My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 450 Xuanyuan Hen's Tragic Ending

Chapter 450 Xuanyuan Hen's Tragic Ending
noon the next day.

A graceful figure rushed out of Linglong Pavilion and quickly disappeared into the sky.

After about half an hour, the Linglong Pavilion was in chaos, and the Green Willow Villa was in chaos.

Xuanyuanhen died.

He died miserably, his whole body was twisted into pieces and turned into a pool of blood.

The masters in Green Willow Villa joined forces to perform the method of time and space backtracking to reproduce the scene.

Looking at the pictures one by one.

Everyone was dumbfounded for a moment.

Slowly, everyone's breathing became a little short.

The eyes became a little blood red.

Some even had nosebleeds.

After Lei Ling left last night.

Xuanyuanhen became lustful, wanting to take advantage of Luo Yuelin.

When Luo Yuelin learned that Xuanyuan Wentian was seriously injured, he left with a fighting spirit.

He lost his position, and he was not wary of Xuanyuanhen.

They drank wine with him.

Xuanyuanhen likes female sex, relying on the Xuanyuan family, relying on Xuanyuan Wentian, he did things like bullying men and women.

All kinds of medicines in Linglong Pavilion are very complete.

Even those "famous medicines" in ancient times had quite a few.

His original intention was to make Luo Yuelin confused, and then some good things happened.

As long as you don't break through the last hurdle.

Luo Yuelin would not say anything.

Now she is wholehearted in wanting to marry Xuanyuan Wentian.

Once this matter got out, would she still have the face to marry Xuanyuan Wentian?

She would only choose to swallow her anger for the time being, and then use methods to seek revenge from him secretly.

But now that Luo Yuelin wanted to help Xuanyuan Wentian get those things, she didn't have time to plot against him.

When she really stole something, she would not be far from death.

If Xuanyuanhen took advantage of it, he would take it for nothing, and nothing would happen.

It has to be said that Xuanyuanhen is smart, and he is very good at understanding people's hearts.

It can also see very far.

And dare to think and do, it is indeed a character.

It's a pity that he is not a god, and he doesn't know that while he is calculating others, there are others calculating him.

From the very beginning, he fell into the trap set by others.

Lei Han secretly acquired a large number of slave markets.

Thirty percent of the beauties in Linglong Pavilion were bought by Xuanyuanhen from the slave auction.

Many of the maids inside were bought from Lei Han's boutique maid market.

Xuanyuanhen was cautious.

The personal maids around him were all trained for him by his mother since he was a child.

Be loyal to him.

He asked his most trusted You Ruo to prescribe the medicine.

He bought this medicine from the Hehuan Sect at a high price.

Colorless and odorless, it can completely stimulate people's desires, make people confused and infatuated, and is extremely precious.

Luo Yuelin lost her position and her mind was unstable.

I will definitely be recruited.

When You Ruo was prescribing the medicine, Lei's spies temporarily charmed her with talisman seals.

Then secretly put another drug in the wine.

This drug is Jin Dabao's latest product, "Heaven Falls Apart".

Xuanyuanhen who woke up cried out in fright.

What is going on here?
How did that happen?

How is this possible?
What to do now?

Luo Yuelin was put to sleep now, and her dream was completely shattered.

No matter how much Xuanyuan Wentian loved her, it was impossible for him to take a piece of shit from her as his regular wife.

In the future Xuanyuan Wentian will become the king of the world, she will be the queen!

If it's just him and Luo Yuelin having a good time, then he still has a way to solve it.

Just tell her about Xuanyuan Wentian's plot with more details.

Then display your three-inch tongue, move it with emotion, and understand it with reason.

Maybe he can sleep with Luo Yuelin, let her make the next best thing and marry him.

Luo Yuelin will definitely go crazy!

Xuanyuanhen immediately wanted to activate the formation in Linglong Pavilion.

No matter what, it is important to save your own life first.

Wait for Luo Yuelin to calm down before talking to her.

However, before he communicated with the storage ring, he took out the formation talisman.

His hand was cut off directly.


Xuanyuanhen let out a shrill scream.

The next moment, his dantian was shattered, and the meridians all over his body were broken by the shock of life.

Luo Yuelin stood up slowly, she did not take clothes from the storage ring to wear.

Instead, he walked towards Xuanyuanhen step by step.

"Yue Yuelin, don't be impulsive, we have been calculated, we have really been calculated."

Xuanyuanhen yelled in horror, while kicking his legs, pushing his body to move in the opposite direction of Luo Yuelin.

This room of his was carefully built by him, and there are various powerful barriers and prohibition guards outside.

Come midnight these defenses kick in on their own.

Protect him in the room.

But now this room has become a cage to trap him to death.

If he is only in an ordinary room.

Such a shrill scream, the masters in the manor had heard it a long time ago.

Shouting for Xuanyuanhen.

Luo Yuelin walked towards him step by step as if she had never heard of it.

Xuanyuanhen was so frightened that feces and urine burst out, and tears burst into tears: "Yue Lin, I really never thought about this, I really just want to take advantage of it!
Xuanyuan Wentian is scheming against you, he is scheming, he wants you to steal those things for him, Yuelin, I am willing to marry you.

I swear, from now on, I will never touch any woman except you, you——"

Before Xuanyuanhen finished speaking, he felt a sharp pain from his lower body.

He, Xuanyuanhen, became a eunuch.

It has to be said that Xuanyuanhen is indeed a character.

Even so, he kept begging for mercy:
"Yuelin, I'm useless, I'm useless, you marry me, you marry me, okay?

I promise I will never touch you, I will try my best to fulfill you and Xuanyuan Wentian.



Luo Yuelin let out a sad and strange laugh.

She stepped on Xuanyuanhen's right ankle, and severely broke one of his feet:
"Do you think my Brother Wentian is the same as you bastard?

Count me?Use me?Hehe, I am willing to be tricked by him, I am willing to be used by him.

Xuanyuanhen, I want to thank you, I didn't know how to get those things for brother Wentian.

Now that you've ruined me, I have a solution. "

After that, this room became Shura Hell.

Xuanyuanhen was tortured by Luo Yuelin with all kinds of terrible methods, and finally his body was crushed to pieces.

Those servants and female envoys who kept kowtow were all reduced to minced meat.

(End of this chapter)

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