My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 444 The Rise of Ralink

Chapter 444 The Rise of Ralink ([-])

Human Emperor Continent, Nanzhou

This is a barren land recognized by the original world, and it is the weakest state in the weak Human Sovereign Continent.

For a long time, no supreme being was born here.

Of course, it's not because the human talents here are particularly rubbish.

It's that the Tianjiao who have the qualifications to become the supreme have left here early.

I went to other states, or even other continents to explore breakthroughs, and never came back.

That's why all the sects were shocked by Princess Peach Blossom.

It can be said that in the entire Nanzhou, only Princess Peach Blossom is a supreme powerhouse.

However, it is such a remote place.

But suddenly a large number of strong people poured in.

Among them, there are more than 40 supreme powerhouses.

These powerhouses were divided into two factions and started a frenzied fight.

The battle situation was tragic, both sides suffered large-scale casualties, and supreme masters often fell.

The people of Nanzhou were not spared either, a large number of cities were affected, and countless people died tragically.

Even several dynasties were destroyed.

Blood stained the earth.

The battle circle was like hell, it was horrible.

From time to time, there are still attacks that miss, shoot into the distance, fall into the city, and erase it instantly.

Even several supreme-level guardians were killed.

No one knows where these people came from.

Both sides used camouflage.

However, as the battle continued, some strong men still knew their identities.

After all, the appearance can be disguised, but the means of attack cannot be disguised.

In this kind of deadly battle, no one dares to hide their secrets, and the natal spiritual soldiers will use their housekeeping skills.

when their identities are known.

Everyone was stunned.

It turned out that the Xuanyuan family was fighting with the Dragon Clan?

How is this possible?
How did such a large number of strong dragon people enter Nanzhou silently?
Why did the masters of the Xuanyuan family fight against them?
Could it be that some shocking opportunity happened in Nanzhou?

All forces are ready to move.

It is an opportunity that allows the Xuanyuan family and the Dragon Clan to mobilize so many masters to fight regardless of everything.

What a terrible opportunity that would be!
Inheritance of the invincible strong?

The unparalleled magic medicine?
Or is it the remains of an ancient holy place?

Many forces are a little ready to move.

But none of them really dared to make a move.

Both sides are too strong.

They paid such a terrible price, if anyone dares to intervene at this time.

That would surely be torn to shreds.

After the war started, No. 20 days.

A shocking big news spread throughout the original world.

The Xuanyuan family, Xuanyuan Wentian and Feng Xingyu, made an appointment to fight the prince of the dragon clan, Long Aotian, and the prince of the dragon clan.

The prince of the dragon clan, Long Aotian tragically died in Nanzhou, and died under the Xuanyuan sword.

The prince of the dragon tribe, was seriously injured and fled, and his life and death are unknown.

Feng Xingyu died tragically.

Xuanyuan Wentian from the Xuanyuan family recovered all the Lingzhu on the Xuanyuan Sword.

Let the five elements of Xuanyuan Shenjian unite, and its strength increases dramatically.

Became a real young emperor.

This news almost shook the entire origin world.

The prince of the dragon clan, Long Aotian, is dead?

Do you know whether the dragon prince of the dragon race is alive or dead?

The top two arrogances of the dragon race lost just like that?

How is this possible?
This is the overlord of the Endless Sea, the pride of the dragon-human race known as the strongest race!

Is Xuanyuan Wentian so powerful?
Five elements in one?

Young Emperor?

In this great era, is the human race really about to rise?

At first, many people were skeptical about the news.

But two days later, the dragon people directly announced it to the world.

To take revenge on the human race.

The Hai Clan army is assembled, and soon they will conquer Beizhou, invade Zhongzhou, and bloodbath Xuanyuan's family.

And on this day, a large number of supreme masters from the human race flooded into Nanzhou. Although the strong dragon-human race fought desperately, they were outnumbered in the end.

Dragon people are very proud, they do not allow themselves to be captives.

It became the bargaining chip for the Xuanyuan family to threaten the Hai clan, and all the jade was shattered.

After that, the members of the Xuanyuan family conducted a large-scale search with the cooperation of the entire Nanzhou, hoping to find Prince Long as a bargaining chip.

However, after more than ten days of searching, Nanzhou was almost turned over, but no trace was found.

The great era is accompanied by great chaos and a great reshuffle.

Many people have already been psychologically prepared, but they didn't expect the war to come so quickly.

Then another message came.

Qian Baobao, the holy maiden of Biyou Palace, entered Zhongzhou.

Initiated a life-and-death battle with Tianjiao of the Xuanyuan family.

On the stage of life and death, 23 Xuanyuan family's Tianjiao were beheaded in a row, and the Xuanyuan family closed the gate, and they dared not fight anymore.

