Chapter 428
in the sky
The dragon soars, and the mighty dragon suppresses the world.

The black giant hand, the demonic flames are soaring, tearing up the sky and destroying everything.

Two terrifying existences collided in the air.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the sun and the moon dimmed.

Terrible shock waves swept across all directions.

The powerhouses above the Dragon Palace made one after another spiritual handprints.

Blessing for Shenlong.

The power of the dragon is rising steadily, and the thunder is flickering, breaking through layers of magic flames, trying to suppress the black giant hand.

At this moment, there seemed to be something wriggling on the magic hand.

Lei Ling's heart was slightly startled, and he secretly thought it was not good.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

From the magic hand, a large number of thin black lines were shot, hitting the golden dragon.

That is a large number of dragon-eating insects.


Shenlong let out a painful roar.

In the sky, crazily struggled.

The giant black hand took the opportunity to grab it in his hand.

A large number of dragon-eating insects frantically poured into Shenlong's body.

The originally golden dragon turned black very quickly.

A black magic flame appeared on his body.

The powerhouses above the sky finally panicked.

Their complexions changed drastically, and they kept making various spiritual power handprints, trying to help Shenlong.

But all in vain.

It took less than a quarter of an hour.

This divine dragon was completely demonized and controlled by the dragon-eating insect.


Xu Pengyun's laughter resounded through the heavens and the earth. Surrounded by a group of strong men, he landed on the head of the magic dragon.

Beside him, Wang Jing was still playing the flute, controlling the dragon-eating insect, and then the dragon.

Dragon-eating monsters need to drink dragon blood, and eat borneols to open up their intelligence.

However, the dragon sacrificed by the Dragon Race seems to have none of these things.

So Wang Jing can continue to control them with the flute.

"The Dragon God Battle Corpse of the Dragon Race is very good, I didn't expect that you would really take it out.

The boy Xu Pengyun would like to thank all the seniors here. "

Xu Pengyun bowed slightly to everyone in the Tiangong.

It made the complexions of those masters above Tiangong extremely ugly.

Hearing the words "Dragon God War Corpse", Lei Ling seemed to think of something.

When he was looking through the classics of the dragon race, he seemed to have read some records.

But I didn't pay attention at that time, and didn't read it in detail.

So I asked Lilith.

Unexpectedly, Lilith actually said that she didn't know.

But it's normal to think about it.

Lilith was sealed, like freezing, and fell into a long sleep.

The reason why she seems to know a lot of secrets is because she was a fairy of that era.

At that time, the dragon clan still existed. Who would dare to engage in such things as the dragon god's war corpse?
Bai Xian'er at the side said:
"It turns out that this is the dragon god's corpse! It is said that the dragon people have a total of eighteen dragon god's corpses, which are extremely powerful.

It is refined from the corpse of a top-level real dragon, and possesses various mysterious abilities.

This time the Dragon Clan was careless, otherwise the Dragon God Battle Corpse would not have suffered such a miserable defeat. "

This is true, the dragon god's war corpse can suppress the demon god's giant hand, which shows how powerful it is.

The dragon god's corpse has a strong body, so the dragon people don't have much defense, which gives the dragon-eating monster an opportunity to take advantage of.

Even so, the Dragon God Zombie could still resist, but the magic hand took the opportunity to suppress him.

Helping a large number of dragon-eating demonic insects enter its body, it was only then that it was demonized in one fell swoop.

"Wouldn't you think my little Xian'er knows a lot?"

Lei Ling tapped the tip of her nose lightly.

Bai Xian'er explained with some embarrassment:
"It's not a secret in Endless Sea, I used to like to read some classic stories when I was bored.

The eighteen dragon god war corpses of the dragon tribe swept the endless sea back then, invincible and invincible. I don't know how many powerful people they killed for the dragon tribe.

