My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 363 System runner

Chapter 363 System runner (two chapters in one)
There was a lot of fighting outside, and Lei Ling had already started to act. He had already checked the places marked by Shi Ying.

Some are Qin Xiuxiu's treasury for storing various gifts, and Lei Ling is not interested in the things inside.

There are also places like design studios, library cabinets, etc., which are basically fine.

Lei Ling checked briefly and came out.

Next is Qin Xiuxiu's bedroom.

"Hmm, is she very girlish?"

Lei Ling used the magical power of shrinking the ground to an inch, and stepped in with one step. Looking at the layout of Qin Xiuxiu's room, with the previous foreshadowing, he was no longer surprised.

Qin Xiuxiu's room is a pink princess-style hello kitty room, which has a cloakroom and a luxurious bathroom.

It made him want to take a picture, so he went back and arranged one for Xiao Taotao.

"It's important to get down to business."

Lei Ling breathed out, reached out and flicked the space in front of him lightly.

Immediately there were circles of ripples in the room.

After a full quarter of an hour, Lei Ling looked up at the roof.

After a closer look, he discovered that there was a small teleportation array hidden in the ceiling and patterns of the roof.

However, this kind of formation requires specific spells or handprints to open.

Although Lei Ling did not study this aspect, he also has his own methods.

After he took out the Tower of Storms and sacrificed some things, the windows on the sixth floor of the Tower of Storms slowly opened.

A streak of silver energy shot out from it and merged into the teleportation array.

The teleportation array lit up immediately, Lei Ling was overjoyed and rushed in directly.

After a while of dizziness, Lei Ling had just stood firm when his thoughts moved.

He moved his feet, and his body suddenly disappeared. At the same time, there was already a figure where he was standing.

Lei Ling's figure appeared ten meters away from the teleportation platform, and then disappeared again.

In the next moment, he was in front of that figure, and smashed him to the ground with one punch, and cursed angrily:
"The fuck is a rookie who has crossed the Tribulation Realm, I'm startled."

"Huh? It's actually a prison?"

Lei Ling stepped on the guard old woman, looked around, and found that this place was actually a prison, and in the center of the prison, a person was locked on the platform.

The movement on his side also attracted the attention of the locked person. He raised his head, without any surprise, and said with a sad smile, "You're here? You came much earlier than I thought."

"Oh? You know this young master is coming? Who are you?"

Lei Ling's brows were furrowed together, even he couldn't quite figure out what was going on for a while.

The man smiled bitterly and said, "Maybe you can call me Mr. Yu, um. The maid next to you should have been my woman. By the way, we were fellow villagers in our previous lives."


Lei Ling was so shocked that he stared blankly at that person.

Not only was this person chained and trapped by formations, his limbs were also cut off, and there were countless scars on his body, obviously he had experienced a lot of torture.

This is the fellow he has always regarded as the enemy of life?

This is that Mr. Yu?

Is this too bullshit?

"Hehe! It's surprising that I, Daozi, a genuine earth traveler, turned out to be like this."

The man laughed at himself, then suddenly became irritable, and growled at Lei Ling:
"It's all because of you, it's all because of you bastard, you not only made me congenitally defective, but also took away the opportunities that should belong to me.

If I were perfect, if I had mastered the Purifying Mantra, how could I have ended up in this situation!

You bloody thief, you fucking thing. "

Lei Ling was dumbfounded immediately, his head spun rapidly, and he got a lot of information from the young man's few words.

Now he is too lazy to bother with this guy about him scolding himself.

After considering all the things together, Lei Ling's face gradually became playful:

"Brother, you can't blame the society for his ugliness! Are you following the advice of that little girl Qin Xiuxiu?

Tell me, for the sake of fellow countrymen, maybe I can help you get revenge. "

After all, Lei Ling kicked the old woman to death, kicking her far away like kicking garbage.

Then with a big wave of his hand, he took out the coffee table, tea set, futon, voucher, snacks and other things.

I started cooking tea on my own, as if I wanted to hear a story.

"You are really smart, hehe, you are right, everything is my own fault."

Young Master Yu quickly put away his ferocious expression, looking at the leisurely Lei Ling, he couldn't help feeling a little envious in his heart, he sighed a long time and said:
"I believe you know about Daozi all the way, I was an otaku in my previous life, my parents were scientific researchers, and I died in an accident.

I received a lot of compensation, and my family background was good, so I didn't go to high school, and I didn't have to work, so I just stayed at home.

One day while sorting out my grandpa's collection, I came across a treasure map.

Maybe it was too boring, and because of my curiosity, I looked for it by accident.

I followed the treasure map to find a dry well. According to the treasure map, I took out the prepared jade, arranged the formation, and recited the spell on the map.

