My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 305 Utilization Rules

Chapter 305 Utilization Rules
In the space of flames, a war broke out.

The members of the Black Beast Alliance outside got the news and immediately blocked the passage, while defending against the Nanzhou coalition forces, they sent reinforcements to it.

In this battle, Lanling Muxue showed desperate strength, piercing the sky with her incomparably bright sword light, and crazily harvesting the lives of the Black Beast Alliance Tianjiao.

Her strength had already reached a peak, and this time she was on a double break with Lei Ling, and gained huge benefits from Lei Ling, her strength was already comparable to those monstrous characters in Zhongzhou.

Her powerful strength made up for the gap in the number of Nanzhou's side, and made the Nanzhou coalition army and the Black Beast Alliance fight evenly, but this was only temporary.

The Black Beast Alliance is well prepared this time, with many masters, no matter how strong Lan Ling Mu Xue is, there will be times when her spiritual power will be exhausted. If she fights recklessly, the final loser is likely to be the Nanzhou side.

Lei Ling didn't know about the big battle outside. During this time, he was healing Lingyin's wounds and forcing her to kill her. He was so busy that he was dizzy and didn't go out at all.

"Shiying, Lingyin's injury is fine, you stay and take care of her! I'm going out to find the elixir."

After finishing everything, Lei Ling gave Si Ying a command, placed a few barriers at the entrance of the cave, and left.

There are some spiritual medicines and spiritual fruits, but you may not be able to buy them with money.

Lei Ling needs to swallow all kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures to cultivate. The stronger his strength, the higher the level of heavenly materials and earthly treasures he needs.

When he came to this kind of treasure land, he naturally wanted to pick it carefully.

"Huh? Someone got into a fight?"

Now in the space of flames, people are fighting everywhere. After Lei Lingfei flew for a while, he encountered a few people who were fighting for their lives.

Taking a closer look, he saw that it was the Tianjiao of Nanzhou and the orcs fighting. Lei Ling was shining with golden lights, and he rushed straight up. He shot the brains of those orcs with three punches and two kicks, and died on the spot.

He took out a handkerchief, wiped his hands, looked at several blood-stained Nanzhou Tianjiao, frowned and asked:

"What's the matter with you? Why did you fight these orcs without picking the elixir? Did they rob you of the elixir?"

In the flame space, there are many elixirs, fighting at this time is no different from fools.

Lei Ling felt that as their uncle, it was still necessary for him to teach them.

"Little uncle, what kind of elixir are you still taking! We have already started a full-scale war with the Black Beast Alliance."

When those few people heard Lei Ling say this, they all started to roll their eyes.

"What? War? What happened?"

Lei Ling frowned slightly, now the only one who can start a full-scale war between the two sides should be the Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus, right?

But this thing is lying in the Eternal Shenzhou, how can the two sides start a full-scale war?

Everyone hurriedly said something to you, and I briefly explained the matter to Lei Ling:
"Junior Martial Uncle, let's take a step first and help other people. Those from the Black Beast Alliance are deceiving too much. Please, Junior Martial Uncle, help Senior Sister Mu Xue and the others as soon as possible."

They are not very strong, so they can only fight with the men in black and the orcs on the periphery, and cannot go to the central battlefield.

But Lei Ling is powerful enough to go to the central battlefield to participate in the real battle.

Since they have different paths, they should separate quickly. The Nanzhou coalition forces are weak, and they can't waste a single cent of their time.

"Damn it! How dare the Black Beast Alliance surround and beat my woman?"

After these people left, Lei Ling recovered from the shock, and couldn't help but let out a strange cry.

He could understand why Lanling Muxue suddenly killed her.

It must be because of the weekend. These grandchildren are also unlucky, but they provoke her at this time. It's no wonder they don't get hacked to death.

Although Lei Ling had a relationship with Qing Hongyu, she shared that body with Lan Ling Mu Xue!

Moreover, Qing Hongyu is the second personality of Lanling Muxue, and she is also Lanling Muxue.

Therefore, tracing back to the source, Lan Ling Mu Xue was his woman.

Although they were still at the stage of boarding the train first and not paying for the ticket, no matter what, Lan Ling Muxue was his woman, and also his first woman in this world.

He was not willing to beat his own woman, how dare these dogs surround and beat her?
The more Lei Ling thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more angry he became, the power in his body was rioting, and cracks appeared in the surrounding air.

Of course, it's not because he loves Lanling Muxue so much, or loves Hongyu.

This is the state of mind that most people have.

It doesn't matter how you beat, scold, or destroy your own dog, your own child, or your own things.

But if someone beats my dog, scolds my children, or destroys my things, that's not allowed.

"Well! Don't be impulsive, you have to plan carefully."

Lei Ling breathed out, and silently recited the Mantra of Purifying Mind for a while, calming himself down quickly.

He is not the stunned young protagonist in the novel.

As soon as something happened, his blood boiled immediately, his eyes turned red, his fists were squeezed, and he rushed forward to kill others.

Then after being beaten into a dead dog, relying on the protagonist's aura to attract all kinds of strong people to help.

Impulse will not solve any problems.

Although Lei Ling is very strong now, he is at most equivalent to Huangfu Yunfei, Wantu and the others.

It is impossible to change the situation of the battle by relying on him to rush over alone.

"Well, although there are many masters in the Black Beast Alliance, many of them are old garbage, and there are not many Daozi-level ones, but we are all the arrogance of Nanzhou, and most of the Daozi in Nanzhou are basically there. Here it is."

Lei Ling rubbed his chin. There should not be many people who have studied Daozi more deeply than him.

How terrifying the protagonist's halo is, no one should know better than him.

Those who weren't Daozi were almost cold when they encountered the halo of the protagonist.

When Daozi meets Daozi, the protagonist's halo will not work.

Only those bugs like Lei Ling, who are not Daozi, but have tried every means to kill all kinds of Daozi, know how terrifying the protagonist's aura is.

"First of all, we should change group battles into individual battles, separate them, so that the halos of the protagonists will no longer cancel each other out.

As long as the protagonist's halo is effective, even those old gangsters in the Black Beast Alliance who are stronger than our Tianjiao will be beaten into dead dogs. "

Lei Ling's thoughts changed sharply, and the first step of the plan was quickly completed.

"Secondly, the introduction of a third-party force creates a melee situation, which greatly eliminates our lack of military strength.

As long as all their Daozi are killed, only the brilliance of the protagonist's halo will wipe them out. "

Lei Ling's eyes became brighter and brighter, as if a door to a new world had opened.

"Hey! God, we have been fighting for so long, and we never thought we would cooperate."

He looked at the sky, smiled, and sighed: "Sure enough, there is no permanent enemy! I used to be too narrow-minded. Breaking the rules is worse than using them.

Since you can't be the person who makes the rules, why not find the loopholes in the rules and use the rules?
Am I not a big loophole myself? "

(End of this chapter)

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