Chapter 214
"Senior sister, let's go! Leave me alone."

Zhou Mingyang lay limp in Qiu Qing's arms, with his eyes closed, and said helplessly.

Qiu Qing hugged him tightly, shook her head desperately, and asked in tears:

"Mingyang, what's wrong with you? Open your eyes and look at me!"

"Senior sister, cough! Cough!"

Zhou Mingyang coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, and said with a wry smile: "I'm already a useless person, taking me with me will only drag you down, before their people come, you go quickly."

"No! I won't abandon you, I will take you with me."

Qiu Qing hugged Zhou Mingyang and comforted him softly: "Junior brother, it's okay, I'll take you back to the sect, the sect master and elders will definitely heal you,"

"Senior Sister, I."

A trace of struggle flashed across Zhou Mingyang's face, he opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Clang! clang! clang! clang!"

At this moment, four spiritual treasures appeared in the sky again, locking this area.

"You guys are still not finished!"

Sensing the breath of true spirit from above the Lingbao, Zhou Mingyang let out a roar of collapse:

"Huangfu Yunfei, my dear mother——"

Just when his mind was agitated and almost collapsed, suddenly there was a sharp pain in the back of his heart, and the miserable scream resounded through the world immediately.


Accompanied by hearty laughter, a large group of people descended from the sky.

The leading young man clapped his hands and said with great satisfaction, "Qiu Qing, well done! My young master really saw the right person."

"Senior Sister, you... ah—"

Zhou Mingyang just wanted to ask Qiu Qing why he did this, but just in the middle of speaking, the severe pain made him scream again.

Qiu Qing, who had always been as gentle as water and as weak as a little white rabbit, had a ferocious face at this moment, and actually pulled out Zhou Mingyang's heart.

She kicked Zhou Mingyang to the ground, and even spit out: "You idiot, you finally died, you deserve it."

Seeing this, several Zhenhai Realm masters shot one after another, smashing Zhou Mingyang's dantian, shattering all the veins in his body, and making him a useless person.

"Senior sister, why are you, why are you!"

Zhou Mingyang writhed frantically on the ground, blood and tears flowed from his eyes, and he let out a shrill roar.

He doesn't understand why Qiu Qing treats him like this, this is the woman he has been protecting desperately.

Looking at the beating heart in her hand, Qiu Qing said coldly, "Zhou Mingyang, do you still remember Senior Brother Liu Qianyue?
I'm afraid you don't know it!I have had a crush on Senior Brother Qianyue for many years, but you killed him.

For more than a year, I approached you cautiously, and even gave up my body to you, just to find a chance to kill you. "

"What? You!"

Zhou Mingyang's roar stopped abruptly, and he didn't even move his body anymore.

He said in disbelief: "Liu Qianyue is just a second-generation patriarch, yet you have a crush on him?"

Liu Qianyue is a disciple of Dian Xingzong, her talent is not high, and she has practiced for more than 30 years, but she is only at the Purple Mansion Realm.

Because his grandfather is a powerful elder of Dianxingzong, he is domineering all day long, but it is a pity that he bullied Zhou Mingyang, who has just started.

So Zhou Mingyang, who was the protagonist, fought him in the arena of life and death and beheaded him.

Because Zhou Mingyang's talent was too high, he was directly accepted as a true disciple by the great elder of Dianxingzong.

So even Liu Qianyue's grandfather couldn't touch him, and he was even suppressed in various ways, and was soon dismissed.

Zhou Mingyang never thought that such an unbearable person would win Qiu Qing's heart.

Qiu Qing sternly said: "Shut up, I don't allow you to speak ill of Senior Brother Qianyue, since I started, Senior Brother Qianyue has been secretly taking care of me and protecting me, if it wasn't for him, I don't know how many times I would have died.

I practiced desperately, trying to make myself good enough, just to make up for the shortcomings of my background, so that I can be with him.

But the day after I succeeded in confessing my love, you killed him, you bastard, if you hadn't leapfrogged and defeated several masters in the Tribulation Realm, I would have fought you to my death. "

As he said that, he gave Lei Ling a grateful look, and continued: "I wanted to sneak up on you and kill you when you were unaware, but I didn't expect that your talent is so high, and your cultivation is improving rapidly.

