My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 341 3 in 1 chapter, ask for some subscriptions and tickets

Chapter 341 Three-in-one chapter, ask for some subscriptions and tickets
"Elder Taishang?"

Lei Ling looked at the old man in front of him solemnly. Although he had never seen this person before, since he could be called Nephew Lei Ling, he must be at the same level as his master.

In other words, this guy is a Supreme Elder of Wushuang Jiange.

"Old and old."

Dang Tianya smiled slightly, and he stood with his hands behind his back, with an air of arrogance all over his body.


Lei Ling couldn't help gasping, he put one hand on his mouth and pointed at Tianya with the other, shocking you for a long time.

When everyone was waiting for him to tell some legendary deeds, and then praised him, Lei Ling actually accepted Zhou Xingxing's emoji package, and said with a normal face, "Who are you?"


Dang Tianya, who was originally looking like an extraterrestrial expert, broke his power in an instant, and almost choked to death by him, his old face was flushed red with embarrassment.

"Lei Ling, be careful, this old man is very powerful."

Jin Qiaoer was afraid that Lei Ling would annoy Dang Tianya if he continued to play tricks like this, so she leaned into his ear and whispered:
"He is in the Wushuang Jiange, and his strength is second only to your master."


Lei Ling rolled his eyes, feeling a little regretful in his heart, he really didn't expect things to be so complicated.

Facing the second strongest man in Wushuang Jiange without doing sufficient investigation and preparation made him feel very passive.

But things have come to this point, and we can only take one step at a time.

"Uncle Dang, I just want to take my maid back and don't want to cause trouble."

Lei Ling looked at Dang Tianya with a smile on his face, but did not salute him.

From the looks of it, it seemed that Dang Tian Ya wanted to make trouble. Since the visitor was not kind, there was no need for Lei Ling to be polite to him.

Dang Tianya wiggled his beard and regained his previous appearance of a worldly expert:
"Nephew Lei Ling! This servant girl is already Bingyu's direct disciple, so don't mention the maid again, right?
In this way, I owe you a favor as my uncle, how about letting it go at this time? "

"Ha ha!"

Lei Ling chuckled, looked at Dang Tianya and nodded, "Since Uncle Dang has spoken, I, as a junior, cannot refuse.

But anyway, at least let me see her?I guarantee that as long as she says she doesn't want to follow me anymore, then I will be strangers to her from now on. "


Dang Tianya was a little dazed, obviously he didn't expect Lei Ling to agree so readily.

He has prepared a lot of words!
He glanced at Ding Er who was exercising his skills to force poison, but Ding Er shook his head slightly at him, obviously he didn't want Lei Ling to see Shi Xue.

Dang Tianya's brows furrowed at once.

Lei Ling has already made such a small request, if this is not satisfied, then it is a bit unreasonable!

Although he is the Supreme Elder and the second strongest person in Wushuang Jiange, he can't cover the sky with one hand, right?

"Nephew Lei Ling, you see that Shi Xue is practicing in seclusion, why don't you go back for a while and wait until she leaves the seclusion?"

Dang Tianya pondered for a long time, and finally decided to use the panacea trick of dragging words.

"Uncle Dang, I've already given you enough face, don't take my respect for you as if I'm easy to bully!"

Lei Ling's complexion changed instantly, as expected, being kind is being bullied!The more you back down, the more others will push forward:
"Shixue is my personal maid, and also a disciple of Ling Tianfeng. Although Bingyu Peak is the main peak of cultivation, you can't forcefully recruit disciples from other peaks to snatch other people's maids, right?

For your sake, I don't care about these things, I just want to meet and make a deal, isn't that okay?
Uncle Dang, don't you think that I, Lei Ling, is a cat and a dog, and I can be bullied by you? "

If possible, Lei Ling doesn't want to cause trouble, after all, Dang Tianya is not only the Supreme Elder, but also the second strongest in the sect after the Elder Tianjian.

