My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 473 Tragic Huangfu Yunfei

Chapter 473 Tragic Huangfu Yunfei (two chapters in one)
At an altitude of [-] meters, above the clouds, a huge flying boat flew rapidly.

After dealing with the matter in Nanzhou, Lei Ling took the Eternal Shenzhou to catch up with the large army.

On the Eternal Shenzhou, besides Shi Yu, Shi Xue, and Shi Ying, there are three hundred personal guards, Zhan Tian, ​​Qiu Lingyu, and Tang Xuening.

Qianshang Leiling hesitated for a long time, but finally let him stay and assist Jin Dabao.

Anbu is no longer what it used to be. If Qianshang leaves, the dragons will have no leader, and troubles will easily arise.

By the pool, Lei Ling was lying on the deck chair, frowning slightly, with a little worry on his face.

Wearing a bikini, Shi Yu came over and said with concern:

"Master, everything has been settled perfectly, why do you still look worried?"

Lei Ling glanced at the bodyguards in bikinis who were having fun in the swimming pool, and sighed:
"The Dragon Emperor guessed that Long Aotian is my appearance after dragon transformation. I killed Long Aotian, and now he came out to make trouble again. I'm afraid he will get suspicious."

Lei Ling is not a god, so it is impossible to predict the future and know the arrival of the super relic.

Before killing Long Aotian and keeping Prince Long, he wanted to take the place of Prince Long and go to the Dragon Clan to make a fortune.

Now that things have changed, he has to stand up, which will definitely arouse the Dragon Emperor's suspicion.

After all, Nanzhou is his territory, and now he is not dead, and he has not passed the news back to the dragon people.

It is easy to suspect that he is manipulating everything behind the scenes, provoking the war between the dragon people and the Xuanyuan family.

Prince Long may have been controlled by him.

As long as you investigate carefully, you can find that Lei Han has been fighting against Xuanyuan's family.

This basically confirms the guess.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world?

"Master, in fact, you don't need to worry too much. After all, you will be able to transform into a dragon. The Dragon Clan is at best guessing, and there should be no evidence.

Now that the great era is coming, there are probably not a few people who can transform themselves into dragons.

And now the Dragon Clan and Xuanyuan Family had already fought a real fire, and Xuanyuan Wentian was also dead.

Even if the Dragon Emperor wanted to stop, it would be difficult to stop. The Dragon Race has always been proud, so it is almost impossible for them to take the initiative to seek peace with the Xuanyuan family.

Now that Nanzhou has the guardianship promise of the Jiang family, the masters of the dragon race can't get in.

Therefore, the servant thinks that the young master doesn't need to be too entangled. "

Shi Yu comforted in a soft voice.

Lei Ling also thought of what she said, but he was too suspicious.

The pursuit of safety, that's why I'm so worried.

"Well, forget it, let's ignore this matter for now, anyway, Xuanyuan's family has suffered enough losses, and I will get rid of it when I return."

Lei Ling shook his head and stopped thinking about those annoying things.

During this period of time, he was running around, exhausted, and it was time for him to rest.

It took Lei Ling a full month to catch up with the large army.

During this month, he has been messing around with all the beauties, swimming during the day and engaging in night raids at night.

The days are pretty good.

After catching up with the main force, Lei Ling held a dinner party and invited some old acquaintances.

Huangfu Yunfei, Wu Qingguo, Wu Qingcheng sisters, Lingyin, Xuan Puppet, Wantu and so on.

The eldest brother of Tianxiao Lingfeng faction is not Huayang anymore.

That kid went to explore the Beast God Continent, but was slaughtered.

This made Lei Ling a little disappointed, and he was planning to kill him.

"Lingyin! I haven't seen you for so many years, and you look more and more beautiful. Come and give Shi Shu a sweet scent."

Seeing Ling Yin in a pink skirt, Lei Ling went up to hug her.

Lingyin hurriedly stepped aside and rolled her big eyes:

"Uncle Lei Ling, I haven't seen you for so many years, why are you still so dishonest!"

"What's serious or not, come here and let the uncle take a good look at it."

In a flash, Lei Ling appeared in front of her, and immediately hugged her in his arms.

Lingyin struggled a few times, but couldn't break free, a strange look flashed in her eyes.

I can only let him hug me.

The relationship between Lingyin and Lei Ling is pretty good.

Lei Ling still likes this savage, scheming woman.

After all, she is the only woman who has ever drank her own holy water!
"Oh Lingyin! Where have you been all these years? Has anyone bullied you?"

Lei Ling took Ling Yin's hand and assumed the posture of an elder.

Lingyin had no choice but to briefly describe her experiences over the years.

She lived so-so these years, made a few friends, and formed a team together to explore the secret realm and find treasures.

Although he was seriously injured several times and almost fell, he survived.

