My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 448 All Fudged and Lame

Chapter 448 I'm all fooled and lame (two chapters in one)
"Strange, is Tianjiao so powerful?
Why do I feel like I've turned off all of a sudden? "

After coming out of the Tower of Storms, Lei Ling had a strange expression on his face.

It stands to reason that after devouring the origin and enhancing the power of the chaotic body, he should practice faster, and then the power of the tricks will increase.

It is impossible to learn things very fast!
Many profound spiritual arts and sword formulas are not something you can learn just once you get them.

It needs comprehension, and some people may not be able to comprehend it in their whole life.

But he could do it with just a little practice.

Things that seemed obscure and difficult to understand before can be understood after a little research.

Even entered a state of epiphany several times.

Is this going to heaven?

"My great master, this is the power of the source of enlightenment. That lord gave you half of the source of enlightenment, and your chaotic body has completely absorbed and fused it."

Lilith's voice sounded in Lei Ling's mind:
"Oh! My great master, you are truly a miracle, you are now far beyond those so-called enlightened spirits.

In the future, you will definitely surpass all existences in this world and become the master of all worlds.

The humble Lilith feels that she is no longer worthy to serve you. "

"Enlightenment to the origin?"

Lei Ling's eyes lit up, did Lan Ling and Mu Xue share half of his source of enlightenment?

This... Is this true love?

It seems impossible!

Well, forget it, anyway, I can't resist what she wants to do to me.

Let's think about this issue again when Niu Bo is in the future.

If he said that, wouldn't he be very arrogant now?
Are you guys really going to stand up?
Lei Ling's head turned rapidly.

Unlocked the various enchantment restrictions in the secret room, ending the more than one month of retreat.

"Ask Brother Tian."

As soon as he came out, a soft body fell into his arms.

It turned out to be Luo Yuelin.

Lei Ling was slightly surprised, stroked her head gently, and asked with a smile:

"Little girl, how do you know I'm going out today!"

"Master, Miss Luo has been waiting for you here for more than ten days, and she hasn't left even a single step!"

The maid on the side said with a smile.

"Oh, Xiaohong, what are you talking about, you are so ashamed."

Luo Yuelin shyly buried her head in Lei Ling's arms, and refused to come out no matter what.

Lei Ling almost rolled his eyes.

It really is a scheming watch!

Xiaohong must have said it at Luo Yuelin's will.

Otherwise, how would a maid dare to insert the mouths of the masters casually?

Are you tired of living?

"Silly girl."

Although I feel like a bright mirror in my heart, the play still has to go on.

Lei Ling put his arms around Luo Yuelin, pretended to be very moved, and suddenly said:
"Xiaohong, inform the steward, send a message that I want to get engaged to Luo Yuelin, um, the time is set in a couple of months.

This matter needs to be dealt with extensively, and the location is set at Xuanyuan Palace. I will talk about it at Xuanyuan's house. "


After Xiaohong answered, she hurried away.

Luo Yuelin was stunned.

What's happening here?
Her question is, is Brother Tian crazy?
Even if you want to marry yourself, you have to wait for him to completely control the Xuanyuan family, right?
Now with such a big fanfare of posting the news, he still has to make a big fuss about holding an engagement banquet in the Xuanyuan Palace.

Can the Xuanyuan family agree?
"Yue Lin, you go home first, inform your family and get ready.

See you at the engagement party in two months. "


Luo Yuelin seemed to have lost her soul. After answering, she went home.

She was still in a daze until she walked in front of her parents.

"Daughter, daughter"


Xin Qing, Luo Yuelin's mother, yelled and shook. It took a full half an hour before Luo Yuelin woke up:
"No, if you can't, ask brother Tian, ​​what's wrong with this? Father, mother, why are you here?"

Only then did she notice the surrounding environment, and she became even more puzzled:
"Didn't I ask Brother Tian where? Why did you go home?"

Both Xin Qing and Luo Haishan looked helpless, Xin Qing took Luo Yuelin's hand and asked urgently:
"Linlin, tell mother quickly, what is going on between you and this Xuanyuan Wentian?
Why did he suddenly send a message to get engaged to you? "

"I don't know either! Did you really send a message?"

Luo Yuelin was dumbfounded.

"It's more than just posting it! He also used the horn of the Tianniu of Xuanyuan Palace to shout across the entire Human Emperor's Continent, didn't you hear?"

"No! Is this true? Brother Wentian, is he really going to get engaged to me?"

Luo Yuelin felt that her head was going to be short-circuited.

My heart was about to explode with excitement.