Now that Elder Tianjian is not in the sect, it is very unwise to conflict with him.

But Dang Tianya doesn't know how to advance or retreat, he can't just retreat blindly.

After all, this is in Wushuang Jiange, unless Dang Tianya is crazy, he would not dare to attack himself.

Now Lei Ling has the reason, as long as the matter becomes a big deal, let the Zongmen come forward to solve it.

Lei Ling's words were already very rude, but Dang Tianya was not angry, instead he said with a smile on his face: "Nephew Lei Ling, don't be angry! Am I discussing this with you?"

Seeing him coming forward to pat him on the shoulder, Lei Ling's eyes froze, and after stepping back a few feet, he said with a smile on his face:
"I just left the customs and haven't had time to wash up yet, so it's better not to dirty Master Dang's hands. If that's the case, please ask Master Dang to get out of the way, so I don't have to wait for Xue to go out of the customs. I will go to see her head office in person, right? "


Dang Tianya looked embarrassed, at this moment, Ding Er got up and said:

"No, Junior Sister Shixue is currently cultivating to a critical juncture, once someone disturbs her, she will easily go mad."

"With me here, I guarantee she won't."

Although Lei Ling still had a faint smile on his face, his eyes were full of killing intent.

This Ding Er provoked him again and again, and he couldn't vent his hatred unless he was smashed to pieces.

Ding Er stared, and said angrily: "What guarantee do you have? If something happens to Shi Xue, what compensation will you have?"


Lei Ling was almost bewildered by this grandson, and now he doubted whether Shi Xue was his maid or Ding Er's maid.

He was very puzzled, is he the villain or this Ding Er is the villain?
This kid is much more arrogant and domineering than him?

He looked at Dang Tianya, and said straight to the point: "Uncle Dang, everyone is a smart person, I won't talk nonsense, but I will ask you, if I want to force my way, will you shoot me?"

The only thing Lei Ling fears now is Dang Tianya, as long as Dang Tianya doesn't make a move, then Ding Er is a scumbag.

If Dang Tianya said that he was going to make a move, then Lei Ling didn't panic, he just made the matter worse, and when his master came back, he would play with this old bastard.

Dang Tianya remained silent, if Lei Ling was just an ordinary disciple, or even an ordinary direct disciple, he could just find a reason, grab him and throw him out.

But Lei Ling is not only the closed disciple of Elder Tianjian, but also listed as the second leader by Nangongjian and the others, and his prestige among the disciples is so high.

If you attack him rashly, it will be very troublesome even for him.

Of course, it was impossible for him to just let Lei Ling pass by. He couldn't make a move, but someone could.

"Junior Brother Lei Ling, why are you so angry?"

Several elders from Bingyu Peak rushed over after receiving the secret sound transmission from Dang Tianya.

Seeing them approaching, Dang Tianya stepped back, closed his eyes and rested his mind, as if nothing to do with him, obviously expressing his position that he would not interfere.

"It seems that you, Bing Yufeng, are really going to fight against me to the end, right?"

Lei Ling didn't bother to talk nonsense to them anymore, he twisted his neck and said with a smile:

"Since that's the case, then I'll let you all know that I, Lei Ling, are not easy to mess with."

As soon as he finished speaking, he swung his right hand, and a small silver pagoda appeared in his hand, and a terrifying power instantly enveloped the audience.

"This is?"

The complexions of all the elders in Bingyu Peak changed at the same time, even Dang Tianya who had closed his eyes to rest his mind suddenly opened his eyes, staring fixedly at the small silver pagoda in Lei Ling's hand.

"Ask you one last time, whether or not to let me!"

Lei Ling held the small silver tower in his hand, and his aura was rising steadily. In the past ten years, he has spent a lot of thought on these treasures, and the best among them is the Tower of Storms.

After all, this is a treasure that needs to be sacrificed. With Xiao Heng's efforts and his three-inch tongue, the Tower of Storms was finally lured by him.

