Chapter 196
"Brother! I'm polluted, I don't want to live anymore."

Lingyin looked at Huangfu Yunfei with tears streaming down her face, and said in a crying voice.

Huangfu Yunfei's complexion became even colder, with murderous look in his eyes, he asked in a deep voice: "What happened?"

With red eyes, Lingyin whispered the matter in his ear.

Huangfu Yunfei's face turned from ice-cold to shocked, and then flushed.

Finally, with a sound of "vomit!", he lay on the ground and vomited wildly.

His flawless son, today finally laid the first stain in his life.

Lingyin glanced at Lei Ling with a complex expression, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

There are only three people present, she and Huangfu Yunfei both drank Lei Ling's holy water, as long as Lei Ling is killed, this secret will be buried forever, and no one will know.

But Lei Ling saved her life after all, if he repays his kindness with revenge, then what is the difference between her and a beast?
"Lingyin, don't mess around."

Feeling the fluctuation of her breath, Huangfu Yunfei raised his head and gave her a hard look.

Then he rinsed his mouth with water, struggled to stand up and respectfully saluted Lei Ling:

"Thank you Ling Shao for saving your life, I misunderstood you just now, please don't take it to heart."

"Hmph! My young master has always ignored villains, so I won't take them to heart."

Lei Ling snorted coldly, not worried about his own safety at all.

If Huangfu Yunfei loses his mind because of this incident, then he is not a Taoist.

And even if he really wanted to fight, he was not in vain, these two people were sick, and Lingyin was just a matter of punching.

As for Huangfu Yunfei, although he was not sure about killing him, he was still confident in escaping.

Taking a contemptuous glance at Lingyin, Lei Ling wiped his mouth and said, "The barbarians seem to have set up an enchantment, and now the directional teleportation talisman can no longer be used! Brother Yunfei, I wonder what your plans are?"

Huangfu Yunfei took out the topographic map and studied it for a while, then frowned and said, "Young Master Ling, don't worry too much, the barrier has a limited range, as long as we go out of the range of the barrier, we can leave.

However, both Lingyin and I were seriously injured, so it's still safe here. I want to heal our injuries here first. When we recover from our injuries, it will be much easier to leave. I don't know what Ling Shaoyi will do? "

"Okay! I have no objection!"

Lei Ling shrugged and asked aloud, "Which of you can cook? I've been eating dry food for several days."

Huangfu Yunfei has a storage ring, he put a lot of ingredients in it before leaving, now that he wakes up, he doesn't need to eat dry food anymore.

"Let me do it!"

Lingxiu walks outside all year round, and more or less cooks barbecue and the like.

Huangfu Yunfei hadn't recovered from his serious injury, his ring tone was a little better, and he felt ashamed, so he volunteered to stand up.

Soon, the cave was filled with tempting aromas. Lei Ling ate barbecue and drank fish soup, enjoying himself.

In fact, Lingyin's craftsmanship is average, not to mention comparable to Shi Xue, even ordinary cooks.

But for Lei Ling who has been eating dry food for so many days, these things are simply delicacies now.

Huangfu Yunfei picked up his wine glass and said sincerely: "Young Master Ling! This time, thanks to your rescue, otherwise Lingyin and I might be in danger. I won't say much else. From now on, you are My brother Huangfu Yunfei, come, I respect you."

"Brother Yunfei, you are being polite. If you hadn't shown your might this time and killed those barbarians, I'm afraid I would have died long ago."

Lei Ling hurriedly raised his wine glass, with a little reverence on his face, he said seriously: "Since brother Yunfei thinks highly of me, I will recognize you as a big brother from now on, big brother! Little brother respects you."


After the two drank three glasses in a row, Huangfu Yunfei quietly winked at Lingyin.

Lingyin had no choice but to raise his glass, and said awkwardly: "Shao Lingling, Lingyin was rude just now, I punished myself three times to apologize to you, and please don't argue with me, Young Master Ling."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and drank three glasses of wine, his little face flushed, looking very bright and attractive.

