My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 183 The Tragic Jin Dabao

Chapter 183 The Tragic Jin Dabao
Fengming Building, private rooms on the top floor
Jin Dabao devoured plate after plate of food, his speed was several times faster than his sister's.

Lei Ling was speechless for a while, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Jin, why are you so hungry?"

In fact, what he really wanted to ask was, are you Jin family members all idiots?

"Hi~~Don't mention it."

Jin Dabao wiped out a few more dishes before he let out a soft breath and said:
"During these days, I have been hunted down, and she wouldn't let me sleep or eat, and she just tortured me like that.

If I hadn't carried a lot of tonics with me, I would have burped a long time ago, and I only got rid of her in the last two days. "

"Is that she you're talking about your wife Wu Qingcheng?"

Lei Ling looked at him with a strange face, thinking of what he did, even a little adoration in his heart, this is a real man!
Jin Dabao scratched his head in embarrassment and sighed: "Have Qiaoer told you already? Oh, that's right, it's her, that bitch is too cruel.

She doesn't kill me, she doesn't beat me, she just tortures me like this, these days I really would rather die than live!

I once tried to break the pot and fell asleep, but she stabbed my little brother with a sword!If it weren't for me just trying to test it, I would have become a eunuch now.

After getting rid of her, I found a place to sleep for two days and two nights, and only ran out today to find food. "

Having said that, Jin Dabao wiped his tears with his hand, shook his head, and sighed again.


Lei Ling couldn't help but gasp!

Sleep deprivation was a form of torture in previous lives!

Over time, hallucinations and even mental breakdowns may occur.

Even spiritual practice can't stay without sleep for a long time, let alone without food?

This fat man's vitality is really tenacious!

Swallowing heavily, he asked curiously, "Brother Jin! Do you know that Qiaoer is with me?"

"Master Ling's deeds have been spread all over the world, not to mention the four great empires, even in Nanzhou, many people know about it. Of course I have heard about it. Thank you, Young Master Ling, for taking care of my little sister."

Jin Dabao stood up, saluted Lei Ling respectfully and then sighed:
"Qiaoer, this girl is really annoying, she actually ran away from home.

Fortunately, I met you. If I meet someone with ulterior motives, it will be troublesome. "

"You and my brother don't need to thank you? Qiao'er is your sister and my sister. Naturally, I have to take good care of her."

Lei Ling smiled and waved his hands, as if I would do anything for my brother.

I was still a little guilty, after all, he almost killed that little cute baby at that time.

After coughing lightly, he frowned and asked, "Brother Jin, what is your wife's cultivation level? Do you want me to find someone to capture her for you, and then let you take her back and train her? The so-called three days without going to the house Wa, women still have to be disciplined, right?"

Jin Dabao's eyes couldn't help but brighten up when he heard the words, there was even a lewd light flickering in them, but then they dimmed again:

"Let's forget it! If that's the case, she probably won't forgive me in this life."

"Ah? Do you still want to"

Lei Ling looked at him speechlessly, this guy looks even worse than his father, and he doesn't know his father's great tricks, it might be difficult to counterattack!
He just said that in consideration of his face before, and he didn't believe Jin Dabao didn't understand the real meaning.

Jin Dabao smiled proudly: "Actually, I can feel that Qingcheng has me in her heart.

Anyway, we have also been a couple for a month!And there is also a child, she just can't hold back her face, otherwise she would just kill me when she finds me, so why waste time tormenting me like this! "

"Is this the legendary pajamas?"

Lei Ling swallowed in surprise, thinking about it carefully.

For one thing, women have special feelings for their first man.

Secondly, after all, they have a child. For the sake of the child, many mothers will make various compromises.

Not to mention anything else, like Xiao Longnv, didn't she kill Zhen Zhibing after she fell asleep?

He followed him all the way, and even helped him. If it weren't for Yang Guo and his aura as the protagonist, maybe the two of them would be together in the end.

Even if Zhen Zhibing hadn't played mask like an idiot back then, or kowtowed to apologize afterwards, and then talked sweetly, with his good face, strong background, and good talent, maybe he would have become a winner in life then.

And that's without the kids!
Hmm. From this point of view, Jianchen and Chuchu are more suitable for them. Even with the blessing of the halo, Bu Jingyun almost couldn't stop shouting.
Thinking of this, he nodded and said: "If that's the case, then I don't have much to do.

Brother Jin, do you want to follow me to Hero City?If my sister-in-law comes again, I can also mediate from it, and then let Qiao'er act like a baby, act cute or something, maybe it can calm her down.

