Chapter 411 Surrender
The strong appearance of Princess Peach Blossom quickly made the remaining forces compromise, and many people even showed that they couldn't wait.

At the beginning, they were just thinking stereotypes, coupled with the pride that originated from their bones, that's why they wanted to resist at the first time.

But when Princess Peach Blossom showed her terrifying strength, they immediately figured it out.

Some forces even want to merge under Lei Ling's command as a whole and obey his orders.

Princess Peach Blossom is a supreme, and a very powerful supreme.

Nanzhou does not have its own supreme powerhouse, and those two old men are nothing more than guardians.

They're just guarding the rules, not the Southern State.

For example, this time the orcs invaded, they did not break the rules, so the guardians would not take action.

But Princess Peach is different.

She is the supreme being of Nanzhou. If Nanzhou is invaded, she has the right to take action.

Of course, she can also let the Supreme make a move if she makes a move on the side of the orcs.

It's a pity that the Nanzhou Beastmen have no Supreme.

The Supreme Being of the Beast God Continent cannot casually cross over, because this is against the rules.

The real chaos in the world is about to start, and it is too important to be protected by a supreme being.

Although Lan Ling Mu Xue is invincible, but these people are betting on her future.

And Princess Peach now has enough strength to protect them.

If they had a Supreme Being of their own before, then Yin Yang Tianzong would not be so unscrupulous.

So after a short thought, everyone agreed to sign the contract.

They even wanted to upgrade the contract, making their sect a sect within Lei Ling's sphere of influence.

To a certain extent, he obeyed some orders from Lei Ling.

This requires a re-study of negotiations.

Lei Ling handed over the matter to Jin Dabao's team, and after they discussed it with all the forces, they just submitted it to him for review and confirmation.

He is just the one who gives orders, not the specific executor.

On the Eternal Shenzhou.

Accompanied by Lei Ling, Princess Peach walked into a training room.

She couldn't suppress her injury anymore, her face flushed strangely, and then spat out a mouthful of blood, and she collapsed limply in Lei Ling's arms.

Lei Ling's complexion changed slightly, and he hurriedly took out the healing elixir for her to take.

"No need, at my level, ordinary healing pills are useless."

Princess Peach Blossom shook her head, and with Lei Ling's support, she sat on the jade platform in the training room.

Lei Ling knew that Princess Peach was injured, although she hid it well and almost deceived everyone.

But she couldn't hide it from Lilith. After Lilith found out, she quietly told Lei Ling the news.

That's why Lei Ling resolved the Great Hall incident as quickly as possible, and brought Princess Peach Blossom to the Eternal Shenzhou.

It's just that he didn't expect Princess Peach to be injured so badly.

"Grandma, what do you need? I have a lot of resources here, even magic medicine."

Lei Ling asked with a concerned face.

Princess Peach Blossom touched Lei Ling's head with her hand, and said softly:
"Good boy, don't worry, I'm fine, just retreat for a while and I'll be fine."

"Did those two old men hurt you?"

In Lei Ling's eyes, there was a hint of killing intent.

"Those two old men are still very strong. If it weren't for the fact that they don't have much life energy left, I wouldn't be able to beat them."

Princess Peach Blossom sighed, and gently hugged Lei Ling into her arms:
"Ling'er! You have suffered a lot these years. It's all because grandma is useless and didn't protect you well."

The two chatted for a long time afterwards.

Lei Ling told Princess Peach Blossom everything that happened in these years.

But this time he didn't exaggerate, and even a lot of dangers were ignored.

Even so, Princess Peach was terrified when she heard it.

Lei Ling's journey seems to be going smoothly, and the sky and the sky are in the air.

But every step is very dangerous, as long as you take a wrong step, you may be wiped out.

Among them, the most important person is Lanling Muxue, if there is no Lanling Muxue, then Lei Ling must be dead.

There are some things that you can't just be careful about.

Even if Lanling Muxue hadn't shown her invincible power this time, Lei Ling would still be on the run.

Those families in Xizhou who were tricked by him, as well as Tianxianlou, will not let him go.

Princess Peach Blossom will not be born, even after a long time, the Fujitama Dynasty couldn't bear it, and then she died.

But Lanling Muxue is also a double-edged sword, although she knows that she is helping Lei Ling now.

But she was too weird, maybe one day she would kill Lei Ling with a single sword.

Let's imagine.

What kind of person would a person who reincarnated forever and lived for an unknown number of years in each life be like?

I'm afraid that most of the creatures in this world are ants in her eyes.

Even if she doesn't practice the Way of Forgetfulness, it is estimated that no one can shake her heartstrings.

There was something even more frightening, and it was what Lei Ling was most worried about all along.

What is she reincarnation for?

She was originally an extremely powerful existence, why did she do such a thing?

What a scary process it is.

Strong again and again, defeated again and again, weakened again and again, and strong again and again.

It's like you start poor, become the richest man, and start all over again with nothing.

Perhaps in the continuous entrepreneurial process, you will experience a lot and gain a lot.

But how many people are willing to actually do it?

This is ten thousand times.

And so many times before, there was no blessing from heaven and luck.

If it is talking about it, it is estimated that many people will say that I am willing, I can do it, and then make all kinds of nonsense speeches.

But how many people are willing to do it, and how many people can do it?

From this point alone, it can be seen how terrifying what she is after, or what she wants to do.

Correspondingly, the difficulties she will encounter will be very terrifying.

It was so frightening that even Princess Peach Blossom, who had become the Supreme, was horrified.

She grabbed Lei Ling's hand and said seriously: "Ling'er, don't have anything to do with this woman anymore, she is too dangerous."

"I don't want to either!"

Lei Ling spread his hands, and said helplessly: "I'm basically bound to her, even if I alienate her now, it's useless.

Oh, to be precise, she and I are actually very estranged from the beginning, and we really spend very little time together, so let's take a step at a time. "

After speaking, Lei Ling stood up and saluted Princess Peach Blossom:
"Grandma, you should retreat and heal your wounds first. We will talk about it later. Grandson will leave now."

"Well, go, go."

Princess Peach gently waved her hand, although she was very reluctant, she still let Lei Ling leave.

Her injury is serious and cannot be delayed any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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