Chapter 439 Intrigue (two chapters in one)
Lei Ling took out a jade cup, poured himself a glass of wine, and said with a smile:
"Hehe, Brother Wentian, you don't really think that I, Long Aotian, is just a vagabond with noble blood but no brains?"

Xuanyuan Wentian's expression was a little strange, and he thought to himself, don't you?
"Although the dragon race is judged by the power of blood, it is impossible not to talk about blood relationship at all.

I'm just an outsider, if I don't behave a little bit, I might get killed by accident. "

Lei Ling drank the wine in his hand and let out a long breath:

"I'm a person, maybe I'm not very smart, but I'm not a fool, I won't be so short-sighted.

For a chance, it is too uneconomical to form a death feud with you and the entire Xuanyuan family.

After all, my status in Dragon People is very embarrassing.

In the future, I want to prove the Tao and achieve eternity. There is still a long way to go, so I ask Brother Tian!

How about it?How about an alliance with me? "

Xuanyuan Wentian also poured himself a glass of wine, and said calmly:

"How to form an alliance?"

"Feng Xingyu's legacy left by her brother, you and I share.

Of course, that blessed land is in Human Sovereign Continent, I will explore it at most, and then I will leave it all to you, and I can also give it to you.

Lei Ling will also be destroyed by me, and Lan Ling and Mu Xue's hatred will also be borne by me.

correct!And the mysterious forces behind Lei Ling, I have to bear all of them.

In the future, I will try my best to help Brother Tian and even the Tianjiao of your Xuanyuan family if you go to the endless sea to find opportunities.

Provide all kinds of convenience, anyway, after forming an alliance, brother Wentian will be my brother.

I will do my best to help you, help your Xuanyuan family, and climb back to the top. "

"Oh? So what do I need to do?"

Xuanyuan Wentian was not overwhelmed by Lei Ling's big cake, if he wanted to get it, he had to pay.

Lei Ling threw out such a big pie, and there are probably a lot of people who want to get it!
"Hehe! Brother Wentian is a smart person, so I'll get straight to the point.

You also know that I, the prince, is just a adopted son. My status looks noble, but I am actually in a very embarrassing situation.

There is also a prince brother above me, whose bloodline strength is actually not as good as mine.

Once I enter the ancestral land of the dragon people, I will definitely surpass him by undergoing various baptisms.

But at that time, I am afraid it will be the time of my death. "

Having said this, Lei Ling paused, poured himself a glass of wine, and drank it all in one gulp.

Xuanyuan Wentian didn't say a word, and drank quietly, he seemed to be the best listener.

"Although I am not from the sea dragon race, I also have my clan, my ancestral land, and my inheritance.

So I still know some secret techniques of the dragon people.

In the end, I'm afraid that I will become the nutrient of my prince brother and become a stepping stone for him to reach the top.

I guessed this before I entered the endless sea, but I went anyway.

In life, you always have to give it a go. The big tree of the Dragon Race is worth my risk.

In this great era, Tianjiao is like a crucian carp crossing the river.

Even Lanling Muxue, Master Tian Yao, Qian Baobao, these strong men cannot guarantee that they will not die.

Naturally, my prince brother may also die.

As long as he is dead, looking at the entire dragon race, I am afraid that no one can guarantee 100% certainty that he can receive the power of my bloodline.

My adoptive father and those old guys dare not take this risk.

At that time, they can only train me with all their strength, and I will be the future Dragon King. "

When Lei Ling said this, Xuanyuan Wentian couldn't sit still anymore, and asked in a deep voice:

"You want my Xuanyuan family to help you get rid of Prince Long?"

Who is Prince Long?

This is the prince of the dragon clan!
If he was killed, the Xuanyuan family would suffer a great loss in the Dragon Clan's revenge.

The price is too great.

Lei Ling shrugged his shoulders and said: "Well~~ I will create opportunities and set traps, then Brother Wentian will lead the masters of the Xuanyuan family to secretly surround and kill Prince Long with me.

I have been planning this matter for a long time, as long as Brother Tian brings enough strength, I can guarantee that the matter will not be revealed.

Brother Wentian, although this matter is very risky, the benefits are also huge.

Once I become the Dragon Emperor, with the full support of my sea clan, what's the difficulty for your Xuanyuan family to regain its former glory? "

Xuanyuan Wentian fell into deep thought.

He was moved.

This is completely making a big difference with a small one!
And the success rate is very high.

Once successful, the Xuanyuan family will definitely rise.

He, Xuanyuan Wentian, would also receive unimaginable benefits, and it would not be impossible for him to trample Lan Ling Mu Xue under his feet in the future.