Then a stone slab appeared in front of me, and the slate told me to go to the top of Mount X at 5:26:1 on May 30, X, and something great would happen then.

I thought with all my heart that there would be a goddess coming to be my wife, just like in the anime.

At that time, I can start to live a happy harem life.

But he didn't expect that he was directly struck by lightning and came to this world, and became a servant of Tianxian Tower.

It was even born of a whore, but I'm not upset because when I woke up, there was a ding in my head.

Correct! That's right!

I have obtained a system, which not only stores all the knowledge of the earth, for me to read at any time!
There are still many tasks, and I can get rich rewards for completing the tasks!
At that moment, I knew that I had become the protagonist, and that I could rule the world in this different world! "

Speaking of this, Young Master Yu stared at Lei Ling viciously, losing control of his emotions again, and even shed tears, he roared:
"But I never thought that there would be a person on the mountain at that time, and this person was hiding under the tree.

The system told me that due to this accident, the system was overloaded and irreparable damage occurred.

My amazing system can only be turned on once a month, and only for three hours at a time, you damn dog, you have directly turned me into a semi-disabled person.

But even so, I have made a lot of money by relying on various knowledge from my previous life.

Although I can only receive a mission once a month, that's enough. I'm an otaku anyway, so I don't want to be too tired.

Later, I triggered a top-level exclusive task, to recover the fox family, and the task reward turned out to be a magic spell for purifying the mind.

I spent a lot of energy on this task, but I didn't expect that just halfway through, the system would prompt me that the task failed because someone had taken away the Purifying Mantra.

I was so angry that I vomited blood on the spot, used a lot of contribution points, and asked the system to give me detailed instructions.

That's when I realized that you are the bastard who made my system a waste. "

"It's because I recognize those words, right?"

Leaning on the table, Lei Ling sipped the freshly brewed tea, and asked with some doubts:

"According to what Shi Yu said, you should have been to the Fox Clan a long time ago, right?

The two of us traveled here together, the timing is a bit wrong, isn't it? "

Mr. Yu calmed down the anger in his heart, and explained: "Time fluctuates within a certain range. It is normal for the early years and the late years."

"Oh, that's it! Even so, how did you end up like this?
After all, you are also a genuine Taoist, right?Why was it so miserable by that little girl Qin Xiuxiu? "

Lei Ling nodded, looked at Young Master Yu with some doubts, and even suspected that this was a bitter trick played by Young Master Yu for him.

"Ha ha!"

Mr. Yu laughed at himself, and continued: "I can only blame myself for being too stupid. I just told you that I am the servant of Tianxianlou.

I also have another identity, that is, the illegitimate son of the Ye family.

My mother was originally the dowry maid of Mrs. Ye's family, but because of her beauty, she was raped and impregnated by the head of the Ye family.

Later, she was sold by the eldest lady to this Tianxian Building as a young lady, and every day she arranged various men to torture her.

After my mother was tortured to death, she arranged for people to bully me in various ways, and even denied me food for three days.

At that time, only Qin Xiuxiu was willing to help me. She was sold to Tianxian Tower since she was a child. Because she was born beautiful, she was treated very well.

Tianxianlou has been cultivating her and is going to sell her for a good price when she grows up.

Qin Xiuxiu often gives me food secretly, even if she is discovered or beaten, she will still find a chance to give me food.

After I traveled through time, I merged my memories and regarded her as the most trusted person in the world. I told her many things about me and helped her become the most talented woman in this western state.

And I myself faked my death and got rid of the eldest lady. Since then, I have started to do tasks, strengthen my strength, and build my own power.

Until I knew that the Purifying Mantra was taken away, I started to use most of my energy to deal with you.

I have to say, you really surprised me, a person who doesn't have a golden finger and no luck from heaven.

To go so far step by step, I never thought that you could defeat Feng Xinghan.

Feng Xinghan failed to kill you, so I have to do it myself.

Because of the existence of guardians, I cannot send spiritual masters into the empire to kill you.

It is impossible for Zhenhai Jing Da Neng to kill you, so I have been waiting for the opportunity until I learned that you started to attack the barbarians in the Northern Wilderness, and I knew the opportunity had come. "

Speaking of this, Young Master Yu took a deep look at Lei Ling and sighed: "Do you know? Actually, I have prepared many methods to deal with you. The people you captured were just a temptation."

"Is there a fire in your backyard?"

Lei Ling glanced at Mr. Yu disdainfully, shook his head and said, "You came from our world, don't you know what reality is?