"It's okay. Master Ben is famous for being broad-minded. Don't worry, I won't mind."

Lei Ling smiled and waved his hands, and the two of them were speechless for a while, thinking that he was too shameless.

Even Ling Yin, who has just arrived in Hero City, knows that this guy's mind is smaller than the tip of a needle.

"By the way, Brother Yunfei, do you have a bed or something like that? I haven't slept well these days."

Lei Ling was so used to being pampered that he never even slept in a tent, let alone a cave.

Huangfu Yunfei shook his head with a wry smile on his face, took out some fur blankets from the storage ring and handed them to Lingyin, motioning her to spread them for Lei Ling.

He wanted to use this to ease the relationship between her and Lei Ling, otherwise, when he returned to Hero City, Lei Ling would inevitably make trouble for her.

After drinking and eating, Lingyin and Huangfu Yunfei performed exercises to heal their injuries, while Lei Ling held a jug of wine, lying on the soft fur bed, drinking and pouring himself.


Suddenly, there was a clicking sound in the cave.

A crack appeared on the stone wall on the far left, and the stone walls on both sides slowly separated. This cave has a unique cave.

"Oh, I'm going, what's going on?"

Lei Ling bounced off the bed like a spring, walked over quickly, and looked inside.

"what happened?"

Huangfu and Yunfei were also alarmed, they paid off and walked over, feeling a little excited in their hearts.

It is common for people like them with great luck to protect themselves to encounter adventures.

Since there is another universe in this cave, there must be a chance.

"It should be that I accidentally kicked the mechanism, go in and have a look?"

Before the two could answer, Lei Ling picked up the torch and walked in first.

However, he was dumbfounded as soon as he walked in. There was no long, long staircase as he had imagined, nor any mysterious gates or traps. After entering, there was only a very simple stone room.

The room is about [-] to [-] square meters, with stone beds, stone benches, and other simple furniture, as well as many daily necessities that have long since decayed.

In the corner of the room, there was a dead bone sitting next to it. Huangfu Yunfei and the two came after him, their eyes fixed on the nameless dead bone, to be precise, they were staring at the thing in his arms.

"It seems like it's been around here for a long time."

After Lei Ling plugged in the torch, he didn't immediately go to get the things in the dead bone's arms. Instead, he smiled and made a gesture of invitation to Huangfu Yunfei.

Huangfu Yunfei nodded in satisfaction, turned his fingertips, picked up the object from the air, and put the object into his hand.

As soon as he got the thing, his face showed surprise, and he said in a deep voice: "This is the skin of Tianheng beast!"

Hearing the word Tianheng Beast, Lingyin lost his composure for an instant, and hurriedly urged: "Brother, open it and have a look."


Huangfu Yunfei opened it a little excitedly, and couldn't help but gasp: "This is actually a treasure map."

After speaking, he quickly put the picture on the stone table and unfolded it, sharing it with Lei Ling and the other two.

Lei Ling studied for a while, then frowned and asked, "This should be the map of the Northern Wilderness, right? It's just what is written on it?"

"This is the god-shaped script. I only understand a little bit about this kind of script. This should be a treasure map, like a cave of a great sage."

Huangfu Yunfei's voice actually trembled a little, but Lingyin's eyes had already turned red.

Lei Ling picked up the treasure map, read it over and over again, and questioned: "So powerful? It can't be fake, right?"

Huangfu Yunfei shook his head and said: "Improbable, Tianheng Beast has been extinct in ancient times, its skin is extremely precious, unless it is crazy, no one will use it to fake, and the text on it is still God-like characters, not everyone can understand this kind of characters!"

"Damn it! Isn't this amazing?"

Lei Ling stood up excitedly, backed his little hands, straightened his little chest, and said triumphantly: "I never thought that my young master's luck is so against the heavens, that I can find a treasure map even if I choose a hiding place at random."

(End of this chapter)

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