All this turned out to be true?

"It's a very odd thing."

Luo Haishan stroked his beard, his brows twisted into a Chinese character:
"Before you told me that Xuanyuan Wentian was going to marry you, I only thought he was trying to make you happy, but I didn't see that he was actually coming for the truth, and it was at this time.

Could it be that the Xuanyuan family wanted me, the Luo family, to join them in defending against the Sea Clan? "

"Probably not. Although the Sea Clan is powerful, they dare not go deep into the land. The strength of the Xuanyuan family is enough to resist."

Xin Qing shook her head and denied that she was a very smart woman, otherwise she would not have been able to sit as the mistress of the Luo family for so many years.

She gently hugged Luo Yuelin into her arms, lovingly stroking her back, with a sweet smile on her face:

"Perhaps that little heartless guy really got the hang of it, knowing about Linlin's goodness."

"Can his current strength make those old antiques of the Xuanyuan family compromise?

To put it lightly, this is changing the traditions of the Xuanyuan family, and to put it more seriously, it is violating the precepts of the ancestors and blaspheming the ancestors.

Although he repaired the Xuanyuan Sword, became a five-element spirit body, and became the young emperor, but these alone are far from enough. "

Luo Haishan tapped the armrest of the chair lightly with his fingers, completely unable to figure out what the hell Xuanyuan Wentian was trying to do.

Or did he hurt his brain in the battle with the Dragon Prince and got a brain disease?
"Perhaps he got something extraordinary in the blessed land left by the gods.

That stuff is enough to change the minds of those old guys? "

Since Xin Qing heard the news, she has been thinking about it, and now she has thought of this reason:
"Forget it, don't worry about it so much, I believe there will be news soon.

No matter what, it is a good thing that boy Wentian can treat us Linlin like this.

If she can really be a regular wife, it will be a great blessing to our Luo family.

After all, he is the young emperor! "

"Well, you're right, let's make preparations here too!"

Luo Haishan was discussing with Xin Qing and his wife, but Luo Yuelin didn't say a word.

She is lost in the ocean of happiness at this moment.

On the other hand, Lei Ling had already appeared in the Xuanyuan family's discussion hall.

The patriarch of the Xuanyuan family, all the elders, and even some old ancestors came.

They were also stunned by Xuanyuan Wentian's actions.

He repaired the Xuanyuan Sword, killed the dragon prince Long Aotian, and severely injured the dragon prince. It is normal for him to swell a little.

But now it is not a matter of inflation or not.

He wants to explode in place!

"Wen Tian, ​​I hope you can give us a reasonable explanation."

The elder of the Xuanyuan family looked at Lei Ling with cold eyes.

All his life, he regards the laws of his ancestors as his life.

So he was Xuanyuan Wentian's staunchest supporter.

Because Xuanyuan Wentian possessed the same five-element spirit body as Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor!

Over the years, he has spared no effort to help Xuanyuan Wentian, no matter what he did is right or wrong, he will firmly stand by his side.

This time Xuanyuan Wentian made such a big deal.

He was also the one who dealt with it, and even kowtowed in front of those ancestors one by one.

But now, Xuanyuan Wentian actually wanted to challenge the laws of his ancestors, and moreover challenged Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, challenging his beliefs.

When he heard the news, he was so angry that he vomited several mouthfuls of blood and almost passed out.

If Xuanyuan Wentian didn't give him a reasonable explanation today, then he would definitely not let it go.

Lei Ling blushed and was out of breath, and first saluted these big guys.

Then he said: "Elders, please suspend the wrath of Thunder, please completely seal this place, and then I will tell a big secret."


There was a strange look in everyone's eyes, and their complexions eased a lot.

They are not those idiot passers-by who only mindlessly give the protagonist the head in the novel.

Those who can sit here are all extremely intelligent people, and they are the real decision-makers of the Xuanyuan family.

After the barrier was activated, Lei Ling bowed and saluted again, and started his way of fooling around:
"Old ancestors, I found a fragment of a page among Long Aotian's relics, and those words are a kind of language created by my Xuanyuan family in ancient times.

I have seen it in the family classics and studied it seriously, so I read some simple contents.

Over the past month or so, I have conducted a comprehensive interpretation of it.

This is a conjecture of an amazingly talented ancestor of my Xuanyuan family. "

Having said that, Lei Ling paused for a moment, and glanced at the crowd, only a few people were staring at him.

Many people still have the old gods, and some even have their eyes closed.

I can't help but secretly admire in my heart.

As expected of a royal family!

The concentration is really strong enough.