Even if they lose, their Xuanyuan family will not be injured.

Although the Sea Clan is strong, many of them will suffer greatly if they leave the sea.

The dragon race is also thin in population.

At most, Beizhou will suffer.

Maybe in the future they will send out masters to destroy some affiliated forces outside the Xuanyuan family.

Then hunt and kill the Tianjiao of the Xuanyuan family who went out.

It is almost impossible to shake the foundation of Xuanyuan's family if they want to enter Zhongzhou.


Half an hour later, Xuanyuan Wentian exhaled a long breath, cupped his fists and said to Lei Ling:

"I'm sorry Your Highness, this matter is too big for me to take the lead, I need to go back and discuss it with the elders at home.

However, His Highness can rest assured that even if the elders in the family do not agree to form an alliance with His Highness, I will form an alliance with His Highness.

I have a lot of power in my hands, although I can't say that I can slay the Dragon Prince 100%, but I am willing to give it a try. "

"Hmm~~Brother Wentian is really courageous, I saw the right person."

Lei Ling nodded in satisfaction, as if if you hesitate, I'll just abandon you.

Then he said sternly: "My ugly words are up front, ask Brother Tian, ​​whether you can persuade the elders in your family, remember to keep it secret.

Otherwise, I will be doomed, so please don't blame me for going crazy when I ask Brother Tian. "

As soon as he finished speaking, an extremely fierce aura suddenly rose from Lei Ling's body.

But it only lasted for a second, and then dissipated instantly, as if it had never appeared before.

Xuanyuan Wentian nodded, but he was not angry.

Lei Ling was not threatening him, but was explaining a fact.

After this conversation, Xuanyuan Wentian had a simple understanding of Lei Ling.

This is a smart and terribly crazy man.

He dared to take risks and risk his life.

And it must have secretly prepared a lot of means.

Once he goes crazy, the Xuanyuan family should feel very uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, if this matter is leaked, I will apologize with death."

Su Nu Palace, Chamber of Secrets
Two figures, a man and a woman, sat facing each other.

The man is handsome and extraordinary, and the woman is beautiful and moving.

These two people are really Xuanyuan Wentian and Feng Xingyu.

"Ning'er, I think this person should be fine, maybe you are thinking too much."

Xuanyuan Wentian looked at the beautiful person in front of him, and said softly.

His relationship with Feng Xingyu is not just as simple as Feng Xingyu told Lei Ling.

What Feng Xingyu said in the gazebo was actually setting up a trap for Lei Ling.

She has been following Lei Ling for a long time, oh no!It should be said to be Long Aotian.

The moment she saw Long Aotian's news, she realized that this person might have been transformed by Lei Ling.

She is very clear about Lei Ling obtaining the Dragon Fruit in Ten Thousand Snake Mountains.

Although Lei Ling has never exposed his dragon transformation ability.

But Feng Xingyu has a blood feud with him, and he has studied him deeply, and has already thought of this possibility.

Alien dragons appeared, and their bloodlines were extremely strong.

Naturally, she immediately thought of Lei Ling.

One must know that Lei Ling obtained the inheritance of the swamp dragon clan.

If he possesses the supernatural power of dragon transformation, then it is entirely possible for the swamp dragon clan to obtain a boost in bloodline power.

Combined with the fact that Lei Ling pretended to be Zhong Li in Xizhou before and bluffed and deceived.

And the fact that he took Bai Xian'er and searched for Lei Ningxue.

Based on comprehensive analysis, Feng Xingyu is [-]% sure that this Long Aotian may be Lei Ling.

Now Long Aotian found her again by himself.

Feng Xingyu's confidence has increased by [-]%.

In line with the principle of killing mistakes rather than letting them go.

From the first moment she saw Lei Ling, she was ready to cheat him.

She planned to trick Lei Ling into going to that Paradise of Paradise, and use the methods therein to slaughter Lei Ling together with Xuanyuan Wentian.

If Long Aotian is Lei Ling the best, if not, he can also get the resources and treasures on him.

Xuanyuan Wentian rushed over in a hurry, not because he was afraid of being cuckolded, but because he was afraid that Feng Xingyu would mess up.

Before, Feng Xingyu asked him to help collect information about Long Aotian.

Also told her doubts.

He was really afraid that Feng Xingyu would lose his mind and mess around.

Seeing that Feng Xingyu didn't go crazy, he was slightly relieved.

As long as there is no clear conflict, it will be easy to handle.

This is Human Sovereign Continent, he has plenty of ways to kill Long Aotian.

It's just that he didn't expect Long Aotian to confess to him directly.

Those words were so logical that Xuanyuan Wentian denied the idea that he was Lei Ling.

