My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 496 Lei Ling's Picture

Chapter 496 Lei Ling's Picture

The layer energy cover is very similar to the one outside the dream forest, and has a camouflage function.

From the outside, it looks like the original camp.

There is no one inside.

So Qian Baobao and Princess Helen didn't know what happened inside.

Qian Baobao looked at Lei Ling, wanting to ask what happened.

But Lei Ling shook his head at her:

"Baby, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. We must rush to Buluo City immediately and take it down."

"Ah You"

Qian Baobao and Princess Helen couldn't turn their heads.

"Get on the flying boat first, and I'll explain it to you later."

Lei Ling dragged the two daughters onto the Eternal Shenzhou and hurried to Buluo City.

"Rain, what have you done?

You trapped Mr. Tian Yao and the others in our camp, and then went to occupy Buluo City. Isn't that a bit of a waste of money?

It's nice there, but how does it compare with our camp! "

In the flying boat, Qian Baobao asked a little depressed.

Princess Helen also looked at Lei Ling with a strange expression.

If Lei Ling didn't give an explanation, she would definitely tear up the covenant.

Their elves have long established their own safe gathering place.

That never falling into the city has no attraction for her.

Energy spar is what she needs.

"Don't worry, after three months, the energy shield will dissipate on its own, and the people inside, except those few top existences.

Everyone will die. At that time, the energy spar mine will still be ours. "

Lei Ling took the tea from Bai Xian'er and said calmly.

Qian Baobao frowned slightly, and asked in a deep voice:

"What do you mean? What did you do?"

Lei Ling did not immediately answer Qian Baobao's question, but looked at Princess Helen:
"Princess Helen, we are allies, and our cooperation has been pretty good during this time.

In the camp before, you didn't quit, I'm very satisfied.

I like you elves, you have nothing to do with the world, even in the weakest era of my human race, you never bullied us.

So I am willing to live in peace with you.

I might as well tell you that if you enter the fantasy forest this time, even the arrogance of the lost country will die at least ninety-nine percent.

Now I want you to make a choice, a choice about the fate of your elves.

One, you and I have parted ways, and the energy spar mine belongs to your elf family.

Two, you and I form a complete alliance. After we go out, we will advance and retreat together. "

"Ninety-nine percent dead?"

Both Princess Helen and Qian Baobao were stunned.

This time, almost [-]% of the geniuses in the original world came in.

There are countless Taoists.

At least ninety-nine percent dead?
They suspected that Lei Ling might be crazy.

Bai Xian'er was so frightened that she almost threw the teapot away.

I wondered in my heart: "I haven't seen you for so many years, has Brother Ling's bragging ability reached this level?"

Also, why does Brother Ling seem a little handsome when he is serious and bragging?

Bai Xian'er, with blurred eyes, has already committed a nympho.

He was subdued by Lei Ling's bullshit spirit.

"Think about it slowly, now I'm going to tell you about the Dream Forest and the Lost Kingdom."

Lei Ling did not let Princess Helen make a decision right away.

This kind of decision is not made casually, how can it be such a joke?

Lei Ling had to let her know something.

Of course, knowing these things, Princess Helen probably has no choice.

"This fantasy forest and lost country come from a very powerful world, powerful enough to challenge fate.

But they failed in the end, and the world was destroyed, leaving only these two fragments.

Those dinosaurs are just creatures that were born later, and the real aborigines are underground. "


"Well, the disappearance of our people was done by the underground aborigines, and they are all dead.

It just retains a trace of obsession, nourished by the energy of the energy spar.

Gradually, one energy body after another was formed.

Over time, some powerful energy bodies became sentient.

It can be regarded as a different kind of resurrection!
However, these energy bodies cannot leave the energy spar mine.

Without the nourishment of energy, they would die soon, and if they were noticed by the Dao of Heaven, they would die too.

On the contrary, as long as they rely on energy spar mines, their power will be endless.

Even if it is shattered, it can quickly gather its body with the help of energy. "

Hearing this, Qian Baobao and Princess Helen's expressions became very serious.

They are all super Taoists and know many things.

But none of them said anything, just quietly listening to Lei Ling's narration.

At the same time, I secretly mourned for those Tianjiao for a few seconds.

This is a group of immortal energy bodies with endless power!
In an environment without aura, how many months have you been fighting with them?

Just thinking about it gives me chills.

Even they feel hopeless.

"The reason why they arrested our people was because they wanted to seize their homes.

This kind of seizure is a little different from what we are familiar with.

It injects the energy body into the human body through various means, and then destroys the human brain.

Let the soul be in a state of confusion, and then they will manipulate the body.

To put it simply, it means that you absorb a powerful energy, and then you become a fool, and your soul is sealed.

Then this energy has consciousness, and it operates your body instead of you.

You didn't die, you just became an idiot, and in this way, you deceived Heaven.

Hmm. It seems more appropriate to use parasitism as a metaphor. "

Lei Ling scratched his head, he didn't really know the details,
After all, he only heard about it, and what the other party said was also very vague.

This is what he said with his own understanding.

"Oh? So you set up this game to help those energy bodies get their bodies and revive them?
But what can you get out of it?Are you not afraid that they will bite you back?
You don't just want revenge, do you? "

Princess Helen felt a chill down her spine.

Lei Ling's playing is really a bit big.

When those energy bodies get their bodies, they will definitely start hunting Tianjiao wantonly to revive other energy bodies.

There are quite a few of them!
She doesn't think that these things, which have been trapped for an unknown number of years, will talk to you about morality or abide by any contract.

Qian Baobao also looked at Lei Ling, but she didn't mean to blame him.

Lei Ling was always cautious in doing things.

He would never make that kind of low-level mistake.

She was just curious about what methods Lei Ling could use to check and balance those energy bodies.

She seems to remember that Lei Ling once told her that he wanted to set up a trap to kill these people.

Then get a large amount of spiritual materials and refine the Chaos Artifact.

Presumably Lei Ling cooperated with those energy bodies for these reasons.

However, Lei Ling's next words made the two women stunned on the spot.

Lei Ling drank a cup of tea and said casually:

"They are all my subordinates, um... You can also treat them as my dogs.

My most loyal dog, the kind that would never betray. "

The whole living room was eerily quiet except for the sound of the teapot popping.

Bai Xian'er looked up at the three of them.

Some dare not move.

"Don't be so surprised, my young master's bastard spirit is not a joke.

Lao Tzu shook his body, and they all knelt down.

No way, who made me look so handsome?
These energy bodies will become my most loyal dogs!

In the future, I will take them to sweep the original world.

Become the king of all races, become the co-lord of heaven and earth, and become the most awesome person. "

Lei Ling raised his head and chest, once again showing his majestic posture.

money baby:
Princess Helen: .
Bai Xianer:
"Princess Helen, I have told you everything, now make your decision."

As he spoke, Lei Ling winked at Princess Helen.

Baby Qian nodded helplessly.

Princess Helen, with a bitter expression on her face, slumped on the chair helplessly, and said with a wry smile:

"Do I have a choice now? My people are all in the Shanhe Sheji map.

I'm afraid that if I say to part ways with you, you will immediately surround and kill me here.

My people will also be thrown directly to those energy bodies by you.

You bloody bastard, you cannibalistic villain, I shouldn't have agreed to form an alliance with you. "

"Don't be so pessimistic! From now on, you will hang out with this young master, and this young master will give you delicious food and spicy food."

Lei Ling chuckled, took out an ancient contract in a thief-like way, and handed it to Princess Helen.

Princess Helen rolled her eyes and almost didn't cry.

(End of this chapter)

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