My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 176 Those Peerless Talents

Chapter 176 Those Peerless Talents

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food

After a simple chat, everyone quickly became acquainted with each other. Huangfu Yunfei has an easy-going personality and handsome looks, so it's hard to make people feel annoyed.

Lei Ling smiled and asked: "Brother Yunfei, you come from a big family, and you practice in a sect like Wushuang Jiange. You must be well-informed. I don't know who are the peerless talents in Nanzhou?"

Jin Qiaoer cooperated very well with a look of admiration, and even Shi Yu became a star eye.

Huangfu Yunfei felt relieved, coughed lightly and said: "There are four top sects in Nanzhou, Wushuang Jiange, Tianxiao Lingfeng Sect, Blood Demon Sect, and Corpse King Palace.

The two righteous and the two demons have been opposing each other for many years, and Tianjiao is basically among these four major forces. There are spirit sons in the righteous way, and demon sons in the evil way. Each faction has three.

Among them, the strongest is the senior brother, followed by the second and third senior brothers.

Of course, there are also women. Women are called spiritual women and witches. These twelve people are basically peerless talents. "

Lei Ling's eyes lit up, and he continued to ask: "Are these people fixed? Brother Feiyun is deeply cultivated, so he should be one of the spirit sons, right?"

"No, each school and faction will have a ranking battle every year, but there is not much change, at most it is a competition between the top three.

After all, the resources obtained by Dao Lingzi are far more than those of other disciples. As for me, I can be regarded as the second senior brother at present. "

Speaking of this, a sense of arrogance emanated from Huangfu Yunfei.

Being able to become the number two figure in the top sect is enough to make him proud.

Lei Ling touched his chin. Although these people are the strongest, they are not necessarily Daozi. After all, Daozi also needs to grow.

But if Daozi reaches the realm of Lingzi, if he doesn't pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, then the ranking will definitely be extremely high.

He secretly winked at Jin Qiaoer, but Jin Qiaoer, a silly girl, didn't see it. She was very happy eating the chicken rice flower fried by Xiaobaicai for her, and chatting with others from time to time, so angry that he wanted to be hungry She was fine for two days.

Thanks to Shi Yu's cleverness, he smiled at Huangfu Yunfei and said:

"Master Yunfei, who are the elder brothers of the four sects? Are they very powerful?"

Huangfu Yunfei nodded and said: "Of course it is powerful. The senior brother of Tianxiao Lingfeng Sect is called Huayang. This person has been inherited from the ancient strongman. He is good at formations, talismans and seals, so he is extremely difficult to deal with.

The senior brother of the Blood Demon Sect is named Wan Tu, this man is a Heavenly Demon Warrior, a natural physical trainer, with his own Heavenly Demon body training art, he is known as the No. 1 Demon Dao.

If you meet him, try to stay away from him as much as possible. His mental state is very unstable, and he will go crazy if he says he is crazy.

Once when he was a guest at a friend's house, he farted on purpose, trying to make them laugh, but no one dared to laugh. He felt that he was insulted, so he slaughtered the whole family. "


Shi Yu's mouth grew wide, and she subconsciously glanced at her young master.

In the past, she thought that Lei Ling was already nervous enough, but she didn't expect that a strong man would have a strong man's defense. This man named Wan Tu is not in an unstable mental state!This is totally a lunatic!

You say you want to make people laugh, why do you fart?If you fart, people will respect you if you don’t laugh, okay!Why did you take it as an insult?Isn't this brain circuit too weird?

Hearing that physical training Lei Ling is interested, Heavenly Demon Body Refining Art, Heavenly Demon Battle Body, this sounds very tall!
But he didn't dare to ask more, if Huangfu Yunfei could see the clues, it would be a little troublesome, and he planned to investigate slowly later.

Huangfu Yunfei smiled kindly at Shi Yu, and continued: "The elder brother of the Corpse King Palace is called Xuan Puppet, this person is very mysterious, but he is also a ruthless character.

