Chapter 186 The Madman
"I rely on!"

After learning what the King of War is, Lei Ling screamed in fright, and burst into cold sweat!
The most powerful person in a dynasty?
Isn't that the Holy Realm powerhouse?
Moreover, he is also the most powerful figure among the powerhouses in the holy realm.

What is he using to fight?
He pointed at the crowd and roared angrily: "Are you all Er Que? Why didn't you stop me! What are you going to do now?"

Everyone was speechless for a while, and rolled their eyes, especially the Patriarch of the Lei family, who almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

He keeps reminding, is stopping it, okay?It's your mad dog, who bites people like crazy, okay?
After thinking about it for a long time, Lei Ling asked nervously: "You said that if I went to apologize to him now, would he forgive me?"

Everyone shook their heads in silence, their expressions extremely strange.

Lei Ling's eyes flickered, he moved back and forth on everyone, and finally showed a very weird smile, he said coldly: "Take the Zhou family, the Yun family, and the Lu family down for me."

The faces of the three Patriarchs changed drastically, but they did not dare to resist, and said angrily, "Young Master Ling! What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? You brought Shi Xue here to cook, right?"

Lei Ling narrowed his eyes slightly, with strong murderous aura coming out of his body, he said with a sinister smile, "You guys are so brave! If you dare to plot against me, I think you don't want to live anymore."

The Patriarch of the Zhou family said with an aggrieved face: "Young Master Ling! Where did you come from? The adults of the dynasty like the dishes made by that girl, and what does it have to do with us if they temporarily requisition her!"

The Patriarch of the Yun family echoed: "Yes! Young Master Ling, and she only came to cook, and she didn't suffer any grievances. Is that what you are doing?"

The Patriarch of the Lu family snorted coldly: "Hmph! Young Master Ling, you said that we asked you to produce evidence, otherwise I will not accept it!"

"Evidence? Since when did this young master need evidence?"

With a look of disdain on Lei Ling's face, he picked up the jug on the table, drank a few sips, and said domineeringly: "My young master has always preferred to kill [-] by mistake, and never let a single one go. I’m going to kill you, I’m going to kill you if you’re not happy, what can you do to me?”


Let alone the three Patriarchs, even the Patriarch of the Lei Family and others shook their heads and sighed!
This Lei Ling was simply a lunatic, especially the Patriarch of the Lei family, who was about to cry.

He didn't know why such a wonderful flower appeared in the Lei family, the fate of his Lei family was really worrying!
"The Chen family was destroyed by me, so this time I didn't invite people from the Moge dynasty, they didn't move for the time being because of face.

If they don't come, as people from the Moge Dynasty, you will definitely be treated unfairly. Of course, you may also want to express your anger for the Chen family. Originally, if you were obedient, I would take care of you. Unfortunately, you So stupid. "

Lei Ling shook his head in disappointment, and a terrifying murderous aura erupted from his whole body: "How dare you provoke me? I even dare to blast the wild sacred tree! I still dare not touch you?"

The faces of the three masters were as pale as paper in an instant. They forgot that the person in front of them was a lunatic. He would not reason with you.

If it was in the past, it would be fine, with the power of their family, Lei Ling still didn't dare to touch them.

But now that the major dynasties and even the major forces are gathering in Hero City, the four empires will soon be in chaos, and they have no sense of existence.

Especially the Patriarch of the Lu family, he really didn't know about this matter, he was the one who was affected by Chi Yu, and he was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

The Patriarch of the Lei family didn't want Lei Ling to have any more grudges, so he could only bite the bullet and come out to smooth things over: "Ling'er, I know about this, and I have greeted you well in all aspects.

The kitchen is also full of old people from before, no one will bully Maid Xuexue, and I have arranged a special person to protect her, pick her up every day, and she can go back after cooking, without any grievances. "

The Patriarch of the Zhao family also stood up and interceded: "Yes! Young Master Ling, now that the war has begun, it is not appropriate to kill again. How about letting them take the blame and make meritorious deeds?"

Seeing that these two people had come forward, the other people also expressed their pleas one after another. At the same time, they also gave Lei Ling a step down. Today's incident was too big, and they still need to think about how to end it.


No one expected that Lei Ling refused straight away, and said with cold eyes: "Shi Xue is my exclusive cook, she can only cook for me and my people, and I can only obey my orders, and let her cook for me. Others cooking is bullying her and provoking my majesty, they must die!"


Everyone gasped!

This is no longer overbearing!

This is simply insane. It's just such a trivial matter, and you want to die?
"Ling'er, the enemy is now, let's spare them this time, shall we?"

The Patriarch of the Lei family has a hundred thousand muddy horses galloping in his heart, these three people are not just cats or dogs!

These are the patriarchs of three big families comparable to the Lei family, and a single move can affect the whole body!

Kill them, can their family let it go?
Even the Mog dynasty behind them would be furious because of this, which is tantamount to cutting off their power in the four empires, and they will no longer have any resources to pay tribute.

And it's slapping them in the face.

Who knew that Lei Ling still shook his head and said two words very firmly, no!
The Patriarch of the Lei family was so angry that he almost slapped him to death. Isn't this too disrespectful to him?Anyway, he is also the head of the family, an elder!
"Lei Ling, don't take yourself too seriously, you dare to kill me?"

The Patriarch of the Yun Family stared, and roared loudly: "The Hero City is not only you, but your Longyue Empire, and it is not only your Lei Family. Try to touch me, and I guarantee that my Yun Family children will turn around and deal with you immediately."

The Patriarch of the Zhou family also snorted coldly: "Hmph! Lei Ling, my son of the Zhou family went through life and death, fighting bloody barbarians, and you treat us like this? It really makes people feel cold."

The Patriarch of the Lu family roared: "Our Lu family refuses to accept! If you kill me today, my Lu family will be at odds with your Longyue Empire and your Lei family! I say, Zhou, Lu, the three allied forces, plus allies, will surely be able to fight against you!" Flatten your Dragon Leap Empire."


Lei, Zhao, and Yan's three patriarchs all changed their faces abruptly.

The head of the Lu family is right. The Longyue Empire was originally weaker than the other three countries. This time, Lei Ling wiped out a big family, and a large number of troops were brought to Hero City. The current Longyue Empire can be said to be Very empty.

Not to mention allies, even the three coalition forces are enough to destroy the Longyue Empire.


Lei Ling directly sprayed out the wine in his mouth, and said with a smile: "Haven't you guys figured out the situation yet? I'll go to your three big families and shoot each one later. I don't believe that all three of you are like the Wild God. as hard as a tree."


Everyone exclaimed, they all forgot what Lei Ling had.

Why do people from the Lei family, Zhao family, and Yan family listen to him so much?
Isn't it because he has that terrifying flying boat?
The three masters saw with their own eyes how the Chen family was destroyed, and even the Lingbao was smashed.

And the attack at that time was nothing compared to his previous attack on the Wild God Tree.

The others were breaking out in cold sweat, they had never seen Lei Ling's method of attacking the Chen family.

But I have seen his methods of attacking the wild sacred tree. If the attack falls on their imperial capital, let alone their family, the entire imperial capital will probably be blasted to the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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