My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 488 Cooperation

Chapter 488 Cooperation
in the void
Eternal Shenzhou lifted the invisible.

Lei Ling stood on the bow of the boat, confronting Princess Helen.

He looked at this with great interest, the woman who won the title of the most beautiful woman among the elves known as the factory of handsome men and beautiful women.

It's really amazing, and it's breathtakingly beautiful.

She is like a goddess, exuding a sacred aura all over her body, which makes people feel ashamed.

Especially the pair of slender, straight, big white legs with crystal luster.

Seeing that, Lei Ling couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

In his previous life, he always heard people say that his legs were young, and his legs were young, and he still found it very incomprehensible.

But now he understands, this leg is not just for fun!It can be played for a lifetime!
"Down with Lei Ling, I met Princess Helen."

Lei Ling smiled and bowed to her as a salute.

Princess Helen looked Lei Ling up and down, as if lost in memory, after a dozen or so breaths, her red lips parted slightly, her voice was ethereal and melodious, like an orchid in an empty valley:

"Are you the man from Lanling Muxue?"

"Well, exactly."

Lei Ling raised his chin very proudly, as if he was proud of his soft rice.

"It was you who killed the Tianjiao of our clan and kidnapped my sister?"

Princess Helen's gaze was cold and sharp.

She is afraid of Lan Ling and Mu Xue, even the arrogance of the original world is afraid of her.

At least so far, they felt that they might not be Lan Ling Muxue's opponent.

However, even so, she would not let Lei Ling go. Although Lan Ling Mu Xue was powerful, she was not a rookie.

A dignified elf family, they can't be scared by a mere Lanling Muxue, can they?
Lei Ling looked at Princess Helen and said calmly:
"It's me, but Princess Helen, there is a reason for what happened. You elves love peace and freedom. I think it should be reasonable. I wonder if you would like to hear the cause and effect?"

Lei Ling is not afraid of Princess Helen now, after all he has rich babies here.

He is also very strong, and has a large number of endless sea masters.

Princess Helen is alone, and she doesn't seem to be in a good state.

If there was a real fight, she probably had no choice but to run away.

Maybe he can catch her.

"Okay, you say."

Princess Helen nodded, but did not attack immediately.

"I found that energy stone mine with great painstaking efforts. I wanted to mine it at the time, but there was some commotion, which was noticed by your people.

Ever since, your sister sneaked into the ground and killed me. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to stop her.

I didn't fight back, I thought about going out first to see if there was any misunderstanding.

When I came out, the people outside directly launched a wave of attacks on me, and I still didn't make a move after blocking it.

On the contrary, your people are aggressive, saying that I have trespassed on your territory, and let me be caught without a fight.

Princess Helen, I would like to ask you, if it were you, what would you do? "

Lei Ling's words were forceful, and he held onto reason, but surprisingly, he didn't add too much embellishment.

Because the elves have done enough.

Princess Helen frowned slightly, she was not unreasonable.

If this is the case, there is nothing wrong with Lei Ling's counterattack.

Of course, this is based on the fact that the strengths of both sides are comparable.

If Lei Ling was just an unknown rookie, he wouldn't have any backing.

That Princess Helen had already shot him into a hornet's nest.

"Give me back my sister, and I can forget about other things."

Princess Helen was silent for a long time, and finally decided to give up revenge, as long as Lei Ling returned her sister.

However, Lei Ling shook his finger:

"Princess Helen, I discovered the energy stone mine. If you want to return your sister, please remove the person immediately and return the energy stone mine to us."

"Do you want to go to war?"

Princess Helen finally got angry.

She thought she had made enough concessions.

But he didn't expect Lei Ling to be aggressive.

Spiritual Qi surged all over her body, and a green mark appeared between her eyebrows.

At this moment, a miraculous scene appeared.

There was a change in the dense underground forest.

The emerald green light spots, like moths to a flame, flocked towards Princess Helen.

