My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 418 A Ball of Mess

Chapter 418 A mess (two chapters in one)
Tower of Storms, Time Training Room.

Lei Ling hugged Bai Xian'er tightly, as if he wanted to rub her into his body.

I am not afraid of being discovered by outsiders here, in order to make Xian'er feel at ease.

He has now returned to his original form.

Lei Ling always felt that he didn't have deep feelings for Bai Xian'er.

Even Jin Qiaoer Shiyu can't compare to them.

After all, they were just childhood playmates.

But it turns out he was wrong.

He underestimated Lei Ling in this world's feelings for Bai Xian'er.

It was nothing before, but when Bai Xian'er's soul regained control of her body.

When the real Bai Xian'er spoke to him.

His soul began to tremble.

The blood in the whole body is boiling.

The heart seemed to explode.

"Xian'er, I'm sorry to make you suffer for me."

Lei Ling silently recited the Mantra for Purifying the Mind, and the agitated mind calmed down after a long time.

"Everything is voluntary by Xian'er. For Brother Ling, Xian'er will die without regret."

The restraints on Bai Xian'er's body have been removed by Lei Ling.

At this moment, she was curled up in Lei Ling's arms like a kitten, greedily inhaling his scent, her face was full of happiness.

The two just cuddled each other like this, neither of them said a word, they seemed to enjoy this rare warmth very much.

In this way, the two hugged each other for a whole day and night in the time training room, and then they talked about Bai Xian'er's experiences in these years.

Until now, Lei Ling still had some doubts about Bai Xian'er.

What if she is pretending to be Bai Bing, or Bai Bing is manipulating her.

That's a big problem.

Anyway, no matter what, Lei Ling didn't intend to let Bai Xian'er go until he left Endless Sea.

Bai Xian'er doesn't have many memories, she only woke up from a deep sleep in recent years.

When she woke up, she was already a disciple of Tianlan Palace.

After she woke up, she immediately wanted to find Lei Ling.

However, the mountains are high and the water is far away. She has been sleeping for many years, although her body has grown up.

But her soul is still that little girl who just left Los Angeles.

Not to mention going from Endless Sea to Nanzhou, even in Luo City, she has to be led from Bai's house to Lei's house.

In addition, Bai Bing said that Lei Ling was no longer in the Longyue Empire, so he temporarily stopped.

He asked Bai Bing to collect information about Lei Ling for her.

There are thousands of mountains and rivers between Endless Sea and Nanzhou, and Lei Ling was just a small person before, so it was very difficult to collect information about him.

Bai Xian'er made Bai Bing spend a lot of resources to buy some information.

It wasn't until recently that Lan Ling and Mu Xue killed all directions on the Daxue Mountain that the information gradually increased.

After reading Lei Ling's information, Bai Xian'er was both happy and sad.

Happily, Lei Ling rose to prominence all the way, and his fame spread throughout the world.

The sad thing is that Lei Ling is really too flirtatious.

Not only was he having an affair with Lan Ling and Mu Xue, but he also had several beautiful maids by his side.

He even brought a large group of stunning female guards with thousands of choices.

Although Bai Xian'er was born in an aristocratic family, she has no objection to men having three wives and four concubines, but there must be a limit to this.

There are too many women around Lei Ling, and many of them are outstanding, Bai Xian'er is inevitably a little sour.

Of course, it was more of worry and panic, not to mention Lan Ling Muxue, in terms of beauty, there were not many people in the original world who could match her.

Strength, not to mention talent, Bai Xian'er felt that 1 of them combined could not beat others.

Even Shi Yu Jin Qiaoer and other women are not bad!
Gradually, she began to feel that she was not good enough for Lei Ling.

Coupled with Bai Bing's "persuasion", Bai Xian'er began to practice crazily.

He even completely handed over the ownership of his body to Bai Bing.

I just come out occasionally to check Lei Ling's intelligence information.

So Bai Xian'er knew very little, pitifully little, she didn't even know who Feng Xingyu was.

The more Lei Ling listened, the colder his eyes grew.

This Bai Bing wanted to use Bai Xian'er as a tool, let her hide in the sea of ​​consciousness and practice, while she continued to control this body.

This is much better than directly seizing Bai Xian'er.

After all, Bai Xian'er is just a child, and has never experienced any intrigue at all.

Who is the opponent of Bai Bing, an old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years?
Damn this woman! ! !
Regarding their current physique, Bai Xian'er also gave a detailed explanation.