If it were those families in the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, they probably couldn't help asking questions.

"Our Xuanyuan family has never had a five-element spirit body since Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor. This ancestor wanted to create an acquired five-element spirit body.

He used many, many methods, all failed, until the end of his life, he also failed.

But he was not completely unrewarded. During this process, he had a guess, a guess that made the strength of the five elements spirit body increase dramatically.

This ancestor has been studying the five-element spirit body all his life, and his understanding of the five-element spirit body is unmatched by anyone.

There is an old saying that chaos divides yin and yang, yin and yang transform the five elements, and the five elements produce all things.

The fusion of the five elements is called yin and yang.

The ancestor came to a conclusion from a multitude of failed experiments.

If one of the five elements spirit body is assisted by the yin and yang treasure, then the strength will have a qualitative leap, and the speed of cultivation can also be greatly increased.

He even created a set of secret methods, I want to marry Luo Yuelin because I want to get the Luo family's yin and yang stone.

Of course, I don't really want to marry her, it's just an engagement, and then let Yuelin steal the Yin-Yang stone from their house to me, and then I will make her disappear from this world. "

Everyone fell into silence.

They are all people who have cultivated themselves to reach the sky.

They thought about the feasibility of this conjecture in their hearts.

It turns out that it is indeed feasible.

They didn't ask Lei Ling to hand over the secret method either.

After all, this is his chance.

The First Elder's expression softened completely, and he looked at Lei Ling with a little more kindness.

It turned out that Lei Ling didn't really want to break the rules of his ancestors.

That's enough for him.

From now on, he will continue to support Xuanyuan Wentian unconditionally.

After everyone was silent for a long time, they began to discuss, and it took three hours.

The Great Elder said: "Tian'er, if this is the case, we can agree, and even cooperate with you with all our strength, but the Luo family is not a small family after all, and there is Yin Yang Tianzong standing behind them.

Now our Xuanyuan family is about to fight the Dragon Clan. If the Luo family and Yin Yang Tianzong attack us at that time, our family will be very passive. "

None of them asked why Xuanyuan Wentian was suddenly so ruthless.

You must know that Luo Yuelin is his closest person.

This is a cruel cultivation world, and it is in a great era at this time.

How many people care about the love of their children?

Many supporters of Xuanyuan Wentian even cast appreciative glances at Xuanyuan Wentian.

I feel like this kid has finally grown up.

That's what it should be if you want to be a king.

What great things can children do?
"Great Elder, elders, please rest assured, I already have a complete plan in my heart, and nothing will go wrong."

Lei Ling stood with his hands behind his back, and the bastard's aura burst out of his body:

"This battle has made me grow. In the future, I, Xuanyuan Wentian, will completely abandon those love affairs and do my best to regain the glory that belongs to our Xuanyuan family.

I, Xuanyuan Wentian, swear to the heavens with my life that I will lead the human race, sweep the world down, and bring those transcendent forces down from the altar.

I want my Xuanyuan family to become the true masters of this world. "

"Good! You really deserve to be the young emperor of my Xuanyuan family."

Those ancestors surnamed Ji stood up one after another, their eyes sparkling with excitement.

It has always been a knot in their hearts to become a detached force again.

Now Lei Ling actually said that he would pull all those transcendent forces from the altar and let the Xuanyuan family become the real masters of this world.

They couldn't hold back any longer.

Why didn't you think of it yourself?
This is much better than becoming a detached force again!

Sure enough, poverty limited their imagination.

Human Emperor, is Human Emperor!

None of them felt that Lei Ling had said this before.

This is the great era of Daozi fighting for the top!

It was supposed to reshuffle the power.

Those detached forces were not spared either.

When Xuanyuan Wentian proved his way, those relics of the God Race would also lose their effect.

Without those things, the power of detachment is nothing more than that.

Afterwards, Lei Ling swears and swears again, all kinds of pretense.

All those old fellows were so excited that they were limped by Lei Ling.

I can't wait to hand over the control of the Xuanyuan family to Lei Ling.

The reason why they were able to be fooled by Lei Ling was not because their IQ was not online.

It was Lei Ling who scratched their itch.

It is the wish of countless generations of the Xuanyuan family to regain control of the Human Emperor's Continent and make the race the leader of all races.

It has been the wish of countless generations of the Ji family to become a detached force again and control the rules of this world.

As time goes by, this has become their obsession and their heart disease.

Lei Ling drew a perfect blueprint for them, to fulfill their wishes and obsessions.

How can they keep calm?

(End of this chapter)

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