Chapter 332
In the stone room, Lei Ling's screams became more and more permeating, but the sound became smaller and smaller.

In his body, streaks of red light were refined, floating towards the small bronze cauldron above.

Every time a ray of red light was refined, his face became paler.

"Hey, what a beautiful luster! Lei Ling, stop resisting and accept your fate!"

The sloppy elder's eyes were full of excitement, he pushed forward fiercely with both hands, and the power in his body poured into Lei Ling's body even more crazily.

The red light also sped out from Lei Ling's body.

"What do you want to do?"

At this moment, Lei Ling seemed to be numb from the pain, and instead of screaming, he moved his lips slightly and asked like a groan.

"Want to be a sensible ghost? Yes! I am in a good mood today, and I can satisfy you."

The sloppy elder said with a little excitement while continuing to output fiercely:

"With your intelligence, I believe you have already guessed that all this is a scam, right?

That's right, Elder Tianjian won't do anything to you, the one who wants to harm you is me.

I am lurking in this Peerless Sword Pavilion just to find all kinds of Tianjiao for refining.

Over the years, I have refined a lot of people, especially in the past few decades, when the great era has begun, all kinds of talents have sprung up like mushrooms, and my plan is finally about to be completed. "

Speaking of this, the sloppy elder's eyes were full of arrogance: "When the last step today is completed, I will be able to rise completely, and I will not be afraid even if it is Lanling Muxue."

Lei Ling opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but now he was speechless and could only let out a painful groan.

"Don't worry, since I promised you to be a sensible ghost, I won't break my promise. You don't need to ask, I will tell you everything slowly."

The sloppy elder licked his lips. He had endured it for many years, and now that his plan was almost successful, he naturally wanted to share it with others, which is also human nature.

"I am not from this world. In my original world, my cultivation has reached my own limit, and it is impossible to break through.

So I put my mind on the original world, and the era of great enlightenment has begun. As long as I can become a Taoist, I can not only break through my own limits, but even prove the Tao and achieve eternity.

However, I didn't get the Heaven's Dao Luck and the Supreme Treasure, but that's okay, as long as others get it.

When an acquaintance was reincarnated, I plotted against him, took his treasure, and beat him to dust.

With that treasure, I came to this world, but something went wrong and I came too early!

The great era has not been activated, and I am not the original Daozi myself, and this avatar has extremely poor aptitude, so I planned a shocking situation.

The treasure obtained by the old friend I plotted against is called the Wanlian Ding, which can refine all things, strengthen himself, and help him embark on the road of physical training.

According to its characteristics, I spent a lot of effort and time to develop a wonderful method of refining.

Since then, I have been looking for people with special physique and extraordinary luck.

But the effect is not very good. After all, I have no power, no power, and no strength.

We can only look for some seedlings in various small towns and mountain villages, but this is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

The great era has not yet begun, how many highly talented people can there be among those untouchables?
Maybe it was my hard work that moved God!By chance, I actually saved Elder Tianjian. Since then, my plan can finally be truly implemented.

Wushuang Jiange is the majestic Nanzhou No. [-] sect, with countless arrogances, I have planned all kinds of tricks, and refined many arrogances.

Especially in recent years, with the opening of the great era, Daozi and ordinary Tianjiao have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

I dare not touch Daozi or something, after all, they have long luck and treasures to protect their bodies!

Although I have Elder Tianjian as my backer, it is extremely difficult to cheat them.

So I set my sights on those local arrogances. Compared with Daozi, they are actually not much different, and some of them even have much higher aptitude than ordinary Daozi.

It's just that they don't have golden fingers. As of recently, my Wanlian Miaofa is about to be completed.

I have been looking for a suitable carrier. After all, my body is old and weak, and it is useless.

Although I have also cultivated some carriers over the years, I am not very satisfied with them. I dare not touch people at the Daozi level, so I have been procrastinating. Just when I lost my patience, you appeared.

A devouring physique!

You have practiced the Heavenly Secret Technique, so when I first met you, I quietly tested you, and found that you were okay, so I temporarily included you in the watch list, and I will conduct further testing after careful investigation.

I didn't expect you to attract the blood robbery, and you also showed terrifying physical strength!

A young body cultivator who has cultivated to the state of tempering the five internal organs is not a Taoist, I was so excited that I was going crazy!
I broke my head when I prayed for you.

Unexpectedly, you really created a miracle and survived the bloody catastrophe. At that moment, I passed out from excitement.

For many days after that, I woke up laughing many times every day. "

Speaking of this, Elder Sloppy's mood became even better, and he continued to say triumphantly: "Maybe you are wondering what the effect of the Wanlian Miaofa is?

Originally this was a top secret, I would not tell anyone, but after all, you are going to die, and you have become the most important stepping stone for me to reach the top, so I will tell you mercifully.

My myriad refining method can refine people into a group of original spirits, which are stored in the ten thousand refining cauldron.

When I have saved up to one hundred original spirits, Wanlian Miaofa will enter the next stage.

That is to find a carrier, which is equivalent to seizing the house!But this kind of seizure is different from other garbage seizures.

Through the great formation here, and with the help of the Wanlianding, I will refine all your power into the Wanlianding, and then my soul will settle in and go through some refining.

Wait for me to fully fit with your body, and then re-inject your power into my body.

This way there won't be any side effects!

After that, I can start the last step of the myriad refining method, refining a hundred balls of original spirits into my body.

At that time, I will have the luck and talent of the hundred arrogance, do you know what that is?

I have refined many special races, and I can use all their innate secret techniques!
At that time, I don't need to pay attention to ordinary Daoists at all. Only Lanling Muxue and those monsters in Zhongzhou are qualified to compete with me. "

The vitality on Lei Ling's face gradually disappeared, he forced a breath, and said with a wry smile: "At that time, you can still accept everything from me, right?"

"Yes! That's right, Eternal Shenzhou, the closed disciple of Elder Tianjian, the master of the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, various personal connections, and massive wealth."

The sloppy elder spoke so much that his saliva was about to flow down, he looked at Lei Ling with a slight sarcasm:

"I have to say that you are a very smart person and extremely cautious, but it is precisely because of your caution that you are hurt.

If it weren't for you being suspicious, given the difference in our identities, let alone plotting against you, it would be very difficult even to see you.

Alright, all that needs to be said has been said, you obediently die! "

The slovenly elder pushed forward with both palms again, and the formation in the entire hall began to operate crazily.

Lei Ling, who was already numb, screamed again.

(End of this chapter)

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