was his first time entering Lei's house!
I have to say that the head of the four major families is awesome!This Lei Mansion is so big that it almost catches up with the Imperial Palace.

When the Lei family's children saw him along the way, they all bowed to him and greeted him.

With his hands behind his back, Lei Ling nodded to them one by one as if leading a patrol.

It's quite refreshing in my heart, these people looked at him with deep admiration in their eyes, instead of only fear like when Lei Ningxue was there before.

People in this world worship the strong, and if he killed Feng Xinghan, he would be the number one pride of the Longyue Empire.

In addition, he destroyed the Chen family as soon as he came back, and he has already become the god in the hearts of the Lei family's children.

In the days before, the Lei family was so depressed that they all shrank in the family and did not dare to show their heads.

Those who went to school in the academy also ran back home one after another.

After Lei Ling made a strong comeback, they also turned over with Xianyu, instantly became awesome, and a group of farts followed wherever they went.

People who had had a feud with them before knelt down in front of them and begged them for mercy, and they took away a lot of gold, silver and jewelry.

Much more majestic than when Lei Ningxue was around.

"Hey! Everyone is here!"

Lei Ling swaggered over to the main seat, sat down on his buttocks, and arrogantly put his legs on the table.

All the ancestors dared to be angry and dare not speak out, they all bowed their hands to greet him, no one dared to offend this old man.


The Patriarch of the Lei Family coughed lightly, managed to force a smile, and asked, "Ling'er, what do you want to say by calling everyone here?"

"Of course it's settled."

Lei Ling glanced at Emperor Long Yue, and said sadly: "Your Majesty, am I enough for you? For you, I will not hesitate to offend my own family.

I also invited my grandma and my little aunt to come forward to make an engagement with your daughter, which will give you enough face and make your Luo family as stable as Mount Tai.

Later, when dealing with Feng Xinghan, I didn't use any of your Luo family's soldiers, so that you can stay out of the matter. I have fulfilled all the promises made in the hall, but what about you?
Did you say you regretted it?You are still so terrific, you are the emperor, don't you have such a little credit? "

"Oh, this matter is my villain, I have nothing to say."

Emperor Long Yue sighed heavily, Lei Ling was indeed very kind to the royal family, but before the temptation to restore the Longyin Bell, he and some ancestors of the Luo family were jealous.

Supporting Feng Xinghan was almost a sure thing. After all, Lei Ling was the second generation ancestor. Although Lei Ningxue said she would come back, how easy was that?

And even if she came back after climbing to the top, she would only go to Feng Xinghan to kill her.

After all, it was Lei Ling who was killed by Feng Xinghan, they just made a statement of their position, after hundreds of years, even this point has been forgotten by the world.

Even if Lei Ling got lucky and won the final duel with Feng Xinghan, their Luo family is not afraid, they have two spirit treasures, which are enough to suppress everything, at most, they can just appease them later.

But they never dreamed that Lei Ling not only defeated Feng Xinghan, but also brought back a big killer.

An old man sighed heavily: "Young Master Ling, tell me how you want to deal with it! It doesn't matter if our Luo family gives up the throne, as long as you let our Luo family live."

The person who spoke was the ancestor of the Luo family that Lei Ling had met when he returned. He was obviously the real master of the Luo family.

As soon as he said this, everyone in the Lei family showed excitement. Although the status of the royal family is not much higher than them, the resources they can get must be far more than the four major families.

However, to everyone's surprise, Lei Ling shook his finger and said solemnly: "The throne belongs to your Luo family. As I said, as long as your royal family is not corrupt, I will not allow others to rebel."


All the bosses were a little stunned, they didn't understand what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd!Don't want the throne you got?

Especially the Patriarch of the Lei family, scratching his head anxiously, wishing he could strangle this idiot to death.

"Young Master Ling, this is you."

The ancestor of the Luo family frowned, thinking that Lei Ling still had some scruples, and said, "Don't worry, Young Master Ling, we voluntarily gave up the palace, and we will definitely not do anything."

"Hmph! I'm still afraid of your tricks?"

Lei Ling snorted disdainfully, stretched his waist and said: "I'm not interested in the throne, and you manage the Longyue Empire well, so the throne belongs to your Luo family.

But the person sitting on it has to be changed, the virtuous king is good, as for the crown prince, let's stand on Luofeng!

Also, in order to compensate me, your Luo family must fully support me in doing one thing. "

"Okay! No problem, I agree."

The ancestor of the Luo family was so happy that he almost jumped up, he didn't care who was the virtuous king and who was Luo Feng!
As long as the throne is in their Luo family, it will be fine. Now Lei Ling is not so annoying in his eyes, and he even likes this big boy a little bit.

But Lei Ling's next sentence made him want to slap his mouth twice, and also stunned all the big shots present.

Lei Ling stood up and straightened his waist to make himself look more heroic.

Shi Yu and Jin Qiaoer quietly hid aside, secretly fanning him with fans, raising his aggressive style by two levels again.

Feeling that his compulsion has reached its peak, Lei Ling spoke out his big dream word by word: "I! Want! Destroy! Exterminate! Barbarian! Clan!"

The entire chamber was eerily quiet, even the sound of breathing disappeared.

After an unknown amount of time, when Lei Ling's neck felt a little sore, the ancestor of the Lei family stammered, "Ling Ling'er, sit down quickly, don't make such jokes."

"Old ancestor, I'm not joking, what I said is true."

Lei Ling sat down, hooked Shi Yu's hands, and asked her to rub his stiff neck: "This time the sacred tree is crossing the catastrophe, and the barbarian offensive is fierce. It has already set off a bloody storm. In the spring of next year, the situation will be even worse. bad.

Instead of being beaten passively, it is better to take the initiative to attack. Ancestors, although our four major families are outsiders, we created the Longyue Empire. After more than 500 years of reproduction, this place is already our motherland.

Over the past 500 years, how many children of our Lei family died at the hands of barbarians?Don't you hate it at all? "

"Of course I hate it! But it's very difficult to protect ourselves with our strength, so what can we use to attack the barbarians? Although your flying boat is powerful, do you think it's possible to use it to destroy the barbarians?"

The patriarch of the Lei family sighed helplessly. Everyone here is a high-ranking imperial family with a powerful family. Every year, many members of the clan die at the hands of the barbarians, and they have blood feuds with the barbarians.

But so what?The mighty Chengtian Dynasty has been destroyed. If a mere empire wants to fight head-on with the barbarians, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg.

(End of this chapter)

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