This tough woman scolded at the gate of Xuanyuan's house for three full days and three nights, asking Xuanyuan Wentian to come out and fight her.

The Xuanyuan family can bear it, so they let her scold them.

In the end, this sturdy woman was snatched back by the Patriarch of Biyou Palace who came in a hurry.

This is the end of the matter.

So why is it the way it is?
All of this was of course Lei Ling's plan, but he didn't expect such a big commotion at the beginning.

Plans can never keep up with change.

When Xuanyuan Wentian dispatched troops, he sent a message back to the Dragon Palace through secret means.

Reported to the Dragon Emperor when he realized the tea tree and the blessed land in the cave.

At the same time, he mentioned the remains of the dragon clan in the swamp, saying that there might be great opportunities in it.

When the Dragon Emperor saw the message, he immediately realized that it was Lei Ling's conspiracy.

After all, he knew Lei Ling's true identity.

He guessed that Lei Ling might be trying to trick Prince Long to go to Nanzhou, go to his old lair, kill Prince Long and replace him.

The Dragon Emperor was very disdainful at that time.

In order to prevent Lei Ling from suspecting that he had already learned his true identity.

After all, he still needs Lei Ling to return to the Dragon Palace, and then become the nourishment of the Dragon Prince.

So he sent the Dragon Prince according to Lei Ling's wish, but he equipped the Dragon Prince with a luxurious guard.

There are many great elders of the dragon race inside, each of them is a powerful dragon of the supreme level, and there are also a large number of miscellaneous masters.

With so many masters around, even if Lei Ling organized a large number of supreme sieges, he could still leave.

With Lei Ling's cooperation, the two sides opened the dusty space domain door, and these masters entered Nanzhou without anyone noticing.

The Dragon Emperor thought that Lei Ling was dead.

But he didn't expect that he himself had fallen into Lei Ling's trap.

Lei Ling is an actor-level existence with an extremely cautious personality.

How could he not have guessed that the Dragon Emperor had seen through his identity?

The better the Dragon Emperor treats him, the more suspicious he becomes.

So why did the Dragon Emperor treat him extra well even though he knew he was a fake?
The reason is naturally his blood.

He also briefly mentioned this point when chatting with Xuanyuan Wentian.

It was precisely because of knowing this that Lei Ling was sure that the Dragon Emperor would definitely send the Dragon Crown Prince.

And it will bring a lot of strong people.

His original intention was to introduce Dragon Prince and others into the Four Kingdoms Dynasty.

When the Xuanyuan family attacked, it caused a fight between the two sides.

Everyone doesn't want to expose their identities, and they don't know how to communicate. At first, they must mingle.

After that, he took advantage of the chaos and used all his strength to kill Xuanyuan Wentian or Prince Long.

As long as one is killed, the other party will definitely go crazy directly.

But things have changed a bit.

The appearance of Lanling Muxue disrupted everything.

Time went back to the time when Lanling Muxue agreed to create exercises with Lei Ling.

The two searched for a while in the blessed land of the cave, and soon found the Enlightenment tea tree rooted here.

It is only three meters high and looks like a large dandelion with many buds on it.

There are also some space cracks around it, and space whirlwinds blow through it for a long time.

It was only then that Lei Ling understood why some Enlightenment tea leaves appeared in different places in the original world every hundred years.

Presumably, it was blown into the space crack by the space whirlwind, and then entered the original world.

"The exercises we want to create are not trivial, and they are truly heaven-defying. Next, I will refine this Enlightenment tea tree to extract the source of Bodhi.

With this source of bodhi, we can forcefully enter the state of bodhi, but it is a pity that there will be no enlightenment tea tree between heaven and earth. "

Lanling Muxue reached out and gently stroked the Wudao tea tree.

Lei Ling's pupils shrank fiercely, and he actually saw a crystal teardrop slipping down Lan Ling Mu Xue's cheek.

she!He even cried.

"In the Bodhi Realm, there is no concept of time, and time is stagnant.

Being in it is to enter the state of super epiphany, and the effect is a thousand times that of epiphany.

At that time, I will enter the state of soul fusion with you, and we will sort out the exercises that we each control, extract useful fragments, and then create.

By the way, there is one thing I want to remind you, don't try to spy on my other memories.

Otherwise, your head may explode instantly and become an idiot. "

Lan Ling and Mu Xue urged a few divine swords to form a sword array to refine and enlighten the tea tree.

While talking to Lei Ling about some things to pay attention to.

Lei Ling naturally didn't dare to have any objection.

But there is still some imbalance in my heart.

Entering the state of soul fusion, both parties are defenseless.