If he were Lei Ling, he would definitely occupy that paradise to himself.

Then kill Feng Xingyu Caibu, how could he talk about cooperation with him.

What are you talking about becoming the Dragon Emperor?
No matter how powerful his dragon transformation power is, it will show his feet after a long time.

So after he separated from Lei Ling, he hurried to find Feng Xingyu.

Tell her everything.

Xuanyuan Wentian really wanted to cooperate with Lei Ling now.

Once their plan is successful, even he can't imagine how much benefit it will bring.

Feng Xingyu was silent for a long time, and she was also a little shaken at this time, thinking that she might be thinking too much.

According to the news, Lei Ling is still retreating under the Wild God Tree.

His eternal Shenzhou, his maids who never leave, are all there.

The people they put inside could even sometimes see Lei Ling leave the customs and ask Shi Xue to prepare a big meal for him.

Feng Xingyu sighed faintly, and said softly:

"That's the case, I think this person is indeed not Lei Ling, since he offered to cooperate, let's do as he said.

It won't take long for him to kill Lei Ling and destroy the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, that paradise.

In the future, if you watch and help him, you will definitely be able to reach the top. "

"Ning'er! I'm useless, let you"

Xuanyuan Wentian gently embraced Feng Xingyu into his arms, with a little sadness in his eyes.

Su Nu Palace, Moon Shadow Bieyuan.

Lei Ling was sitting on an old tree, drinking wine to the moon, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

He almost fell for it.

Feng Xingyu's performance is very perfect.

One big pie after another also knocked him out.

So how did Lei Ling see the flaw?

The first reason is that it was too smooth.

Things just went too smoothly.

And it's all proceeding in the direction he most wanted.

This is simply divine help!

The protagonist's halo is not so good.

In addition, Feng Xing's words mean both inside and outside the words. It seems that Xuanyuan's family has too many scruples, and they don't want to avenge him, but just want to lie to her Yuanyin.

She said this to dispel Lei Ling's doubts and at the same time gain sympathy.

It's just that she didn't know that Lei Ling had already contacted Lei Han and learned that the Xuanyuan family was their big enemy.

Xuanyuan Wudi is still fighting with his father.

So there is a big problem with what she said.

It was also because of those words that Lei Ling became vigilant.

After Xuanyuan Wentian came, the two of them intentionally acted less intimate.

This made Lei Ling even more suspicious.

Moreover, he had done some understanding of Xuanyuan Wentian before, and this person was relatively calm.

It is impossible to rush over rashly just because Feng Xingyu and Lei Ling are alone.

After all, this is the Palace of Su Nu, it is impossible for Lei Ling to directly open the buds for her, right?
Take a ten thousand step back and say, even if he is worried, he doesn't have to come here by himself.

Just instruct a few Su Nu Palace disciples to come over.

Lei Ling guessed that the reason why he hurried over was probably because he was afraid that Feng Xingyu would do something irrational.

For example, life and death fights and the like.

Feng Xingyu is very clear about the fact that he has eaten dragon fruit and obtained the inheritance of the swamp dragon clan.

She suspected that Long Aotian was Lei Ling, and Lei Ling would not be surprised at all.

This way things can be connected.

So Lei Ling resolutely gave up the previous plan.

"Sold it."

Then he set up a trick, and he wanted to play a big one.

Originally, he planned to take away the one hundred and eight pure ** yuan beads in Feng Xingyu's body after obtaining Feng Xinghan's inheritance.

Then hang Feng Xingyu at the gate of Xuanyuan's house, and write a few crooked poems to humiliate Xuanyuan's family.

Afterwards, they will perform a fake death, and blame Long Aotian's death on Xuanyuan's family.

This caused a war between the Dragon Clan and the Xuanyuan Clan.

Although this will disrupt his previous plans, after all, he has not yet begun to accept the various baptisms and inheritances of the dragon people.

But he can't control that much anymore, and he will find a way later.

Now that the situation has changed, he will completely ignite the fire.

Imagine that the Xuanyuan family killed the Dragon Prince and there are even countless arrogances of the Dragon Clan.

What will happen to the dragon people?
A master of the Dragon Clan, he killed Xuanyuan Wentian and destroyed countless heavenly talents of the Xuanyuan family.

What will happen to the Xuanyuan family?
Thinking of this, Lei Ling couldn't help feeling hot.

Next, he has to plan carefully and do his best to make the matter a big mess.

He doesn't care no matter how many people die.

He is a very simple person.

Self is greater than relatives than country than race
Now he is avenging himself and his father.

So he doesn't care about everything else, even if the Zhongzhou is all sold out, he doesn't care.

He wants revenge!

(End of this chapter)

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