My hope of killing you is getting smaller and smaller, but fortunately God has eyes, let me meet an adult, today I finally avenged Senior Brother Qianyue. "

"Not impossible."

Zhou Mingyang's desperately twisting body couldn't accept this fact at all.

Lei Ling watched this bloody farce with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

The first time he saw Qiu Qing, he saw that this woman was not simple, and there was a scheming aura rippling all over her body.

Originally Zhou Mingyang's exploration team did not have Qiu Qing, Lei Ling had her tied up.

He was going to use her as a hole card to threaten Zhou Mingyang, but he didn't expect this girl to propose to join him when he heard that he was going to deal with Zhou Mingyang.

She also used this reason at the time.

But Lei Ling didn't even believe half of her toes, but no matter what her purpose was, as long as she could help him get rid of Zhou Mingyang.

So he resolutely agreed, and of course the insurance measures were very complete.

Now it seems that the effect is outstanding!

With his heart pulled out, no matter how much Zhou Mingyang had behind him, he would probably be dead.

"You are lying."

Zhou Mingyang sat up suddenly, and at this moment, he seemed to have become that high-spirited young man again.

He closed his eyes tightly, and his overwhelming hatred almost pierced the sky: "You greedy woman, you covet my treasure, so you want to join hands with Huangfu Yunfei to take my chance, right?

Over the past year, haven't I given you enough resources?
Huangfu Yunfei, I admit it, I am willing to hand over the Tower of Storms, and I can also tell you its function and usage, as long as you help me kill this poisonous woman. "

"Okay! As long as you tell me the little tower and how it is used, I, Huangfu Yunfei, swear to Heaven, will help you kill this woman.

And I will try my best to heal your wounds, and promise you a lifetime of glory. If you break this oath, my Huangfu Yunfei will die with his soul broken, and my Huangfu family will be wiped out. "

Lei Ling agreed without hesitation, Qiu Qing's complexion changed drastically, and she hurriedly said: "Young Master Huangfu, you can't do this, you have sworn an oath of heaven, you can't kill me."

Lei Ling shrugged indifferently and said, "I didn't say I would do it myself! Don't worry, I won't give you anything I promised you."


Qiu Qing sat down on the ground, her whole body fell into a state of insanity. After all her tricks were exhausted, was it all in vain?
"Take it!"

Zhou Mingyang didn't play tricks this time, a dim silver tower appeared between his brows, and it slowly flew towards Lei Ling.

Resisting the excitement in his heart, Lei Ling winked at a Sea-Suppressing Realm expert beside him, signaling him to put it away first.

However, at this moment, a silver light shot out from the small tower, piercing into the center of Lei Ling's eyebrows.

Zhou Mingyang laughed wildly and said, "Huangfu Yunfei, you have been fooled. I have used the Tower of Storms to forcibly conclude a one-hearted contract with you, you."

Zhou Mingyang's voice stopped abruptly, his body softened, and he fell to the ground again:
"Phantom? Your real body is not here? It's impossible, why didn't I sense it."

"Fool! I'm really here, and I will waste so much talk with you? How can my Wushuang Jiange's Heavenly Hidden Technique be discovered by a piece of rubbish like you?"

Lei Ling glanced disdainfully at Zhou Mingyang who was on the ground, and then at Qiu Qing, feeling a chill in his heart.

Although he didn't know what this one-hearted contract was, but judging by Zhou Mingyang's appearance just now, it might allow him to survive, or even make a comeback!

Now he has some doubts that Qiu Qing is a double-faced undercover agent.


Zhou Mingyang let out an unwilling roar, his seven orifices were bleeding, and he roared like crazy: "I curse, I curse you, Tower of Storms, my last request, I want to curse the second brother of Wushuang Jiange, Huangfu's family, Huangfu Yunfei, Cultivation is gone, spirit is shattered."

As soon as he finished speaking, the small silver tower suddenly shook violently, and a silver light shot out from the top of the tower, cutting through the sky and flying towards the direction of Hero City.

(End of this chapter)

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