However, if possible, Lei Ling still doesn't want to use the Tower of Storms. After all, to summon a powerful silver storm would consume a lot of resources.

Even the rich and powerful Young Master Lei would feel very distressed by that number.

Of course, he can also sacrifice his life, body, etc. like that poor guy Zhong Li did.

But he is Lei Ling who always puts himself first, no matter how much resources he spends, he will never sacrifice a hair of his own.

"Activate the peak protection array."

The elders gritted their teeth and formed seals with their hands quickly, about to activate the Bingyu Peak formation.


Lei Ling sneered, and directly summoned the silver storm. He wouldn't foolishly wait for someone to prepare before attacking.

If you hit, you will be caught off guard.

After years of sacrifices, the Tower of Storms is far, far stronger than it was in Zhong Li's hands.

Lei Ling sacrificed a large amount of resources this time.

Even a saint might not dare to fight the silver storm he played.


Seeing this, the elders were all scared out of their wits, how could they make any handprints!He directly crushed the formation talisman and forcibly activated the peak protection formation.

"Destroy everything!"

Lei Ling held up the Tower of Storms, and the huge silver storm centered on him and Jin Qiaoer's daughters, spreading outward and sweeping everything.

A large number of silver wind blades flew in all directions, attacking indiscriminately.

Although Bing Yufeng's Hu Feng formation was powerful, Lei Ling's moves were too fast, even if the elders crushed the formation talisman in time, they couldn't keep up.

Coupled with the absence of Elder Bingyu, the core formations still need the cooperation of Elder Zhang to open, and the elders can only flee quickly.

A look of ruthlessness flashed in Ding Er's eyes, and his hands quickly formed seals. A large number of black energy bats flew out of his body, and flew towards the silver storm densely, enveloping the silver storm from the outside, preventing it from spreading.

This is not over yet, those bats are eating the energy of the silver storm to strengthen themselves.

"I'm going, this bastard wants me to get pneumonia?"

Lei Ling's nose was twisted with anger, and he cursed again and again in his heart, even pouring resources into the Tower of Storms like he didn't want money.

The Tower of Storms received a large number of sacrifices, and the silver light was almost condensed into liquid, trickling.

Circles of solid silver blades appeared on the periphery of the silver storm. As the silver storm rotated, these circles of silver blades moved up and down, cutting bats into pieces.


Without any suspense, Ding Er spit out a big mouthful of blood mist, fell on his head, and was defeated by Lei Ling's power.

At such a moment, Dang Wuya didn't dare to close his eyes and pretend to be coercive, otherwise Ding Er would be smashed to pieces by the silver storm soon.

He rushed to Ding Er's side in a flash, supported him, and looked at the silver storm that spread, with a look of solemnity in his eyes.

However, he did not fly away like those elders.

After all, that's a bit cheap.

A golden barrier appeared around Dang Tianya, enveloping him and Ding Er, the spreading silver storm collided with the golden barrier, and was just like that firmly resisted.

"Uncle Dang, you still made a move."

Lei Ling would not be so stupid as to risk his life with Dang Wuya. When Dang Wuya built the barrier, he stopped the sacrifice and let the Tower of Storms release all its previous power.

But even so, Dang Wuya easily blocked it.

"There are a lot of good things about you!"

Dang Wuya looked at the Tower of Storms in Lei Ling's hands, but he didn't have any intention of winning the treasure, but just admired it.

After all, living to his age and reaching his level, he has seen too many treasures and arrogance.

Lanling Muxue, Huangfu Yunfei, Lingyin, and other direct disciples, many of them have one or two powerful treasures.

If you want to snatch something good when you see it, let alone him, Wushuang Jiange may be finished long ago.

Of course, it's useless to snatch some things. Many of these treasures are only for auxiliary purposes.

For an old man like him, his potential is almost exhausted, and his lifespan is limited, these things can only be regarded as tasteless to them.