Lei Ling was thoughtful and extremely clever, so he could tell that Lingyin was hiding something.

But he didn't ask too much, after all, everyone has their own secrets!

"Huohahaha, boy Lei Ling, long time no see!"

Accompanied by a burst of hearty laughter, a fat girl in a bellyband came over with her two arms swung.

Beside her is Huangfu Yunfei with a helpless face.

"Brother Yunfei, sister-in-law Qingguo, sit down quickly."

Lei Ling warmly greeted the two of them. He had met Huangfu Yunfei in the Four Kingdoms before, and they chatted for a long time.

Now Huangfu Yunfei is not as high-spirited as before.

He looked a bit vicissitudes, the stubble came out, and he lost a lot of weight.

The breath is also very sluggish, and there is no energy.

On the contrary, it was Wu Qingguo, although he was still fat, but his face was full of red.

Looking carefully, there is a somewhat bright and moving feeling.

This made Lei Ling sympathize with Huangfu Yunfei.

He is Jin Dabao's so-called "golden gun never fails" big consumer.

Basically one bottle a day, it is really a miracle that he can survive till now.

"Hahahahaha, boy Lei Ling, do you still have my sister's room? This girl only cares about your place."

Wu Qingguo sat down with her arms around Huangfu Yunfei, laughing loudly.

"Of course I kept it. No one has touched the wedding room between you and Brother Yunfei."

Seeing Huangfu Yunfei's look of lovelessness, Lei Ling couldn't help laughing.

He had also heard something about the two of them.

It's not that Huangfu Yunfei never thought of separating from Wu Qingguo, but Wu Qingguo's strength is very strong.

Unless he was desperate, he couldn't do anything to her at all.

After all, she is the wife that Ming Media is marrying!
Wu Qingguo is single-minded towards him, so he can't really hurt the killer, can he?

After that, the two explored the secret realm together and competed for resources.

For him, Wu Qingguo had narrowly escaped death several times, and she really risked her life to protect him.

Huangfu Yunfei said he was not moved, that was a lie.

In this way, he will not be able to separate from Wu Qingguo.

Otherwise his reputation will be tainted.

He is a person who cherishes his reputation very much, Mr. Wuxia is not called for nothing.

This is the terrible burden of idols.

If it were Lei Ling, this old fat girl Wu Qingguo would have been killed long ago.

"It's still you boy, hahahahahaha, what, there is still more than an hour before leaving the banquet?
I will go to see the room with my husband first.

We'll catch up later. "

Wu Qingguo was like a little chick, picked up Huangfu Yunfei, who wanted to cry but had no tears, and walked away with a big smile:

"Sanggong, did you bring the baby? Eat one later, and revisit the old place. It will definitely be a different experience, hahahahahaha."

"Brother Yunfei take care!"

Lei Ling wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Lingyin hammered his chest angrily:
"You're going to make sarcastic remarks."

Huangfu Yunfei can be regarded as Lingyin's crush, and he used to be around him all day long.

Later, Huangfu Yunfei became a woman who danced all over the country, and she could only stifle that youthful sprout.

"Come here, give them some fruit drinks later, melon seeds and peanuts."


After that, Lei Ling greeted Wu Qingcheng, Xuan Puppet, Wan Tu and others one by one.

For Xuan Puppet and Wan Tu, Lei Ling still has some good feelings.

Although they are demon cultivators, they are also bloody men.

In the Tianxuan Secret Realm, Lanling Muxue fought against the Yinyang Tianzong, and they all helped each other.

On the contrary, Huayang, who is also of the righteous way, watched the fire from the other side.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Lei Ling stood up and toasted everyone with a glass of wine:

"Everyone, please come here this time. One is to catch up on the past, and the other is to talk about some things."

"Young Master Ling, please tell me."

"Hmm! Dream Forest is an unknown place for us.

Even if it dates back to the age of mythology, no one has ever entered it.

Our Nanzhou is relatively small and weak, so we must unite together.

I got the news that the entrance of the Dream Forest is only open for three days, and it will be closed after three days. No one knows when it will open next time.

Therefore, everyone must be prepared for a protracted war. After entering, they must seize the territory as soon as possible, establish gathering places, and build fortifications.

After that, we will explore the ruins and look for treasures. Mu Xue's whereabouts are unknown now. Before she joins us, I hope everyone can keep a low profile as much as possible. "

Lei Ling talked eloquently, and briefly talked about the arrangements after entering the fantasy forest.

With their strength, a Yin-Yang Tianzong can be wiped out.

They simply have the protection of Lan Ling Mu Xue's name, as long as they keep a low profile, no one will come to trouble them.

Lei Ling's plan is to stick to it and wait for help, to develop insignificantly.

As long as Lanling Muxue or Qian Baobao came, there would be no major problems.

At that time, I will trouble the Xuanyuan family.

