Chapter 359 Qin Xiuxiu (two chapters in one)
"Bad guy, give me back my Shadowless Snake."

"What shadowless snake? I haven't seen it before."

"Give it back to me, at worst, I'll give you a kiss, okay?"

"You can pull it down, don't think you don't know that you have snake venom on your mouth."

"Then how about I sleep with you tonight?"

"You'd better sleep with your hunk! I'm afraid you'll poison me to death in your pen."

Along the way, Ye Linglong tried every means to ask Lei Ling for the Shadowless Snake, but Lei Ling refused to give it to her, so anxious that she wanted to hang herself.

Lei Ling still had a good impression of this young girl who was full of youthful vigor, and couldn't help but want to tease her.

Ye Linglong was also a candidate for Lei Ling before, and her backing was much stronger than Qiu Momo.

But this girl is not a vicious female partner, it is still very difficult to chase her.

So after a little hesitation, Lei Ling gave up.

The two of them fought all the way, passed through one teleportation formation after another, and soon arrived at the Tianxian Tower.

"Brother Li, things have changed, so I can only call you here in advance, I'm really sorry!"

As soon as he was teleported into the Tianxian Tower, Ye Wuque, who had been waiting outside the teleportation array, greeted him.

Lei Ling waved his hand and said with a faint smile, "It's okay, I can't be happier to see Miss Qin sooner."

"Brother Li, just don't blame me."

Ye Wuque laughed, and accidentally saw Ye Linglong on the side with her small mouth so pouty that she could hang an oil bottle, so why don't you know what happened?

Can't help jokingly said: "I told you not to mess with Brother Li, right? Have you been taught a lesson now?"

"Hmph! What's so great about it, when Brother Zhantian comes back, he will know what it means to be amazing."

Ye Linglong snorted lightly, and left angrily.

Ye Wuque shook his head and smiled wryly, "Brother Li, Linglong has a bad temper, don't be as knowledgeable as her."

"I think it's cute! Among the people I know, there is someone who is similar to her, and I feel very kind."

The woman Lei Ling mentioned was naturally Jin Qiaoer who left with Wu Qingcheng.

I haven't seen her for so long, Lei Ling misses her a little bit, and Xiao Taotao~~
The Tianxian Tower in Wangdu is much bigger than the Tianxian Tower in Wushuang City.

Lei Ling followed Ye Wuque through more than a dozen teleportation formations before arriving at the place where Qin Xiuxiu lived.

Qin Xiuxiu lived in a large and luxurious place, but it was completely different from Lei Ling's usual mansions.

If he hadn't been mentally prepared, he couldn't help screaming.

Of course, what surprised Ralink wasn't how big and luxurious it was.

It's because his layout and architecture are very similar to the big manor in his previous life!

Golf courses, racetracks, gardens, statues, swimming pools, fountains, and modern super villas.

Lei Ling even saw the windmill and the cabin.
“The architectural style here is very special!”

Lei Ling looked around and exclaimed.

Ye Wuque said with a smile: "These are designed and supervised by Xiuxiu himself, how about it? Very good!"

"Yes! Very good."

Lei Ling once again showed his Oscar-level acting skills, showing a normal person to see the scene here, and the performance that should be displayed is vivid.

With a villa, there must be things like cameras.

I'm afraid that his every move is perfectly presented in front of Qin Xiuxiu at this time.

He can't let himself show any flaws.

"Welcome Mr. Ye, Mr. Zhong is here."

When he saw these two standard maid teams and the red carpet, Lei Ling was completely speechless. Where did this shit come from a fat house?
Guided by the maid, I walked into the living room of the villa. The layout inside was similar to Lei Ling's imagination, with sofas, coffee tables, chandeliers, and a strong modern style.

Lei Ling even felt that he had accidentally time-traveled into his mother's TV series.

right!That's right, it's a TV series, not traveling back to his previous life.

Although he was not considered poor in his previous life, he was definitely not rich either.

He has only seen this kind of big villa in TV dramas. Even if he is working part-time, he has never been to such a luxurious villa to wipe the glass?

There were three people in the living room, the two male Lei Ling had never met before, and the female Lei Ling had seen it before. It was Ye Linglong who went to pick him up earlier. Ye Linglong brought him over and waved to him: "Big villain, Here!"

Seeing Lei Ling approaching, a red-haired man stood up, cupped his hands at Lei Ling, and introduced:
"This must be the arrogant of the Yinyang Tianzong, Mr. Zhong Lizhong, right? I'm the god of fire Qianyang, this is Xue Hui of the Raging Fire Sect."