"Uncle Dang, are you going to attack me yourself now? Or are you taking Ding Er to heal your wounds?"

Lei Ling smiled slightly. After taking away the Tower of Storms, he seemed to think of something, and reminded with an oh:
"I spent a lot of money to buy the poison I quenched. I heard it is called deep-sea poison gentian. This kid is still tough with me after being poisoned. Now that he is seriously injured, the toxin should soon eat into his whole body. If he doesn't If you treat it quickly, it is estimated that it will be cold soon."


When Dang Wuya heard the poisonous gentian from the deep sea, his complexion changed violently, he quickly took out a elixir and fed it to Ding Er, and then took out some spiritual springs and poured it down for him.

Seeing that the blackness on Ding Er's face faded, he let out a long sigh of relief.

The deep-sea poisonous gentian is an extremely powerful toxin from the deep sea. It is effective for the spiritual practice of saints. Once it is integrated into the blood, it must be suppressed and eliminated in time.

Ding Er only temporarily sealed the poison, then used his spiritual power rashly to speed up the blood circulation in his body, and was severely injured by the Tower of Storms, causing the toxin to explode in an all-round way.

If the toxin is not rescued in time and the toxin penetrates into the heart, the consequences will be disastrous.

"We'll meet again."

After Dang Wuya took a deep look at Lei Ling, he left with Ding Er in his arms.

He didn't have the courage to kill Lei Ling at this moment.


After he disappeared, Lei Ling let out a long sigh of relief. Although he had many methods, Dang Wuya was after all an expert second only to Elder Tianjian.

If he really made a move against him, then Lei Ling couldn't guarantee that he would survive. Fortunately, the old guy was scared.

Regarding Dang Wuya's choice to leave, Lei Ling can only use two words to describe him as an idiot.

If it was him, he would definitely kill it immediately.

Death is like a lamp going out, even if Elder Tianjian will be furious at that time, at most he will beat Dang Wuya violently, and then punish him.

After all, Dang Wuya is the No. [-] figure in Wushuang Jiange, it is impossible for Elder Tianjian to kill him.

"Okay! Everything is settled, it's time to get into the topic."

Lei Ling turned his head to look at the secret room where Shi Xue retreated. This time, he risked his life for Shi Xue's matter.

If Shi Xue couldn't give him a reasonable and satisfying explanation, then there would be no more Shi Xue in this world.

"You wait outside, I will go in by myself."

Lei Ling told Jin Qiaoer to wait for the girl to speak, then took a slight step forward, and then his figure disappeared in front of the girls, and the next moment he had already entered the secret room.

"Is this a supernatural power?"

Jin Qiao'er stared blankly at the place where Lei Ling disappeared, and muttered in her mouth.

She is a typical person who has never eaten pork, and must have seen pigs running. A supernatural name soon appeared in her mind.

Her little face was flushed with excitement, and she jumped up and down there, cheering.

Zhao Jia waited for the girl to look at me, and I looked at you. Although she was a little curious, she didn't dare to ask.

Yuexi didn't even dare, she was scared to pee at this time, she never dreamed that Lei Ling would be so fierce!

Her last glimmer of hope was shattered, and Dang Tianya didn't even look at her just now.

"Hmm~ what a strong aura!"

Lei Ling stood in the secret room and looked around with great interest.

Although this secret room looks ordinary, it is actually the core of the Bingyu Peak Spirit Gathering Formation, and the aura is extremely abundant, even the aura on the Eternal Shenzhou is not much richer than here.

In the center of the secret room, a girl in a clean white dress was sitting cross-legged. Below her was a lotus platform, which was Lei Ling's ice lotus platform.

The lotus platform slowly turned, and the ice spiritual power visible to the naked eye swam around the girl's body, forming a circle.

Constantly refining the girl's spiritual power, improving her physique, and finally enhancing her strength.


Lei Ling's eyes lit up involuntarily, this ice lotus platform should be a treasure for cultivation, just like his unicorn bead.

