My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 172 7 Treasures 7 Supreme Immortals

Chapter 172 Seven Treasures and Seven Absolute Immortals


Back on the Shenzhou, Lei Ling collapsed to the ground, panting heavily.

Although he is the king of coercion, he has never tried to pretend to be coercive in front of so many people!

And I have to give a speech, I can't help but shout!He felt that his stage fright was going to be committed.

If he hadn't been reciting the mind-cleaning mantra silently in his heart, he might be so nervous that he couldn't even finish his sentence.

Even so, he was terribly frightened. He had prepared a long and pretentious speech but didn't say it. After holding it in for a long time, he only managed to utter a few words.

There is also the slogan that I have been thinking about for several days, what brothers, let's fight for our motherland and our people!
None of the outrageous slogans such as using barbarian heads to make wine glasses to pay homage to our dead souls were not uttered.

What a pity!

"In the future, you must train your mentality well. This is not enough. Where is this going? In the future, this young master will command all races."

Lei Ling patted his face with both hands, and kept cheering himself up.

Jin Qiao'er came over with a large bag of walnut cakes and asked in confusion, "Lei Ling, what are you doing lying on the ground? Are you going crazy again?"

"Basking in the sun! It's very comfortable, do you want to try it?"

Lei Ling's face was not flushed, he was not out of breath, and he stretched comfortably, looking like he was enjoying himself.

Eternal Shenzhou has a cleaning array and a temperature regulation system, so the ground is clean and not cold. It is indeed a very comfortable thing to lie on the deck and bask in the sun.

He didn't want this girl to know that he had stage fright, otherwise he would have to ridicule again.

Seeing that he was enjoying it so much, Jin Qiaoer also moved intentionally. After hesitating for a while, she carefully put the walnut cake aside and lay down.

The warm sun was shining on her body, and she stretched comfortably: "Well, it's really comfortable, I can't see that you are quite good at enjoying it."

After that, she rolled happily on the ground, but soon she realized that something was wrong, because Lei Ling didn't speak anymore.

When she sat up, Lei Ling had long since disappeared.

"How can you just leave? Don't tell me, it's really rude."

Jin Qiaoer muttered unhappily, and reached out to get her own walnut cake, but it was in vain.

Turning her head to look at the floor that was so smooth that it was almost glistening, she didn't know that she was being tricked again.

Tears welled up in his eyes immediately, and he sat on the ground kicking his legs and rubbing his eyes, and started to cry: "Lei Ling, you big villain, you wicked ghost, you give me back my walnut cake, woo woo."

On the second floor of the spaceship, seeing Jin Qiaoer crying, Shi Yu said with some distress: "Master, why do you always love to tease her!
She bought this walnut cake after queuing for a long time, so please return it to her, otherwise you don't know how long you will cry! "

Lei Ling chewed the walnut cake, frowned, and asked in confusion, "Line up? Do you still need to line up?"

"Although Qiao'er is a bit arrogant, she is very polite. Although she said that the food she queued up is the most delicious, I think she doesn't want to bully others."

Shi Yu shrugged, his expression changed suddenly, and he hurriedly said: "Young Master, I'm not saying that you are not polite and bullying others! I just"

"Okay! This young master just likes to bully others."

Lei Ling waved his hand, not only was he not ashamed, but he lifted his chin very proudly, and said arrogantly:
"Shi Yu, who dares to ask you to line up in the future, you will have someone smash his shop for me. This walnut cake is from Zhou Ji, right? Let Qianshang kill his whole family later."

He now feels that he has lost face, even if Jin Qiaoer has to queue, the boss shouldn't let her queue?

Who in the entire imperial capital doesn't know that these two little girls belong to him?Who doesn't know that he loves them the most?
Asking her to line up, and still waiting in a long line, simply didn't take him seriously.

Shi Yu was taken aback, knowing that Lei Ling had started to behave abnormally again, he hurriedly persuaded him: "Master! Don't be so excited! Qiaoer went there in disguise, no one else knew her."

Lei Ling's eyes widened, and he said reluctantly: "It's okay if you don't know him, kill him! You must kill his whole family."

Shi Yu rubbed his forehead, and gently took his hand: "Okay! Young master, Qiaoer likes the walnut cakes in that store very much, so please forgive them this time! Look, Qiaoer is still crying, Go and coax her."

"Well! If that's the case, let them have their lives."

Lei Ling suppressed his anger, seeing that Jin Qiaoer was indeed crying a bit, and knew that he might have gone too far.

Hastily ran over, knelt down and patted her head lightly:
"Why are you crying? When did our Miss Qiaoer become so stingy?"

Seeing that her walnut cake came back again, Jin Qiaoer stopped crying, snatched it away, and turned her head away: "Who made you bully me all the time, big villain, I don't want to talk to you anymore."

"Are you really angry?"

Lei Ling took advantage of the situation and sat down and said softly: "The reason why you are not allowed to eat is to save your stomach. I will take you to eat delicious food later."

When Jin Qiaoer heard that there was something delicious, her eyes lit up immediately, she turned her head and asked, "What's delicious?"

"Didn't you know it after you went there? I heard that even if you have money, you can't eat this stuff. The emperor can eat a small bowl every year."

Lei Ling made a fool of himself and waved to Shi Yu above, motioning for her to come down.

Jin Qiaoer swallowed her saliva, looked at him expectantly, and stammered and asked, "No, no, it can't be the legendary Qizhen and Qijue Shengxian, right?"

After seeing Lei Ling smiling and nodding, she bounced off the ground like a spring, skipping all the walnut cakes, jumping up and down excitedly: "Lei Ling, I really love you to death, you are the most beautiful girl in the world!" Pretty boy."

Lei Ling: "."

There is a mountain thirty miles away from the imperial capital, and there is a small wooden house at the foot of the mountain. Every year when the ice and snow melt, some high-level officials of the empire and some arrogance will gather here.

The name of this mountain is Wandu Mountain, and it has existed since the time of Chengtian Dynasty.

The mountain is full of poisonous miasma!

Poisonous insects and poisonous flowers can be seen everywhere, even the mightiest of the Zhenhai realm dare not intrude at will.

Every winter, heavy snow covers the whole mountain, and the poisonous miasma in the mountain will temporarily disappear, the poisonous insects will hibernate, and the poisonous flowers will wither, but new vitality will also be born.

Some poisonous insects will metamorphose due to the change of climate, allowing themselves to adapt to the severe cold, and the same is true for some poisonous flowers, and some new things will even be born.

Legend has it that a chef god passed by here and lived here for three years. Every year, when the snow stopped melting, he went into the mountains to find ingredients and make food.

In the end, I made the Qizhen Qijue Shengxian, which is extremely delicious. After eating, it will even make you enter a wonderful artistic conception, feeling like you are about to ascend to a fairy.

Even the ancestors of the four major families are salivating. Each family has only three places per year. The Luo family, as the royal family, has a little more, but only six places.

(End of this chapter)

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