My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 480 Goodbye Little Beggar

Chapter 480 Goodbye Little Beggar

Lei Ling picked and picked at the stalls, and indeed found quite a few good things.

These are the materials that Tianjiao carry with them.

Of course not bad.

After you find Qian Baobao, you will refine the Chaos Artifact.

Lei Ling naturally didn't have too many high-level spiritual materials.

He has a lot of spiritual crystals in his hand now, and the spiritual crystals spent are just a drizzle to him.

Those stallholders are all happy and crazy.

They have set up a stall in the city for a long time, and everyone knows that spirit crystals are precious, so business is very poor.

Even if someone wants to buy it, the price will be cut very low.

However, this one in front of him not only bought a lot, but also didn't counter-offer.

It can be regarded as running into a big fool.

Everyone kept taking things out!
Lei Ling didn't disappoint them either, he just kept buying and buying.

This is the difference between a rich villain and a hard-working protagonist.

Lei Ling is backed by Lei Han, a ruthless money-making machine, and there are so many spirit crystals, he just buys something good when he sees it.

And those hard-working protagonists need to pick up the leaks.

Or risking his life, relying on the protagonist's halo to fight sap.

Everyone is a genius and a smart person, so how many mistakes can we pick up?

As for the interception and killing, it was all based on the protagonist's aura to forcefully pretend.

Often walking by the river, how can there not be wet shoes?
Those protagonists who fight sap and try to get rich overnight are the ones who die the most.

When Lei Ling was shopping frantically, he suddenly saw a small figure.

He froze instantly, with disbelief written all over his face.

"Little beggar?"

Lei Ling swallowed, feeling a little dazed.

The little beggar also saw him, ran over in a hurry, and smiled at him:
"Master Ling, you are here too!"

"Damn, boy, who the hell are you? You can come here too?"

Lei Ling tugged at the back of his neck, twisted him up, looked left and right, his face became even more astonished:

"Boy, you still haven't cultivated! What the hell are you?"

Lei Ling felt an urge to attack him.

Of course he didn't intend to kill the little beggar.

Instead, I want to see what cards he has.

Now whoever tells him that the little beggar is an ordinary person, he must beat him until he doesn't even know his grandma.

"Master Ling, just leave me alone, who hasn't kept a little secret?"

The little beggar laughed and said, "Master Ling, do you want to buy information?

Or lead the way or something?I know this city well. "

Lei Ling nodded, took out a bag of spirit crystals and threw it to the little beggar:
"I want to buy a house here, and I want to find Qian Baobao and Lanling Muxue."

The little beggar took the bag, opened it, and hurriedly accepted it happily:
"Buying a house is on my shoulders. There are not too many people in the city now, and the major forces have built many houses for sale.

The price is fair, and you can also buy the land directly!

Qian Baobao is now in the city. They have a strong army and almost no loss of combat power. They are now one of the strongest forces in the city.

As for Lanling Muxue, I don't have any news about her yet, but as soon as she enters the Dream Forest, I believe there will be soon. "

Lei Ling was stunned. Although the little beggar was well-informed before, it was because he was the leader of the beggar!

But what is the situation now?
Even if the people who came in got married and had children, and then those people died, the children became orphans and became beggars.

It will take time to form a scale and become the subordinate of the little beggar, right?

However, Young Master Lei has experienced many things in these years, and he has also seen a lot of talents of all colors.

People like Lan Ling and Mu Xue who have been reincarnated through the ages exist, so what if the little beggar has some information?
Wasn't the fat Cai Mi from before also a master of intelligence?

Thinking of Cai Mi, a cold light flashed in Lei Ling's eyes.

That fat man had harmed him before, and he disappeared all these years without showing his face.

Lei Ling never found him.

This time the two super relics are opened, he will definitely not shrink back.

He is a master of intelligence, and his own strength is not too strong.

Therefore, they should choose the main battlefield of the human race, the fantasy forest.

