My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 393 The long-disappeared Lei Han

Chapter 393 The long-disappeared Lei Han (two chapters in one)
Zhongzhou, Tianduan Mountain Range, because the aura here is thin, there are no sects in the mountain range.

Deep in the mountains, there is a hidden valley.

There is poisonous miasma shrouded outside the valley, and there are powerful poisonous insects in it, ordinary people dare not approach it at all.

The enchantment in the valley is vertical and horizontal, there are many formations, countless organs, and the defense is extremely tight.

One can tell at a glance that there are extremely noble figures living in it.

But the valley was only a cover.

The place where the big man really lives is in a mountain peak opposite the valley.

This mountain peak is very ordinary, there is nothing unusual on the outside.

But there are universes inside.

In the mountain peak, a huge space has been slotted out by someone, and special materials are supplemented with powerful formations and barriers to shield the outside world from detection.

The space is divided into nine floors, and all kinds of facilities are available. In addition to the living area, there are also areas for planting, breeding, entertainment, and so on.

It is more complete and luxurious than the doomsday bases of Lei Ling's previous rich people.

In the living area on the eighth floor, in a luxurious room, lay a big fat man naked.

Beside the fat man, there are a bunch of beauties, each with a peerless appearance, and these women are of different races.

There are people, foxes, rabbits, elves, etc., and even mermaids.

Some of these women pinched his feet, some pinched his legs, some beat his back, some fed him fruit, and some fed him fine wine
Even the emperor probably didn't enjoy it as much as he did.

After all, the emperors of ordinary dynasties could not collect so many top beauties of different races.

Most of the emperors of powerful dynasties have to cultivate and cherish their reputation. No one would be so extravagant and lustful.

A protruding fox girl fed the big fat man some fruit, and said disdainfully:

"Master, those people can't do it either! A total of 36 waves have been sent up to now, and they still haven't broken through the valley."

If Lei Ling saw this fox girl, he would definitely snatch her away.

Because of this fox girl, there is a green light in her eyes. This is the blue-eyed wise fox he has been thinking about all along! ! !

"It's not bad, I have a total of 180 such valleys, scattered throughout the Human Emperor's Continent.

They need to attack these 180 valleys at the same time, plus the secret blockade, the manpower and material resources will be consumed huge, and it is not bad to be able to rush to this level.

After all, although his power is great, but in order not to let the wind leak, there is not much power that can be used. "

The fat man chuckled, and then there was a trace of guilt on his face, and tears flickered in his eyes:

"It's just suffering my son! Let him face so many dangers alone but can't help him, I am a father in vain!"

"Master, the young master is unparalleled in his ingenuity, turning his hand into clouds and his hands into rain, not only unifying the dynasties of the four kingdoms, but also sweeping away the Northern Wilderness.

With the power of the wishes of all beings, he broke the blood catastrophe, crushed many arrogances, captured the heart of Lan Ling Muxue, and became the leader of the young generation in Nanzhou.

Going to Xizhou turned the Lihuo Dynasty upside down, playing with those ancient families in applause.

Young master, he has grown up, and he can soar for nine days without your protection. "

The fox girl comforted softly, and told Lei Ling's various experiences in a few words, even the recent incident in Xizhou.

Obviously Lei Han has been paying attention to Lei Ling.

It's just that he can't help, because he and Lei Ling have been under surveillance all the time.

When Long Yue Empire, although he escaped from the golden cicada's shell, he also completely angered that person.

The man began to use his strength and chased him down.

However, Lei Han had already prepared for it. He prepared a total of 180 hiding places, and the defense system inside was built by him with huge sums of money.

Many formations are handed down from ancient times, and all kinds of traps are top-notch.

Even if Elder Tianjian broke in rashly, he would not be able to please.

His forces are also developed secretly, and there are many families that are not related to each other.

Even if that person went all out to investigate, he still didn't find many of them.

So even though the man had great energy, he couldn't do anything to Lei Han.

He even suffered a disadvantage, a large number of his subordinates died in Lei Han's valley.

It's a pity that although Lei Han has a strong force in his hands, he can't help Lei Ling.

