My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 409 Negotiation

Chapter 409 Negotiation (two chapters in one)
Peerless Jiange, conference hall.

Under the summoning of Elder Tianjian, almost all the high-level officials from the entire Nanzhou came.

The principals of the major factions, the emperors of the various dynasties, and even the patriarchs of the big families all came together.

Many small forces jointly elected a representative to come.

Because there are too many people, the meeting can only be held in the lobby, and the meeting hall can no longer stand.

Lei Ling didn't show up in person, but first let Jin Dabao lead the diplomatic team of the Four Kingdoms to argue with these people.

The two parties came and went, and discussed for three days and three nights.

Lei Ling's conditions still moved many people's hearts.

The method he adopted was similar to the enfeoffment system, and the major dynasties belonged to his jurisdiction, and the Tenjin religion was regarded as the state religion.

Let them be self-governing, but they need to select enough Tianjiao to join Bai Qi's army regularly.

When necessary, their army should also obey Lei Ling's dispatch.

And they will get Lei Ling's protection. Of course, Lei Ling's protection was bullshit to them before.

But it's different now, the rise of Lanling Muxue has shaken the entire original world.

Many forces in other states wanted to seek her asylum.

The opening of the great era means the reshuffle of the entire original world.

Without a strong backing, they would become cannon fodder in minutes.

At the same time, Lei Ling also took out a lot of spiritual liquid, which is a priceless treasure!
Basically you can't buy it.

As long as you agree to join his command, you can get a reward.

Some relatively weak dynasties and third-rate forces have chosen to join in the wrangling of the past few days.

Signed the contract and issued the oath of heaven.

But many powerful dynasties and first-class forces did not agree.

They also have a lot of arrogance, and even Daozi are extremely powerful existences.

Although it was not as invincible and astonishing as Lanling Muxue.

But the road to practice is long, who can guarantee that you will always be amazed?
In the long river of history, how many celestial arrogances with weak successors have appeared?
At the beginning, they were so awesome that they slapped the sky with all kinds of pretense, but such people often died in the end.

On the contrary, those who are obscenely developed and have accumulated a lot of money can go further.

At the same time, although Lanling Muxue is strong, the enemies she provokes will also become stronger accordingly.

Coupled with Lei Ling's two hundred and five, he caused trouble everywhere, and if he didn't move around, he would destroy his whole family.

Don't say anything else, just talk about what he did in Xizhou.

Not to mention offending Tianxianlou, but also offending the Qiu family and other indigenous forces.

He even offended indirectly, how many Tianjiao had good friends with Qin Xiuxiu, especially that young master Tian Yao.

His strength may not be inferior to Lanling Muxue!

If it wasn't for Lanling Muxue's supernatural power this time, which caused a huge shock, Lei Ling would have been in exile long ago.

He was just like this before, but now that he has the powerful Lan Ling Muxue as his backer, isn't he still making waves?

When Lei Ling provokes someone he can't afford, they will also suffer disaster.

There is another very important point.

In their eyes, Lei Ling belonged to the kind of idiot with great ambition and little talent.

Beat barbarians at every turn, and make orcs slaves at every turn.

If you have enough troops for him, this guy will definitely go to war everywhere.

Bai Qi's army has always been fighting on the wild continent.

Because of Lanling Muxue, the fighting in Nanzhou stopped.

The Nanzhou orc clan was jointly attacked by many external forces and retreated steadily. They signed a humiliating treaty and paid a lot of compensation.

Nanzhou Terran won a complete victory.

But this does not rely on Nanzhou's original strength!
Now the Nanzhou orc clan is still very powerful.

After Lei Ling conquers Nanzhou, he will definitely start a war again.

At that time, those forces may not send troops to help.

These big forces like them do things on the fly.

The purpose of sending troops to help each other before was to sell Lanling Muxue's face and make a good relationship.

In this way, in the future when their arrogance competes for opportunities, when they meet Lanling Muxue, Lanling Muxue may let them go for this matter.

If Lei Ling took the initiative to send troops to attack the Nanzhou Beastmen, if they sent people to help, it would be flattery and flattery.

Of course, some forces may do this, but a slightly stronger force will definitely not do so.

They have all personally experienced how strong the Nanzhou Beastmen are.

If the war resumes, even if they can win, it will be a miserable victory.

Therefore, these dynasties are willing to form an alliance with Lei Ling's Four Kingdoms and become allies.

But it is impossible for Lei Ling to annex them, or even just make them its vassal state.

And the most important point.

That is Tenjinism.

