My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 167 God-making Operation

Chapter 167 God-making Operation
One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and the news that Lei Ling was going to attack the barbarians quickly spread in the imperial capital.

Afterwards, it spread across the country with lightning speed, and this move received the support of countless people.

This world respects martial arts, and many people are full of blood.

Especially civilians, their education level is very low, and many of them are even illiterate.

As soon as they heard that they wanted to attack the barbarians, those who donated money donated money, those who donated food donated food, and those who had good cultivation had to join the army.

Along with this incident, there was also the fight between Lei Ling and Feng Xinghan.

The fact that Feng Xinghan was a demon cultivator was exposed, and the fact that he killed his mother, seven aunts and eight aunts was also revealed.

There are also some miscellaneous things, such as visiting flower houses at the age of five, peeking at widows taking a bath at the age of six, forcing people to watch him take a bath at the age of seven, and so on.

Among them, Hong Xu jumped the most.

Since the challenge incident, his real estate title deed has also been cheated away by the remaining wives, concubines and loyal servants.

He lost all his spiritual power and could only beg for a living.

I don't know who saw the business opportunity and got him to talk about storytelling, but I didn't expect it to become a hit.

Now he devotes himself to preaching in the teahouse every day, talking about how he cultivated Feng Xinghan, and how Feng Xinghan refused to save him.

He dedicated himself to speaking, his style is very funny, and with his previous status bonus, he has become a master storyteller, and the venue is bound to be full.

The matter of the swamp land was also spread out. Feng Xinghan wanted to monopolize the treasure, and killed Tianjiao and even the Ninth Princess of the Pearl of the Empire with his vicious magic skills.

In order to prevent the devil from obtaining the treasure and causing harm to the world, Lei Ling fought against the devil Feng Xinghan for three days and three nights, was seriously injured, and finally beheaded him.

He has the world in his heart, and the spirit of self-sacrifice for others has influenced the swamp dragon clan, and even let go of the deep blood feud with the human race, and willingly gave him the treasure of the dragon clan.

Things got more and more outrageous, and all kinds of rumors came out, about how many children Lei Ling had helped, how many demons he had killed, how many women who had lost their way had been rescued, and so on.

Storytellers in major restaurants are talking day and night.

It has also been compiled into various dramas in major theaters.

There are also a large number of bards joining in, and even children are singing all kinds of compiled nursery rhymes every day, running around in the streets and alleys.

In the end, Lei Ling was transformed into a god who descended into the world for the purpose of saving all living beings and saving thousands of people from water and fire, and Feng Xinghan was the first big devil he got rid of.

Originally, some people still had doubts, but this time, in order to attack the barbarians, Lei Ling threw money regardless of the cost.

Gradually, they all believed it, especially some people whose families were ruined by the barbarians, and they have developed into Lei Ling's fanatics.

Anyone who dared to speak ill of him would be beaten immediately.

The rumors intensified, and even the other three kingdoms were affected, and many families had already begun to enshrine Lei Ling's statue.

It has to be said that the power of public opinion is terrifying, and this is just a warm-up. Once the all-out war with the human race wins, then he will definitely become a god directly.

At this moment, Lei Ling began to recruit soldiers.

Different from the empire, he only recruits masters above the Yuanli Transformation Realm, and the treatment he gives is five times that of the empire.

At the same time, there is also a reward system, using the points system of Longteng Academy.

Accumulate points by beheading barbarians, and you can get corresponding rewards when you reach enough points.

Moreover, the points are accumulated and will not be cleared just because you get rewards.

With such generous treatment, coupled with the appeal of Lei Ling, who has been deified, masters from various families signed up one after another.

Among them, the Lei and Zhao families are the most active, and of course this is as it should be.

Some grassroots people are even more crazy, and there are long queues at the recruitment offices every day.

Even the masters from the three great empires came here one after another to agree with each other.

Inside Taohuaxianfu

Lei Ling was lying on the boat, enjoying Shi Yu's massage, those rumors naturally had behind-the-scenes pushers.

Not only the organization formed by Liufeng Auction House and Lei Hangang, but almost all major forces in the entire Longyue Empire participated.