"It will be closed in three days? Ling Shao, where did you get the news?"

Huangfu Yunfei and the others all looked dumbfounded.

Obviously, it was the first time they had heard this information.

This is also normal.

This is a secret in itself, and only the leader Tianjiao knows it among other forces.

"Of course I have my channels, and the news is 100% accurate."

"Since that's the case, I will follow Ling Shao's arrangement."

"I agree."

"I agree."

People from all sects agreed one after another. They were not mentally retarded and thought they were invincible.

Otherwise, no alliance will be formed.

"This time I brought a lot of defensive machinery, formations, and restrictions. If you have good ones, don't hide them for yourself. Take them out if you can.

The safety of the gathering place must be guaranteed. In the middle and late stages, there will definitely be people who sneak attack or directly attack to seize the mined resources. "

Lei Ling raised his glass and drank it down.

Then everyone started chatting among themselves.

After learning the identities of Zhan Tian and Tang Xuening, the banquet caused quite a commotion.

Both of these two are well-known arrogance!

Especially Tang Xuening, who is the little princess of Beizhou.

The status is extremely noble.

Many people want to make friends with her.

Zhan Tian was occupied by Wan Tu alone.

"Brother Yunfei, why are you drinking alone here?"

On the deck, Lei Ling sat beside Huangfu Yunfei and asked with a smile.

Huangfu Yunfei's complexion was a little pale, his hands were still trembling slightly, and he looked overdrawn.

He sighed and said with a wry smile:
"I'm so suffocated, come out to get some air."

"How about I arrange two beauties for you? I have a lot of beauties here.

If you don't like it, how about I get some beautiful female disciples for you? "

Lei Ling gave Huangfu Yunfei a smile that you know.

Huangfu Yunfei was startled, waved his hands again and again and said:
"Don't do it, if Qingguo finds out, there will be an uproar.

Besides, I don’t have that physical strength now, alas.”

He let out a long sigh, and fell limply to the ground.

Lei Ling was speechless and could only reach out and pat him on the shoulder as a sign of comfort.

Huangfu Yunfei gulped down a few sips of wine, and said bitterly:
"Thinking of me, Huangfu Yunfei, with extraordinary talent, unparalleled luck, and both talent and appearance, I didn't expect to end up like this. I hate it."


Lei Ling was at a loss for words and didn't know what to say.

"Young Master Ling, the life I have lived these years is really not human.

Qingguo has always been domineering, if I say a few words to other women, she will go crazy.

Several of my former confidante were crushed to death by her.

That's fine, as cultivators of my generation don't like to be addicted to alcohol and sex.

But she has to do that every day to force me to take medicine. If I don't take medicine, I will go crazy, and use her big hammer to chase me and smash it. It's really embarrassing.

Over the years, my body has almost been hollowed out by her. If it weren't for my good foundation, I would have died on her body. "

Huangfu Yunfei grew more and more aggrieved, and finally cried.

Lei Ling wanted to lend him a shoulder, but who knew that this guy threw himself into his arms.

That picture is so beautiful that people can't bear to look directly at it.

The black lines all over Lei Ling's head, if it was someone else with his personality, he would have already kicked them.

But Huangfu Yunfei was so miserable, he was really embarrassed to push him away.

I can only let him hold it.

"What's the matter with being so special? No wonder many little girls are often coaxed into bed by scumbags using this trick."

Lei Ling felt as if there were ten thousand muddy horses galloping in his heart.

Huangfu Yunfei cried for a while, and felt that something was wrong, he withdrew from Lei Ling's embrace, and said awkwardly:
"Master Ling laughed."

"It's okay, I understand."

Lei Ling forced a gentle smile.

"Alas, Qingguo is really good. I almost lost my life a few times because of me. Every time, I relied on the powerful body of the refined body to resist.

After so many years, I also have feelings for her, but she follows me so closely all day long and forces me to take medicine, I really can't stand it. "

Huangfu Yunfei sighed long, with a troubled expression on his face.

With his strength, if he really wants to turn his face, Wu Qingguo is definitely not his opponent.

He wanted to leave, but Wu Qingguo couldn't stop him.

It is precisely because of his feelings that he has been patient.

"Brother Yunfei, I will prepare a secret room for you, you can retreat with me during this time.

There should be your former confidante here, right?When the time comes, I will ask them to come and accompany you.

Sister-in-law Qingguo, I'll take care of it. "

Lei Ling patted Huangfu Yunfei on the shoulder, as if I can only help you here, brother.

Huangfu Yunfei's eyes lit up, and a radiant brilliance bloomed, which was incomparably gorgeous.

It was as if a traveler in the desert who was about to die of thirst saw a cart full of watermelons.

He hastily bowed and saluted, his breathing quickened with excitement: "Then thank you, Young Master Ling."

(End of this chapter)

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