It is said that eighteen dragons can form an extremely terrifying battle formation, but one was lost today. It is estimated that the dragon people are about to go crazy. "

"It's really interesting, and it's getting more and more interesting."

Lei Ling rubbed his chin, now it seems that he really underestimated Xu Pengyun a bit.

In ordinary times, Xu Pengyun would definitely be crushed by the Dragon Clan.

But now is a great era where Taoists are fighting for the top, and all kinds of weird things will happen.

Maybe this Xu Pengyun can really rise against the sky and erase the Dragon Race from this world?

All sorts of wild thoughts were in Lei Ling's mind.

He has always been a chess player, playing games with others.

Now, as a chess watcher, I actually find that there is a lot of fun in it.

He not only hoped that the Dragon Clan would win, but also hoped that Xu Pengyun would win.

This anticipation of waiting for the answer to be revealed made him a little bit unable to stop.

On top of the magic dragon, Xu Pengyun stood with his hands behind his back, full of vigor.

The huge magic hand did not attack again, the magic flames around it became more and more intense, as if it was preparing for the next blow.

Xu Pengyun looked at those dragon-human powerhouses and suggested with a smile:
"I don't know how many dragon god battle corpses you brought here this time?

Do you want to send a few more to fight?
Maybe if you dispatch three or four heads at once, you will be able to crush us all. "

"The mere remnants of the Kunpeng Clan are just finding a ruin of the Demon Clan and reaching a deal with a sealed Demon God. Do you think that you can compete with our Dragon Clan?"

Above the Dragon Palace, a middle-aged man had sharp eyes and was extremely arrogant. He didn't seem to care about the demonization of the Dragon God's corpse. He looked at Xu Pengyun and sneered:

"It seems that although your Kunpeng race has left a bloodline for so many years, it is at the price of being a dog. Back then, your Kunpeng race was considered a top-notch clan, with strong bones.

Now he is reduced to a servant of the demons, it is really chilling. "

"It's not all caused by your dragon people!!!"

When Xu Pengyun heard the words, he roared uncontrollably:

"Our Kunpeng race obtained dragon eggs by accident, so as long as your dragon race is willing to offer something in exchange, we would definitely not refuse.

I didn't expect you to send troops directly without saying a word, and with the cooperation of Neiying, we will be exterminated.

Although this ruins is hidden, our clansmen are suffering from death energy.

If we hadn't cooperated with Lord Demon God, our Kunpeng race would have been completely extinct long ago. "


Having said that, Xu Pengyun let out a wild laugh, pointed at the powerful men of the Dragon Palace and said:

"I have been planning for many years, for this day, you broke the seal, and Lord Demon God is about to release the bondage.

When Lord Demon God escapes from trouble, your dragon race will be wiped out, and my Kunpeng race will eventually dominate this endless sea. "

"It's ridiculous, poor."

The middle-aged dragon man sneered disdainfully and said:
"Just relying on a mere demon god to try to destroy my dragon family?
What a joke!Forget it, today I will let you experience the background of my Dragon Race. "

As soon as he finished speaking, spiritual power surged all over the body of the dragon-human powerhouse.

In the Dragon Palace, a huge ball of light rose slowly.

The golden light shone in all directions, and all the dead, devilish, and filthy aura in this world were dispelled.

The gray sky became clear.

This land that had been decayed for a long time was actually revitalized again.

After a while, the trees were overgrown and the grass was luxuriant.

The huge black hand with the monstrous flames trembled slightly, and retreated unexpectedly.

The dragon corpses that had been infested by the dragon-eating insects also began to struggle frantically.

Wang Jing's complexion changed drastically, and she urged Yu Xiao even harder, trying her best to hold the dragon-eating insect.

But this sphere of light seems to be the bane of all filth.

Under the golden light, those dragon-eating monsters died in large numbers and fell off from the corpse of the dragon.

The black on Shenlong Zhan's body also gradually faded, turning into gold again.

(End of this chapter)

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