Chapter 491 Each plan (please subscribe!)

Two days later, in the energy spar mine camp, a ray of light rose into the sky, dispelling the darkness and lighting up the world.

Waves of tyrannical energy fluctuations spread in all directions, attracting the prying eyes of countless people.

Three hours later, in the energy veins, there was a sudden change again, with landslides and ground cracks, and tigers roaring and dragons groaning.

The news spread like wildfire.

The nearby monks returned to their camps one after another and reported the incident.

Many people know about the energy spar mine.

This is only second.

The most important thing is those changes, which are obviously the birth of strange treasures.

As time went by, the message became more and more detailed.

Lei Ling, Qian Baobao, Princess Helen, and the three parties formed an alliance.

A huge energy spar vein is being jointly developed.

The time for everyone to enter the fantasy forest is not short.

Many forces have found energy stone mines.

But not much.

Lei Ling's energy stone vein is extremely huge.

In addition to the energy spar, there are also some rare treasures hidden.

According to legend, there may be buried there, the great powers of the world once and now.

Not only are there countless rare treasures inside, but also hidden great secrets.

All forces are ready to move.

However, Lei Ling's side is too powerful.

Qian Baobao and Princess Helen are both leaders.

Especially Princess Helen, with the entire elves standing behind her.

It is basically impossible to snatch it.

However, some people took the risk and wanted to sneak in,

In the end, they were all beaten to death, their cultivation levels were abolished, they were stripped naked and hung outside the camp.

The most wicked thing is that Lei Ling will arrange a group of people to watch every day.

None of these people are unknown, and there are more than a dozen Daozi-level existences.

There is also a Tianjiao from the Xuanyuan family, who is also well-known in the origin world.

He was also caught, stripped naked, and tattooed with the Chinese characters Shameless dog thief on his body.

In addition to the Xuanyuan family, there are also the Beast God Continent, the Wild Continent, and even the Sea Clan, as well as people from the Endless Sea.

Anyway, as long as you dare to trespass, no matter who you are, you will be taken down.

Even those who were spying outside and gathering information were not spared.

Ferocity to the extreme.

Just then, news came out.

Master Tian Yao, Yin Yang Tianzong, and the Xuanyuan family joined forces to attack Lei Ling's energy spar mine,

At the same time, an invitation to join was issued.

All like-minded people are invited to fight against the villain Lei Ling together.

Small forces from all sides responded and joined in one after another.

The slogan is to crusade against the villain Lei Ling, but in fact everyone's goal is to get a share of the pie.

Such a large-scale operation takes time to organize.

Not to mention anything else, just say that the dinosaurs along the way are a big trouble, and it takes time and spiritual power to contend.

This caused a large loss of spirit crystals.

Naturally, the value of spirit crystals also increased.

Coupled with the fact that more and more forces are pouring into Buluo City, the housing prices and prices here are also rising in a straight line.

So the Tianjiao who rushed to Buluocheng set up stalls to sell things.

The price is outrageously low.

There are even beautiful casual cultivators who have started a flesh and blood business.

Hmm. There are also some handsome men.
The map of mountains and rivers.

Qian Baobao and Lei Ling stood above the void, in front of them was a huge volcano, and at the crater, a gigantic Eight Diagrams furnace was blazing.

Qian Baobao made seals with both hands, making a series of long rainbows.

In every long rainbow, there is a top-quality spiritual material, or even a finished spiritual weapon.

Lei Ling, on the other hand, unleashed streams of pure Chaos Power.

While suppressing the corpse of the Chaos Beast, it assisted in refining.

His Heaven's Punishment Thunder Flame was also temporarily lent to Qian Baobao to use to increase the firepower of the Bagua Furnace.

"Lei Ling, my aunt really admires you. In order to collect enough materials, you are going crazy."

After Qian Baobao cast the last batch of spiritual materials, he picked up the plantain fan and fanned it fiercely, saying.

Lei Ling arranged a lot of spies in Buluo City, all of them were the elite of Anbu, and each of them carried a lot of spiritual crystals.

They bought a large amount of top-level spiritual materials from Lingxiu at a very low price.