Lanling Muxue could obtain all his memories.

Watch his past and present lives.

But he can only read the various exercises and classics Lan Ling Mu Xue showed him.

What kind of shit is this?

Will he have any secrets in front of Lan Ling Mu Xue in the future?
"By the way, I've secretly read your memory love ruby ​​before, and I read it too, so you don't have to worry about me peeking at your memory."

Lanling Muxue's words made Lei Ling lose his temper completely.

The whole person fell into a state of autism.

His life in this life is pretty good.

Do whatever you want, surrounded by beautiful women.

But the last life was a bit embarrassing.

After all, he was just an ordinary dick back then.

When I was a child, I peeked at the sun film.

Crack the window sill of someone's bathroom.

And in the dead of night.
Did Lanling Muxue and Qing Hongyu know about these embarrassing things?
What a shame!

And being scolded by the boss at work.

Being made things difficult by guests.

These useless things about his girlfriend being snatched away by the rich second generation.

Did they all know that too?

Do they feel that they are cowardly?

Will you look down on yourself?
Will you abandon yourself ruthlessly?

Lei Ling was so entangled that she was about to cry.

At this moment, he suddenly had a dream.

When he gets involved in good fortune, he must travel back to his childhood in the previous life.

At that time, let Papa Ma call him Papa.

Those who bullied him were all crushed.

His name must be engraved on the history of mankind.

Lei Ling started a frenzied flirting in his heart.

Soon Lanling and Muxue extracted the essence of Bodhi.

Then with Lei Ling, Xiao Taotao entered the realm of Bodhi.

Afterwards, Lan Ling and Mu Xue entered into a state of soul fusion with him.

He watched Lan Ling and Mu Xue's exercises and spiritual skills, which were really like the sands of the Ganges River.

He didn't dare to look at it at all, he just sorted out his side.

Lanling and Muxue's affairs will be handled by her.

After extracting useful things, the two began to create.

Failed again and again, tried again and again.

It seems that thousands of years, ten thousand years, 10 years have passed.

They finally created the exercise that Lei Ling wanted.

Lei Ling also knew about Taotao's background.

The heavens and the earth first opened, and the chaos dissipated.

But there is a ray of chaotic origin that has been preserved.

It wandered between heaven and earth, and once gave birth to a chaotic beast.

Swallowing the sky and devouring the earth, he was eventually killed by many gods in the age of mythology.

After the Chaos Divine Beast died, it continued to wander, and finally entered a peach tree.

This peach tree, named the Pantao Divine Tree, is also transformed from a piece of the origin of the Bodhi tree.

And Xiao Taotao is formed by the condensation of this ray of chaos and that piece of Bodhi origin.

Enlightenment The original attribute of Bodhi tea tree is Enlightenment.

And the Bodhi origin of the Peach God Tree is luck.

Xiao Taotao carries the terrible luck of the bodhi tree and the luck of the chaotic era.

Her luck is invincible.

For Xiao Taotao's existence, Lanling Muxue was also very surprised.

She only knew that there was such a peach.

When she found it, she wanted to eat it.

But I didn't expect that there was life in it.

Then you can't eat it.

Of course it's not because of her Madonna.

If there is no life, she can get the luck inside by eating the peach.

But now that life has been conceived, luck has become Xiao Taotao's.

If she did it, she would be backlashed by that terrible luck.

At the same time, it is equivalent to destroying the last ray of vitality in the era of chaos.

The consequences would be unbearable even if it was as strong as Lanling Muxue.

With Xiao Taotao's help, Lanling Muxue transformed Lei Ling's body.

Chaos is created.

Of course this is just the beginning.

The chaotic body sounds very tall.

It's actually trash.

Because there is no chaos in the world for him to absorb.

At this time, kung fu came into play.

They named this exercise, Wanhua Chaos Art.

By contacting other people's bodies, absorbing other people's spiritual power, soul power, and even the essence of flesh and blood, the source of physique.

Then use the power of the shock to shake it crazily, turning it into the power of chaos and returning it to itself.

Of course, there will be a certain loss in this.

It also takes some time to digest.

On the basis of Wanhua Chaos Art, they have also developed many supporting secret arts.

Such as kaleidoscopic surgery.

After Lei Ling devours a person, he can use the power of chaos to simulate his strength and become his appearance, even his physique is exactly the same.

No one can see any flaws on the surface, and can only find problems from some living habits.

Another example is Chaos Explosion Body Art.

Injecting the power of chaos into other people's bodies, simulating various situations where spiritual power is mutually exclusive, inflicting great pain on people, tearing the meridians, destroying the dantian, and finally exploding to death.

(End of this chapter)

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