If you beat her up a few more times and give her a step down, the chances of embracing the beauty are still quite high. "

Although Jin Dabao couldn't get on the stage, he still had a good brain, and even Lei Han was full of praise for him.

Lei Ling is short of a dog-headed military advisor by his side right now!So I decided to keep him by my side.

Hearing this, Jin Dabao said proudly, "Of course I want to! In fact, I wanted to join you at first. I am also a member of the human race, so I should contribute to the great cause of killing barbarians."

"Okay! Brother Jin is indeed a bloody man! If my sister-in-law finds out, she will definitely look at you with admiration."

Lei Ling complimented him without hesitation, and then asked aloud: "Brother Jin, what do you think of Huangfu Yunfei?"

He didn't ask Jin Dabao how to deal with the matter of Hero City. After all, Jin Dabao didn't understand the situation, so he asked Huangfu Yunfei first.

This time, he paid a huge price for cutting barbarians, and he must make up for it!
"He! How can I say it!"

Jin Dabao pondered for a long time, and said: "This person is very powerful, he can be described as the favorite of the heavens, oh! By the way, he also has a title, named Mr. Wuxia."

"Young Master Flawless?"

Lei Ling took a deep breath, this title is much higher than his King of Kings!

Jin Dabao nodded and explained: "Yes! There is no stain in his life, whether it is family background, talent, learning, or appearance, he is top-notch.

In Nanzhou, there are a large number of admirers, the princess of the dynasty, and the lady of the family. They would rather be his concubine than marry him. "

"Damn it! How did he survive until now?"

Lei Ling's eyes were red with jealousy, this is simply the life he dreamed of!

"This is what makes him great. If it were someone else, he would definitely become the public enemy of men.

But he is also very good at communication. It can be said that he has made friends all over the world and has a strong personality. "

Jin Dabao also showed jealousy on his face, Lei Ling was so jealous that he almost flipped the table, is there a more perfect life than this?
He let out a breath, and asked in a deep voice: "Brother Jin, how is this guy's combat power? Are there any treasures against the sky?"

"The combat power is very high, except for Lanling Muxue, he should not be inferior to any spirit child or spirit girl.

I heard from my father that when he was born, a white crane carried a five-color stone for him. It is said that it is a treasure that surpasses the heavens, but I don't know if it is true!As for the others, I'm not sure. "

"I go!"

Lei Ling was dumbfounded, five-color stones?Could it be the Nuwa Heaven Repairing Stone, right?
Then play with a hammer!Just kowtow and beg for mercy.

"Don't panic, don't panic, don't say it's unlikely to be Nuwa's sky-repairing stone, even if it is, what's the matter? Could it still make me explode in place? Even the invincible style can't play like this?"

While wiping his cold sweat, Lei Ling cheered himself up in his heart.

Seeing him startled, Jin Dabao rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Young Master Ling likes that girl Qiaoer, right?"


Lei Ling was taken aback for a moment, then scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Qiaoer is cute and cute, who wouldn't like it?"

"Hmm! That girl is really attractive."

Jin Dabao nodded with a smile, frowned and said, "I don't like Huangfu Yunfei very much, I always feel that he is a bit hypocritical.

Ling Shao and I are good brothers, and I support you in this matter. Although he is powerful, it is not impossible to destroy him. "

"Oh? Brother Jin has a solution?"

Lei Ling's eyes lit up, this guy is an expert in trickery!A wild way.

Maybe he can really play Huangfu Yunfei to death, even if he can't play to death, it's good to play half disabled, after all, he is not what he used to be.

"Isn't now the best time? You have provoked a war between humans and barbarians. Once the war starts, it will be protracted, and more and more forces will join in.

Some forces will definitely send outstanding disciples from the sect to experience training, and Huangfu Yunfei will definitely come, when he arrives in your territory, won't it be difficult to mess with him? "

Speaking of this, Jin Dabao seemed to have thought of something obscene, and even showed a very lewd smile.

"Huh? Huangfu Yunfei is already in Hero City?"

"Ah? What's going on?"

Jin Dabao was stunned for a moment, he thought it was Huangfu Yunfei that Jin Qiaoer mentioned to Lei Ling!Unexpectedly, Lei Ling had already seen him.

Lei Ling smiled and told him what happened before, Jin Dabao was amazed!
He gave Lei Ling a thumbs up: "Young Master Ling is really amazing! If this is the case, then things will be much easier to handle. We have the right time, the right place, and the harmony of people. There are plenty of ways to get him."

(End of this chapter)

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