Chapter 374
"What you said is really very tempting. With your full support, I can indeed save a lot of things.

The road to proving the Tao will become much easier. I think Ye Wuque is willing to save you at all costs. I am afraid he is also fancying this? "

Lei Ling looked at Qin Xiuxiu playfully, and Qin Xiuxiu's expression changed instantly.

She suddenly realized that she seemed to have made a big mistake.

"Understood? Oh, what a pity! At first, I really had the urge to accept you, but it's a pity that your heart is too big."

Lei Ling sighed for a long time, and looked at Qin Xiuxiu with some reluctance:

"As I said before, you are very similar to me, people like us always put ourselves first.

Although I am this kind of person, I really hate other people being this kind of person!
Especially my subordinates!
I would rather let the world down, than let the world down on me.

It is difficult for people like us to serve someone wholeheartedly.

For your own benefit, you will even give me a knife without hesitation at critical moments.

And this time you were treated so badly by me, don't you want to take revenge?

If I really spare your life, you will definitely try your best to calculate me.

But your role is really too great.

It's so big that it's worth taking a small risk. I originally wanted to abolish your cultivation, and then find a few people to stare at you.

Let you engage in intelligence, make money, and sometimes come up with a plan for me.

You live under my surveillance, and you have various contracts and restrictions, so you can't make any big waves if you think about it.

Slowly you will accept your fate, and I will give you some small favors at that time, maybe you can really serve me sincerely.

But you betrayed Zhan Tian and Ye Wuque without hesitation just now, which made me shaken.

Needless to say, Ye Wuque, no matter what the purpose is, he has been desperately protecting and saving you, this is a fact.

As for Zhan Tian, ​​since he can tell you so many things, I think your relationship is also very good.

However, in order to please me, you actually took the initiative to sell them, it is too bottomless.

People like you can indeed live longer than others, but it is definitely not good to be a subordinate.

Of course, this is not the reason why I really give up on you.

After all, I have already prepared for your character.

The reason why I gave up on you is because you still want to go back to your Tianxian Tower and continue your previous life.

Even subconsciously rely on our relationship to cooperation. "

Having said this, Lei Ling showed a sinister smile on his face: "Until now, I didn't know that your ambition is greater than mine, and it is impossible for a person like you to be inferior to others.

You can't really be used by me!

Even if I monitor you in all directions, you will try your best to get rid of me, and even kill me.

You rely on the Tianxian Tower, and you have obtained a large amount of knowledge from Mr. Yu.

As long as you slow down and cooperate with them internally and externally, if I'm not careful, I'm afraid I can really be cheated to death by you.

This is a great era where Daozi contends for the front, and anything can happen.

So even if I let you make an oath of heaven, or sign any contract, you may still be able to unravel it.

I have seen a person who practiced one qi transform into three cleans before, and he had three clones at once, which is equivalent to becoming four people.

By the way, the Sky Demon is your friend, right?This fucker looks like a normal person with his head off, immortal?
There are even such nonsense things, what else can't happen?

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent a thief?

So I still decided to kill you. There are so many smart people in the world, so why should I be obsessed with a white-eyed wolf like you? "

Qin Xiuxiu's face turned completely pale. She didn't beg for mercy, because she knew it was useless to beg for mercy now, and it was impossible for Lei Ling to let her go.

After tidying up her clothes, she poured some tea to wash off the stains on her face, then combed her hair, sighed softly and said:
"Let me die decently, I have helped you, and I have never hurt you from the beginning to the end."

Lei Ling stood up, facing Qin Xiuxiu, with a little helplessness in his eyes:

"Go all the way, I will bury your body well after you die.

In the next life, I hope you can reincarnate in our peaceful world, and don't go through so many beatings and killings again.

I believe that with your wisdom, you must be a strong woman there, like Miss Dong~~"

"Thank you!"

Qin Xiuxiu smiled at Lei Ling, and then slowly closed her eyes.

Lei Ling raised his finger, and lightly tapped on the center of Qin Xiuxiu's eyebrows. The powerful spiritual power pierced through Qin Xiuxiu's head in an instant.

Just when Shi Yu and other women were about to restrain Qin Xiuxiu's body, Lei Ling fired a fire of divine punishment, burning Qin Xiuxiu's body clean.

Then, under their shocked gazes, they took out the yin and yang mirror and shot out a black light to shatter Qin Xiuxiu's soul.

"Master, this is you."

The girls instantly petrified, they didn't understand what Lei Ling was doing.

"She gave me so much information and helped me, just let her go happily, what? Do you think I will really do that?"

Lei Ling took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands, and said angrily:
"You have been with me for so long, don't you have any vigilance at all? This Qin Xiuxiu has made friends with so many arrogances, and even squeezed Mr. Yu dry. Who knows what fetishes she has?
Don't destroy her body, destroy her soul.

What if she is resurrected?
What about reincarnation with memories?
You all remember for me, we are bad people, we must do it thoroughly, don't be a bitch and want to set up a memorial archway. "

"It's the young master."

All the girls hurriedly knelt down and bowed, all secretly frightened in their hearts.

Even Shi Yu and Shi Xue felt that being with you is like being with a tiger.

Lei Ling was too cautious, even Qin Xiuxiu, his coveted subordinate, was willing to kill him.

If they made him feel dangerous, he might be killed too!
"En! Clean up here, Shi Yu, you can send a message later to tell the backer King Qin Xiuxiu the news of Qin Xiuxiu's death, and come to my room after you are done."

Lei Ling flicked his sleeves and went back to his room to sleep.

"Shi Yu, the young master really dotes on you, I don't know when we will be able to serve the young master, why don't you blow the pillow breeze for us if you have nothing to do?"

After Lei Ling was far away, the girls got up to tidy up, a maid said enviously.

These people are all the pride of the four dynasties, they have been thoroughly brainwashed, and Lei Ling is worshiped as a god.

Ever since they learned that Lei Ling had started favoring Shi Yu, they all looked forward to it.

I hope that Lei Ling can call them to sleep with him occasionally.

But Lei Ling didn't look for anyone except for Shi Yu's pampering and Jin Qiao'er occasionally.

Shi Xue is because of her young age, but they are not young anymore!
"The young master is cautious and believes that you all know."

Hearing them talk about such a shameful topic, Shi Yu didn't blush, but said helplessly:
"I've been with him for so long, and he never turned his back to me when sleeping, even Qiao'er.

You have to behave well, when the young master starts to trust you, maybe he will invite you to sleep. "

"Oh, we thought about it too. It's a pity that the young master is too strict. After following him for so long, he has never been in any danger. We have no chance to show our loyalty."

All the girls sighed unceasingly. They followed Lei Ling, that is, they did odd jobs and so on.

 Originally, he wanted to make Qin Xiuxiu a right-hand man, but after hesitating for a few days, he finally decided that killing was more in line with Lei Ling's character design.
  Let's look for a military adviser in the future...

(End of this chapter)

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