Go around Princess Helen in circles.

They continued to condense and turned into many fine crystals.

Like emerald, it is crystal clear, exudes emerald green luster, and is beautiful.

Lei Ling's eyes widened.

She can actually mobilize spiritual energy?
This was the first time he had seen someone mobilize their aura in the dream forest.

"Qingdi Wooden Emperor Seal?"

Qian Baobao's voice sounded slowly, with a little surprise, she came out of the Eternal Shenzhou, and suddenly realized:

"No wonder your aura is so pure and your strength is so powerful.

It turns out that you have obtained the seal of the Qing Emperor and the Wood Emperor, and you have probably accepted the inheritance of the Qing Emperor and the Mu Emperor, right? "

"Money baby?"

Princess Helen was slightly stunned, somewhat confused.

If it was Lanling Muxue who came out, she wouldn't be surprised. Where did this money baby come from?

"Well, it's my aunt, Princess Helen, if you want to fight, I will fight with you.

Although your Qingdimuhuangyin can forcibly extract the power of the flowers, plants and trees here, it is limited after all.

It is very disadvantageous for you to fight with me. "

Qian Baobao looked very calm.

She can't beat Master Sky Demon, but she is somewhat sure of Princess Helen.

Especially in the fantasy forest.

Princess Helen's strength is limited.

If this can't be beaten, she should stop messing around in the original world, and forget about reincarnation as soon as possible.

Princess Helen frowned, her delicate and flawless face was full of dignity.

She came all the way here, and her condition was very bad. Even if she used the Qingdi Wooden Emperor Seal to extract the essence of the tree, it was impossible for her to return to the peak directly.

Unless using arcane.

But she can use it, but Qian Baobao can't?

She is alone now, not to mention it is difficult to defeat Qian Baobao, even if she barely wins, does she still have the strength to deal with Lei Ling?
But if he doesn't take action, where will the face of the elves be put?
Do you really want to give up that huge energy stone mine?
Princess Helen is caught in a dilemma.

At this moment, Lei Ling spoke: "Princess Helen, how about we each take a step back?
How about we jointly develop that energy stone mine? "

Lei Ling is a very rational person, what he pursues is to maximize his profits.

Instead of being like a lot of brainless pig feet, they only know how to go on a rampage.

Not the kind of person who likes to die together and then rely on the protagonist's aura to forcefully pretend.

If you tear up your face with Princess Helen now, or even go to war directly.

Then he will completely push the entire elves to the opposite side.

Not to mention that it was difficult for him to keep Princess Helen, even if he did, he would kill her.

so what?
It's just a sour feeling for a while, and then I have to face the anger of the entire elf continent.

Those who are enemies of the world and are hunted down every day are alive and well.

And then counter-killing the rising bitter villain protagonist is almost completely cold in this world.

You are not the only one who has the aura of the protagonist, what's more, Lei Ling doesn't have it yet?

Seeing Princess Helen seemed to be reasonable, and Princess Xingya seemed to have a high status in her heart.

Lei Ling felt that we could talk about it.

Sure enough, Princess Helen moved a little bit. She put down her longbow and asked calmly:
"How to develop together?"

"That energy stone mine is very large, and the energy crystals inside are of high quality.

Although your elves are strong, but now that all major forces have come in, you may not be able to hold on.

My Nanzhou and Biyou Palace have formed a temporary alliance with your elves to jointly develop and defend together. You get [-]% and we each get [-]%.

How about canceling our previous grievances? "

As soon as Lei Ling said this, Qian Baobao and Princess Helen were slightly surprised. He actually made such a big concession?

Let the elves get [-]%?

Although the elves are stronger than Biyougong and Nanzhou.

But Lei Ling has a bargaining chip in his hand.

And after all, Lei Ling discovered that energy stone mine first.

He can take [-]% or even more.

"Okay! You are very sincere, I agree."

Princess Helen hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

(End of this chapter)

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