My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 420 The ideal is very plump, the reality is very skinny

Chapter 420 The ideal is very plump, the reality is very skinny

Time flies, years pass.

Lei Ling read a large number of books on exercises and spiritual skills.

Everything related to devouring and irrelevant is recorded in the mind.

He took enlightenment tea and entered the state of epiphany, imitating again and again, creating again and again, and perfecting again and again.

Around him, the Yin-Yang Mirror and the Ten Thousand Alchemy Cauldron are floating around.

On the top of his head, the power of the mind-purifying mantra washed away again and again.

He wants to create a powerful exercise.

He wants to create a kung fu technique that devours the sky and devours the earth.

Just wait, damn protagonist, damn Daozi.

You bloody rich second generations wait for me.

I want to take all of your things, become the richest man in the world, and complete the counterattack of dicks.

The Tower of Storms is running at full capacity, even though it is 100 to 1 time lapse.

But soon the day passed.

The loyal dog Lilith still tried her best to guard the surroundings, her two small hands were tightly grasping the top of the small tower.

Once she finds that someone is attacking, she will immediately take the small tower and run away.

Although the great Lilith-sama is not good at fighting, her ability to escape is first-rate.

She even hoped that something would happen so that she could get some credit.

In this way, she can get Lei Ling's reward.

On the other hand, Bai Xian'er and Xiao Taotao soon played together.

Although Lei Ling gave her permission, she can freely enter and leave the Tower of Storms.

But she didn't, instead she kept playing little girl games with Xiao Taotao.

After all, she was just a little girl.

It's like those frozen people in the movie.

Although they are increasing in age, they have been sleeping and have not experienced growth.

Of course, maybe in the future she will completely devour Bai Bing's soul and digest her memory.

She will suddenly grow up.

But Lei Ling was subconsciously unwilling to do this.

Then Bai Xian'er will undergo certain changes, and even be swallowed by Bai Bing's huge memory.

Even the personality may change.

After all, she is not Jin Qiaoer, and she has never practiced the Way of Forgetfulness.

So Lei Ling just sealed Bai Bing, and didn't let Bai Xian'er refine her.

He doesn't need Bai Xian'er to know so much intrigue, it's best to be pure and pure like this.

He will help her solve those messy things.

In this way, another day passed.

Lei Ling stayed in the time training room for more than half a year.

Almost exhausted all enlightenment tea leaves.

It's a pity that he is not as stunning and talented as he imagined.

It is not difficult to improve the original spirit art and create one's own spirit art.

It takes some time, and most people can do it, but the power varies.

But it is more difficult to create a complete exercise.

Especially the kind of kung fu that Lei Ling wants to create, which can be described as abnormal.

Almost impossible to do.

In the past half a year, Lei Ling entered the state of epiphany five times in total.

But if you want to use these five epiphanies to create exercises, that is tantamount to fantasy.

Ralink established models time and time again, and overthrew and recreated them again and again.

Non-stop loop.

It wasn't until the resources on his body were exhausted that he slowly opened his eyes.

After a long time, he let out a long sigh, it took so long and paid such a high price.

He didn't create any exercises.

Not even a rough prototype.

All ideas failed.

Lei Ling was very frustrated at first, after all it cost so much, let alone complete the cultivation method.

He didn't even create a prototype.

Although Lei Ling always felt that his aptitude was not very good, he still had great confidence in his own mind.

But now, he was completely defeated by reality.

But soon he was relieved, after all, this is a very difficult thing to accomplish.

The time is too short.

Of course, this time he didn't really get nothing, at least he accumulated a lot of failure experience.

And in his mind, there are many, many feasible series of knowledge.

To use an analogy, Lei Ling's creation of exercises is equivalent to building a super-large building of building blocks.

Hmm. Beyond the skyscraper level.

First of all, he has to extract the blocks of the color and pattern he needs from other building block buildings.

Then combine these building blocks, and finally splicing them into the building blocks he wants.

Of course, the patterns, patterns, and even the colors of this block building must be exactly what he wanted.

And these patterns and patterns are unprecedented.

This is almost an impossible task.

It is impossible for Lei Ling to directly find the building blocks he wants from those building blocks.

For those building blocks that are not available, he can only make, draw and paint by himself.

At the same time, he also needs to polish and modify the found building blocks to a certain extent.

So his failure is doomed, but in the process of dismantling and splicing.

He definitely got some little bricks that he could use, and even those little bricks built into building blocks by virtue of them.

Although these building blocks cannot directly spell out the building, they can definitely be used directly in the future.

Lei Ling felt that if this continued, then one day, he would definitely be able to create the exercises he wanted.

It's a pity that this is impossible, and time doesn't matter to him.

He has massive resources and longevity.

But he doesn't have so many high-quality enlightenment tea leaves.

Even if he catches Feng Xingyu, there are probably not many high-level ones left.

Thinking of Feng Xingyu, Lei Ling suddenly shuddered, and two brilliant lights shot out from his eyes.

If you go to enlightenment under the tea tree, will there be any miraculous effect?

There should be.

Then is there any need to ask Lan Ling Mu Xue for advice?

Lei Ling thought about it for a long time, and finally made up his mind that it was absolutely necessary for him to ask her.

This is a person who has gone through the reincarnation of thousands of generations, and each life has reached a terrible state.

She can create exercises in every life, and she should have done them all.

If she is willing to help, this exercise can definitely be completed.

Thinking of this, Lei Ling couldn't help but secretly sighed.

I thought that I would become a blockbuster and explode the world.

I didn't expect to rely on women in the end, and still have to eat soft food.

This is one of the biggest gaps between protagonists and villains.

The protagonist relies on himself in everything, turns dangers into blessings, breaks through adversity, creates miracles, and pretends to face.

The villain relies on his parents and his family.

However, there are not many people who rely on women like Lei Ling.

But Lei Ling didn't have any psychological burden at all, something was better than nothing.

Although he is next to a rich woman, but his rich woman is Bai Fumei.

It's not the standard old rich women who are old, ugly and fat.

All the pokes in his back were lemon essence.

(End of this chapter)

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