She herself awakened a very powerful physique.

Then when Bai Bing took the kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure that can warm and nourish the soul, after she woke up.

Her physique has changed again, to be precise, her soul has changed.

She is connected with Bai Bing's current soul.

I belong to you, and I have you, a relationship of symbiosis and death.

It is somewhat similar to the twin lotus.

So Bai Bing can completely control Bai Xian'er's body now.

Of course, this requires Bai Xian'er's permission.

After all, going back to the source, Bai Xian'er is the real owner of this body.

Bai Bing is just an outsider.

This can be a bit troublesome.

Lei Ling originally intended to directly destroy Bai Bing's soul, but now it seems that he can't act recklessly.

He remained calm and temporarily suppressed the matter.

Because he has a bigger doubt in his heart at this time.

Only Bai Xian'er can answer this question for him.

Lei Ling exhaled softly, and asked softly:
"Xian'er, what happened back then? Who wanted to kill me?"

I thought that Bai Xian'er could get the answer to what happened back then.

Unexpectedly, she shook her head and said with lingering fear:

"I don't know, I only know that you suddenly fainted at that time, then your face turned blue, your breath became weaker and weaker, and your body gradually became cold.

I was so frightened that I cried loudly, and then a voice rang in my ears, he said that you are going to die, and you will die with all your spirits and souls. He asked me if I wanted to save you.

I said yes, and he said that I might fall into a long sleep, maybe even die, and said a lot of stuff that I can't quite remember.

At that time, my mind was full of thoughts of saving you, and before he finished speaking, I urged him to do it quickly.

Later, he asked me to put my hand on your forehead, and then drew a mysterious formation, after which I didn't know anything. "

Lei Ling's brows furrowed immediately, it seemed that there was still someone protecting him.

But who is that person?
Why didn't he help himself?

Why didn't he stop others when they attacked him?
If you really have a peerless master guarding you.

Then when he was conspired to fall off the city wall, why didn't he take action?
Lei Ling felt that with Bai Xian'er's words, not only did the mystery not be solved, but it became more complicated.

At the same time, Lei Ling had another doubt in his heart.

His mother was noble, he knew it.

But he is just an ordinary prodigal son!

His aptitude is not bad in Longyue Empire, but that's just top-notch.

In Nanzhou, they are ordinary goods, and they can't even enter the Wushuang Jiange.

If placed in Human Emperor Continent.

Then I can only hehe.

If he didn't cross over by accident.

The best ending for Lei Ling in this world is to spend his whole life waiting to die in Los Angeles.

If you are unlucky, you will be trampled to death by some protagonists like Sword Master.

Just such a waste, a prodigal son.

Why would someone be so persistent in trying to kill him?
It is almost impossible for him to threaten them!
Killing themselves, what can they get?

Instead, he rose slowly, but those people never hurt him again.

What is the situation here?

Lei Ling felt that the matter was too bizarre.

This is completely unreasonable.

It wouldn't be her grandpa or grandma, or something else, who thought he was too rubbish, insulted their lineage, and wanted to kill herself, right?
Then when I saw that I still had two brushes, I gave up?

It can't be so cruel, so ruthless, right?
But after Lei Ling thought about it, it seemed that this explanation was more reasonable.

A cold light flickered in Lei Ling's eyes.

If this is the case, even if it is his grandparents, he will not let it go.

With strength in the future, they will all be killed.

Since they were ruthless, Lei Ling would naturally not show mercy either.

It can't be that they want to let themselves die, or even let their souls disappear, and they have to go up and kneel and call grandpa and grandma, right?

"Is it time for revenge?"

Lei Ling pondered in his heart.

He is a small-minded person, and he has always been vengeful.

But in the face of the two known assassinations, and the two successful assassinations, he never seemed to have sent anyone to track him down.

This is not because of his generosity, nor is it because he swallowed his anger because he was worried that it was done by his relatives.

All because he is too weak.

He was afraid that his investigation would attract the attention of those people.

I am even more afraid that I will find something, which will completely tear those people's faces.

So he has never been checked, not even the four fairies who may know the inside story, after he established the Four Kingdoms Dynasty.

The purpose is to avoid arousing the vigilance of those people.

Of course, he also ordered Qianshang to secretly collect information about the four great fairies.

But the Feixian Dance Troupe mysteriously disappeared.

It seemed that when he entered Longyue Emperor Capital, he suddenly disappeared.

This made Lei Ling's heart shudder again.

