Chapter 386
"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, go back to the Eternal Shenzhou first."

Lei Ling took out the Tower of Storms, put Qiushuang, Xiao Taotao, Jin Qiaoer, and Zhan Mie all in the tower, then used the magical power of shrinking the ground to an inch, and hurried to the Eternal Shenzhou.

After all, he is just an outsider, while Qiushuang is a student of Dihuo Academy.

Once the people in the academy know what happened here, then he won't even think about leaving.

If he was dragged here and waited for those members of the Qiu family to rush over, wouldn't he be dead?
So Lei Ling had to leave as soon as possible before anyone noticed.

As for Wu Qingcheng, I can only let the Anbu people inform her later.

She is a member of the dance family and the daughter-in-law of the Jin family. She also has a backer in Dihuo Academy and has not been involved in Lei Ling's plan. Even if she does not leave, she will not be in any danger.

At best, the members of Qiu's family only asked about Lei Ling's situation from her.

Of course, if she wants to follow her, after she settles down, let her find herself.

Back on the Eternal Shenzhou, Lei Ling burned his spiritual veins, drove the Eternal Shenzhou to the maximum speed, and fled Xizhou at full speed.

The Eternal Shenzhou is the vehicle of the Eternal Divine Lord. It is amazing and can fly at high altitudes, and can make itself invisible through the refraction of light.

Coupled with the double concealment of Shi Yu's illusion inherited from the Nine-Tailed Fox, it is almost impossible to be discovered.

The purpose of Lei Ling's trip is Beizhou. Beizhou and Xizhou are on the same ice and fire, and they have always been incompatible.

This time he got into trouble in Xizhou, so going to Beizhou is the safest.

Besides, Lanling Muxue seemed to be in Beizhou, Lei Ling felt that it would be safer to stay with her. With Lanling Muxue around, he wouldn't panic even if the Tianjiao of Yinyang Tianzong came.

Eternal Shenzhou, Torture Chamber
Qiu Shuang was tied to the rack and was already tortured beyond human form.

Lei Ling had already learned about the magic of Xiao Taotao's blood from her mouth.

"I've said everything I need to say. Why do you still torture me like this? I'm from the Qiu family and a student of Earthfire Academy. You won't end well if you treat me like this."

Qiushuang looked at Lei Ling with resentment, she didn't understand why Lei Ling was so cruel.

She just stabbed Xiao Taotao with a needle, but Lei Ling directly stabbed her into a hedgehog.

All the pores of her body were pricked with needles by Lei Ling. The needles were thin and long, and penetrated deeply into her body.

The most frightening thing was that in order not to let her die, Lei Ling also used precious medicine to hang her life.

What kind of bullshit is this?
However, Lei Ling's torment to her didn't stop there.

After the needles were inserted, Lei Ling also energized the needles, that was the thunder of divine punishment!
The electric current directly entered Qiushuang's body through the ox hair needle, causing her to foam at the mouth, incontinence of feces and feces, and wished she could die.

"The Qiu family?"

Lei Ling shook his head slightly, and fired another lightning bolt, causing Qiu Shuang to scream again and again.

"You have a good relationship with Qiao'er. You can guess my identity after thinking about it. I will be afraid of you as the Qiu family? Besides, your Qiu family has been offended by me a long time ago."

Lei Ling looked at Qiushuang who kept screaming and twitching, and a sneer twitched from the corner of his mouth:
"You were really impatient, you found out the secret of Xiao Taotao's blood, and tricked her to come here to get blood the next day.

If you can wait a few more hours, you won't have to be so miserable, time is life, and some things are not something you can afford after all. "

Too lazy to talk nonsense with Qiu Shuang, Lei Ling got up and left the torture room, ordered the guards outside to continue entertaining Qiu Shuang, and then went to the study.

In Lei Ling's study

Jin Qiaoer has been kneeling all night, but this time she has no complaints.

If Lei Ling hadn't arrived in time, Xiao Taotao would have been pricked to draw blood.

Shi Yu and others wanted to intercede for her, but Lei Ling has been tortured Qiushuang, even Shi Yu dared not disturb her.

After finally waiting for Lei Ling to come over, they stepped forward one after another, wanting to ask for mercy, but Lei Ling waved his hand to signal them to back down.

"You know what's wrong?"

After the girls left, Lei Ling asked in a cold voice with his back to Jin Qiaoer.

Jin Qiaoer's whole body froze, and the tears stopped flowing down again: "It's all my fault, Lei Ling, hit me."


Lei Ling sighed for a long time, turned around and looked at Jin Qiaoer who was crying like pear blossoms and rain, feeling very distressed in his heart:
"Qiaoer! You are very smart and sensible. You know some things even if I don't say them.

You can't blame you for this incident, but I hope you can take this as a warning and stop trusting others casually in the future.

Xiao Taotao just got an injection this time, and was frightened, but nothing serious happened. You have been kneeling all night, so I won't punish you anymore, get up. "

"Lei Ling, I'm sorry."

Jin Qiaoer struggled to get up, walked to Lei Ling's side, and gently tugged at the corner of his clothes:

"I promise I will never trust others again."


Lei Ling gently hugged her into his arms, Jin Qiaoer has been with him for so long, her position in Lei Ling's heart is naturally not comparable to that of Xiao Taotao.

The reason why Lei Ling punished her to kneel all night this time was mainly because she wanted her to have a long memory. If she trusts others so recklessly, something will happen sooner or later.

"Okay, you're tired from kneeling all night, and your face is disfigured from crying, go back to your room, take a shower and go to sleep, and then apologize to Xiao Taotao."


Jin Qiaoer responded obediently, and left the study slowly.

There was a big smile on her face.

Originally, he thought that this time, Lei Ling would definitely beat his little butt to pieces, but he didn't expect Lei Ling to let her go so easily.

Lei Ling still loves her after all.

After dismissing Jin Qiaoer, Lei Ling went straight back to his room. After working for so long, he wanted to catch up on sleep.

Lying on the bed, Lei Ling began to think about Xiao Taotao, he had always known that Xiao Taotao was extraordinary, her blood had miraculous effects, Lei Ling was not surprised.

Of course, he didn't have the idea of ​​taking Xiao Taotao's blood.

It wasn't just because he was afraid that Lanling Muxue would kill him with a sword if he found out.

He thought a lot, for example, Qiushuang just took a little of Xiao Taotao's blood by chance and became malicious towards Xiao Taotao, why did he end up like this?

Why can I arrive in time at the critical moment?

He searched the memories of his previous life and finally came to a conclusion.

Xiao Taotao must have a body of great luck, and its strength must far exceed that of many Daozi.

She may even be the legendary child of destiny, the darling of heaven.

It would be bad luck to hurt her.

Lei Ling felt that he had been so smooth during this period, and there was probably Xiao Taotao's reason.

So he will not do this kind of thing that kills chickens to get eggs, or even steals chickens without losing money.

"No matter what happens in the future, we must never leave Xiao Taotao behind."

She made up her mind in her heart that she must redouble her efforts to build a good relationship with Xiao Taotao in the future, and when she grows up, she will be her own woman.

With the blessing of her luck, she won't suffer such a disadvantage when dealing with those Taoists.

(End of this chapter)

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