It can be said that it is publicized by the whole people. Even in the previous life, many people would be brainwashed, let alone in this world.

Jin Qiaoer hugged a big peach, sat on a chair and said: "Now the number of Qilin Legion has reached 400, and the number is still increasing.

The four major families have sent experts from the Zhenhai Realm to join, and the first batch of rewards have already been distributed. Now General Lei Dingguo is training his troops quickly. "

Lei Ling nodded in satisfaction: "Yeah! Not bad, not bad, how is the formation of Anbu going?"

"The Lei family's intelligence organization and Qianshang's killer organization have been merged, and are temporarily divided into the intelligence department and the operation department. With your large amount of financial support, the intelligence department is developing very fast, and the operation department is also okay. With enough resources, their strength has improved, but Qianshang doesn't accept the elites we send over, he only uses his own people."


Lei Ling pondered for a moment, and then ordered: "Let Qianshang do it himself in the Operations Department. In addition, we will set up a Shenying detachment here, and temporarily arrange those elites there, as a mobile force on the battlefield, and at the same time assist Qianshang. Do some simple assassinations."


While stepping hard on his back, Shi Yu replied.

After Jin Qiaoer finished eating a peach, she continued: "The four major families have also reached a consensus with the other three empires. They agreed to increase their troops, but they are not as many as us, but most of the mercenary groups have taken over our tasks. Now There should be more than 20 people."

Lei Ling nodded and asked again: "Is the food and grass prepared enough?"

"It's very sufficient. We have basically bought the surplus grain in each city, and we have also hunted down a large number of wild animals, even spirit beasts. In addition to the food reserves in various places, it will be more than enough for five years."

Jin Qiaoer rolled her eyes, feeling very helpless for his overly cautious character.

This battle involves too much, and it is related to the cause and effect of countless people. She can't use the compass to deduce it at all, and persuades with some worries:

"Lei Ling, the barbarians in the northern wilderness are very powerful, and they are protected by the barbaric sacred tree. Even if you can force them to tear up the agreement and attract foreign aid, you may not be their opponents. After all, that is their home field. You Don't you think about it any more?"

Lei Ling yawned, and said indifferently: "If you don't try, how do you know you can't win? I have the Eternal Shenzhou, so even if I lose, I can escape. Why are you panicking?"


Jin Qiaoer and Shi Yu were both taken aback, a drop of cold sweat oozed from their foreheads.

They never expected Lei Ling to have such a mentality, this is the life of countless people!
During this time, they also heard a lot of rumors, although they didn't directly regard Lei Ling as a god.

But he is still regarded as a great hero who cares about the country and the people.

Everything in the Eternal Shenzhou is distributed by Shi Yu, so much money, so many spiritual tools, and spiritual materials are all genuine, who would do such a thing except a big hero?

Lei Ling coughed lightly, feeling that he should give these two little girls another lesson:

"Qiao'er, Shi Yu, you have to remember, do everything according to your ability, put yourself first, and then think about other things.

Don't put yourself in it just to help others, and don't kill yourself just to deal with a person, these are things that only two people do.

Although my northern expedition to the barbarians cost a lot of money, I don't lack these things. The wealth of the Dragon Clan is too huge, and these are only a small part, and my father also left a huge amount of property.

Based on this foundation, I provoked a big war. Of course, this is my limit. It is impossible for me to shake my foundation in order to destroy the barbarians, let alone put my life on it.

And Luo Feng, he is my childhood friend and my loyal follower. When I become prosperous, I will naturally help him!
I made him the crown prince and gave him a lot of resources. He will be the emperor in the future, but that's all.

It is impossible for me to give him the Eternal Shenzhou directly, or even give him both of you, right? "

Jin Qiaoer nodded half-understood: "Oh! But this time many people will die!"

"War! How can there be undead? Even if they are all dead, I will go to another dynasty group and fight again next time."

Lei Ling shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and said such a cruel thing so easily, Jin Qiaoer and Shi Yu were both cold.

Thinking of the things he did before, I swore in my heart that I would never fall out with him even if I died, what kind of god is this guy!
It is obviously a devil, the most ferocious and evil kind.

(End of this chapter)

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