Over the years, he had been searched by Anbu, but he couldn't find even a hair.

The four of them, together with the Feixian Dance Troupe, just disappeared out of thin air.

Lei Ling didn't even know when and where they disappeared.

This is a bit scary.

Lei Ling had a terrible thought in his mind.

They may have been directly erased from this world.

Those who saw them may have had their memory erased as well.

Even these people and those related to them were slaughtered, and then replaced by new people.

At first glance, many people think that this replacement is unlikely. After all, one person has too many connections and acquaintances.

Neighbors, relatives and friends, if you want to completely erase the traces, how many people do you need to replace?

But in this world, this kind of thing is relatively easy to do.

To destroy a city under the jurisdiction of an empire, the Zhenhai Realm can do it.

Only the fellowship of advanced practitioners in this world is developed.

What kind of airship, what kind of flying boat, flying against the wind, space domain gate and so on.

And those ordinary empires basically still use horse-drawn carriages.

Coupled with the vast territory, there are not many long-distance intermarriages. Even if they do, it is basically a one-shot deal, and the married daughter will splash the water.

It is impossible to go back to her natal home, and she even lost contact.

Therefore, the matter of killing a few city residents and replacing them with new populations has been wiped out.

Even if someone really wants to go back to their natal family, it's enough to do them on the way.

Anyway, there are many bandits and beasts in this world.

In comparison, the method of killing people and replacing them with new ones is much simpler than erasing memories.

For one thing, erasing memory is not something that can be erased just by erasing it.

Second, in doing so, there will inevitably be fish that slip through the net.

After all, you can't read other people's memories alone, right?

It's better to kill them all.

Lei Ling let out a breath, knowing that it was not the time yet.

With his current strength, in front of that group of people, he is still too weak, too weak.

He gently stroked Bai Xian'er's head, and asked softly:

"Has that person been absent? Is that voice male or female? How old is it?"

"I only heard voices, but I didn't see anyone. He must have used tricks to disrupt my vision so that I couldn't see him.

When he drew the pattern, I only saw the pattern appearing out of thin air, but I didn't see his figure. "

Bai Xian'er shook her head. At that time, she was only a six-year-old girl. With a simple mental disturbance, she couldn't see who was coming.

She said apologetically:

"The man's voice is very ethereal, and it should have been processed. You can't tell whether it's a man or a woman, or whether it's old or young."

Lei Ling nodded, which was also expected by him.

What is certain is that the strength of that person should be very high, he must have seen the hidden Bai Bing in Bai Xian'er's body.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to find a little girl like Bai Xian'er, just grab a servant.

This made Lei Ling startled again.

The existence of Bai Bing is not something that can be seen by just anyone.

That person's cultivation must be above the spiritual realm.

This is against the rules.

Does the guardian have a record?
Or did he sneak in?

Presumably he sneaked in secretly, after all, even if there was a report, it is impossible for the guardian to let him stay for too long.

Maybe it was because of their attack that alarmed the guardian, so that person left him?
Here, the guardian organization is very large, except for those who forced Lei Ningxue to leave, as well as the two old men who fought with Princess Peach Blossom.

They have other masters.

It's just that Princess Peach Blossom didn't continue to go crazy, and her strength was too strong, and the times had changed, so they didn't send anyone over to make trouble.

Of course, there may be a reason for the wild sacred tree.

Lei Ling didn't know how strong this old tree was.

But from Princess Peach Blossom bowing down after seeing it, it can be seen that it must be much, much stronger than Princess Peach Blossom.

Otherwise, with Princess Peach's arrogance, she would definitely not be like this.

As for Lilith!

This coward didn't dare to get off the Eternal Shenzhou at all, and hid in Lei Ling's room shivering.

It seemed that she was afraid that the old tree would eat her in one bite.

"It's really messy without cutting."

Lei Ling couldn't help heaving a long sigh, the desire for strength and power in his heart rose to another level.

If he has the strength to overwhelm the world.

If only he had an army that could sweep everything.

If he has supreme status.

Then everything can be known immediately, how can it be so passive like now?

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly lit up, bursting out with an incomparably dazzling brilliance:
"I seem to be the prince of the sea dragon race now?

The dragon people are the masters of the endless sea, even if they face the entire Human Emperor Continent, it is not unreasonable.

I am guarding such a big golden mountain without knowing the flowers, but I want to make money by moving bricks by myself. Am I crazy or stupid? "

(End of this chapter)

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