My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 376 Becoming a Sharpshooter

Chapter 376 The Ever-changing Gunslinger (please subscribe, don't make me change)

After Si Yu leaves
Lei Ling took out another bead, which was a reward from Young Master Yu.

"Come on, let me see what you left for me."

Lei Ling recited the Mantra of Purifying Mind in his heart and protected himself with the yin and yang mirror before incorporating a trace of the power of his soul into the bead.

"Ding dong, the power of the host's soul has been detected. Next, we will enter the final debugging process of the magic gun. Does the host agree?"

A very pleasant voice sounded in Lei Ling's mind.

Lei Ling was overjoyed, as if he had found the feeling of playing games in his previous life, he agreed without hesitation.

"Please ask the host to choose the color and pattern of the gun body. The host can also design it himself."

Various forms of the ever-changing sharpshooter appeared in front of Lei Ling's eyes. There were also some colors and patterns on the form for selection.

For the Desert Eagle pistol, Ralink uses silver and prints a dragon pattern on it.

Barrett used a camouflage pattern.

Gatling used purple with a lightning bolt pattern.

The rocket launcher is red with a unicorn pattern.

"The setting of the appearance is complete, and the host will please carefully watch the description of the Magic Gun.

During this period of time, the system will complete the binding between you and Magic Gun, and make some fine-tuning according to your own strength. "

"Damn, I really want to have a system! Isn't this too convenient?"

Lei Ling couldn't help cursing inwardly, that idiot Mr. Yu, who got such an awesome golden finger, was ruined by a girl. If this was given to him, he would have gone to heaven long ago.

The description of the Variety Magic Gun is similar to the manual of the previous life, with both pictures and texts.

The ever-changing magic gun made by Mr. Yu is really good. It compresses the energy input by the host, then compresses and condenses it, amplifies it, and finally bursts out instantly.

It can shoot a linear beam or attack in the form of a bullet.

Not only has the power consumption been reduced to the greatest extent, but the attack power has also been greatly enhanced, which is equivalent to hitting the surface.

Not to mention that he can also compress the growth rate.

If Barrett is used by a congenital master, then give him enough time to infuse spiritual power, maybe he can snipe and kill masters in the Purple Mansion Realm or even the Tribulation Realm!

In terms of energy, it can not only compress a single type of power, but also compress multiple types of power at the same time, and the attack effect is also determined according to the characteristics of the power.

For example, compressing fire energy, its attack is fire attack, compressing soul power, its attack is soul attack.

"Ding dong, the ever-changing magic gun has completed the final debugging and has been bound to the host. May the host be victorious and reach the peak."

"Damn! This feel, this shape, is really handsome."

Lei Ling held two Desert Eagles in his hands, and made various poses that he thought were handsome.

In my heart, I don't like this magical weapon.

He is a physical trainer, so his fights are mainly close combat.

With this ever-changing magic gun, he will have the means of long-range attack.

After fiddling happily for a while, Lei Ling looked at the magic gun in his hand and asked curiously, "I don't know how powerful it is?"

This thing is really handsome, and Mr. Yu and the instructions have blown it up, but you need to try it to know how it is.

Lihuo Dynasty Yellowstone Volcano.

This is the largest volcano in Xizhou, and there are many powerful fire-type spirit beasts here.

After Lei Ling teleported to this area through the teleportation array, he used the supernatural power of shrinking the ground to an inch, and his figure kept flashing, and soon found a fifth-level fire-winged red tiger.


When Lei Ling appeared in front of Hong Hu, Hong Hu instinctively took a few steps back and let out a low growl.

It sensed a powerful aura from Lei Ling, and it knew that this human being was not easy to mess with.

"Brother Tiger! Don't be afraid, I just asked you to try a gun."

Lei Ling raised his hand slowly, aiming his gun at the Fire Winged Red Tiger's head. He used the one with the most powerful Desert Eagle form and the one that lasted for a long time.

Of course, it is relative to say that the accumulation time is long. If it condenses an attack, it will probably take three or four seconds.

The moment Lei Ling pulled the trigger on the Fire-winged Red Tiger, a lightning ray pierced directly through the Fire-winged Red Tiger.

That speed was so fast that even the fast Fire Winged Red Tiger had no time to react.

Its tiger eyes stared straight at Lei Ling, and if it could speak, it would definitely curse:
"I'll go to your uncle, what about the one who agreed to try a gun? Why did you come up and kill me?"


Accompanied by a bang, the fire-winged red tiger fell to the ground, and closed its eyes unwillingly
The thunder fire ray pierced through the head of the fire-winged red tiger and didn't stop.

Instead, it continued to shoot into the distance, blasting on a mountain top, directly smashing that mountain top.


Lei Ling couldn't help but gasp!

Is this dead?

This power is too awesome, right?
Only then did Lei Ling realize that he had underestimated the Magic Spear, and at the same time he had underestimated himself too.

Shocked, he raised his other hand and pulled the trigger in his hand.

Four beams are shot out. Unlike the previous one, this gun has a short charging time, a fast firing rate, and low power.

The charging time is half a second, and it is fired in four bursts, but even so, its power is not small, and it also exploded a mountain.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

Lei Ling shot randomly, startling the spirit beasts in the volcano, and a large number of spirit beasts rushed towards this side.

A king-level fiery bear took the lead and rushed towards Lei Ling with a roar.

Lei Ling was in need of someone to test the gun at this time, oh no, it should be a beast to test the gun, seeing a large number of spirit beasts rushing over, he was not surprised but happy.

Raising his hand to the fiery bear, it was a four-shot burst.

The fiery bear roared loudly, spiritual power gushed out in his body, and layers of crimson shields appeared around his body.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Four energy beams hit the shield, causing an explosion, and layer after layer of shields were shattered, but they were finally blocked by the fiery bear.

Just when Fiery Bear stood up and roared, ready to charge again.

Another beam of light shot over, instantly piercing through all the shields around it, piercing his heart, and destroying a large number of spirit beasts behind him.

Huo Baoxiong looked down at his heart, but he didn't seem to realize what happened.

Then another beam of energy shot over, blasting its bear head alive.

"It's really interesting."

Lei Ling's two guns fired alternately, and each beam of light could shoot a path of blood.

Gradually, he has been able to master the attack of two guns more proficiently.

The thickness of this beam can be adjusted to a certain extent. Under the same energy, the thinner the beam, the higher the attack power, speed, and penetration of a single beam.

Although the speed and penetrating power of a thick beam are smaller, the area of ​​damage it causes is larger.

In short, each has its own merits.

"I can't play anymore, it's not good to make a big noise."

After playing enough, Lei Ling quietly left after destroying the corpses and traces of the group of spirit beasts that had been shot.

This time he only tried the power of the double guns, and did not try other forms.

According to Mr. Yu's setting, the two-gun form is really used to be tough.

After all, other flexibility is too low, and it is not very practical for fighting at the same level. It is mainly used to deal with various battle situations.

Now that I am in Xizhou, I need to be careful in everything, so I can only wait for other forms to try again in the future when I have a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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