Chapter 300: Back in Time
Lei Ling was about to cry, he turned around, looked at Qing Hongyu aggrievedly and said in a crying voice:
"Sister Hongyu, please spare me. You can have a strong man! Can you wait for me? I'll go and catch you seventeen or eight."

Now he feels like shooting himself in the foot with a stone, and he knew that Fang Yuan would stay.

After Qing Hongyu finished her work, if she punched him to death again, she would still be able to claim credit in front of Lanling Muxue.

"Cut! Who do you think can break Lanling Muxue?"

Qing Hongyu gave a disdainful cut, and said angrily: "With the power of ancient characters, she has arranged defenses in her body.

Even if I try my best, it is impossible to suppress all of them. Once someone touches her private place, she will be smashed to pieces immediately. "


Lei Ling immediately felt the chrysanthemum tighten, and little Lei Ling twitched intermittently: "You want me to die!"

"Can you listen to me first?"

There was a little anger in Qing Hongyu's voice, and Lei Ling shut up in fright:
"Ordinary people can't do it, but you can. You have the power of concussion, you also have the Heaven's Punishment Thunder Flame, and you are also an extremely powerful physique. With my cooperation, there is no problem at all.

By the way, Fang Yuan from before can also do it, and the divine blood in his body can also be suppressed. "

"Then that. Then I will find you a peerless genius back?"

Lei Ling asked tentatively.

In the current flame space, there are still many peerless talents.

Don't tell others, Huangfu Yunfei is definitely fine. Doesn't he have some kind of stone?

And the men in black, and even the orcs
Although he might feel a little pity in his heart, it's better than dying himself, right?

"You think I'm a chicken?"

Qing Hongyu immediately became angry, with a murderous intent gushing out of her body, and the terrifying sword energy locked Lei Ling again:
"Boy, don't be ignorant of good and evil. If you can double cultivate with me, you will get a great fortune. This is something that others can't ask for. If you continue to babble here, I will kill you with a sword."

"Sister Hongyu, don't be so impulsive!"

Lei Ling pursed his lips, and said bitterly: "Of course one thousand and ten thousand of me are willing to double cultivate with you, but what should I do when Sister Mu Xue comes out?
She will definitely hack me to death with a single sword, how about you sign a life and death contract with me? "

"Are you stupid? It's useless for me to sign with you? Even if it's death, you and I will die. What's the matter with Guan Lanling and Muxue?

Other contracts are also not good, even if they are signed, Lanling Muxue can use the power of ancient characters to chop them into pieces. "

After being silent for a while, Qing Hongyu said softly: "Let's do this, if this matter is over, you should run for your life first. When I negotiate with Lanling Muxue, I will include you in it. Try to keep her from killing you, and you will hide too." Follow her a little."

"Damn it! Are you being too perfunctory? Is there any other way?"

Lei Ling felt like he was going crazy, such irresponsible words could also be said by Ruthless Hongyu.

Lei Ling has always been cautious in doing things, what he wants is a foolproof, how could he accept Qing Hongyu's proposal?

"Get over here, if you don't come over again, I'll hack you to death."

"Oh! Let's go in the past! Why are you so fierce!"

Lei Ling was like a girl who was bullied by a bully, with tears on her face, she moved towards Qing Hongyu step by step.

(1 words omitted here.)
In the space of flames, on the edge of the sea of ​​flames, there are dozens of figures standing. These people are the elites of all forces.

Without exception, they all had extremely ugly faces.

The reason is very simple. When they arrived one after another, they discovered that the Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus and the Phoenix Fire Crystal had been taken away in advance.

"Who is it!"

A man in black breathed fire from his eyes. For the Phoenix Jiuyelian, they tried their best and tried their best.

Unexpectedly, in the end, someone else picked the fruit. How can they explain it when they go back?
"Huayang, the Phoenix Nine-leaf Lotus is no small matter. Are you willing to perform the time-traveling method with us and reproduce the scene here?"

After discussing with the orc for a while, the man in black decided to go back in time to find out who had stolen the Phoenix Nine-leaf Lotus.

Hearing that he wanted to use the method of time regression, the expressions of Hua Yang and the others changed drastically again.

Although the method of going back in time can reproduce the past scene, it violates the rules to a certain extent.

Not only does it need to consume a huge amount of spiritual power, but the caster will also suffer terrible backlash.

Even the great sage did not dare to use it easily.

After Hua Yang was silent for a long time, he nodded and said, "It should be less than two days since the Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus was taken away. We are all peerless powers, and we should be able to hold on!"

After reaching a consensus with Wan Tu, Xuan Puppet and others around him

He looked at Huangfu Yunfei and the others again, bowed and saluted, "I don't know what you think?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Black Beast Alliance and the people behind him all locked on Huangfu Yunfei and other small groups.

Using the time retrogression method will greatly damage their strength. If someone takes the opportunity to attack them, they will be very passive.

Therefore, as long as Huangfu Yunfei and the others disagree, the Black Beast Alliance, Huayang and others will join forces to kill them first.

"Do we still have a choice?"

Huangfu Yunfei spread his hands and sighed helplessly.

The rest of the people didn't refuse. Of course, even if Hua Yang and the others didn't force them, many of them would join. After all, it was about Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus.

After everyone reached an agreement, Huayang set up the formation, and everyone stood in their respective positions, gathered their spiritual power, and jointly activated the formation.

The time retrogression Dafa came into effect immediately, and the images around everyone quickly receded.

"Senior Sister Mu Xue?"

When everyone saw Lanling Muxue, their hearts tensed slightly. If the things belonged to her, it would be troublesome.

"Who is this person?"

Fang Yuan is just a small person now, even the Tianxiao Lingfeng faction may not know him, let alone other people.

Seeing the various methods he used, everyone was secretly startled.

Although this person's strength is not very good, he should not be underestimated!

What excited them was that Lanling Muxue only wanted Phoenix True Fire and a few fire crystals.

In other words, the Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus and the Phoenix Fire Crystal are still in Fang Yuan's hands, so it won't be too difficult to capture them.

Just hold Lan Ling Mu Xue.


After watching the whole process, everyone did not dare to delay, and withdrew their spiritual power one after another.

All of them were pale, and some of them were weaker, and even a trace of blood spilled from the corner of their mouths.


After the men in black took the elixir, they chased in the direction where Lanling and Muxue left regardless of the delay, followed by a group of orcs.

"Senior brother Huayang, he seems to be an inner disciple I sent. His name is Fang Yuan. He is very close to Zhou Yaxuan."

A Tianjiao of Tianxiao Lingfeng Sect recognized Fang Yuan, and secretly sent a voice transmission to Huayang.

Hua Yang nodded, signaling him not to talk too much, turned around and cupped his hands at Wan Tu, Xuan Puppet and the others:
"Brother Wan Tu, Brother Xuan Puppet, now that the Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus has been taken away, let's each rely on our own abilities!"

"Hmph! It's just what I want."

Wan Tu snorted coldly, and actually led the people away in the opposite direction.

Looking at that posture, it is obvious that he has given up on Phoenix Nine-leaf Lotus and turned to look for those holy-level spiritual fruits and elixir.

Xuan Puppet didn't speak, turned around and flew away in another direction, and didn't chase Lan Ling Mu Xue and the others.

The Black Beast Alliance is not afraid of Lanling Muxue, they are. If Lanling Muxue goes on a killing spree, how many people will die!

(End of this chapter)

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