Although because of Lei Ling's mother, that person didn't dare to attack Lei Ling, but he was always watching him.

As long as Lei Han sends someone to help Lei Ling, those people will be wiped out by that person immediately.

And he will follow the vines and wipe out the forces behind them.

Fortunately, Lei Ling was always cautious. Although there were many enemies, he never let himself fall into danger.

Even if Lei Han supported him, it was just icing on the cake, to relieve him a little burden.

That's why Lei Han didn't help Lei Ling.

Otherwise, if Lei Ling's life is really in danger, Lei Han, who is a child-protecting madman.

Even if you lose the power you just accumulated in your hands, you will help.

"That's right! My Lei Han's son is naturally an awesome existence."

Lei Han smiled triumphantly, accepted Fox Girl's appreciation for Lei Ling, and even boasted a little to himself.

But soon his face showed worry again, and sighed:
"It's just that Ling'er has walked this way, seemingly easy, but in fact every step is dangerous. If you take one wrong step, you will be lost forever. Alas, I am really worried."

He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and said, "It's all because of that damned idiot.

If it wasn't for him, I could have sent my son the vast amount of resources in my hand, so why would he worry about money?
If it wasn't for him, I could have dispatched a large number of experts to protect my son and guard the way for my son. How could he look for backers everywhere and be angry with others?

If it wasn't for him, I could send the elites I cultivated to my son and do things for my son, so why would he be troubled by the fact that there is no one available around him?
Damn it, that damned idiot, when the great era begins, I will definitely let him die without a place to bury him. "

Lei Han sat up straight away, yelling and yelling.

Those women seemed to be accustomed to this kind of situation, and they didn't even bother to persuade them.

After tidying up his things, he stood aside and quietly watched him pretend.

Suddenly, the ground trembled, and Lei Han's expression changed, thinking that this place had been discovered.

"Master, sir."

At this moment, a maid hurriedly rushed in, announcing excitedly:

"The mutation of the world has begun, master, the opportunity you have been waiting for has finally come."

"Okay, haha, finally started."

Lei Han excitedly jumped up from the bed, his flesh curled up wave after wave.

With bright golden light shining in his eyes, he said coldly:
"Xuanyuan is invincible, the great era has begun, I want to see if your Xuanyuan family can still reign supreme.

Just wait, one day, I will uproot your entire Xuanyuan family and let you know my Lei Han's methods. "

"Congratulations, master, congratulations to master, I believe you will be able to go out soon."

There was excitement on the fox girl's face. The group of women who served Lei Han were all Lei Han's confidantes.

And as a blue-eyed wise fox, she often helps Lei Han with advice, so she knows a lot of things.

For example, Lei Han's big layout! ! !

Although those strange treasures will only be born when the world changes.

But before that, many strange treasures will change, and many people can discover it.

Just like twin lotuses with twin pedicles.

Of course, all of these strange treasures that have changed in advance are top-notch things.

There are also many second- and third-rate things that do not change, so it is difficult to be discovered.

As for those treasures of heaven, material and earth that were born due to changes in aura, it is even more impossible for people to detect them in advance.

But Lei Han was not included in these people!

Lei Hantian is born with spiritual eyes, and can see the spirit of the world.

The degree of perversion is beyond imagination.

He locked a large number of second- and third-rate things through the images sent by a large number of search teams scattered in various places.

There are treasures of heaven and earth, ancient inheritance, magical weapons, and so on.

After that, let the dead soldiers he cultivated through his secret forces over the years go to guard.

This wave can make the power he possesses grow explosively.

Of course, in addition to these things, he can occasionally see spirit crystal veins.

See the treasures of heaven and earth that existed before.

These things made his money more and more.

After the great change of the sky and the earth, a large number of spiritual crystal veins hidden deep in the ground will be born.

Lei Han's wealth is bound to increase crazily.

His influence will also rise with the tide.

Soon he will have enough strength to compete with Xuanyuan Wudi, and then he won't have to hide anymore.

After all, although Xuanyuan Wudi has a very high status in the Xuanyuan family, the power he can use is limited.