There are many types, not only from the original world, but also from this world.

Rao Qian Baobao, a super craftsman who is used to seeing spiritual materials, felt a little trembling.

The energy spar mine was indeed exposed by Lei Ling on his own initiative.

He also asked Qian Baobao to create those visions.

He even put in a lot of effort to spread the news.

It can be said that he is responsible for half of the formation of the Sky Demon Young Master Alliance.

"Where is this going? This time I'm going to get a big one, and kill all those who have enemies with me and want to be my enemies. The spiritual weapons, spiritual materials, and real golden fingers on them.

Everything must become the nourishment of my Chaos Artifact. "

Lei Ling lifted his small chin, full of Wang Wang's temperament.

"I'm really curious, what exactly did you find in the energy spar mine.

Who gave you the confidence to make you think that you can destroy the big alliance of Lord Tian Yao?
That is almost [-]% of the Tianjiao who entered the fantasy forest this time.

At that time, there may still be a big wave of people fishing in troubled waters, so don't play around, you kid. "

"Baby, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but you always like to drink, and when you're drunk, you talk about everything. What if you leak the news?"

Lei Ling looked at Qian Baobao helplessly.

Subconsciously, Qian Baobao felt some pain in the back, rolled his big eyes, and hummed softly:

"If you don't say it, don't say it, I don't want to know."

Not falling into the city, the conference hall of the big league.

Young Master Tian Yao, Chi Yangzi, Yin Feng, Jiang Dongli, Ji Ba, Xuanyuan Qingxue and so on.

The leaders of the great forces gathered together.

The blue-eyed wise fox woman next to Master Tian Yao said softly:

"The purpose of convening everyone this time is to discuss the matter of attacking the energy spar mine.

All of you here are smart people. I believe you have already discovered something strange. According to my guess, the various incidents this time may be led by Lei Ling.

He used the energy spar mine as bait, probably in order to attract all kinds of arrogance to harvest it. "

"Agreed, I guess he made an alliance with Princess Helen, Baby Qian, which made him inflated.

He rose to prominence by hunting and killing Daozi, and he used to attack the wilderness back then, attracting many arrogance.

After harvesting a wave, this time he might want to do the same old trick again.

But he probably didn't expect that we would be united instead of going to die one by one.

I guess he is going to cry now, what an idiot, is he treating the world as mentally retarded just because of his little cleverness? "

The one who spoke was Ji Ba, he was the leader of the Xuanyuan Family's Fantasy Forest, surnamed Ji.

He is a devouring body repairer with tyrannical strength and has been hidden by the Ji family for many years.

"Nanzhou is just a small place, if he can dominate there, he thinks he can plot against us, he is really a frog in the bottom of a well.

With our current strength, even if Lan Ling Muxue appears, I'm afraid we will die just the same,"

The one who spoke was the former Werewolf clan genius, and he had a lot of resentment towards Lei Ling.

"Don't take it lightly, this is a forest after all, and the elves have a great advantage.

There is also Qian Baobao, she is a multi-treasure divine body, and she holds many powerful treasures.

There is also that Lei Ling, who is not offline at all, he can do anything. "

Xuanyuan Qingxue subconsciously glanced at Young Master Tian Yao, and everyone's expressions became a little strange.

Young Master Tian Yao stared at him, if Xuanyuan Qingxue wasn't so pretty, he probably would have done it right away.

"According to my investigation, that energy spar mine is really huge.

The defense is also very tight. I know Lei Ling very well.

She seems to be arrogant and domineering, a prodigal, and likes to be brainless and stubborn, but in fact she is thoughtful and extremely cautious.

There are too many people who have been calculated by him, and there are too many people who oppose the calculation, and he will not fight uncertain battles.

So this time we must be fully prepared and bring all the people together, otherwise we may lose. "

The one who spoke was Jiang Dongli, also known as Cai Mi.

He is the one who has dealt with Lei Ling for the longest time here, and he once served as Lei Ling's follower.

He was too familiar with Lei Ling's fear.

Having said that, he subconsciously glanced at Chi Yangzi.

(End of this chapter)

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