Cai Mi is a ticking time bomb for Lei Ling.

Until now, Lei Ling didn't know what kind of means he had.

If he knows the ever-changing art.

The fun would be great.

So for Cai Mi, Lei Ling must kill!

"Little beggar, do you know that there is a person named Cai Mi? He was my direct disciple of Wushuang Jiange before.

He is also a master of intelligence. "

Lei Ling patted the little beggar's head and asked with a smile.

The little beggar tilted his head and thought for a while, then took out a small notebook and read it carefully.

After about three minutes, he nodded and said:

"Master Ling, this Cai Mi is not called Cai Mi anymore, he should be called Jiang Dongli now, he is a member of the Jiang family who is beyond influence."

"The Jiang family? Impossible? The Jiang family can stay in the world all year round? And why did he choose Wushuang Jiange?"

Lei Ling had a look of disbelief.

The little beggar flipped through the booklet in his hand again, and explained: "His grandmother was greedy for the prosperity of the world, fell in love with secular men, abandoned her cultivation, changed her name and surname, and fled into the world of mortals.

I thought I could spend my whole life with the man I love the most, but I learned that she has lost her cultivation.

With no money and severing ties with the family, the man immediately turned his back on him.

He beat and scolded her, and finally sold her into Tianxianlou, where she was tortured.

Later, her grandma met a wealthy businessman who redeemed her and lived a peaceful life for a few years.

But the good times didn't last long, and her body was tortured and collapsed.

After giving birth to a baby girl, she passed away.

The man he loved so much back then heard about this incident by accident, so he went to kill the rich businessman's family, took away the baby girl, and kept him by his side.

After all, it is the blood of the Jiang family, and the children born will not be bad.

That baby girl had indeed shown a powerful cultivation talent, and became famous for a while.

The man made up a lie for her, saying that her parents were good friends with him.

Her parents offended someone, and their entire family was massacred.

After he got the news, it was too late to rush there, and he only saved her who was hiding in the well.

In order to convince the girl, the man even killed a small family.

Then the girl was naturally grateful to him and grew up under his careful care.

That man is a veteran in the field of love, and he is very handsome. He also saved the baby girl's life, and even avenged her blood.

The two naturally came together, and after a year of marriage, they had Cai Mi.

The strength of the baby girl is getting stronger and stronger, and the power of the man's family is also growing.

They could have lived happily ever after.
But the man missed Tianxian Tower.

The baby girl's mother worked in Tianxianlou for a long time.

She is kind by nature, has helped many people, and has many good sisters.

Several of them secretly found the baby girl and told her everything about that year.

Various evidences were also produced.

The baby girl confirmed their words after many investigations.

She was distraught and cried loudly.

She burns the power of the Jiang family's blood in her body, burns life essence, burns everything.

In one night, she slaughtered the man's entire family, and then killed all the people who insulted his mother back then.

What was killed was the head rolling, the blood flowing like a river, and finally slaying himself to death.

Only Cai Mi was left, he was the blood of the man, but also the child of the baby girl.

The baby girl couldn't do it, so she abandoned him in the wilderness and let him fend for himself.

But Cai Mi's fate is very big, his grandmother has a younger brother who is extremely talented.

He knew that his sister was not doing well, so he tried his best to accumulate merit.

Finally, the Jiang family agreed with him to find his sister.

It's just that he didn't expect his sister to be so miserable, and she didn't wait for him.

He went berserk and razed the city to the ground.

He also saved Cai Mi who was about to die. He wanted to take Cai Mi back to Jiang's house.

But Cai Mi's blood is not pure, so he is not allowed. He can only temporarily entrust him to Wushuang Jiange through others.

The reason why Cai Mi cheated you was also because of the Jiang family's order, and he returned to the Jiang family because of this.

He also successfully changed Jiang's surname. I heard that the name was given to him by a big man. "

(End of this chapter)

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