Under the service of all the girls, Lei Han got dressed and said in a deep voice:
"The great era has begun, and Xuanyuan Wudi has no extra energy to deal with me. We don't need to be as secretive as before."

"Yes! That's right, even if he is willing, the Xuanyuan family will not let him waste a lot of manpower and material resources on us."

All the girls nodded in agreement, their eyes sparkling with excitement.

Lei Han has many influences, but in order to avoid the embarrassing situation of being singled out, they all operate alone.

The various forces do not know each other, and some are even hostile.

Such things as hurting each other often happen.

Now Xuanyuan Wudi has no energy to deal with them.

Then they can unite the various forces.

The benefits of this are unimaginable.

"Well, that's the case, but it's better to be careful.

How about this, first divide the area, and unite the scattered shops in the area to form a small business alliance.

Afterwards, according to the situation, regional mergers will be carried out, and when the strength grows, they will all be integrated together. "

Lei Han frowned, and after pondering for a long time, decided to be more careful.

After all, what he was facing was not a cat or a dog, but the Xuanyuan family, the first family in Human Emperor's Continent.

It is also the only royal family that still exists.

Although it is no longer the glory of the ancient years.

But a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and the Xuanyuan family is still one of the top forces in Zhongzhou.

"As ordered!"


Lei Han suddenly let out a long sigh, a trace of worry flashed across his excited face, and he said to himself:
"I don't know what's going on with Ningxue, I haven't heard anything about it for so many years."

Apart from his own precious son, Lei Ningxue is what Lei Han is most worried about.

Even in comparison, he was more worried about Lei Ningxue.

After all, Lei Ling's whereabouts are under his control, and if his life is in danger, he can still rescue him.

But Lei Ningxue had no news at all.

Lei Han sent many people to investigate overseas, but they found nothing.

Although he has great confidence in Lei Ningxue.

But after all, this is the great era of Daozi fighting for the top.

There are mountains beyond mountains, and there are people beyond people. No one can guarantee that they will not die.

All the girls were silent, not knowing how to persuade them.

In fact, they all felt that Lei Ningxue might be dead.

One must know that Lei Han has spent a lot of energy looking for her these years.

Although she is no longer in the Human Emperor's Continent, it's not like she can't find any news, right?

But they dare not say that.

Before, there was a woman that Lei Han loved very much, because of jealousy, she said something bad about Lei Ningxue in a weird way.

As a result, Lei Han turned his face on the spot.

Order someone to beat the woman to death.

The corpses were also chopped up and fed to the beasts in the zoo and botanical garden.

From then on, no one dared to speak ill of Lei Ningxue and Lei Ling again.

Everyone is very afraid of Lei Han.

People like Lei Han are much more ruthless than Lei Ling.

Although Lei Ling is an extreme egotist, he is still quite emotional.

For Shi Yu, Jin Qiaoer and the others are very tolerant.

Occasionally make some innocuous small mistakes, that is, a few words of reprimand, even reluctant to hit.

And he is very principled and has a bottom line.

He loves his race, loves his country.

On the premise of not endangering his own life, he is very willing to help his country and race and make them stronger.

But Lei Han is different.

He has little affection for anyone but his closest relatives.

Turning your face is faster than turning a book.

As long as his dear ones are fine, even if the world is destroyed, he won't shed a single tear, or even feel sad.

These women are just playthings in Lei Han's eyes.

A second ago, maybe he was still talking sweetly and flirting with you.

In the next second, he may strangle you to death with his own hands.

No, after thinking of Lei Ningxue, Lei Han's mood immediately became unhappy.

He glanced at the girls coldly, and angrily said:
"What are you doing standing there? Hurry up and do something!"

"The slaves retire."

All the girls hurriedly saluted and walked out quickly.

Afraid of walking too slowly, Lei Han caught him and made him a punching bag.

"My sister, where are you! Brother, I miss you so much—"

As soon as the girls left the house, Lei Han sat down on the ground and began to cry, tears pouring out desperately as if he didn't want money.

The women outside the door couldn't laugh or cry when they heard the cries like killing a pig.

This Lei Han is so moody.

Even the woman from the blue-eyed wise fox clan couldn't see through him.

(End of this chapter)

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