Previously unorganized beliefs had little effect on them.

But it's different now that it's an organization. Many of them are already preparing to secretly eliminate the Tenjin Sect in the country.

Make it the state religion?
This is impossible, if agreed, then they will be gradually eroded.

Maybe after a few years, their dynasties and forces will eventually become the Tenjin Sect.

These are still far away, and the near ones have a great influence on them. The top leaders of the Tenjin Sect must have privileges in their territory.

Under the banner of Lei Ling, they can dominate their dynasty.

These emperors dare not punish easily.

This will greatly weaken their majesty.

It's still light.

If some officials in their court are also the elders of the Tenjin Sect.

What will happen then?

They will even form a Lei Ling faction above the court, and no one will dare to mess with this faction.

This faction will grow stronger and stronger, eventually emptying them out.

And they can only watch it all.

You can't do anything, once you use the method of thunder, the God Sect and even Lei Ling will come forward.

Therefore, even if they turned against Lei Ling, they would never agree to Lei Ling.

But they didn't dare to walk away, they were all waiting, waiting for Lei Ling to appear.

Waiting for his appearance, waiting for his final persuasion.

Although it is impossible for them to agree, this face must be given.

After all, this meeting was led by Wushuang Jiange, and it was sent in the name of Lanling Muxue.

In the past three days, although Lei Ling hadn't been present in person, he had been in the Eternal Shenzhou, watching everything that happened here.

It was beyond his expectation that Jin Dabao and the others could talk so much.

Seeing that all that could be discussed had been discussed, Lei Ling walked out of the room, and it was his turn to appear in person.

When Lei Ling appeared in the great hall, everyone stood up to greet him.

Even the head teacher of Tianxiao Lingfeng Sect was all smiling.

There is a saying that goes well, there is no benevolence and righteousness in business.

Nobody wants to tear their face apart.

They hoped that Lei Ling could retreat in the face of difficulties, and finally agree to their plan and form an alliance.

They all felt that Lei Ling would eventually agree to form an alliance.

After all, he has obtained the allegiance of many forces and dynasties.

The alliance conditions they gave are also very reasonable.

When Lei Ling needed help, they were also willing to send a certain number of troops to help.

Of course, Tenjinism cannot exist, and the previous way of belief can be retained.

Lei Ling swaggered up to the main seat and glanced at everyone.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"I basically understand the content of the meeting, I don't want to talk nonsense, Jin Dabao has already told you all what should be said.

I'll just say a few words, you all listen to me.

First, I definitely want to unify Nanzhou, and I will beat anyone who disagrees.

Second, I will soon go through the second blood tribulation, whoever disagrees, I will go to chat with someone about life when I go through the blood tribulation.

You can figure it out, anyway, you strong people are not very important to me, all I want is a large number of civilians.

It is imperative to unify Nanzhou. If you disagree, then you will be completely wiped out. Even if the entire Nanzhou is disabled, I don't care. "

When Lei Ling said this, everyone was shocked.

Is there still such a negotiation?

But soon, many people realized it.

Lei Ling is not some kind of king, nor is he some kind of diplomatic expert, he is just a second-generation ancestor, a prodigal son.

He doesn't know what maximizes profit.

But did Lei Ling really not understand?

He must have understood, but he didn't want to do it, he didn't have time.

He must unify Nanzhou as soon as possible, let his power grow quickly, and Bai Qi's army grow stronger quickly.

Afterwards, he will sweep the world and employ people to pile up those arrogant Taoists to death.

At this moment, everyone fell into silence.

They are not afraid of any fighting, but they are afraid of blood.

The tragedy of Lei Lingdujie last time is still vivid in his memory.

This time, Lei Ling's strength became stronger.

He has the supernatural power of shrinking the ground into an inch. If he really goes crazy, a large number of forces will definitely suffer.

It is estimated that their holy land will be bombed.

At the same time, Lei Ling gave them another hope by saying that he was going to cross the blood tribulation.

Under the bloody catastrophe, there is death but no life.

Although Lei Ling crossed the blood tribulation before relying on the willingness of all beings to carry it through.

But who can guarantee that this time will also survive?

The last time was just a blood tribulation in Transcending Tribulation Realm.

But this time, it was a holy blood robbery.

The power of the two is incomparable.

Now they can agree to him first and avoid his edge for the time being.

When he dies in a bloody catastrophe, they can take the money and do nothing.

For a long time, they will be protected by the Wushuang Jiange and Lanling Muxue.

Although Lanling Muxue might not really make a move for them, it was enough to have this banner.