Qiu Yuting's kind of poor and useless materials can be cultivated by an ordinary person to the purple mansion in two years.

Shi Xue has excellent qualifications, is young, and has Lei Ling's massive resource supply, and was later trained by Elder Bingyu. It's hard not to think about it.

Lei Ling didn't deliberately hide his aura, Shi Xuexiu frowned, and soon sensed that an outsider had come in.

But as Ding Er said, she has reached a critical moment in her cultivation and can't stop at all.

Even because of Lei Ling's disturbance, her breath became more and more disordered, and she was in danger of going crazy at any time.


Lei Ling snorted coldly, but still waved out a wave of milky white energy, enveloping her.

Shi Xue's painful expression gradually became serene.


After overcoming the difficulties, Shi Xue withdrew from her training, and when she saw Lei Ling, she stood up with surprise on her face and was about to rush over.

"Your Majesty!"

Lei Ling stood with his hands behind his back, instead of opening his arms as usual, waiting for her to fall into his arms.

When Shi Xue ran halfway, she was frightened by his yell and stopped. She groaned, not daring to question, and knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"Say! What are you planning, I will give you a chance to explain."

Lei Ling didn't even look at Shi Xue, his voice was so cold that it made Shi Xue's heart tremble.

She prostrated herself on the ground, and timidly explained: "Master, I just want to help you, I discussed it with sister Shi Yu and the others, and they all agreed.

Later, Master valued me and wanted to accept me as an apprentice. I didn't want to agree, but she saw something went wrong in my cultivation and said she could help me, so I agreed.

But she promised me that even if I become a direct disciple, I can still be by the young master's side all the time.

I... I came here, the cold poison in my body really stopped attacking, and my cultivation base is much faster, I just me."

"Help me? Did I tell you to help me?"

After listening to Shi Xue's incoherent explanation, Lei Ling could probably guess the whole thing, but he was still very angry:
"You just need to follow my orders and do what I have assigned to you, what are you doing now?
Am I missing a thug?
Need you to show off?

If something goes wrong in cultivation, you won't tell Jin Qiaoer?If she can't solve it, she will help you find someone who can!

Did you just believe what an outsider said?

Do you know what she's up to?

Do you know how much risk this young master has taken for your sake? "

"Master, I'm sorry I was wrong, you punish me!"

Shi Xue was frightened and cried, she is the youngest among all the girls, although she is in charge of meals, unlike Shi Yu, she can often serve Lei Ling personally.

Unlike Shi Ying, who can often accept Lei Ling's orders and stay by Lei Ling's side.

It's not like Jin Qiaoer can run around every day, and often fights with Lei Ling.

But Lei Ling treated her very well every time he saw her, it was the first time he was so aggressive towards her like today.

Lei Ling looked at Shi Xue who was kneeling on the ground trembling, and felt a little unbearable.

After all, she is only a child, and she is not as good at observing words and deeds as Shi Yu, and is not as good at intrigue, nor is she as wise and foolish as Jin Qiaoer.

It's normal to be fooled once in a while.

Strictly speaking, Shi Xue just violated his order not to go out, and did not feel betrayed.

Although because of her, I made a lot of things and wasted a lot of resources.but
This can't be entirely blamed on Shi Xue, after all, she was kept in the dark from the beginning to the end, she was Elder Bingyu, wandering around the world, and Ding Er and the others were messing around behind her back.

Lei Ling sighed lightly, and asked with some doubts: "You just said to help me, is there any connection between your participation in the Zongmen Grand Competition and helping me?"


Shi Xue took out a pair of half-cut gloves from her bosom, and said with hope in her eyes:

"This is called a doubling glove, which can increase the strength of the fist. After we got the news, Sister Shi Yu took us there to buy it, but Senior Brother Ding Er said that he would not sell it unless one of us can compete in the Zongmen Grand Competition." , Breaking into the top ten of the sect, he gave it to us."

(End of this chapter)

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