He was originally just an ordinary disciple of the Corpse King Hall, but suddenly rose like a comet, fought all the way during the ranking battle, and finally killed all their former senior brothers and turned them into a corpse puppet! "


Lei Ling's eyes lit up, 90.00% of this trick is Taoism!

This guy must have got some kind of golden finger that defies the sky, so he suddenly rose up. He kept the word "xuan puppet" in his heart, and he had already started to flirt with what kind of golden finger he had.

Seeing that Huangfu Yunfei stopped talking, Shi Yu tilted his head and asked, "Which senior brother is the Wushuang Jiange?"


Huangfu Yunfei smiled awkwardly: "Our Wushuang Jiange is not a senior brother, but a senior sister, her name is Lanling Muxue, she is the youngest daughter of our pavilion master, she has a heavenly sword spirit, comprehends Wushuang swordsmanship, and conquers all sword cultivators in the world. .”


Shi Yu dragged on the voice for a long time, Huangfu Yunfei was even more embarrassed now, and hurriedly added:
"Senior Sister Lan Ling is very powerful. When Wan Tu went crazy and slaughtered at will, Senior Sister Lan Ling happened to pass by and fought with him for three days and three nights. Not only did he severely injured, but he even cut off a finger."

"Such a cow?"

Lei Ling was dumbfounded, not understanding what was wrong with this world, why women were so fierce.

Her little aunt dominated the Four Great Empires, and when she arrived in Nanzhou, Lan Ling Muxue began to dominate again.

He really wanted to ask Huangfu Yunfei, are all the men in your world impotent?

"Sigh, Senior Sister Lan Ling is extremely talented, and her luck is against the sky. Let alone me in Nanzhou, even if you look at the entire continent, there are few opponents."

Huangfu Yunfei sighed heavily, as if recalling something terrible, a wisp of cold sweat slipped from the corner of his forehead.

Lei Ling rolled his eyes, and said softly: "Since Brother Yunfei is the Righteous Spirit Son of our human race, why don't you stay and fight against foreign enemies with us? You can also take this opportunity to hone your cultivation and improve your spiritual skills. Maybe the next sect Ranking competition, you can become a big brother?"


Huangfu Yunfei's eyes lit up, obviously a little moved.

Lei Ling didn't wink at Jin Qiaoer anymore, but secretly pinched her thigh.

Only then did Jin Qiao'er raise her head, and snorted softly, "Are you going or not? What kind of man is hesitant? Look at those recruits, who knew that they were going to die but decided to join the army. This is a bloody man! You have a cultivation base, you see your compatriots suffering, but you don’t know how to help and do your part for our human race, what’s the difference between you and Xianyu?"

Huangfu Yunfei hurriedly apologized with a smile: "Oh, Qiaoer, it's not that I don't want to go, I'm thinking whether to call some juniors over."

"Nonsense! Do you still need to think about it? Are you Er Que? You can definitely shout as much as you want!"

Jin Qiaoer rolled his eyes at him, then lowered his head and started to eat again. Seeing Huangfu Yunfei's cowardly expression, Lei Ling felt very disdainful. This guy must be afraid of ears in the future, so his handsome face is really in vain:
"By the way, Brother Yunfei, I wonder if anyone from your side is willing to come to our Four Great Empires to help out this time?"

Huangfu Yunfei sighed and said: "Of course there are quite a few people who want to come, but there is an agreement, it is inconvenient for us to enter in large numbers, alas. There are many things we can't help."

Jin Qiaoer nodded and said: "That's true, but it's okay to have more than a dozen or twenty, and it doesn't matter if they are below the Zhenhai state."

"Okay! Brother Yunfei, since you agreed, you can set off with us in two days! As for the younger brothers and sisters you informed, just ask them to join us in Hero City."

Lei Ling was afraid that Huangfu Yunfei would not go for an excuse, so he decided to take him on the Eternal Shenzhou, so that Xiao Heng could secretly monitor his every move, and this guy is the second senior brother of the top power!
Where can I find such free super thugs?And on his hand, he still wears his own storage ring.

(End of this chapter)

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