Can't read the news?Do you not watch modern TV series?You don't think that if you are the protagonist, your woman will be devoted to you, right? "

"I'm fucking watching anime"

Young Master Yu couldn't help howling, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to slap himself a few times, only to find that his hand was firmly locked by the iron chain, and said with a wry smile:

"I thought I could be like the time-traveling hero in the anime, go smoothly, meet all kinds of beauties, and build a big harem.

But I didn't expect that the woman I trusted the most and swore to be with me for the rest of my life, actually betrayed me.

She took advantage of me to deal with you with all my strength, and slowly emptied me, and blamed myself for being too stupid, and kept hiding behind the scenes.

I wanted to find a suitable time to make a blockbuster, explode, and pretend to be forceful.

I didn't expect her to take advantage of the loopholes. I thought Tianxian Tower was the safest place, and you were too difficult to deal with, so I even transferred my guardian to Nanzhou.

Qin Xiuxiu took advantage of my consumption of a large number of contribution points to let someone wound me, and then plotted against me, abolished my cultivation, cut off my meridians, and imprisoned me here.

She ordered people to torture me all day long, let me eat human food, humiliated me, and asked me to open the system every month to contribute various poems, divine comedies, clothing and other knowledge to her.

hehe!When I was imprisoned by her, I asked her, why did you treat me like this, do you know what she said?

She said that from the very beginning, she just treated me like a dog and treated me well because she wanted me to work for her willingly in the future.

Even being discovered and beaten was intentional by her, just to make me feel grateful to her.

Hahahahaha~~ It's ridiculous, right?She never liked me from the beginning to the end. "

Lei Ling shook his head, indeed, anime kills people!
Especially Fat House's favorite harem anime, many of the protagonists in it are fancy tricks, dog-licking attributes, and the Madonna is crazy!

It was completely opened and hung up by madness.

Although some of them are helpful to the traversers, overall the disadvantages outweigh the advantages!
At this time, Lei Ling couldn't help but secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, this guy is a fat house animation fan, and he doesn't even know the simple truth of "a bitch is ruthless, an actor is ruthless!".

If this guy was an old bookworm, he would probably be the one to die.

As for why this guy didn't look for TV dramas, novels and the like to learn from after he traveled over here.

The reason is also very simple, after all, he can only turn on the system for three hours a month.

With such a precious time, it is too late for him to look for business materials, copy songs, poems, copy design drawings, and take on tasks!
How can I have time to read novels?
It is estimated that at most, I will secretly watch comics to satisfy my hunger, and then continue to be poisoned.

Besides, he is the genuine Daozi, with unfathomable luck, blessed by the protagonist's halo, and he is not a tragic little villain like Lei Ling who has nothing.

He didn't need to study those things too much, and he didn't need to be as cautious as Lei Ling.

"That's right! This product is a genuine Daozi! And it's a powerful system Daozi!"

Lei Ling poured himself a cup of tea, frowned and asked, "Even if this is the case, you are still a genuine Taoist, right? Is it just that simple?

You have done the mission for so many years and have no means to save your life?
Judging from your description, this Qin Xiuxiu shouldn't be Daozi, right?Otherwise, there is no need to rely on you. "

"She is not a Daoist, but she is very talented and very smart. Relying on the knowledge I provided her, her status in Tianxian Tower has risen in a straight line, and she has learned the eight notes of immortals and demons in Tianxian Tower.

In order to enhance her strength, I also spent a lot of contribution points to exchange for a jade flute for her.

She designed me to fight with others and caused me to be seriously injured. While I was recovering from my wounds, she used the eight sounds of immortals and demons to confuse my mind and lead me into a madness.

I was unprepared for her, so I fell into her tricks. Not only was she abolished, but she was also tricked out of my private treasure house, the secret language to order my descendants, and other secrets.

Spirituality has always been one of my weaknesses, after all, I am not some big man time travelling, and I was only in my twenties in my previous life.

After traveling, because I knew the existence of the mantra of purifying the mind, I didn't deliberately strengthen the power of the soul and prepared defensive means in this regard.

Before, she asked me why I spent so much manpower, material and mental energy to go to Nanzhou to deal with others.

I was drunk at the time, and I was not on guard against her, so I told her.

Somebody took away my soul-purifying mantra that should belong to me, so I can't get rid of my spiritual weakness. What an idiot I am. "

Mr. Yu let out a long sigh, his whole body was like a deflated ball, his head drooped there, and he kept cursing himself as an idiot, idiot and so on.

This time Lei Ling understood everything, and couldn't help feeling a little sympathy for the fellow villagers, but it was only a little bit.

With his dog-licking behavior, even if he didn't have himself, he would fall into Qin Xiuxiu's hands sooner or later.

There is not only one protagonist in this world, this is a great era when Taoists are fighting for the top, even if he is a Taoist of the system, he will die.

(End of this chapter)

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