"Long time!"

Lei Ling also bowed his hand to return the salute. He glanced at Xue Hui, but this guy didn't even look at him, which made Lei Ling feel a little angry.

This guy doesn't even take himself seriously, does this shit want to be lit with sky lanterns?
"Brother Li, can you give me back my Shadowless Snake?"

As soon as Lei Ling sat down, Ye Linglong stuck up to him, hugging his arm, acting coquettishly, Lei Ling pushed her away, and said angrily:
"Stay away from me, don't think I don't know you want to poison me."


Ye Linglong was so angry that she blushed. She is also a beautiful woman after all, right?I don't know how many streets to dump that Qiu Momo.

But the god damn it treats her like a poisonous girl.

"Sorry for keeping you all waiting."

Accompanied by a clear and pleasant voice, a woman in a white evening dress walked in.

All eyes were fixed on Qin Xiuxiu.

Qin Xiuxiu is very beautiful, although she is not as unparalleled as Lanling Muxue, she is already on a par with Luo Xuan.

The so-called three points depend on appearance, and seven points depend on grooming.

After careful grooming, Qin Xiuxiu's appearance has been improved several notches, and she has already caught up with Lan Ling and Mu Xue.

Qin Xiuxiu smiled at Lei Ling: "This must be the peerless genius of the Yin Yang Tianzong, Mr. Zhong Li, Mr. Zhong, right? It's better to meet him than to be famous. Mr. Zhong is really suave and handsome!"

"Miss Qin is also bright and charming, and she is the most beautiful! Zhong almost lost his composure just now."

Lei Ling laughed, Qin Xiuxiu nodded to him, and then greeted Shenhuo Qianyang and the others.

Ever since Qin Xiuxiu appeared, Lei Ling had been observing her, and he couldn't help but feel some doubts in his heart.

The first doubt is that it is noon, but Qin Xiuxiu is wearing an evening dress, which is obviously wrong.

Of course, she might think that she is the only one who traverses the earth in this world, so she's just doing as she pleases.

But there are some problems with this second doubt.

Qin Xiuxiu's steps and manners are actually carried out according to the etiquette of this world, without any trace of modernity.

Lei Ling didn't, because he was afraid of being noticed, so he was deliberately covering it up.

But Qin Xiuxiu can't wait for the global broadcast now. She is an earth traveler, so why would she deliberately cover it up?

"Sister Xiuxiu, this smelly Zhongli stole my Shadowless Snake, can you help me get it back?"

Ye Linglong seemed to know Qin Xiuxiu very well, she ran over to hug Qin Xiuxiu's arm and started acting like a baby.

Qin Xiuxiu shook her head with a smile and said: "You silly girl, Mr. Zhong is the arrogance of the Yin-Yang Tianzong, how could he be greedy for your shadowless snake?
He was just teasing you, and he will return it to you soon. "

When Qin Xiuxiu said this, she was actually helping Ye Linglong. Most people would laugh at this moment, take out the shadowless snake, and return it to Ye Linglong.

But Lei Ling acted as if he hadn't heard, and sat there, drinking tea to himself.

Seeing that everyone's eyes turned to him, there was even a murderous intent in the eyes of that man named Xue Hui.

Only then did Lei Ling put down his teacup, and said with a light smile, "When I was in Zhongzhou, I admired Miss Qin's talent very much.

I once found a fragment in an estimate, and some strange runes were engraved on the fragment. I don't know if the girl can recognize it. "

As he spoke, a piece of rusty metal appeared in his hand, and the words engraved on it were a string of English words, You're a jerk!
Qin Xiuxiu took the metal piece, looked at it carefully for a long time, and finally shook her head slightly:
"I'm sorry Mr. Zhong, I don't know this strange rune. I think it should be the divine rune of a certain protoss in ancient times?"

She passed the metal piece to Ye Wuque and others, and everyone shook their heads saying they didn't recognize it.

Xue Hui even snorted coldly: "I don't think there is anything special about this piece of metal. Maybe this rune was engraved by someone at will to deceive fools."

Ye Wuque shook his head and retorted: "Brother Xue's words are wrong. Although I don't recognize this rune, it is very neat. It should be impossible for someone to engrave it at will."

"Indeed, I think this may be the writing of an ancient race in ancient times."

Shenhuo Qianyang also expressed his opinion.

I have to say that these people are indeed peerless talents. Although they don't know English, they can infer that it is a kind of language in a few words.

Of course, Lei Ling doesn't care about these things, Lei Ling's heart has already turned into a storm.