Even if Lei Ling is lucky to survive again, they will be able to obedience and disobedience when the time comes.

Ever since, another group of people wavered.

"I, the Tianxu Dynasty, are willing to surrender and serve the God of Heaven, Lord Lei Ling."

"My Qingyan sect is willing to surrender and serve the god of heaven, Lord Lei Ling."

"I, the Ice Sword Sect, is willing to surrender and serve the God of Heaven, Lord Lei Ling."

"My Great Sparrow Dynasty is willing to surrender and serve the god of heaven, Lord Lei Ling."

The speculative dynasties expressed their opinions one after another, not only did they not feel humiliated, they even seemed to have picked up some big bargains.

Lei Ling winked at Jin Dabao and asked him to take someone to sign a contract with these people.

Then he looked at those who still didn't express their views.

The power represented by these people is very powerful.

There are powerful dynasties, ancient families, and first-class forces.

Of course, there is also Wushuang Jiange among them.

Wushuang Jiange is the top sect, they are the leaders of Nanzhou.

So even if Lei Ling was one of them and the disciple of Elder Tianjian, they would not let the secular forces under their jurisdiction submit to Lei Ling.

Wouldn't it be ridiculous to spread it like that?
And more importantly, these sects also need disciples.

In addition to choosing from the top families, they will also choose from some small secular families, and even ordinary people.

Even civilians occasionally give birth to a few top talents, after all, their base is too large.

And now is the great era of Daozi fighting for the top, the chance of this is even greater.

There are too many protagonists in the waste material upgrade stream.

Lei Ling's unification of these forces requires conscription, and all kinds of wars will definitely be triggered because of him, and the force of conscription will only increase.

At that time, all the good seedlings will be picked up by him, so they still have a game?
By the way, there is another very important point, they are also afraid of being eroded by Lei Ling.

Now many ordinary disciples are crazily worshiping Lei Ling. When the time comes, the disciples they select from secular forces will all be believers of the Deity Sect, so why not?

A few years later, these disciples became stronger and entered the core circle of the sect, so wouldn't their sect be eroded by Lei Ling?

It has to be said that belief is very scary, especially when all people believe in it.

For a moment, everyone turned their attention to Nangong Jian.

It is most appropriate for him to speak.

First of all, he is Lei Ling's pavilion master.

Secondly, he is Lanling Muxue's father.

Nangong's sword face was sinking like water, when Lei Ling uttered threatening words just now, he gave him a vague glance.

What this bastard means is that he, Wushuang Jiange, is no exception.

What is he doing?
Deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors?
Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, Nangong Jian squeezed out a smile and said:

"Lei Ling, you already got half of Nanzhou, is that enough?
So how about this thing?

I can connect with the remaining forces to sign a covenant with you, how about helping you as much as possible? "

Lei Ling bowed to Nangong Jian, raised his head and chest and said:
"Lord Pavilion Master, please forgive me for not agreeing. I, Lei Ling, have always been spitting out nails when I speak. If I want to unify Nanzhou, I want to unify Nanzhou."

Everyone couldn't help being speechless for a while, there must be a limit to this shamelessness, right?
Spit a nail?

How many people have you lied to and how many lies have you told?
"Lei Ling, I advise you to accept it as soon as you are good."

Nangongjian looked at Lei Ling sharply. He was very disgusted with Lei Ling, even to the point of disgust and hatred.


He has never met his precious daughter a few times, so why is he so close to her?

My daughter who is invincible in the world, why should she be so cheap, such a trash, a scumbag, a second generation ancestor?
If it wasn't for Elder Tianjian, he really wanted to slap this little boy to death.

Lei Ling's face also darkened, and he said coldly:

"Oh? If I don't accept it, what will happen to the Nangong Pavilion Master?"


Nangong Jian slapped the armrest of the chair and stood up straight away. With a click, he sat down on the chair and was patted into powder by him.

Nangong Jian stared at Lei Ling and said angrily:
"Lei Ling, don't think that you are the disciple of Elder Tianjian, and Mu Xue has a good impression of you, so you can be lawless.

If you continue to be so ignorant of good and evil, I will use the power of the pavilion master and imprison you for a hundred years. I want to see who can save you. "

"Oh? The Nangong Pavilion Master is so majestic! If you have the guts, try it."

At this moment, a sweet and pleasant voice sounded in everyone's ears.

In the sky above the Wushuang Jiange, a rain of peach blossoms suddenly fell all over the sky.

Everyone's body trembled violently, and expressions of disbelief appeared on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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