This Qin Xiuxiu was indeed a puppet outside.

If he is really from her hometown, even if she doesn't understand what this sentence means, she should know the 26 letters, right?

He had carefully observed Qin Xiuxiu and even Ye Wuque's performance just now, and they didn't even change their breathing.

Unless their acting skills have reached their own level, otherwise they are definitely not their fellow villagers.

"Since everyone doesn't recognize it, let's forget it. Anyway, I am asking with the mentality of giving it a try."

Lei Ling shook his head pretending to be disappointed, and carefully put away the metal piece, looking very precious.

This was his way of covering up. He used this method to tell the person behind Qin Xiuxiu that he didn't know the words on it.

"Zhong Li, what do you mean? Do you look down on Xiuxiu?"

As soon as Xue Hui heard this, he became angry on the spot. Lei Ling gave him a sideways glance, and said with a sneer:
"What are you? How dare you talk to me like that? Do you want to die?"

Seeing that the two sides looked like they were about to start a fight, Qin Xiuxiu hurried out to smooth things over: "Okay, okay! What are you doing!"

Ye Wuque also said aloud: "Xue Hui! I know Zhan Tian is your friend, and you want to stand up for Zhan Yue, but this is after all on Xiuxiu's territory, so please restrain yourself."

There was already a little anger in his tone, after all Lei Ling was his guest.

While he was still here, Xue Hui made all kinds of provocations, making it clear that he was not giving him face.


Xue Hui snorted coldly, turned his head away and did not speak again.

Lei Ling didn't bother to argue with him any more, he just killed him when he got a chance after going out.

He looked around and sighed: "Miss Qin, the house you designed is really good. I wonder if I can stay here for a few days and visit it?"


Qin Xiuxiu's face became a little ugly, and she felt that Lei Ling was too frivolous and disrespected her too much.

Even Ye Wuque's gaze turned a little unfriendly, and Ye Linglong even snorted coldly:
"I didn't expect you to be an apprentice. Sister Xiuxiu is a showman but not a person. Don't be wishful thinking."

"I think everyone has misunderstood. I just simply like the buildings here. Isn't there another house here? I can live in this one."

Lei Ling took out a small jade bottle, and said with a faint smile, "This is the Yin-Yang Heart Cleansing Water unique to my Yin-Yang Tianzong. I think everyone should have heard of it, right?"

As soon as he said this, everyone present became short of breath.

Correct! That's right!

Even their kind of peerless arrogance lost their composure after hearing the words "Yin Yang Xi Xin Shui".

Ye Wuque exhaled softly, and murmured: "Yin-yang water for washing the heart can cleanse the mind of the Tao. It is a rare treasure that can deal with demons."

Even a peerless arrogance will have inner demons, and even be swallowed by inner demons, and there are many obsessions.

With the help of this yin and yang heart washing water, it would be much easier for them to deal with the demons.

Of course, it also has other effects. Practitioners are also human beings, and they will be confused by the seven emotions and six desires.

This yin and yang heart washing water can cleanse the Dao heart, get rid of distracting thoughts, and even repair the broken Dao heart to a certain extent.

If Feng Xinghan could have obtained this yin and yang washing water back then, perhaps he would not have embarked on that road of no return.

Lei Ling handed the yin and yang heart washing water to Qin Xiuxiu, and asked with a smile:

"This Yin-Yang heart washing water is also extremely precious in my Yin-Yang Tianzong. There are still three drops in this bottle. How about exchanging the right of residence for three days?"

This thing is naturally left by Zhong Li, it may be a rare treasure to others, but to Lei Ling, it is no different from ordinary water.

His soul-purifying mantra is much more effective than this yin-yang heart-washing water.

"Since Mr. Zhong likes this place so much, I'll let Mr. Zhong live here for a month."

Qin Xiuxiu calmly put away the yin and yang washing water, and smiled at Lei Ling:
"Just three days is not worth three drops of yin and yang heart washing water."

"Thank you! Well, it looks like you guys have something to talk about, right? Then I won't bother you. I'll go out first."

Lei Ling cupped his fists at Qin Xiuxiu, and twisted Ye Linglong up: "Don't get in the way here, walk with brother."

Ye Linglong rolled her eyes, instead of resisting, she took the initiative to hold Lei Ling's arm and led him out the door.

Ye Wuque smiled wryly and shook his head, "Xiuxiu, it seems that brother Li loves the house you designed very much!"


Qin Xiuxiu looked at Lei Ling's leaving figure, with an intriguing smile on the corner of her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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